
  1. AlexB23

    On Fire for Jesus

    Hello folks. Today's devotional is a long one, so let's get straight to it. Date June 7, 2024 | On Fire for the Lord Verse Psalm 39:3-7 (NKJV): "My heart was hot within me; While I was musing, the fire burned. Then I spoke with my tongue: “Lord, make me to know my end, And what is the...
  2. Christsfreeservant

    As Children of Light

    “Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not become partners with them; for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found...
  3. GodJesusAndChocolate

    God and Friends Fellowship ^w^ =3

    Welcome!! [Hugs] :hug::hug::):):hug::hug: This is the God and Friends Fellowship thread!! ^w^ =3 :hug::hug: Here we can hang out and chat!! :hug::hug::):):hug::hug: Let's Fellowship and be Friends!! ^w^ =3 :hug::hug::):):hug::hug::cheer::cheer::clap::clap::ebil::ebil:
  4. CalebMinson

    Greetings in Christ from Caleb Minson of Bride of Christ Ministry

    Hello All, I am Caleb Minson, a passionate filmmaker, musician, and the founder of Bride of Christ Ministry, joining you from Rhode Island. My journey has been a tapestry of diverse experiences, including honorable service in the U.S. Navy and extensive studies in digital media and film. Bride...
  5. C

    ones views on the Jews are not a salvation issue

    I will not break fellowship with someone who disagrees on the Jews, Israel, I happen to believe they have been replaced based on Galatians 3, 4. But no two Christians are going to agree on everything. But so many bully you from the pulpit or put fear in you, and will say no it actually is a...
  6. Christsfreeservant

    Unequally Yoked with Unbelievers

    “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we...
  7. ByTheSpirit

    Fellowship First time speaking in tongues?

    Fellowship thread disclaimer*** What was it like for you the first time you spoke in tongues? I remember I had been coached by a Pentecostal elder on how to speak in tongues, and it felt so wrong and so I didn't do it. He told me to repeat a series of words really quickly and it would come...
  8. GodJesusAndChocolate

    What Are You Currently Writing?? ^-^ =3

    Hello Friends!! :hug::hug::):) Here we can talk about what we are currently writing!! :hug::hug::):):coffee::coffee::cookie::cookie::custard::custard::icecreamcone::icecreamcone:
  9. GodJesusAndChocolate

    What Are You Doing?? / What Have You Been Doing?? ^-^ =3

    Hello!! Here we can just talk about what we have been doing recently or what we are currently doing right now. =3 ^-^ :):):hug::hug::coffee::coffee::cookie::cookie::custard::custard::icecreamcone::icecreamcone:
  10. GodJesusAndChocolate

    Walking Videos

    Hello!! Here we can post Walking Videos or Walking Tour Videos. :):):groupray::groupray::clap::clap::cheer::cheer::coffee::coffee::cookie::cookie::custard::custard::icecreamcone::icecreamcone:
  11. GodJesusAndChocolate

    Bible Study Fellowship

    Hello!! Here we can talk about The Bible and post anything Bible Study related. :hug::hug::groupray::groupray::cheer::cheer::study::study:
  12. GodJesusAndChocolate

    Read The Bible Online For Free / Free Bible Apps

    Hello!! ^-^ =3 Here we can post Free Online Bibles and Free Bible Apps. :clap::clap::clap::clap::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie::custard::custard::custard::custard::icecreamcone::icecreamcone::icecreamcone::icecreamcone:
  13. GodJesusAndChocolate

    Free Audio Bibles

    Hello!! ^-^ =3 Here we can post Free Audio Bibles. :clap::clap::clap::clap::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie::custard::custard::custard::custard::icecreamcone::icecreamcone::icecreamcone::icecreamcone:
  14. GodJesusAndChocolate

    The Cozy Thread ^-^ =3

    Hello! This is The Cozy Thread! ^-^ =3 Here we can post anything Cozy (Cozy Pictures, Cozy Videos, Pictures/Videos of Cozy Food, Cozy Ambience Videos, Cozy Animal Pictures/Videos). We can just relax here with our French Vanilla Coffee, Thai Sweet Tea, Vanilla Cream Doughnuts, Vanilla Chai Tea...
  15. GodJesusAndChocolate

    The CF Diary Thread ^-^ =3

    Hello! This is The CF Diary Thread! Here we can say whatever is on our mind or what we are feeling. We can use this Thread as a Digital Diary! ^-^ =3...
  16. GodJesusAndChocolate

    The Coffee Shop

    Hello! Here we can bring our Coffee, Tea, Latte, Cappuccino, Iced Coffee, Iced Tea, Thai Iced Tea, Vanilla Cream Doughnuts, and anything you like to eat/drink! Just another place for us to Fellowship and Hangout! =D ^-^...
  17. pantingdeer

    … ?

  18. pantingdeer

    … ?

  19. GodJesusAndChocolate

    Christian Instrumental Music

    Hello! Here we can post Christian Instrumental Music! ^-^ =3 :):):):):coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie:
  20. GodJesusAndChocolate

    Instrumental Music

    Hello! Here we can post and talk about Instrumental Music! (Piano, Guitar). =3 ^-^ :):):):):coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie: