2 questions about Satan


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Jul 30, 2007
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How do you distinguish between true mental illness or condition and demons? Do you have a doctorate? What makes you and the people of your church qualified?

The lack of evidence.

[qoute]However, people yielding to the devil is quite the opposite.

Having a demon (or demons) doesn't make someone possessed. However, it does give them the urge to commit sin, or at least puts thoughts and desires in their "melon."

So what's your opinion of personal responsibility? Is, "the devil made me do it" a valid excuse? Why not?

OK, so were you able to identify any spirits? What was the process of casting them out? What training did you receive to do so?[/quote]


The truth doesn't care whether a person has doctorate. It's difficult to analyze and relate spiritual things with carnal means. I don't think Jesus had a doctorate degree. Mental illnesses or conditions are often caused by irreconcilable issues, rejection and unforgiveness that can drive a person to be off-centered. Ask any shrink. My pastor is somewhat of a closet expert in this area and has completely cured people of schizophrenia and anorexia with the help of the Lord. You don't need a doctorate for this or the medical community to legitimize it, although using the information they have helps. The medical profession may control metnal problems, but isn't very good at curing them. As to whether Christian prayer and counseling works, the proof of the pudding is in the pie.

Whatever training I've received was done at church, ministering to others and learning from the pastor.

Regarding personal responsibility, people choose to commit sin. The devil is more than willing to help you along in that endeavor. I never implied that the devil is responsible for everything. God gave us free will. That is why I used the word "urge." Satan never forced Adam and Eve to eat the fruit, but he sure made it look appealing.

I don't think this is the platform to teach people in the deliverance ministry. At least not in this environment, or to people who are not committed to the Lord. In the Book of Acts 19:14, the sons of Sceva were torn and beaten by a possessed man for trying to cast out a devil without having Jesus as their Lord and savior. However, there are a lot of books written and recordings on the subject matter that will explain things a lot better than me on this forum.
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Mental illnesses or conditions are often caused by irreconcilable issues, rejection and unforgiveness that can drive a person to be off-centered.

They can also be caused by traumatic experiences and chemical imbalances.

My point was that you and your church members do not have the credibility to diagnose these conditions. And by getting them to think they are cured of demons, they may not seek the proper medical attention that they really need. IMO, your practice is dangerous, and could be potentially deadly.

My pastor is somewhat of a closet expert in this area and has completely cured people of schizophrenia and anorexia with the help of the Lord.

What makes your pastor an expert? What training did he receive?

Whatever training I've received was done at church, ministering to others and learning from the pastor.

Have you published these practices? Do you realize you could be copying something that someone just made up?

God gave us free will.

Doesn't your faith hinge on prophecy (predestination being contrary to free-will)?

However, there are a lot of books written and recordings on the subject matter that will explain things a lot better than me on this forum.

I am interested in reviewing them...could you please provide some examples?
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Jul 30, 2007
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Awitch, Here are my replies in red to your latest post-
They can also be caused by traumatic experiences and chemical imbalances.
That is quite true. Many mental conditions are caused by traumatic experiences, especially phobias, schizophrenia, anorexia, bulimia, multiple personalities, hearing voices, etc. Remember the story of Cybil? These are 100% curable if the patient submits themselves to counseling, prayer, and are willing to forgive those who caused them emotional trauma and hurt. This ministry is referred to as “Inner Healing”, or a healing of the memories. Chemical imbalances are fairly common. Of course, the medical profession has no other means to identify its source. I believe its origin could either be physical and/or a spiritual one. When Jesus healed, he often cast out spirits associated with that illness. Who would’ve known deafness could be caused by a spirit? But Jesus didn’t always cast out a spirit, but also prayed for physical restoration. I’ve seen and heard of people being healed just by forgiving someone, or repenting from a particular sin, like adultery.
I’ve also encountered severely mentally retarded patients that picked me out of a crowd and acted violently or somewhat out-of-character toward me while I consequently happened to be the only Christian in the room and that understands spiritual warfare. The spirits in them know who and what I am, and may react to the presence of the Holy Spirit within me. I’m no one a servant and a believer in Jesus Christ.

