My girlfriend seems to have fallen out of love with me


Aug 4, 2023
United Kingdom
Marital Status
In Relationship
Hey there fellow Christians,

This might be a tad long and detailed so please bear with me. I want to lay out all of the facts with the hope someone will offer an unbiased/impartial input. Brace yourselves for a descriptive read...

My now girlfriend and I met on a dating app (Christians Dating For Free aka CDFF) designed specifically for Christians during January of 2020. It was around the time when the first COVID cases were announced. She messaged me privately saying she would like to chat with me and I gladly accepted. Her country of origin & residence is Indonesia and I was born and bred in Bulgaria, however, I have been living in London, England for just under 12 years now.

After a few days of us exchanging messages on the app I asked her to add my number on WhatsApp and we continued texting there. At the end of January 2020 I insisted that we have a video call which we did. My first impression of her was that she appeared nervous, slightly awkward but had a will to talk to me. We shared stories, predominantly of our faith and also of our daily lives. During the next few months we became close and would talk before I'm off to bed and just after she'd have woken up. There was plenty of spare time on our hands due to the lockdown so we just talked. Her background is geodesy and my is nursing. During the stage of getting to know one another I mistakenly spoke at length regarding my past relationship, which was also a Long Distance Relationship (LDR). I lied to her that I dated a girl from London with whom I've had sex. Everything else was true but having had sex and the ex being in the same city as me were lies. I was still a virgin and I travelled exnesively to meet the ex at her home country. At the time I thought nothing of it because I was not considering anything serious with her.

She's always had one admirer in the background who had never stopped badgering her with requests to get together with him and be his girlfriend. He is a muslim and that was the reason why she never gave him the chance. Whilst we were talking in 2020, she posted a pic of me on her WhatsApp account just to make him mad and jealous which worked to her advantage. He was enraged and demanded to know from her who I am, why is she texting me, how can she play with his feelings etc. She would share all of those with me and laugh at his expense. I am mentioning him here because he'll become important later on in the story.

Fast forward to May of 2020 and she confessed to have feelings for me. She openly admitted that she loves me and I said it back even though it was not true. Our topics became personal and we got to know each other fundamentally well. There was a streak of a couple of months (July-September 2020) when we would fight & argue a lot, I made her cry and she acted slightly unreasonable. I told her we shouldn't talk anymore and proceeded to block her.

In the middle of August 2022 I reopened her chat on messenger and sent her a quick text, asking her how she's been doing, what has been up to. I thought she will never reply based on how I acted and behaved previously, but she responded and not only that but she was positive. I apologised to her profusely, saying that am deeply sorry about how I ended things, that I will never leave her again. It's like we've never been apart for those 2 years. I even told her I want to go to Indonesia and meet her in the flesh. She gladly agreed that if we'll be serious we should have a meeting in person etc. We got back to our old ways of talking a lot ad averaged 4h conversations every single day for months, until I flew to Indonesia on the 27th of December, 2022 and met her. It was better than I anticipated and by that moment I was already in love with her. We had told each other that we love one another and that was before I flew to meet her. We even said that every single day during all of the days of November & December, 2022.

Her and I went touring around Jakarta, having lots of fun and going on boat rides, climbing hills, visiting islands. I took her to the island she wanted to visit so much. She seemed to be madly in love with me and I loved her to bits as well. Whilst there, I held her hands and apologised again for leaving her in the past, telling her I will take her with me to London by 2024 and that I will be back to see her in April of this year.

When I came back to London the first time I changed my job to being a delivery driver and despite my hectic schedule I always found time for her. I would sleep less than usual because I will stay until 1-2am sometimes my time to talk to her and help her with the struggles she experienced at her job place. She wanted to switch companies and we had to pray a lot about it. Eventually, she remained at the same company. Also, during the last year almost now, I've always been available to her, even during work I would not spend my break properly because I would talk to her. I wanted to always be there for her and thought by being available to her, she'd appreciate me more. I wanted to show her am not that guy from 2020, that her and I will be happy together.

During March of 2022 she met her cousin and the Muslim guy tagged along. She used to tell me every detail about her life which I also did to her. We shared everything. But she didn't tell me that she met him on that night. Earlier this year I had told her it's unwise for her to meet him up anymore because he still has feelings for her and by her meeting him, even in the company of her cousin, she is giving him false hopes that he might have a chance. well, she didn't take heed and met him anyway. I was right, he blurted out his feelings to her once they were already alone, whilst waiting for a train to board. When she was telling me about this story 3 weeks later she felt guilty and apologised for not mentioning it earlier. I was a bit upset but told her I understand why she might have done it.

I went to her again during April and stayed there until the start of June. We went on a holiday to Japan (I paid for the whole holiday), I got her an iPhone 14 and treated her like a princess. We had some disagreements but nothing too major in my eyes. Whilst in Japan, I sat down with her at a cafe and told her by holding her hands and looking her in the eyes that I will marry her during my next visit and then bring her over to England. She didn't give an answer but judging by her face, she seemed happy and excited.

A big mistake we both did was whilst I was there we fornicated, not once or twice, but maybe over 15 times. We spent a total of 57 days together and during that time we had sex pretty much every 3rd day. I've repented to her and God about doing that, it wasn't right. She was my first and I was her first. However, she was left with the lie from 2020 of me not being a virgin and she kept asking me over the months of how many times I've done it with my ex. I kept perpetuating the lie by saying many times, and would joke by saying 100's of times. Her mum asked her whether we sleep in the same bedroom and whether we had sex and she told her mum that we sleep in different rooms and no sex has happened between us. She lied to her mother on the pretext her mum will go berserk if she finds out.

When I came back to London on the 2nd of June this year I realised her attitude towards me had changed. She appeared slightly withdrawn and cold, but when asked why, she'd say that it's all okay. She finally broke down on the 21st of July, saying how she hears a voice in her head telling her to leave me because of how I treated her in the past and the trauma I caused to her. She said she has vivid nightmares every night during which I beat her, molest her and treat her like a housewife, lower than an animal. I asked her does she honestly believe I'd ever hit her and she said "maybe". The thing is I've never been abusive to anyone in my life. It hurt me a bit that she sees me in that light but was wondering why would she listen to this voice. She began questioning the relationship and saying that I will abandon her again, I will be rude and mean to her, I will treat her badly and not let her talk to her family back home, that I will shout at her and raise my voice etc. None of this will happen. I've never shouted at her, ever. The thought of shouting makes me feel sick. I don't like it and I don't do it. She, however, became quieter and quieter, not wanting to even talk to me as much.

On the 1st of August we had a serious conversation and both of us cried. We prayed a lot and got back to normal. 2 days ago she again began asking me regarding my sexual encounters with the ex and how many times I've done it. I thought to myself I will tell her the truth and she flipped. She said "you lied to me again", which is true because 2 months ago I admitted that ex and I were in a LDR and that she didn't actually live in the same city as me. Yes, those are perpetuated lies and I feel really bad for saying them and maintaining the false narrative all this time. I apologised and told her she's also lied to her mother and to me about that Muslim guy but that I don't hold it against her. I also said those lies have no bearing on our relationship, that it is all in the past. She said she'll tell her mother the whole truth and then break up with me. I sent her a voice note, pleading with her and asking her to pray with me, of how sorry i am and that i should have told her earlier but she never answered. She instead sent a thumbs up emoji, followed by changing her profile pic of us on facebook. with a pic of her. She has not yet deleted our pics on her facebook profile.

Last week she also accused me of being all words and no actions so I explained to her she's unreasonable with that statement, that am doing everything in my power to meet her needs, by flying over to there, taking her to places, organising her trip to the UK, staying for hours at a time, sacrificing my sleep. I never mentioned those things before because I thought those actions are noticed but it hurt me when she said love is not enough and she needs actions. I don't know what other actions I could do. We pray together, even though she always falls asleep during my prayers. I sing to her, write her sweet messages every other day, am willing to give my life for her. I truly love her.

I've not heard from her in the past 2 days and not sure when and if I will hear back from her. She recently posted Ephesians chapter 4, verses 26-27 on her Whatsapp status and am unsure of what to make out of it.

Please, fellow Christians, give your fair assessment of the situation. Am I this horrible person? I pray that God returns her, she will never know the life she will have with me if she chooses to walk away because I am willing to do anything for her.

PS: I suspect those nightmares she's having are because of the horror movies she watches and podcasts on youtube regarding people getting lost in the woods and encountering ghosts/apparitions. She has told me when she was 5-6 she used to have demons throttling her during her sleep and her granddad's prayer delivered her from these creatures. I have asked her to stop watching horror movies and to stop listening to those podcasts but she refuses to let go.

