Secular Music Statement of Purpose

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Jul 11, 2007
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Secular Music Forum Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the Secular Music forum is for discussing all genres of non-Christian secular music, bands, artists, etc. Threads which question whether listening to secular music is ungodly, and posting several scriptures to back up these claims, do not belong here. Please post these threads in a more suitable forum such as the Christian Philosophy and Ethics forum. Threads which revolve around a Biblical discussion/debate over the "godliness" of secular music will either be moved to a more appropriate forum (depending on content), or closed or removed. If you read threads of this nature, please do not reply to the poster in an inflammatory manner, but report the thread and the moderation team will take appropriate action.

Staff understands that we all listen to a variety of music and that there is a desire to share our likes and dislikes with other members. Please remember that you are responsible for all content which you post on CF, whether it is a graphic, video, external link or text. Please review CF Sitewide Rules and be aware that these rules apply to all communications made on this site.

An example of what this means in practical application is that if you post a song video link which contains profanity, vulgarity, or is sexually explicit, you have violated the following CF Rule:

Vulgarity and Profanity
Please do not post violent, disturbing, graphic, or sexually explicit images or text. Profanity or foul language is not allowed. This includes using punctuations or acronyms to bypass the profanity filter and a few non-censored words found here.​

In addition, If you post a song or song lyrics in another language other than English, you must also post an English translation of the song's lyrics. If the song is in English, but the words cannot be understood and the lyrics are not available online, then the lyrics must also be posted. If you are unable to provide the song's lyrics in English, then the song or the song's lyrics cannot be posted.

If you have any questions please contact the Secular Music forum Category Supervisor, twobe4me. Thank you.
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