My point was that you and your church members do not have the credibility to diagnose these conditions. And by getting them to think they are cured of demons, they may not seek the proper medical attention that they really need. IMO, your practice is dangerous, and could be potentially deadly.
There is nothing wrong with identifying a problem. We’re not in the “business” of healing people as a profession. If I’ve got a sore elbow, I don’t need a doctor to tell me I’ve got a sore elbow. We never discourage people from seeing a physician, nor do we ever tell people to stop taking medication. In fact, it’s beneficial for a person to be properly diagnosed, so we know precisely what to pray for and how. If a person gets healed, they’ll find out themselves that they may no longer need any medication. Or, they’ll see a doctor to get re-diagnosed. Whatever the conditions are, we know the symptoms, and we go from there. Experience, a word from the Lord and some knowledge obtained from the medical profession all contribute to us helping people.
My pastor is somewhat of a closet expert in this area and has completely cured people of schizophrenia and anorexia with the help of the Lord.
What makes your pastor an expert? What training did he receive?
You may ask the same question of Jesus and his disciples. My pastor is a minister of the gospel and is filled with the Holy Spirit. But in response to your question, he has 2 doctorates in fields unrelated to the medical profession. We don’t display ourselves as experts in the field, or licensed counselors. We’re still learning ourselves. Doctors will tell you they don’t know everything either. There’s nothing unethical or illegal about praying over someone and having them forgive people.
Whatever training I've received was done at church, ministering to others and learning from the pastor.
Have you published these practices? Do you realize you could be copying something that someone just made up?
You learn by actual experience, studying the Word of God, and reading books written by experts working in the field of psychiatry. You can be a boxer and shadow box all your life, but until you step foot inside the ring, you’re not a fighter. There’s a terrific book written on this subject of inner healing called “Pigs in the Parlor”, by Frank and Ida Mae Hammond. I met them in the mid 80’s. They’ve since passed away, but you can easily find their book. I highly recommend it.
God gave us free will.
Doesn't your faith hinge on prophecy (predestination being contrary to free-will)?
No. The Bible says in Romans 10:17- “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

The faith spoken of in the Bible is different than how we use the term. Our version of faith is quite shallow. You can believe a lie, but it doesn’t make it true. Faith comes when you seek the Lord and learn to hear his voice. You cannot have true faith unless you hear God’s voice. God’s word never comes back void. When you hear God’s voice and obey, that’s when miracles happen. This is where you gain experience to know whether you actually heard from God. Building one’s faith takes time and effort. Jesus walked in complete faith because he always communed with the Father. This is why he always knew what to do and what to say. Jesus and the Holy Spirit were inseparable. The result of that faith is miracles wherever he went. The apostles later attained this, and it is something we ought to pursue as well.
I don’t waste my time thinking of predestination. I view it as an excuse for Christians not to accomplish anything, or to use as a cop-out. You can receive a prophecy that you’ll be a prophet one day, or some other ministry, but unless you step out and put your nose to the grindstone, you’ll never fulfill the prophecy. The concept of predestination is only something the Lord should be concerned about. God doesn’t control the future, but he knows what’s going to happen, based on free-will and the choices people make on earth.
However, there are a lot of books written and recordings on the subject matter that will explain things a lot better than me on this forum.
I am interested in reviewing them...could you please provide some examples?

You can just Google it. Otherwise, you can read a book called “Spiritual Warfare”, by Richard B.W. Ing. It’s sold on Amazon.com.
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Awitch, Here are my replies in red to your latest post-
They can also be caused by traumatic experiences and chemical imbalances.
That is quite true. Many mental conditions are caused by traumatic experiences, especially phobias, schizophrenia, anorexia, bulimia, multiple personalities, hearing voices, etc. Remember the story of Cybil? These are 100% curable if the patient submits themselves to counseling, prayer, and are willing to forgive those who caused them emotional trauma and hurt.

Is that guaranteed? There were two stories in the news recently of a family that refused medical treatment in favor of prayer for two family members. Both died. What about amputees?

