Statement of Purpose Exploring Christianity Statement of Purpose

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Following my Shepherd
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Jan 27, 2004
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Exploring Christianity Forum Statement of Purpose

This is a forum where non-Christian Seekers are encouraged to ask questions about those aspects of the Christian faith which seem hard to understand or accept, and where Christian members (see Faith groups list) can enter into discussion with them on these questions. The primary focus of this forum is Christian evangelism and discipleship, not to debate Christian Theology or challenge, attack, or argue against, Christianity.

We recognize that sincere non-Christian seekers are looking for real answers, and the first reply given may be insufficient to achieve this. It is acceptable for the Original Poster (OP) to probe the answers given, and to continue the discussion on lines which help to clarify their understanding of the Christian faith. If another non-Christian seeker wishes to ask questions about the Christian faith, they may start their own thread. No more than one non-Christian Seeker (the OP) may post in a thread.

All Original Posts (OPs) -- the posts that start a new thread -- must contain an identifiable question or concern about the Christian faith. Questions and statements that are either direct flames or imply a flame against Christianity, Christians, or any other group are inappropriate to this site, may be subject to staff action.

New Christians: You may start threads in the For New Christians forum.

Forum Guidelines


The site-wide rules prohibit all blasphemy on this site. To clarify, members will not speak in a disrespectful way of the Christian God. Expressing disbelief in God is acceptable, as is questioning Christian beliefs, but this should be done in a polite, respectful manner.

Statement of Faith
All replies in this forum must be in accordance with the CF Statement of Faith (SoF). This means that your replies cannot disagree with the SoF. As an example, you may not answer a seeker or new believer's question with a statement that God is not a Trinity, nor may you state that Jesus was merely a very good, human leader. All replies must help the questioner to understand orthodox Christian beliefs and practices, and the theology on which they are based.

The site-wide rules prohibit flaming on this site. In this forum, all respectful discussion of the questions presented by Christianity is welcome. However, you may not attack the character, intelligence, or reputation of other members. This is considered flaming. You may not express or post hatred against another person or group, or refer to other posters or groups by derogatory or insulting names. This applies to all members, whatever their beliefs. In general, you may discuss the topic at hand, but not the poster or the people who hold to different beliefs/opinions.

There are some areas of theology in which different Christians may believe differently. In these situations, we would ask Christians to refrain from debating the matter here. You may point out that there is a differing viewpoint, but please do not use this forum to debate with other Christians. If Christians wish to discuss various doctrines with other Christians, they should do so in one of the Theology forums.

All posts must adhere to the Christian Forums sitewide rules.

Updated July 20, 2016
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