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The Mandela Effect - Anyone else experience it?


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2016
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I just learned about it today—basically it's an effect where a large group of people remember something that didn't actually happen. For instance:

I remember KitKat having a dash.
I remember Berenstain Bears spelled Berenstein Bears
Oscar Mayer was Oscar Meyer.

The Mandela effect is cool but freaky tbh.
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John Hyperspace

UnKnown ReMember
Oct 3, 2016
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It basically seems to me to be when a group of people are given the option of two conclusions: they are misquoting/incorrectly remembering, or, reality has altered. Then they go with the latter conclusion. It would be shocking to me, but these days nothing humans think or believe shocks me any more. These days I'm shocked beyond belief when someone makes sense.

One of the funniest(saddest?) videos I saw(was forced to painfully watch) was a guy showing the label as it "used to be" compared to the label as it "now is" and claiming that reality had changed. Somehow no one bothered asking(or, even thinking) if reality changed, where did he get the example of how it "used to be"? I was like this:


Then when I noticed my friend was looking at me with a baffled seriousness; I was like this:


Even if it were real, I wouldn't at all be impressed with the knowledge that somewhere out there are infinite versions of me buying Jiffy instead of Jif.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2016
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It basically seems to me to be when a group of people are given the option of two conclusions: they are misquoting/incorrectly remembering, or, reality has altered. Then they go with the latter conclusion. It would be shocking to me, but these days nothing humans think or believe shocks me any more. These days I'm shocked beyond belief when someone makes sense.

One of the funniest(saddest?) videos I saw(was forced to painfully watch) was a guy showing the label as it "used to be" compared to the label as it "now is" and claiming that reality had changed. Somehow no one bothered asking(or, even thinking) if reality changed, where did he get the example of how it "used to be"? I was like this:


Then when I noticed my friend was looking at me with a baffled seriousness; I was like this:


Even if it were real, I wouldn't at all be impressed with the knowledge that somewhere out there are infinite versions of me buying Jiffy instead of Jif.

The Doctor Who gifs in your post made me smile. :) I thought you were a Whovian! I'm 90% sure your icon is from The Rings of Akhaten but I kept forgetting to ask.

The brain is a funny thing sometimes. :) Given the craziness of quantum mechanics and how we still don't know near everything about how reality works, while the first is easily the most likely option I wouldn't completely discount the latter. The universe is a strange place after all and even some scientists wonder if we might live in a simulation (which by default would require a creator, but I digress). It's interesting to think about either way, I love the thought of quantum mechanics and parallel realities.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2016
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It just tells me that our mind fills in blanks that aren't there. It's very interesting.

It reminds me a lot of how people can have brain disorders that cause them to see things that aren't there, or have an alternate perception of things (like Alice in Wonderland Syndrome), plus our memories to seem very viable to change. It is a bit trippy though that so many people can remember the same exact thing very clearly and it turns out it never was the case.
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Feb 28, 2017
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It reminds me a lot of how people can have brain disorders that cause them to see things that aren't there, or have an alternate perception of things (like Alice in Wonderland Syndrome), plus our memories to seem very viable to change. It is a bit trippy though that so many people can remember the same exact thing very clearly and it turns out it never was the case.

Have you ever studied Plato's Theory of Forms I named myself after? It states the mind has a perfect mental image of what is what. So maybe when we see an imperfect image, we fill in the blanks? Haha.
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John Hyperspace

UnKnown ReMember
Oct 3, 2016
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The Doctor Who gifs in your post made me smile. :) I thought you were a Whovian! I'm 90% sure your icon is from The Rings of Akhaten but I kept forgetting to ask.

Me, a Whovian? Nah, I can't stand the guy. There's probably no one that hates him as much as I do.

The brain is a funny thing sometimes. :) Given the craziness of quantum mechanics and how we still don't know near everything about how reality works, while the first is easily the most likely option I wouldn't completely discount the latter. The universe is a strange place after all and even some scientists wonder if we might live in a simulation (which by default would require a creator, but I digress). It's interesting to think about either way, I love the thought of quantum mechanics and parallel realities.