Of course, the medical profession has no other means to identify its source. I believe its origin could either be physical and/or a spiritual one.

But you're not a doctor. You aren't qualified to determine the difference.

I’ve also encountered severely mentally retarded patients that picked me out of a crowd and acted violently or somewhat out-of-character toward me while I consequently happened to be the only Christian in the room and that understands spiritual warfare. The spirits in them know who and what I am, and may react to the presence of the Holy Spirit within me. I’m no one a servant and a believer in Jesus Christ.

How do you know you were the only Christian? Have you considered they might not have liked the color of your shirt (for example)?

We never discourage people from seeing a physician, nor do we ever tell people to stop taking medication. In fact, it’s beneficial for a person to be properly diagnosed, so we know precisely what to pray for and how. If a person gets healed, they’ll find out themselves that they may no longer need any medication. Or, they’ll see a doctor to get re-diagnosed. Whatever the conditions are, we know the symptoms, and we go from there. Experience, a word from the Lord and some knowledge obtained from the medical profession all contribute to us helping people.

How many diagnoses came back as "possession" or "Satanic influence"? If they continue medical treatment, how do you determine your prayers had any effect?

You can just Google it. Otherwise, you can read a book called “Spiritual Warfare”, by Richard B.W. Ing. It’s sold on Amazon.com.

Thank you...I will take a look the next time I head to the bookstore.

BTW, I appreciate the replies despite my cynical attitude.
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Sep 16, 2008
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Two quick and sincere questions about this Satan guy (assuming you think he is a personal, supernatural being, and not a metaphor for temptation)...

Excellent questions!

1. Why doesn't Satan just possess someone who has the ability to fire nuclear weapons and start a nuclear holocaust to destroy God's creation?

Satan's power is circumscribed by God's will, and second, Satan doesn't want to kill people until he's got them worshipping him, which he's not been that successful at.

2. The Bible is mass printed all around the world in almost every language so humans can read it. I am Assuming Satan or his minions can also read the Bible - including Revelation. So, why doesn't Satan just NOT do anything thereby preventing God's plan from coming to fruition?

Satan lacks intelligence, or light and truth. He's insane. Insanely jealous of God's power. He has NO understanding of God or his plan. And he can't control himself. More importantly, God and his prophets foresaw these things--they new it would happen despite whether the devil read the Bible or not.

Make any sense?
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Satan lacks intelligence, or light and truth. He's insane. Insanely jealous of God's power. He has NO understanding of God or his plan. And he can't control himself. More importantly, God and his prophets foresaw these things--they new it would happen despite whether the devil read the Bible or not.

Make any sense?

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Satan lacks intelligence, or light and truth. He's insane.

Maybe he's possessed...oh, wait... ;)

Insanely jealous of God's power. He has NO understanding of God or his plan. And he can't control himself. More importantly, God and his prophets foresaw these things--they new it would happen despite whether the devil read the Bible or not.

Make any sense?

Not really. Satan was God's creation, but God knew Satan would give him so much grief, but made him anyway. Then God made a special place for Satan and tossed him there when he rebelled because he was crazy. And even though Satan knew God is all powerful and all knowing, he attempted a coup anyway? And while God was at it, he decided to toss all non believers in there with him? :confused::confused::confused:
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Jul 30, 2007
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Is that guaranteed? There were two stories in the news recently of a family that refused medical treatment in favor of prayer for two family members. Both died.What about amputees?

Nothing is guaranteed, not even your salvation. There are a number of conditions for anything to work, i.e. the faith level of prayer and/or recipient, whether sins were reconciled, repentance, the presense of negative soul-ties with other people, etc. Believe it or not, sometimes people enjoy their infirmities because it brings them some kind of benefit. I’ve known people who secretly didn’t want to get healed because they didn’t want to go back to work, or would lose their welfare benefits. As I mentioned earlier, we don’t discourage people from seeking medical treatment. If they’re healed, the doctors will figure that out. Not seeing a doctor is irresponsible.
I’ve heard of rare isolated cases of amputees being healed, but I can’t provide any hard evidence. I do believe it’s possible, and hope to be part of such a miracle in the future. If God can heal a person with terminal cancer, or a heart defect, which I’ve actually witnessed, then what’s a new limb? It’s essentially the same in terms of a miracle from God. Casting out devils is technically a miracle, and I’ve done many of those.
But you're not a doctor. You aren't qualified to determine the difference.
Not sure where you’re getting at with this one. Doctors don’t know anything about demonic forces. They can’t see them either. My general belief is that many of the infirmities we face, like cancer especially, have a direct tie to a demonic source that is operating under a legal right, like unforgiveness, or some other sin, or curse that’s passed down from generation to generation through iniquity. I’m sure we’ve all heard of cancers being shared by grandma, mother, and now daughter stories. You can blame genetics, but God created us with perfect engineering. The cancerous pattern had to start somewhere up the chain, and besides, great grandma never had it...!
The Bible says, “The wages of sin is death”. Sin and Satan are like bees and honey. Where there is one, there is the other. Infirmities is a form of death, or the onset thereof. Our bodies were created perfect by God. It’s when Adam and Eve sinned that iniquity was passed down.
I will say, however, that what we eat and drink has a lot to do with our state of health. We can’t blame the devil for everything. We can lay a lot of blame on our food industry and the FDA which allows over 15,000 chemicals and additives to be used in food processing, not to mention the growth hormones and antibiotics they pump in our cows and chickens. Ever wonder why Americans are so fat compared to other countries like France? Obesity causes a ton of other infirmities as well. Much of the blame falls on ourselves. We don’t have to eat those crispy crème donuts every morning with our coffee laced with cancer causing saccharin or aspartame.

How do you know you were the only Christian? Have you considered they might not have liked the color of your shirt (for example)?
Mental patients don’t growl and spew hate at you for wearing ugly cloths. On second thought, maybe it was the “I love Bush” T-shirt I was wearing...:sorry:
How many diagnoses came back as "possession" or "Satanic influence"? If they continue medical treatment, how do you determine your prayers had any effect?
There’s usually a noticeable positive result that was never brought on by medication. Medicine doesn’t cure you, it just controls the symptoms. The symptoms never go away, but are lowered. You can’t hide the truth. The patient themselves testify that they feel a lot better, don’t hear the voices anymore, or see things much more clearly even without medication than they did while taking medication. Keep in mind, we’re not interested in fooling ourselves when it comes to the things of God. You may be disenfranchised with the scheisters on T.V. putting on a show, trying to extract money from you, but we are serious about helping others receive the help they need and draw closer to God.

BTW, I appreciate the replies despite my cynical attitude.

Confession leads to repentance, my friend. Let’s keep our fingers crossed. ;)

Sorry about the different font sizes. Cutting a pasting doesn't always work well on this forum.
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Nothing is guaranteed,

Except for death and taxes :)

There are a number of conditions for anything to work, i.e. the faith level of prayer and/or recipient, whether sins were reconciled, repentance, the presense of negative soul-ties with other people, etc.

Doesn't that imply that the more devout one is, and the fewer non-Christian influences one has, then the better the "chances" of effectiveness? Makes me wonder how such a person who had those qualities could become possessed in the first place.

I’ve heard of rare isolated cases of amputees being healed, but I can’t provide any hard evidence. I do believe it’s possible, and hope to be part of such a miracle in the future.

Unfortunately, there is no hard evidence. If there was the medical community would be all over it and it would be on the front page of every news outlet.

It is possible - or it will be if we could get some more funding for stem-cell research.

But you're not a doctor. You aren't qualified to determine the difference.
Not sure where you’re getting at with this one.

Let me rephrase - you mentioned that the symptoms of possession can be the same as a physical or mental illness. If you aren't a doctor, then you have no ability or authority to distinguish the two. But I am very glad to hear that you still encourage those to seek medical attention.

My general belief is that many of the infirmities we face, like cancer especially, have a direct tie to a demonic source that is operating under a legal right, like unforgiveness, or some other sin, or curse that’s passed down from generation to generation through iniquity.

I hope you are not suggesting that when infants die of disfiguring, painful diseases, it is because some ancestor of yore was coveting his neighbors wife.

I’m sure we’ve all heard of cancers being shared by grandma, mother, and now daughter stories. You can blame genetics, but God created us with perfect engineering. The cancerous pattern had to start somewhere up the chain, and besides, great grandma never had it...!

Science clearly demonstrates that cancer is caused by genetic abnormalities which are caused by carcinogenic chemicals, radiation, or errors during DNA replication. It's these changes in DNA that get passed down. In other words, completely natural causes.

How do you know you were the only Christian? Have you considered they might not have liked the color of your shirt (for example)?
Mental patients don’t growl and spew hate at you for wearing ugly cloths. On second thought, maybe it was the “I love Bush” T-shirt I was wearing...:sorry:

They couldn't have been insane if they didn't like your "I love Bush" T-Shirt. :)

...Unless it wasn't referring to the president :blush:

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This may have been said already, but spiritual problems that manifest physically and physiological problems that do the same are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Not all physical problems or aberrant behaviours are spiritual in origin, nor are they necessarily all physiological in origin, either. Just because some people have physiological problems which make them sick or deranged doesn't mean they can never have spiritual problems which do the same.

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Jul 30, 2007
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Except for death and taxes
You got that right. Now, you can add “economic depression”.
Doesn't that imply that the more devout one is, and the fewer non-Christian influences one has, then the better the "chances" of effectiveness? Makes me wonder how such a person who had those qualities could become possessed in the first place.
Well, again, demonic possession is quite rare. In fact, the only people that can be possessed are the “unsaved”, in my opinion. What we’re actually talking about here is “demonization”, or having a demon or demons. The term doesn’t sound that much better, but if you’ve got a problem with having a lot of anger, then I’m certain you’ve got spirits of anger. Some people have spirits of suicide that keep putting these thoughts in their melon, until they finally end up doing it. Same thing with sexual perversions.
But you're not a doctor. You aren't qualified to determine the difference.

Let me rephrase - you mentioned that the symptoms of possession can be the same as a physical or mental illness. If you aren't a doctor, then you have no ability or authority to distinguish the two. But I am very glad to hear that you still encourage those to seek medical attention.
Well, again, doctors wouldn’t know demonic possession if they saw one. If the problem has a spiritual source, only a person in tune with the Holy Spirit would know what to pray for and how. However, there are symptoms of spiritual demonic influence that can be easily discerned, especially from one who is experienced in this area. Some are quite easy to identify. Down’s syndrome is a physical problem, but someone turning crazy later on in life is not. They’re usually emotional and/or spiritual in nature..
I hope you are not suggesting that when infants die of disfiguring, painful diseases, it is because some ancestor of yore was coveting his neighbors wife.
I am. Here’s what the Book of Matthew 9, verse 2 says of Jesus healing someone of palsy- “And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee... [6] But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.[7] And he arose, and departed to his house.

Science clearly demonstrates that cancer is caused by genetic abnormalities which are caused by carcinogenic chemicals, radiation, or errors during DNA replication. It's these changes in DNA that get passed down. In other words, completely natural causes.
Of course, illness will have physical manifestations. We’re talking about our physical bodies here. But the source may or may not be physical. For example, my mom has 6 sisters and a brother. One of my aunts died a few years ago at the young age of 67 from pancreatic cancer. She was the healthiest of the group- vegetarian, exercised daily, did yoga and aerobics, was thin, etc. Yet, she’s the first to die in the family. My oldest aunt is 85 and still healthy, even though she smoked her whole life and was a little on the heavy side. Go figure! We all live in the same town, go to the same grocery store, drink from the same well, etc.
Spiritual things cannot be explained by physical laws. But me belief is that the spiritual world does affect the physical.
BTW, I appreciate this meaningful exchange.
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Well, again, doctors wouldn’t know demonic possession if they saw one. If the problem has a spiritual source, only a person in tune with the Holy Spirit would know what to pray for and how.

