Does Fear Negate Faith?


Sep 19, 2022
South Carolina
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Hey everyone!
I recently had a tonsillectomy on my birthday that was absolutely terrifying. I had been sick since Christmas Eve 2023 with Strep Throat and numerous antibiotics. I am doing better now and almost completely healed!
I bring this up as I feel my faith has been tested to the ultimate strain. A few days after my surgery, I developed a heart arrhythmia and my wife took me to the hospital. I was so afraid in the hospital that I was shivering, crying, and talking to my wife about not wanting to die. Now I do suffer from extremely bad anxiety (especially health stuff) - but this was FEAR. I had never felt a more intense and emotional fear in my life. I am still battling it as I have worn a Holter monitor and am waiting to see a cardiologist - I feel as if I'm waiting for something bad to happen.
This fear I have...does this mean I have no faith? Am I not saved? I realized that almost all of my fears and worries seem to circle around the idea of DEATH. Ironically as it sounds, I am Deathly afraid to Die. As Christians we are taught that death is a part of life, and commanded to "Not Be Afraid". But I am terrified....
Is this wrong as a believer? Where is the line drawn between anxiety/worry and faith?

I apologize if this post is a little confusing. In short, does having fear - on a day to day basis - mean that I have no Faith?
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Joseph G

Saved by the grace of Jesus Christ
Dec 22, 2023
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Maybe it would help to identify exactly what it is you fear. A sudden death? A long lingering, painful death? The particular method of death? Giving up a sense of control?

Or is it a fear of what comes after death? Judgement? Will your professed faith in Jesus really be rewarded? Or will you be surprised and tossed into the lake of fire?
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Maria Billingsley

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Oct 7, 2018
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Hey everyone!
I recently had a tonsillectomy on my birthday that was absolutely terrifying. I had been sick since Christmas Eve 2023 with Strep Throat and numerous antibiotics. I am doing better now and almost completely healed!
I bring this up as I feel my faith has been tested to the ultimate strain. A few days after my surgery, I developed a heart arrhythmia and my wife took me to the hospital. I was so afraid in the hospital that I was shivering, crying, and talking to my wife about not wanting to die. Now I do suffer from extremely bad anxiety (especially health stuff) - but this was FEAR. I had never felt a more intense and emotional fear in my life. I am still battling it as I have worn a Holter monitor and am waiting to see a cardiologist - I feel as if I'm waiting for something bad to happen.
This fear I have...does this mean I have no faith? Am I not saved? I realized that almost all of my fears and worries seem to circle around the idea of DEATH. Ironically as it sounds, I am Deathly afraid to Die. As Christians we are taught that death is a part of life, and commanded to "Not Be Afraid". But I am terrified....
Is this wrong as a believer? Where is the line drawn between anxiety/worry and faith?

I apologize if this post is a little confusing. In short, does having fear - on a day to day basis - mean that I have no Faith?
Simply pray to our Father to lift this ongoing fear from your life. Receive His Holy Spirit for continued peace. Find your First Love.
I leave you with this Word..

John 4:18​

18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
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Sep 19, 2022
South Carolina
United States
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Maybe it would help to identify exactly what it is you fear. A sudden death? A long lingering, painful death? The particular method of death? Giving up a sense of control?

Or is it a fear of what comes after death? Judgement? Will your professed faith in Jesus really be rewarded? Or will you be surprised and tossed into the lake of fire?
Hi Joseph!
Honestly it is the thought of death. My wife and I have had discussions about it, and my wife even starts to "fear" death. Just the sheer though of not knowing. For me, a death from sickness - whether it be your heart, a disease, etc. is the ultimate fear.

I am also afraid of what comes after death. There are times where I say and I believe that Jesus is my savior and he will be there with me...but at the same time I am afraid that my fear of death makes me weak - therefore not having faith, and being thrown into fire. The thought of eternity in a place WORSE than here is scary.

Simply pray to our Father to lift this ongoing fear from your life. Receive His Holy Spirit for continued peace. Find your First Love.
I leave you with this Word..

John 4:18​

18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

Hi Maria!
That is a beautiful verse. The part that is "irking" me is the end of that verse where it states "He that feareth is not made perfect in love." Does this mean that because I have fear (with anything), that I am not saved?
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"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;" (II Cor 10:5)

Means when we have a thought that is not in line with Scripture such as having this type of fear,, we are to turn our focus on what God says. Pick one verse or several. Repeat the process as needed. Focusing on Him and His Word.

As a believer, when the fearful thoughts begin, immediately put your thoughts on Scripture such as:
"Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." Deu 31:6 In this cause "them" is your fear

Psa 23

His Word will strengthen your faith. "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Rom 10:17
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Maria Billingsley

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Oct 7, 2018
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Hi Joseph!
Honestly it is the thought of death. My wife and I have had discussions about it, and my wife even starts to "fear" death. Just the sheer though of not knowing. For me, a death from sickness - whether it be your heart, a disease, etc. is the ultimate fear.

I am also afraid of what comes after death. There are times where I say and I believe that Jesus is my savior and he will be there with me...but at the same time I am afraid that my fear of death makes me weak - therefore not having faith, and being thrown into fire. The thought of eternity in a place WORSE than here is scary.

Hi Maria!
That is a beautiful verse. The part that is "irking" me is the end of that verse where it states "He that feareth is not made perfect in love." Does this mean that because I have fear (with anything), that I am not saved?
We are continually being sanctified, made perfect into the image of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Fear quenches the work of His Holy Spirit in our lives. Think of all the unnecessary energy we spend on things that we fear or things that create fear. This is the energy we should be using to help build up the Body of Christ , by Love not fear. Additionally through Love we can harvest for the Kingdom in which there are few laborers.
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Joseph G

Saved by the grace of Jesus Christ
Dec 22, 2023
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Good advice, all. Just some added encouragement...

Overcoming the fear of physical death:

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 NIV

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

1 Corinthians 15:51-57 NIV

"Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”

“Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?”

The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

We have the assurance that we will not be alone when we experience death, however it may come:

Psalm 23:4 NKJV

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me."

For the one who has received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, there is also no more reason to fear judgement after death:

Jude 1:24-25 NIV

"To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy—to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen."

We can have confidence in these promises because HE is faithful to His Word! When we doubt, we should focus on His character and reflect on all of the promises He has already kept in our lives - as proof that He will keep the rest all the way to our heavenly home!

Pertinent to your last concern, whether the fact that we sometimes fear is some sure indication that we are not saved, we are even covered by this great promise:

2 Timothy 2:11-13 NKJV

"This is a faithful saying:

For if we died with Him,
We shall also live with Him.
If we endure,
We shall also reign with Him.
If we deny Him,
He also will deny us.
If we are faithless,
He remains faithful;
He cannot deny Himself."

Stand firm on His promises! God bless.
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Sep 19, 2022
South Carolina
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Thank you all for your replies!!

So wait...just to clarify. If I am full of fears, that means that I am NOT saved? Unfortunately I suffer from extreme anxiety (since I was 9 years old) and am fearful of near everything.
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Citizen of the Kingdom

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Thank you all for your replies!!

So wait...just to clarify. If I am full of fears, that means that I am NOT saved? Unfortunately I suffer from extreme anxiety (since I was 9 years old) and am fearful of near everything.
A clinical anxiety is treatable with medication and has no connection with the state of your heart. You asked if fear was wrong as a believer. A believer you have received from God the downpayment of the Holy Spirit in your heart by which you can cry Abba Father. Ephesians 1:13-14

There is also the assurance 1 Peter 5:6-7 instructing to humble oneself and cast all anxiety on Him for He cares for you.

