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I Am Spiritually Dying


Sep 20, 2010
Marital Status
A number if years ago, I moved away from my hometown. Since then I have had no friends or outreach whatsoever. My son died last year. He committed suicide after his wife died of liver failure. All in less than 24 hours, I lost them both.

I wanted to go to the neighbourhood Anglican Church tomorrow, for my birthday however I have no gumption or strength to reach out. My house is a wreck and all I do is lay around anxious trying to draw back to God. I am more than shy outside, I am underconfident at the very least. I live with a son and grandson and they are being neglected by me. My son is going into a funk because of the state of my life.

Please help me by prayer. I need a community and not to be so unsure of myself. It is probably the devils work. I need God's work in me instead, to be confident. Even walking is a chore for me. Please pray that I get to church tomorrow and that I am able to look after my home and family once again. I do believe I was a good mother when the children were young, but now I am failing my family deeply. I don't even go to the store or out my front door. Help me please by prayer, to strengthen my spirit in Christ. I have no idea where the road leads me, I just pray that it leads me on a good path.


Learn to Discern!
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Oct 28, 2006
The Void!
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A number if years ago, I moved away from my hometown. Since then I have had no friends or outreach whatsoever. My son died last year. He committed suicide after his wife died of liver failure. All in less than 24 hours, I lost them both.

I wanted to go to the neighbourhood Anglican Church tomorrow, for my birthday however I have no gumption or strength to reach out. My house is a wreck and all I do is lay around anxious trying to draw back to God. I am more than shy outside, I am underconfident at the very least. I live with a son and grandson and they are being neglected by me. My son is going into a funk because of the state of my life.

Please help me by prayer. I need a community and not to be so unsure of myself. It is probably the devils work. I need God's work in me instead, to be confident. Even walking is a chore for me. Please pray that I get to church tomorrow and that I am able to look after my home and family once again. I do believe I was a good mother when the children were young, but now I am failing my family deeply. I don't even go to the store or out my front door. Help me please by prayer, to strengthen my spirit in Christ. I have no idea where the road leads me, I just pray that it leads me on a good path.

That's definitely a lot to deal with. Just do the best you can each day, Sharon, and know that in all of this, Jesus sees you and knows the challenges you face. And I know He walks with you. :heart:
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums
Apr 19, 2020
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Perhaps Psalm 23 will bring you comfort in these days of sorrow:

1The LORD is my shepherd;

I shall not want.2He makes me lie down in green pastures;

He leads me beside quiet waters.3He restores my soul;

He guides me in the paths of righteousness

for the sake of His name.4Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil,

for You are with me;

Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.5You prepare a table before me

in the presence of my enemies.

You anoint my head with oil;

my cup overflows.6Surely goodness and mercy will follow me

all the days of my life,

and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

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Dave G.

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May 22, 2017
United States
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Please don't take any of this the wrong way but understand that I just went past my wife's birthday in Nov, our anniversary was yesterday and her passing suddenly anniversary day is coming up Dec 20, so a year ago. That wanting to go down to the church feeling you have ? It just may be the Holy Spirit prompting you to get up and go. Do it in faith ( I call it Faith Hope in our zoom meetings) and believe in your heart He will meet you there. Our peace comes from the Lord, don't let yourself wander off.

Look to those thing which are truly the blessing out of this. You're with your son and grandson. It's a blessing. Able to eat? A blessing. Have a bible and Holy Spirit prompting ? Blessing. Philippians 4:8 comes to mind, it just came on me this minute:
Philippians 4:8

New King James Version

Meditate on These Things
8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.

If we dwell on the opposite of that we have pure funk ! I thank God nearly daily for the 47 years I had with my wife and I do that because that's what she always told me she would do in the same situation. I think of her but have the blessing of knowing where she is, not because of her life of doing right or wrong but who she knew, Jesus Christ. I praise God ( you would be amazed what happens when in your deepest funk you just simply praise Him not understanding anything. Her things are yet to be cleaned out of this house, some I'm just starting to be able to stand looking at. I've needed a little medication, especially about 6months in but at the same time trusted God with a horrible scene when looking in the mirror lol ( I looked like someone ran me through the dish washer), love Jesus and shed light where I can. He works things out for good but we have to trust Him we have to know Him and do as best we can to respond. And indeed Psalm 23 carried me at night for 3 months, I raved of it to everyone that by the power of the Holy Spirit I was cradled back to sleep at 2am night after night. It's absolutely true, those who draw near to Him is who He draws near to. Scripture say's it and I trust it. Will you too ? It's been proven to me, let Him prove it to you...
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Jul 4, 2019
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Hi @SharonAnnette: Welcome to the CF. You have been through a lot. I agree that it will be great if you can go to church, tomorrow. I also think it will be great if you can see a psychiatrist or at least your family physician. God bless you all.
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Apr 19, 2013
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So sorry to hear about all that, try to go to a church, where God presence is present, if you can know any, because Gods presence is not a feeling, is actuallly God himself close to us, and where the spirit of God is, there is freedom says the bible, God presence takes you out of the hole and puts you above.
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Mar 4, 2020
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It might be difficult to get started but if you clean up your house you could feel a lot better. Maybe turn on some music that makes you feel energetic and to distract from the work while doing it. If you can accomplish one thing you'll feel more capable for the next thing.
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William J