I truly love her and my heart aches badly, it feels broken and shattered.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2018
Czech Republic
Marital Status
Do not apologize too much, its unpleasant and it shows you are too dependent on her. Women do not like that.

Do not make promises. You will not keep them.

Do not fall in love with somebody who is not married to you. Its useless and it complicates things.

Do not act emotionally.

If somebody falls asleep during your prayers, its probably time to fix your prayers.

Your relationship is up and down and therefore I do not think its good to continue. Imagine having this kind of drama for your whole life. Its not healthy. Good relationships are stable.
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Tranquil Bondservant

Nothing without Elohim
Oct 11, 2022
Marital Status
I can't comment on the relationship aspect as I've never personally been in one and I feel it would be disingenuous of me to give potentially life altering words to you from a position of no experience.

However what caught my attention was the mention of falling asleep during prayers. Unless your prayers are 10-15 minutes long or she suffers from some kind of sleep apnea, that shouldn't happen. I'm not going to come out and say "it's demons" because it's far, far more likely to be a natural cause. One of the stories that come to mind is from the book "Demonic Foes: My Twenty-Five Years as a Psychiatrist Investigating Possessions, Diabolic Attacks, and the Paranormal" where a woman who while receiving prayer during an exorcism would literally be unable to hear it no matter what. Again let me reiterate, I'm not saying "it's demons!" but I'm just pointing it out as something both of you need to be aware of. I.e. aware spiritually but also if it's not spiritual in nature then also in regards to her health.

My prayers will be with you for the restoration of your relationship and also for clarity. Sorry I can't offer much in the way of any pertinent advice.
God bless :heart:.
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Aug 4, 2023
United Kingdom
Marital Status
In Relationship
Hey guys, thank you so much for your responds!

She contacted me earlier today to say she has been crying a lot and that am cruel. I told her to forgive me and it seems like she has had but one more dishonesty and am out.

I asked her what is it with the all words and not actions, what does she envision me do with the actions aspect and she said that for instance I've promised to find the new insidious movie (it's a horror one) so we can watch it online and that I have not done that. However, I explained to her back then that once the movie is available as a torrent I will let her know. I've not brought it up again because the movie has not been uploaded...

She has been badgered by this voice which she continues to hear. I said we should pray about it and even people at her church should lay hands over her and pray for deliverance. She became defensive, saying she doesn't need anyone's prayers, that her praying for herself is enough etc. Problem is this voice continues to apparently paint me in a negative way.

Tranquil Bondservant, prayers are no longer than 10min to be fair. She closes her eyes whilst am praying and once am done I call her out by name but by that stage she is already fast asleep. Doubt she has sleep apnoea but she really falls asleep super fast. I appreciate your prayers, thank you so much! The reference to that book is intriguing, do you think this combined with the voice hearing can be interpreted as demonic or it still does not qualify?

Myst33, I agree with some of the bulletpoints, I am just perplexed with the "fix your prayers" response. In what way should I fix them? Also, falling in love isn't really in my control. Furthermore, when you mentioned drama, do you attribute it to the both of us? Have I done something horribly wrong?

tturt, thank you, am eagerly awaiting your reply!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2018
Czech Republic
Marital Status
Myst33, I agree with some of the bulletpoints, I am just perplexed with the "fix your prayers" response. In what way should I fix them? Also, falling in love isn't really in my control. Furthermore, when you mentioned drama, do you attribute it to the both of us? Have I done something horribly wrong?
Your prayers may be long, boring or in a bad (sleep) time.

Falling in love is in our control, you will not fall in it if you do not want to and if you do not feed it.

After reading your last post that she was crying a lot and the main thing she came with was that you did not find some movie to watch... oh mine. Really? Do you want such life? She is very immature for her age.

Also, talking/not talking, blocking/unblocking is not a healthy relationship. You will not be able to block each other in marriage.

I do not know if you did something horribly wrong, what specific things you have in mind? Your post is quite long.
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Aug 4, 2023
United Kingdom
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In Relationship
Sorry, I don't know how to repost.

I suspect my prayers are not in a good time.

About the falling in love, I personally disgaree with this but that's just my take.

She was crying because of those lies from the past which I perpetuated over time. That is why I was asking of whether I have done something horribly wrong.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2018
Czech Republic
Marital Status
Sorry, I don't know how to repost.

I suspect my prayers are not in a good time.

About the falling in love, I personally disgaree with this but that's just my take.

She was crying because of those lies from the past which I perpetuated over time. That is why I was asking of whether I have done something horribly wrong.
Sure, lying destroys relationships. Its simply wrong. Calling it "horrible" is an emotional adjective and therefore subjective. Using such adjectives about yourself too frequently may indicate some kind of anxiety.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2018
Czech Republic
Marital Status
About the falling in love, I personally disgaree with this but that's just my take.
Its impossible to fall in love without engaging your eyes, your ears, your language or your thoughts, though. So its certainly controllable, if one wants.
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Aug 4, 2023
United Kingdom
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In Relationship
Sure, lying destroys relationships. Its simply wrong. Calling it "horrible" is an emotional adjective and therefore subjective. Using such adjectives about yourself too frequently may indicate some kind of anxiety.
It is wrong and I've apologised a handful of times but am still feeling guilty of it.

Do you reckon the trust can be back ? She's now acting cold towards me (expected) but am also having concerns over her hearing a voice. I've asked her to link herself with a pastor for the purpose of deliverance and she kept saying it's not important. How can she not be worried over hearing a voice ?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2018
Czech Republic
Marital Status
It is wrong and I've apologised a handful of times but am still feeling guilty of it.
Use your guilt feeling for not repeating the mistakes, instead of for repeating apologies. If you feel an urgency to apologize again, better repeat it to God than to the person you already apologized to.

Do you reckon the trust can be back ?
Hardly, basically not worth the effort, the felt need to make for it can be misused and abused by the other side and it will not be a balanced relationship. It can also be reminded to you even after years, in arguments etc. Either the other side can forgive and forget, or not. Something between usually do not work.

How can she not be worried over hearing a voice ?
People ignore many harmful things, just look at the untreated obesity, alcohol or smoking, depressions, OCDs, schizophrenia... People are sometimes too lazy and sometimes to afraid to seek help.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
United States
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The part about using you to make the Muslim guy feel bad, laughing at his expense as you say, is the biggest warning sign here. I understand no one is perfect, certainly not all the time. Still that's worrisome if that is indicative of her general behavior. The other things about her make her sound like she might need some kind of counseling and is also uninterested in going for it.

It does not seem to be a healthy relationship and it seems she's over it anyways. Rather than feeling like it was a total waste, you can view it as a learning experience.
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Tranquil Bondservant

Nothing without Elohim
Oct 11, 2022
Marital Status
do you think this combined with the voice hearing can be interpreted as demonic or it still does not qualify?
This particular issue can have multiple factors at play that I'm not privy to. So unfortunately I'm unable to make a determination from a place of ignorance. I think you guys should search out for a Church and get in contact with a Pastor, as they would be able to talk with you about it and you can divulge necessary information in a private & confidential setting. From what you've said regarding her falling asleep fast the sleep itself sounds natural, however given that there has been demonic activity that has ceased with prayer in the past, it's something you should be aware of. The voice is disconcerting but there could be psychological things that are occurring. So like I said before, I'm unable to make any real kind of guess given that I'm ignorant to important details and I wouldn't want to say something that may serve to further increase the issues or may cause additional pain. Therefore, it's best you get in touch with a local Church and ask to have a chat with the Pastor about it if you can. Preferably sooner rather than later.
Sorry, I don't know how to repost.

When you hit this button to a specific comment or post a box will come up that allows you to edit the quote so you can either reply to specific parts you want to address or the whole post itself. You can click (or I'm assuming tap if you're on a phone) under the box to begin your reply. If you don't want to do this you can always just reply in the thread normally as you have been doing. I'm pretty sure most accounts have the option to watch threads they post in automatically enabled by default so they will recieve a notification when you post normally. However, some (me :p) only have it so they get a notification when they are personally replied to.
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You cannot fool Jesus
Jan 9, 2013
United States
Marital Status
Hey there fellow Christians,

This might be a tad long and detailed so please bear with me. I want to lay out all of the facts with the hope someone will offer an unbiased/impartial input. Brace yourselves for a descriptive read...