Edit to add: basically what those 2 verses are about is balance. On the one hand we are in a high position with Christ but on the other hand we are to humble ourselves beneath the mighty hand of God by bringing cares to Him because of being in His loving care. Both carry the conviction that fear has no place in a believer because God is love. I hope this helps.
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Oct 20, 2023
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Well the idea of removing one's tonsils feels very uncomfortable. Our body holds energy, so it will affect you on that level. Luckily, we believe in a reality where things can actually grow back :)

Regarding your question about death I think we can put it in the "tomorrow" category. Christ said not to worry about tomorrow. This is because we hold no power at all over what happens either at this moment or any other moment you can think of, and we can especially not predict any of it. It is simply outside our scope and our purpose here. Anyone who thinks so is simply deceiving themselves.

So it is "according to your faith" how things go from here. I think the simplest thing to ask is for God to give you more knowledge and be prepared to receive it at any time in any form. Once you see how God is working you will not need so many questions.

If you keep having problems with anxiety just breath through the nose and observe your breath. As you keep observing you notice the changes you have to make to take a better breath. As you keep observing and taking better breaths, you have the opportunity to take a step back from the thought and not be as affected by it. You also have to oppotunity to keep observing the body and noticing more changes you can do to feel better. Eventually you may notice how positions affect your emotional being.

You can avoid making wrong decisions by being conscious of how they affect you on the emotional level. Once your energy is high enough you will not be troubled by low level stuff such as fear, depression. Fear and depression is for people who do not believe God has the capacity or intention to give them a worthy life.
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Sep 19, 2022
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A clinical anxiety is treatable with medication and has no connection with the state of your heart. You asked if fear was wrong as a believer. A believer you have received from God the downpayment of the Holy Spirit in your heart by which you can cry Abba Father. Ephesians 1:13-14

There is also the assurance 1 Peter 5:6-7 instructing to humble oneself and cast all anxiety on Him for He cares for you.

Edit to add: basically what those 2 verses are about is balance. On the one hand we are in a high position with Christ but on the other hand we are to humble ourselves beneath the mighty hand of God by bringing cares to Him because of being in His loving care. Both carry the conviction that fear has no place in a believer because God is love. I hope this helps.

I apologize as I am still a little confused. Does having fear mean that I am not a believer? I say this as I do believe and accept Jesus as my savior, but because I struggle with constant fears does that make me a non-believer/not saved?

Well the idea of removing one's tonsils feels very uncomfortable. Our body holds energy, so it will affect you on that level. Luckily, we believe in a reality where things can actually grow back :)

Regarding your question about death I think we can put it in the "tomorrow" category. Christ said not to worry about tomorrow. This is because we hold no power at all over what happens either at this moment or any other moment you can think of, and we can especially not predict any of it. It is simply outside our scope and our purpose here. Anyone who thinks so is simply deceiving themselves.

So it is "according to your faith" how things go from here. I think the simplest thing to ask is for God to give you more knowledge and be prepared to receive it at any time in any form. Once you see how God is working you will not need so many questions.

If you keep having problems with anxiety just breath through the nose and observe your breath. As you keep observing you notice the changes you have to make to take a better breath. As you keep observing and taking better breaths, you have the opportunity to take a step back from the thought and not be as affected by it. You also have to oppotunity to keep observing the body and noticing more changes you can do to feel better. Eventually you may notice how positions affect your emotional being.

You can avoid making wrong decisions by being conscious of how they affect you on the emotional level. Once your energy is high enough you will not be troubled by low level stuff such as fear, depression. Fear and depression is for people who do not believe God has the capacity or intention to give them a worthy life.

I would definitely not recommend getting your tonsils removed as an adult! It is terrible! I am healed, but am now suddenly dealing with a heart arrhythmia that appeared out of the blue. :(
I actually just came across a verse the other day (Mark 9:24) about a man who believed Jesus, but still had doubts/fears/iniquities. In a way, I feel like I am this person. The amount of constant fears and anxieties I have make me worry about my faith.
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I apologize as I am still a little confused. Does having fear mean that I am not a believer? I say this as I do believe and accept Jesus as my savior, but because I struggle with constant fears does that make me a non-believer/not saved?