Oh I'm not ruling out anything. But to me the "reality changing" is, really lacking in substance. My first encounter with the idea was a good while ago. I was visiting a friend(a big conspiracy, "I want to believe-r") and he brought up, "You know that verse in the bible about the lion lying with the lamb?" and I responded "That's a misquote: it is wolf lying with lamb" and he replies "Oh. Well, you know in Empire Strikes Back when Vader says 'Luke, I am your...'" and I cut him off with "That's not what he says, it's a popular misquote just like the bible verse you mentioned. He says 'No, I am your father'." So by that time I already knew what was going on since he lead with the two things I know like the back of my hand.

I've had to suffer through this discussion many times. Another friend's house "Hey do you remember that movie 'Interview with a vampire'?" and I respond "It was called 'Interview with THE vampire'; and I already know where this is headed...". I even get people now saying "We must be from different realities; in my original reality it was 'a vampire' and in yours it was 'the vampire' and so we remember it differently."

But like I said, even if it's real, it's a really lame "apocalypse" since it only seems to be focused on product names. I would hope that if I were out there in another reality, I'd be riding on a pegasus with a troop of elven girls on unicorns traversing space and time in our portable spaceship - but apparently it just comes down to different product names. No pegasus. No elven girls. Just me taking a bite out of a Kit-Kat and saying "Oi! Innit supposed to be a KitKat?"

It's even more likely to be some kind of mass psy-op than alternate realities. Not saying it absolutely can't be alternate realities: but that conclusion is at the bottom of a very long list beginning with, popular misquotes.
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Citizen of the Kingdom

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Many people will accept any other explanation rather than accepting that they were wrong.

Rick never said 'Play it again Sam'.
We seriously need a shocked disbelief icon
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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2016
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For the longest time I thought the "D" in Disney was a G

I wouldn't count that as a Mandala Effect example, because as far as I know a lot of people haven't thought the D in Disney was a G, whereas the examples I listed above are ones that a large amount of people seem to have thought were the case when it really wasn't.

Have you ever studied Plato's Theory of Forms I named myself after? It states the mind has a perfect mental image of what is what. So maybe when we see an imperfect image, we fill in the blanks? Haha.

I have actually. :) It's been a few years though. :)

Many people will accept any other explanation rather than accepting that they were wrong.

Rick never said 'Play it again Sam'.

True, though I think what baffles people a lot is not because they were wrong, it's that a bunch of people were wrong in the exact same way.

Me, a Whovian? Nah, I can't stand the guy. There's probably no one that hates him as much as I do.

Tbh I can't tell if you're joking—I think you are given your icon and the pictures and you really mean the opposite, but sometimes it's hard to tell through text. :)

Oh I'm not ruling out anything. But to me the "reality changing" is, really lacking in substance. My first encounter with the idea was a good while ago. I was visiting a friend(a big conspiracy, "I want to believe-r") and he brought up, "You know that verse in the bible about the lion lying with the lamb?" and I responded "That's a misquote: it is wolf lying with lamb" and he replies "Oh. Well, you know in Empire Strikes Back when Vader says 'Luke, I am your...'" and I cut him off with "That's not what he says, it's a popular misquote just like the bible verse you mentioned. He says 'No, I am your father'." So by that time I already knew what was going on since he lead with the two things I know like the back of my hand.

I've had to suffer through this discussion many times. Another friend's house "Hey do you remember that movie 'Interview with a vampire'?" and I respond "It was called 'Interview with THE vampire'; and I already know where this is headed...". I even get people now saying "We must be from different realities; in my original reality it was 'a vampire' and in yours it was 'the vampire' and so we remember it differently."

But like I said, even if it's real, it's a really lame "apocalypse" since it only seems to be focused on product names. I would hope that if I were out there in another reality, I'd be riding on a pegasus with a troop of elven girls on unicorns traversing space and time in our portable spaceship - but apparently it just comes down to different product names. No pegasus. No elven girls. Just me taking a bite out of a Kit-Kat and saying "Oi! Innit supposed to be a KitKat?"

It's even more likely to be some kind of mass psy-op than alternate realities. Not saying it absolutely can't be alternate realities: but that conclusion is at the bottom of a very long list beginning with, popular misquotes.