What about Christian doctors? They should be able to provide some official diagnoses of "possession".

I hope you are not suggesting that when infants die of disfiguring, painful diseases, it is because some ancestor of yore was coveting his neighbors wife.
I am. [/quote]

I have to admit I find that greatly disturbing.

She was the healthiest of the group- vegetarian, exercised daily, did yoga and aerobics, was thin, etc. Yet, she’s the first to die in the family. My oldest aunt is 85 and still healthy, even though she smoked her whole life and was a little on the heavy side. Go figure!...

I'm sorry to hear that, but it sounds like you are suggesting that she died earlier because of her sin?
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What about Christian doctors? They should be able to provide some official diagnoses of "possession".

Believe it or not, most Christians don’t know how to deal with demonic forces. Many even share the same opinions as KCDAD. (I’m assuming here that KC isn’t a born-again Christian). Possession and spiritual forces is not part of the medical profession. Even if the doctor believed in such, it would be a violation of his medical license to prescribe an exorcism. Heck, most can’t even prescribe herbal remedies.

I hope you are not suggesting that when infants die of disfiguring, painful diseases, it is because some ancestor of yore was coveting his neighbors wife.
I am. [/quote]

I have to admit I find that greatly disturbing.
Here are a few scriptural references:
Exodus 20:5- “Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them [speaking of idols], nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;”
[“Visiting the iniquity” is in reference to a curse going down the family line that can only be broken by the blood of Christ].
The same is repeated in Deutoronomy 5:9- “Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me,”
Numbers 14:18- “The LORD is longsuffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation.”
Here’s a scripture of Jesus giving a parable about the sin of unforgiveness:
Matthew 18: [32] Then his lord, after that he had called him, said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me:[33] Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee?[34] And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him.
[35] So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.
The word “tormentor” is in reference to the demonic kingdom.
My other aunt in the same family is the only one that suffered a divorce, and a very bitter one at that. She’s the youngest of my mother’s siblings, but has already had 2 heart bypass surgeries, kidney failure and is currently on kidney dialysis. She’s only 65 and is not overweight. All the other siblings, save for the one that passed away, are healthy. We’ve been trying to get her to forgive, but it’s not easy. I don’t find it a coincidence that she’s suffered so much, and is a bitter person.
I personally knew a woman years ago that had a tumor the size of a grapefruit dissappear after she forgave her ex-husband for abandoning her and leaving her to raise their 4 children alone. The doctors were baffled and so afraid she’d sue them for malpractice that they asked her to sign a release form (waiver), because they had actually cut her open, but found nothing. They showed her the X-rays and everything, proving that there was in fact a tumor. Of course, she forgave them knowing that God healed her.
I'm sorry to hear that, but it sounds like you are suggesting that she died earlier because of her sin?

Don’t know who’s sin, but the sin we commit ourselves, and the iniquity we inherit from our forefathers is the main reason we get sick and die. And when we have sin and/or iniquity in our lives, it makes us vulnerable for the devil to have a legal right to touch our mind and our bodies in varying degrees. Playing around with witchcraft is one of them.
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"Don’t know who’s sin, but the sin we commit ourselves, and the iniquity we inherit from our forefathers is the main reason we get sick and die. And when we have sin and/or iniquity in our lives, it makes us vulnerable for the devil to have a legal right to touch our mind and our bodies in varying degrees. Playing around with witchcraft is one of them."

You are not serious. I knew it! :D

The devil has "a legal right"... what a great line! ;)

Witchcraft... what is that? Cauldrons and spells? Another great parody! The perfect time of year for that, too.

If, on the off chance you were being serious, can you tell us what the difference between sin and inequity is? :yellowcard:
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Believe it or not, most Christians don’t know how to deal with demonic forces. Many even share the same opinions as KCDAD. (I’m assuming here that KC isn’t a born-again Christian).

You said you got your training from watching your pastor. Why not video tape a few and post them on youtube.com so everyone can learn?