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Aug 21, 2021
Buffalo, NY
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I pray that God would comfort you in the midst of the horrible circumstances you have been through. I pray that you would receive strength to enable you to go to a church and that the people there would be welcoming and supportive.
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Sep 20, 2010
Marital Status
Thank you for your comments. I think the greatest step of all would be to get to church tomorrow. Please pray that I have the gumption to take that great leap and have the gumption and the gumption to taking baby steps towards healing. My family's health depends on it. God bless.
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the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Marital Status
Thank you for your comments. I think the greatest step of all would be to get to church tomorrow. Please pray that I have the gumption to take that great leap and have the gumption and the gumption to taking baby steps towards healing. My family's health depends on it. God bless.
Lord God on high help SharonAnnette one day and one step at a time. Bring healing from the past and strength and grace to go forward, one step at a time. May you bless her birthday tomorrow and that she'd go to church with gumption. In Christ name, Amen.

For this is what the high and exalted One says--he who lives forever, whose name is holy: "I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite. [Isa 57:15 NIV]

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. 11 Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. 12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. 13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways, so that sinners will turn back to you. [Psa 51:10-13 NIV]
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Sep 20, 2010
Marital Status
I am going to see the priest on Tuesday. Brandon and Kacie didn't have a funeral, instead I had a celebration of life, which didn't offer any closure or certainly of a safe journey for them. I am going to ask the priest to have some sort of funeral done for the two of them. Please pray also that I have the right words and questions for him on the day that I meet him. Thank you for your inspiring replies.
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God is Love
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Nov 14, 2017
United States
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A number if years ago, I moved away from my hometown. Since then I have had no friends or outreach whatsoever. My son died last year. He committed suicide after his wife died of liver failure. All in less than 24 hours, I lost them both.

I wanted to go to the neighbourhood Anglican Church tomorrow, for my birthday however I have no gumption or strength to reach out. My house is a wreck and all I do is lay around anxious trying to draw back to God. I am more than shy outside, I am underconfident at the very least. I live with a son and grandson and they are being neglected by me. My son is going into a funk because of the state of my life.

Please help me by prayer. I need a community and not to be so unsure of myself. It is probably the devils work. I need God's work in me instead, to be confident. Even walking is a chore for me. Please pray that I get to church tomorrow and that I am able to look after my home and family once again. I do believe I was a good mother when the children were young, but now I am failing my family deeply. I don't even go to the store or out my front door. Help me please by prayer, to strengthen my spirit in Christ. I have no idea where the road leads me, I just pray that it leads me on a good path.

I am sorry for your losses .... the passing away of loved ones is very difficult (I know).
However, I do not look at it as good bye ... but .... until we meet again.

There certainly is a grieving period .... but if one's grief is not overcome it leads to depression ... and then that is devastating to self and likewise is transferred to others.
(My son is going into a funk because of the state of my life.)

There is nothing you can do for those who have passed .... but with the Lord's help .... you can do everything needed for those who remain .... including yourself.

I pray the Lord will send you comfort and strength ... knowing one day soon you will see them again and tell them how much you missed them but that even so how the Lord gave you strength to provide the needs of those who are entrusted to your care.

Please Lord bring her peace and strength so she might be a pillar of faith for those who remain. In Jesus name ... amen and amen.
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Feb 4, 2022
United States
Marital Status
A number if years ago, I moved away from my hometown. Since then I have had no friends or outreach whatsoever. My son died last year. He committed suicide after his wife died of liver failure. All in less than 24 hours, I lost them both.

I wanted to go to the neighbourhood Anglican Church tomorrow, for my birthday however I have no gumption or strength to reach out. My house is a wreck and all I do is lay around anxious trying to draw back to God. I am more than shy outside, I am underconfident at the very least. I live with a son and grandson and they are being neglected by me. My son is going into a funk because of the state of my life.

Please help me by prayer. I need a community and not to be so unsure of myself. It is probably the devils work. I need God's work in me instead, to be confident. Even walking is a chore for me. Please pray that I get to church tomorrow and that I am able to look after my home and family once again. I do believe I was a good mother when the children were young, but now I am failing my family deeply. I don't even go to the store or out my front door. Help me please by prayer, to strengthen my spirit in Christ. I have no idea where the road leads me, I just pray that it leads me on a good path.
*** Dear Sharon, the hand of God is reaching out, but you must make the effort to get up and "Go!" You must. If not, the Devil will swallow you whole. Prayers to God are coming and plenty, but the answer and the help are just passed the threshold of your door steps. Read Psalms, or audibly by YouTube or a Bible app. Seek and you shall find, knock the door will open, ask, you are asking, aren't you? We are all here for you and love you with the love of Christ. DL
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2022
Marital Status
A number if years ago, I moved away from my hometown. Since then I have had no friends or outreach whatsoever. My son died last year. He committed suicide after his wife died of liver failure. All in less than 24 hours, I lost them both.