I would definitely not recommend getting your tonsils removed as an adult! It is terrible! I am healed, but am now suddenly dealing with a heart arrhythmia that appeared out of the blue. :(
I actually just came across a verse the other day (Mark 9:24) about a man who believed Jesus, but still had doubts/fears/iniquities. In a way, I feel like I am this person. The amount of constant fears and anxieties I have make me worry about my faith.
In Luke 17:5 the disciples also asked to have their faith increased just as the man who believed Jesus asked for his belief to be increased. I think you're in good company in this. Faith and belief are a gift that God provides . The Father increases the Holy Spirit to those who ask.

I'm sorry that you are suffering so much from this. My granddaughter suffers too and she is twelve. I just remind her that her heart tells her that she is a child of His and He is always with her. No matter what she is going through. Call on Abba Father to increase your faith and belief.

I was a shaking mess not long ago too. Just hearing a verse that stood out to you can change the course quickly. The Word of God is alive.

I can't say much more as I can't say if anyone is saved or not. Prayfully consult the Holy Spirit in your heart and don't be be tossed to and fro. Anchor yourself in hope.

Praying for you!
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May 22, 2013
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Where is the line drawn between anxiety/worry and faith?
I would say faith does not have fear.
Does having fear mean that I am not a believer?
It can mean you are not believing . . . if and while you are giving in to the fear. And if you have faith in something or someone less than God, your faith could give way to fear when something threatens or seems to threaten that person or thing which is threatened . . . or seems to be threatened.

So, fear can have some connection with how you put too much importance on someone or something of this life.

Have you read Hebrews 2:14-15? According to this, I understand that "fear of death" is slavery to Satan.
I say this as I do believe and accept Jesus as my savior, but because I struggle with constant fears does that make me a non-believer/not saved?
Trust Jesus to be our Good Judge to know what to do with you. He knows and He cares for you. Maybe, instead of trying to know what your label is, learn how to be wise to what can get you to fear. There could be things, people who are not important enough for you to be under the power of fear about them. If you love someone, instead of fearing about that person, love the person by trusting him or her to God!
The amount of constant fears and anxieties I have make me worry about my faith.
Well, that faith has not been enough to have you overcoming fears and anxieties; so - - - you need to have faith which does have you overcoming fear and anxiety.
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Jan 21, 2024
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I'm just going to speak on it the way I see it.

I think it's important that you find out what your fear is about, is it suffering, death or both? If you fear death that could indicate you're of little faith, that you may still have doubts to what will happen to you.

If it's more about body failure and the way you would go, rest on god, give that to him for he is good and trust in him. And surrender to that fate if it's gods will.

Notice that I'm not saying that you shouldn't stop caring for your body but simply to hand over your fears of suffering to him.
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Oct 20, 2023
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I apologize as I am still a little confused. Does having fear mean that I am not a believer? I say this as I do believe and accept Jesus as my savior, but because I struggle with constant fears does that make me a non-believer/not saved?

I would definitely not recommend getting your tonsils removed as an adult! It is terrible! I am healed, but am now suddenly dealing with a heart arrhythmia that appeared out of the blue. :(
I actually just came across a verse the other day (Mark 9:24) about a man who believed Jesus, but still had doubts/fears/iniquities. In a way, I feel like I am this person. The amount of constant fears and anxieties I have make me worry about my faith.

Dentist have no comprehension that the muscles around your jaw affect the direction how your teeth grow (the jaw itself a very important centre of balance, as anyone in martial arts should know), they have even less comprehension that the teeth are part of the energy system. That other parts of your body are affected by the removal of your teeth does not surpise me. What's worse is that when people get implants, their body doesn't accomodate it as a body part so they get a lisping sound as if something is stuck in their mouth lol. This is called getting "new" teeth of "fixing" your teeth lol.

Emotions such as fear, depression will collapse the energy body which will affect your posture, such as the one of your jaw, inner body, neck and shoulders and cause more problems. So how can a person, with an affected energy body such as this, enter the kingdom? Of course he can't, it's the definition of being outside. Luckily we have been given water to wash our robes (energy body), after which we can enter the kingdom.