My now girlfriend and I met on a dating app (Christians Dating For Free aka CDFF) designed specifically for Christians during January of 2020. It was around the time when the first COVID cases were announced. She messaged me privately saying she would like to chat with me and I gladly accepted. Her country of origin & residence is Indonesia and I was born and bred in Bulgaria, however, I have been living in London, England for just under 12 years now.

After a few days of us exchanging messages on the app I asked her to add my number on WhatsApp and we continued texting there. At the end of January 2020 I insisted that we have a video call which we did. My first impression of her was that she appeared nervous, slightly awkward but had a will to talk to me. We shared stories, predominantly of our faith and also of our daily lives. During the next few months we became close and would talk before I'm off to bed and just after she'd have woken up. There was plenty of spare time on our hands due to the lockdown so we just talked. Her background is geodesy and my is nursing. During the stage of getting to know one another I mistakenly spoke at length regarding my past relationship, which was also a Long Distance Relationship (LDR). I lied to her that I dated a girl from London with whom I've had sex. Everything else was true but having had sex and the ex being in the same city as me were lies. I was still a virgin and I travelled exnesively to meet the ex at her home country. At the time I thought nothing of it because I was not considering anything serious with her.

She's always had one admirer in the background who had never stopped badgering her with requests to get together with him and be his girlfriend. He is a muslim and that was the reason why she never gave him the chance. Whilst we were talking in 2020, she posted a pic of me on her WhatsApp account just to make him mad and jealous which worked to her advantage. He was enraged and demanded to know from her who I am, why is she texting me, how can she play with his feelings etc. She would share all of those with me and laugh at his expense. I am mentioning him here because he'll become important later on in the story.

Fast forward to May of 2020 and she confessed to have feelings for me. She openly admitted that she loves me and I said it back even though it was not true. Our topics became personal and we got to know each other fundamentally well. There was a streak of a couple of months (July-September 2020) when we would fight & argue a lot, I made her cry and she acted slightly unreasonable. I told her we shouldn't talk anymore and proceeded to block her.

In the middle of August 2022 I reopened her chat on messenger and sent her a quick text, asking her how she's been doing, what has been up to. I thought she will never reply based on how I acted and behaved previously, but she responded and not only that but she was positive. I apologised to her profusely, saying that am deeply sorry about how I ended things, that I will never leave her again. It's like we've never been apart for those 2 years. I even told her I want to go to Indonesia and meet her in the flesh. She gladly agreed that if we'll be serious we should have a meeting in person etc. We got back to our old ways of talking a lot ad averaged 4h conversations every single day for months, until I flew to Indonesia on the 27th of December, 2022 and met her. It was better than I anticipated and by that moment I was already in love with her. We had told each other that we love one another and that was before I flew to meet her. We even said that every single day during all of the days of November & December, 2022.

Her and I went touring around Jakarta, having lots of fun and going on boat rides, climbing hills, visiting islands. I took her to the island she wanted to visit so much. She seemed to be madly in love with me and I loved her to bits as well. Whilst there, I held her hands and apologised again for leaving her in the past, telling her I will take her with me to London by 2024 and that I will be back to see her in April of this year.

When I came back to London the first time I changed my job to being a delivery driver and despite my hectic schedule I always found time for her. I would sleep less than usual because I will stay until 1-2am sometimes my time to talk to her and help her with the struggles she experienced at her job place. She wanted to switch companies and we had to pray a lot about it. Eventually, she remained at the same company. Also, during the last year almost now, I've always been available to her, even during work I would not spend my break properly because I would talk to her. I wanted to always be there for her and thought by being available to her, she'd appreciate me more. I wanted to show her am not that guy from 2020, that her and I will be happy together.

During March of 2022 she met her cousin and the Muslim guy tagged along. She used to tell me every detail about her life which I also did to her. We shared everything. But she didn't tell me that she met him on that night. Earlier this year I had told her it's unwise for her to meet him up anymore because he still has feelings for her and by her meeting him, even in the company of her cousin, she is giving him false hopes that he might have a chance. well, she didn't take heed and met him anyway. I was right, he blurted out his feelings to her once they were already alone, whilst waiting for a train to board. When she was telling me about this story 3 weeks later she felt guilty and apologised for not mentioning it earlier. I was a bit upset but told her I understand why she might have done it.