I heard about the Mandela Effect also applying to the number of people in JFK's car (it was apparently six, not four) as well as some other things, I think products are often mostly the subject of Mandela Effect talk because a large percent of the world's population sees the same products. I'd honestly hope similar to your thing if I were in another reality, that it would be something about five times as exciting as things on our Earth. :)
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John Hyperspace

UnKnown ReMember
Oct 3, 2016
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Tbh I can't tell if you're joking—I think you are given your icon and the pictures and you really mean the opposite, but sometimes it's hard to tell through text.

It's tongue-in-cheek. Who hates the Doctor more than anyone?

I heard about the Mandela Effect also applying to the number of people in JFK's car (it was apparently six, not four) as well as some other things, I think products are often mostly the subject of Mandela Effect talk because a large percent of the world's population sees the same products. I'd honestly hope similar to your thing if I were in another reality, that it would be something about five times as exciting as things on our Earth. :)

True, but I just mean everything related seems pretty trivial, and most of it pretty laughable 'evidence'.
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Big Drew

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Nov 10, 2009
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I just learned about it today—basically it's an effect where a large group of people remember something that didn't actually happen. For instance:

I remember KitKat having a dash.
I remember Berenstain Bears spelled Berenstein Bears
Oscar Mayer was Oscar Meyer.

The Mandela effect is cool but freaky tbh.

My wife mentioned this to me a few months back...specifically about the Berenstain Bears...which blew my mind, because I remembered it as Berenstein as well. Weird how our minds can sometimes play tricks on us.
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Aug 7, 2007
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No one in this particular thread seems to have truly investigated any of the claims purported by the "mandela effect", especially when it come to scripture.

The 1611 KJV of scripture has been supernaturally changed!

And I am beginning to think, very few people have ever committed any scripture to memory.
It seems as though most folks use the Bible as reference material. As opposed to actually studying or committing scripture to memory. If that is the case, the Bible could magically be changed over time and you probably wouldn't notice anyway. However if you studied scripture daily or even occasionally, there is no way you wouldn't notice a supernatural change.

The foundation of Gods word has been tampered with....at least in the 1611 KJV version

Gen. 1:1 In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.

Heaven? What heaven would that be?

Gen.1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

The above text is how it should read. How can anyone forget that?

Now lets put aside, the "mandela effect" for a moment. What since does it make to translate "heaven" to describe the air we breath, atmosphere and the sun, moon, and stars?

As a matter of fact, I challenge anyone reading this post to go to the original Hebrew and translate it for yourself.

How is it all those who recognize a change(not a small number either), to what they have committed to memory or have studied be deluded, deceived or just remembered it wrong? Thousands?

How ever you look at it seems to be supernatural.

BTW: Capt. Kirk never said "Beam me up Scottie"? Really....
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Early Buddhist
May 6, 2011
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Yes, it's happened to me and my wife.

About a year ago or so, I commented to her that the famous line from the Apollo 13 movie changed from "Houston, we have a problem" to "Houston, we've had a problem". I played a clip from YT for her, with the "new" line. This was confirmed in articles such as this one, and others:

1. Apollo 13
Misquote: “Houston, we have a problem”
Actual movie quote: "... Ah, Houston, we've had a problem.”

About a month ago or so, it appears that the line has changed back to "Houston, we have a problem" (start at 0:25):

Before playing this new clip for my wife, I asked her if she remembered me playing the (former) clip for her a year ago; she confirmed what I remembered - that the line had changed to "we've had a problem", and that we discussed it at length.

We were both shocked to hear it changed back, so yes, I will confirm that I have directly experienced this effect.
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New Member
Jun 4, 2017
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I just learned about it today—basically it's an effect where a large group of people remember something that didn't actually happen. For instance:

I remember KitKat having a dash.
I remember Berenstain Bears spelled Berenstein Bears
Oscar Mayer was Oscar Meyer.

The Mandela effect is cool but freaky tbh.

This guy gives a convincing argument and about 10 examples of residual for a verse.
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Aug 23, 2017
North East
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I just learned about it today—basically it's an effect where a large group of people remember something that didn't actually happen. For instance:

I remember KitKat having a dash.
I remember Berenstain Bears spelled Berenstein Bears
Oscar Mayer was Oscar Meyer.

The Mandela effect is cool but freaky tbh.
To me, anything outside of scripture being changed is trivial. The fact that I have all these new words in my KJV is not! Freaky?, yes.... But I find great peace and comfort in that because God knows and understand it, then I don't have to. His peace is my sanity
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