I wanted to go to the neighbourhood Anglican Church tomorrow, for my birthday however I have no gumption or strength to reach out. My house is a wreck and all I do is lay around anxious trying to draw back to God. I am more than shy outside, I am underconfident at the very least. I live with a son and grandson and they are being neglected by me. My son is going into a funk because of the state of my life.

Please help me by prayer. I need a community and not to be so unsure of myself. It is probably the devils work. I need God's work in me instead, to be confident. Even walking is a chore for me. Please pray that I get to church tomorrow and that I am able to look after my home and family once again. I do believe I was a good mother when the children were young, but now I am failing my family deeply. I don't even go to the store or out my front door. Help me please by prayer, to strengthen my spirit in Christ. I have no idea where the road leads me, I just pray that it leads me on a good path.

May The Holy Spirit of God always lead you Sharon, in the name of Lord Jesus Amen.
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Wyatt A.

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Apr 23, 2022
Baywood-Los Osos
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A number if years ago, I moved away from my hometown. Since then I have had no friends or outreach whatsoever. My son died last year. He committed suicide after his wife died of liver failure. All in less than 24 hours, I lost them both.

I wanted to go to the neighbourhood Anglican Church tomorrow, for my birthday however I have no gumption or strength to reach out. My house is a wreck and all I do is lay around anxious trying to draw back to God. I am more than shy outside, I am underconfident at the very least. I live with a son and grandson and they are being neglected by me. My son is going into a funk because of the state of my life.

Please help me by prayer. I need a community and not to be so unsure of myself. It is probably the devils work. I need God's work in me instead, to be confident. Even walking is a chore for me. Please pray that I get to church tomorrow and that I am able to look after my home and family once again. I do believe I was a good mother when the children were young, but now I am failing my family deeply. I don't even go to the store or out my front door. Help me please by prayer, to strengthen my spirit in Christ. I have no idea where the road leads me, I just pray that it leads me on a good path.
Ask Jesus to come in. Say "I know you have a plan for me. Please forgive me of all my sins!"
II pray Christ strengthens His Spirit in you.
There is no prayer that is too small for Him. He knows we were not meant to live on this world the way it is...
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Feb 19, 2023
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I'm not judging anyone.
Psalm chapter 73. I believe your outside Gods sanctuary. No protection or blessings.
Lot of people are close minded and stubborn. They wont repent. They wont study the bible to acquire spirtual growth.
2 Peter chapter 3 tells us to grow in grace and knowledge of God.

Galatians chapter 5 . Be led by the spirit. The flesh leads to destruction. Those who are carnal minded are spirtualty dead. They have dead works.

Being led by the spirit yields fruit. Its studying the bible and sharing Gods truth with others.

The flesh is contrary to the spirit. Get the picture. The flesh doesn't want to submit to God's will.

Colossians 1:10 . Bearing fruit and increase in knowledge of Gods word.
Producing fruit is what Jesus expects.

Many people are walking in darkness. They have no hope. Life is drag every day. If they understand bible prophecy. It would excite them. It would give them hope.

Psalm chapter 1 . Walking in counsel of the wicked leads to sheol. The education system robs young people of relationship with God. The schools removed God. They RAM evolution and philosophy down their throats. Poisoning minds of people.

Many churches teach tradition of men and false doctrine. With holding the truth from people. And the fake shepherds circumvent more lies.
Wont teach revelation.
Wont teach old testament.
Lie about what happened in garden of eden.
These people are being set up for failure.
1 Corinthians 13:11. When I was child, I spoke like a child, I thought like child, I reasoned like a child. When I became man, I gave up childless ways.

Repent sins to God and be forgiven. Forgive your self.
Shepherds are accountable to Jesus. They have been derelict of duty. Many churches have failed their flocks, their communities and God. Not teaching sound doctrine and nourishing the congregation.

Spirtual growth is essential.
Repentance is essential.
Understanding bible prophecy.
What's happening in the world??.

Jesus told us in Matthew chapter 24.
There would be false preachers.
Wars and rumors of wars.
Pestilence. Covid-19.
Famine. Hearing God's truth.
Nation rising against nation.
These are the beginning of sorrows.
Satan as antichrist will come 6th trump to Jerusalem, 5 month period.
Documentation, 2 thessalonians chapter 2. And revelation 13.

Jesus returns 7th trump.

Ephesians chapter 6. Gospel armour is knowledge and wisdom of God's word. Spirtual growth is essential.

Antichrist one world religious system is spirtual warfare. It's ideas, words and concepts. Satan wants company in sheol. It's holding place for the spirtualty dead or wicked.

I hope this helps you. Take care.
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