There is a process to get clean clothes. It's about as painful and tedious as Christ walk to the cross. Which is why I think Christ didn't say, "Believe in me and I will do everything for you" but "pick up your cross". This is because every sin has to be dealt with as he dealt with each person and his "sin" on the way to the cross. Jesus said to take out the beam in your eye, and we know a prick is painful, so I guess a beam even more so.

But how does a person pick up his cross? Or how is his sin made evident so he can turn away from it?

I think it's only possible when the individual has enough awareness of himself and his own being. Jesus rise to the cross at the age of 33, at the Place of the Skull, is alluding to this, as well as his 12 disciples and 7 churches. When the fallen "disciple" is replaced, you can consider the body of Christ to be whole. Which I think is alluding to the 12 meridians, their capacity to fall and be revived with Christ energy. Thus the individual can realize his need to collect energy, as is told in the parable of the virgins.

Literally you will have dark spots in your body and consciousess, such as when having collapsed shoulders, and the individual does not have awareness how it affects his emotional and physical well being.
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May 3, 2024
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I apologize as I am still a little confused. Does having fear mean that I am not a believer? I say this as I do believe and accept Jesus as my savior, but because I struggle with constant fears does that make me a non-believer/not saved?

I would definitely not recommend getting your tonsils removed as an adult! It is terrible! I am healed, but am now suddenly dealing with a heart arrhythmia that appeared out of the blue. :(
I actually just came across a verse the other day (Mark 9:24) about a man who believed Jesus, but still had doubts/fears/iniquities. In a way, I feel like I am this person. The amount of constant fears and anxieties I have make me worry about my faith.
No. Fear of God means that you belove in him. It's unbelievers who don't fear him.
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May 3, 2024
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Simply pray to our Father to lift this ongoing fear from your life. Receive His Holy Spirit for continued peace. Find your First Love.
I leave you with this Word..

John 4:18​

18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
God delivered the apostles and David many times. They knew about the fear of God.
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Apr 7, 2014
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Hey everyone!
I recently had a tonsillectomy on my birthday that was absolutely terrifying. I had been sick since Christmas Eve 2023 with Strep Throat and numerous antibiotics. I am doing better now and almost completely healed!
I bring this up as I feel my faith has been tested to the ultimate strain. A few days after my surgery, I developed a heart arrhythmia and my wife took me to the hospital. I was so afraid in the hospital that I was shivering, crying, and talking to my wife about not wanting to die. Now I do suffer from extremely bad anxiety (especially health stuff) - but this was FEAR. I had never felt a more intense and emotional fear in my life. I am still battling it as I have worn a Holter monitor and am waiting to see a cardiologist - I feel as if I'm waiting for something bad to happen.
This fear I have...does this mean I have no faith? Am I not saved? I realized that almost all of my fears and worries seem to circle around the idea of DEATH. Ironically as it sounds, I am Deathly afraid to Die. As Christians we are taught that death is a part of life, and commanded to "Not Be Afraid". But I am terrified....
Is this wrong as a believer? Where is the line drawn between anxiety/worry and faith?

I apologize if this post is a little confusing. In short, does having fear - on a day to day basis - mean that I have no Faith?
Scripture states, I believe it's in Philippians, ... continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Proverbs states...the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Jesus says ...fear Him...and not to fear man, but He who can cast body and soul into hell.

You can be a child of God and fear; I believe this fear however points to a level of immaturity as a follower...though not absolutely. Satan is our accuser and accuses us night and day before the throne of God (Revelation)
I John says ...whenever our hearts condemn us we remember that God knows everything and He is greater than our hearts.

We are commissioned to follow God's commands by showing love to God. We do have confession and forgiveness offered to us by I John 1 also, for where we fall short in our obedience. So we find peace with God through this forgiveness. We also find forgiveness in participation in Christ's body at the Lord's Supper after this personal confession.

As according to I John, we learn to follow the Spirit given us which means we walk in love toward God and our neighbor. In this way love drives out fear.

Maybe switch your focus toward obedience toward love and focus on God's great and precious promises.
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