Easter reflection on John 13 and 14

Carl Emerson

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2017
New Zealand
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John 13

I note that Jesus was passing on last important principles as His ministry was coming to a close.

Jesus knew He had all sufficiency in the Father and had nothing to gain by effort or esteem.

So he proceeded to pass on to His future leaders the foundation for their coming ministry - to be servant leaders tending even to the least honourable parts of His flock as the feet represented.

Any hesitation and refusal to accept this outpouring of love was greeted by stern rebuke. Leaders were to serve one another - no room for competitiveness.

Then in John 14

The trinity is beautifully put in verses 9-11

Then in verse 12 Jesus states believers would do the works He did - agreeing with Mark 16

This is Easter - Jesus completes His utter demolition of the power of death...

And so will we -

A little while ago a Pastor in the North of New Zealand mid service was interrupted by a woman yelling, sobbing, bursting into church with a dead son crying out 'do something'

The Pastor was shocked and had the church pray.

The Pastor had a doctor in the congregation check for vital signs - there were none - an ambulance was called.

He then took the child, felt right out of his depth, and cried out to the Father in anguish - and the boy was immediately restored to life in his arms.

This is Easter.

This is the season of Life.

Death is defeated...

...and the least are loved.
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Bob Crowley

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Dec 27, 2015
Logan City
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I'm in Australia and not New Zealand.

First of all I'd want some sort of official confirmation that the story of the child being brought back to life is correct.

It may well be true and I believe God can do this if He wants to.

On the other hand according to this site there is one death in NZ every 13 minutes and 10 seconds on the average.

I figure that's about 95 people a day who die; 665 a week, or 34,560 a year. I don't hear much about the rest of them being bought back to life.

Around the world there are about 150,000 deaths every day or a bit over a million every week. That's about two people every second.

Once again I don't hear much about them being bought back to life in this world.

It's life in the next world that we should be worried about.

And that's the life Christ came to give - not an extension of life in this world.
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