Just out of curiosity, do you or your pastor charge money for the casting out of demons service?

[/quote]I have to admit I find that greatly disturbing.
Here are a few scriptural references:
Exodus 20:5-[/quote]

Thank you. I will be sure to point these out the next time someone suggests that God is all loving and just.

Playing around with witchcraft is one of them.

I am not "playing around" - I am happily a witch, dedicated to my faith and the positive contributions to society it influences.

I would have to believe the Bible is an authority to be worried.
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Jul 30, 2007
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"Don’t know who’s sin, but the sin we commit ourselves, and the iniquity we inherit from our forefathers is the main reason we get sick and die. And when we have sin and/or iniquity in our lives, it makes us vulnerable for the devil to have a legal right to touch our mind and our bodies in varying degrees. Playing around with witchcraft is one of them."

You are not serious. I knew it! :D

The devil has "a legal right"... what a great line! ;)

Witchcraft... what is that? Cauldrons and spells? Another great parody! The perfect time of year for that, too.

If, on the off chance you were being serious, can you tell us what the difference between sin and inequity is? :yellowcard:

"Sin" is an English word used to describe the distance between the bullseye and the landing of an arrow. The concept is used to explain doing something outside of the will of God. Thus, murder, stealing, lying, etc, are sins. But I'm sure posting on a Christian forum to mock and spread disdain for Christian beliefs falls under this definition somehow.

"Inequity" is a word, but it's not found in the Bible anywhere. :doh:
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You said you got your training from watching your pastor. Why not video tape a few and post them on youtube.com so everyone can learn?
I’ll answer this with how Jesus responded to a Caananite woman asking for help. Up until that point in time, the Lord’s covenant was only with the Jewish people-
Matthew 15: [22] And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.[23] But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us.[24] But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.[25] Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me.[26] But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.[27] And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.[28] Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.
See the point here? Why should the Lord bless you if you won’t humble yourself and serve him?

Just out of curiosity, do you or your pastor charge money for the casting out of demons service?

Not a dime. Anyone who charges for this is not working for the Lord. Sadly, similar things happen on certain Christian television programs.

Thank you. I will be sure to point these out the next time someone suggests that God is all loving and just.
God IS loving and just. That’s why he sent his son to suffer and die for us to redeem us from ourselves. Problem is, people formulate their own definition of love and expect God to fit into that definition, as if He’s somehow beneath us. If you don’t think rendering a verdict for committing evil is just, we might as well let all the criminals out of prison. Remember, He is God. We’re not. The clay doesn’t tell the potter what to do. It’s the other way around. When you reach that stage where you can accept this, only then may you even begin to understand true love and righteousness.
I am not "playing around" - I am happily a witch, dedicated to my faith and the positive contributions to society it influences.

In a sense, you are playing around, because you don’t have any idea what you’re involved with, and how much trouble you’re in until it’s too late. I’m not saying this to spite you. I’ve been involved with other religions and a bit of mysticism before meeting the Lord. Your situation is like a celebrity who thinks they’re on top of the world with all the wealth and popularity, only to find that the world doesn’t really care about them and they discover how miserable they really are and end up committing suicide. Then they’re worse off than the homeless guy.

I would have to believe the Bible is an authority to be worried.

I find it rather odd that a witch would be asking a Christian how to cast out a devil.
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Jul 31, 2003
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Two quick and sincere questions about this Satan guy (assuming you think he is a personal, supernatural being, and not a metaphor for temptation)...

1. Why doesn't Satan just possess someone who has the ability to fire nuclear weapons and start a nuclear holocaust to destroy God's creation?
I'm sure he'd like to do that very much. But there are very few people who have the ability, and most of them aren't inclined to - and he can't just go out and posess someone like you might steal a car.

2. The Bible is mass printed all around the world in almost every language so humans can read it. I am Assuming Satan or his minions can also read the Bible - including Revelation. So, why doesn't Satan just NOT do anything thereby preventing God's plan from coming to fruition?
For one thing, it wouldn't work. For another, it would result in the ruin of fewer souls.
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