Pange Lingua

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Goodbye, my puppy
Feb 5, 2002
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Pange Língua (English)

Hail our Savior's glorious Body, Which his Virgin Mother bore; Hail the Blood which, shed for sinners, Did a broken world restore; Hail the sacrament most holy, Flesh and Blood of Christ adore!

To the Virgin, for our healing, His own Son the Father sends; From the Father's love proceeding Sower, seed, and word descends; Wondrous life of Word incarnate With his greatest wonder ends.

On that paschal evening see him With the chosen twelve recline, To the old law still obedient In its feast of love divine; Love divine, the new law giving, Gives himself as Bread and Wine.

By his word the Word almighty Makes of bread his flesh indeed; Wine becomes his very life-blood; Faith God's living Word must heed! Faith alone may safely guide us Where the senses cannot lead!

Come, adore this wondresence; Bow to Christ, the source of grace! Here is kept the ancient promise Of God's earthly dwelling place! Sight is blind before God's glory, Faith alone may see his face!

Glory be to God the Father, Praise to his coequal Son, Adoration to the Spirit, Bond of love, in Godhead one! Blest be God by all creation Joyously while ages run! Amen.

Pange Língua (Latin)

Pange língua gloriósi, Corporis mystérium Sanguinísque pretiósi, Quem in múndi prétium Fructus ventris generósi Rex effúdit géntium.

Nobis datus, nobis natus Ex intácta Vírgine, Et in múndo conversátus, Sparso vérbi sémine, Sui moras incolátus Miro clausit órdine.

In suprémae nocte coenae, Recumbens cum frátribus, Observáta lege plene Cibis in legálibus, Cibum turbae duodénae Se dat suia mánibus.

Verbum caro, panem verum Verbo carnem éfficit; Fitque sanguis Christi merum, Et si sensus déficit, Ad firmándum cor sincérum Sola fides súfficit.

Tantum ergo Sacraméntum Venerémur cérnui: Et antíquum documéntum Novo cedat rítui; Praestet fides suppleméntum Sénssum deféctui.

Genitóri, Genitóque Laus et jubilátio, Salus, honor, virtus quoque Sit et benedíctio: Procedénti ab utróque Compar sit laudátio. Amen.

-Thomas Aquinas
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