I went to her again during April and stayed there until the start of June. We went on a holiday to Japan (I paid for the whole holiday), I got her an iPhone 14 and treated her like a princess. We had some disagreements but nothing too major in my eyes. Whilst in Japan, I sat down with her at a cafe and told her by holding her hands and looking her in the eyes that I will marry her during my next visit and then bring her over to England. She didn't give an answer but judging by her face, she seemed happy and excited.

A big mistake we both did was whilst I was there we fornicated, not once or twice, but maybe over 15 times. We spent a total of 57 days together and during that time we had sex pretty much every 3rd day. I've repented to her and God about doing that, it wasn't right. She was my first and I was her first. However, she was left with the lie from 2020 of me not being a virgin and she kept asking me over the months of how many times I've done it with my ex. I kept perpetuating the lie by saying many times, and would joke by saying 100's of times. Her mum asked her whether we sleep in the same bedroom and whether we had sex and she told her mum that we sleep in different rooms and no sex has happened between us. She lied to her mother on the pretext her mum will go berserk if she finds out.

When I came back to London on the 2nd of June this year I realised her attitude towards me had changed. She appeared slightly withdrawn and cold, but when asked why, she'd say that it's all okay. She finally broke down on the 21st of July, saying how she hears a voice in her head telling her to leave me because of how I treated her in the past and the trauma I caused to her. She said she has vivid nightmares every night during which I beat her, molest her and treat her like a housewife, lower than an animal. I asked her does she honestly believe I'd ever hit her and she said "maybe". The thing is I've never been abusive to anyone in my life. It hurt me a bit that she sees me in that light but was wondering why would she listen to this voice. She began questioning the relationship and saying that I will abandon her again, I will be rude and mean to her, I will treat her badly and not let her talk to her family back home, that I will shout at her and raise my voice etc. None of this will happen. I've never shouted at her, ever. The thought of shouting makes me feel sick. I don't like it and I don't do it. She, however, became quieter and quieter, not wanting to even talk to me as much.

On the 1st of August we had a serious conversation and both of us cried. We prayed a lot and got back to normal. 2 days ago she again began asking me regarding my sexual encounters with the ex and how many times I've done it. I thought to myself I will tell her the truth and she flipped. She said "you lied to me again", which is true because 2 months ago I admitted that ex and I were in a LDR and that she didn't actually live in the same city as me. Yes, those are perpetuated lies and I feel really bad for saying them and maintaining the false narrative all this time. I apologised and told her she's also lied to her mother and to me about that Muslim guy but that I don't hold it against her. I also said those lies have no bearing on our relationship, that it is all in the past. She said she'll tell her mother the whole truth and then break up with me. I sent her a voice note, pleading with her and asking her to pray with me, of how sorry i am and that i should have told her earlier but she never answered. She instead sent a thumbs up emoji, followed by changing her profile pic of us on facebook. with a pic of her. She has not yet deleted our pics on her facebook profile.

Last week she also accused me of being all words and no actions so I explained to her she's unreasonable with that statement, that am doing everything in my power to meet her needs, by flying over to there, taking her to places, organising her trip to the UK, staying for hours at a time, sacrificing my sleep. I never mentioned those things before because I thought those actions are noticed but it hurt me when she said love is not enough and she needs actions. I don't know what other actions I could do. We pray together, even though she always falls asleep during my prayers. I sing to her, write her sweet messages every other day, am willing to give my life for her. I truly love her.

I've not heard from her in the past 2 days and not sure when and if I will hear back from her. She recently posted Ephesians chapter 4, verses 26-27 on her Whatsapp status and am unsure of what to make out of it.

Please, fellow Christians, give your fair assessment of the situation. Am I this horrible person? I pray that God returns her, she will never know the life she will have with me if she chooses to walk away because I am willing to do anything for her.

PS: I suspect those nightmares she's having are because of the horror movies she watches and podcasts on youtube regarding people getting lost in the woods and encountering ghosts/apparitions. She has told me when she was 5-6 she used to have demons throttling her during her sleep and her granddad's prayer delivered her from these creatures. I have asked her to stop watching horror movies and to stop listening to those podcasts but she refuses to let go.

I truly love her and my heart aches badly, it feels broken and shattered.
i can understand the spending every waking moment with someone thing.

For me i don't understand when that fades away because as someone who is a person of routine when that routine stops idk what to do.

Not saying your routine of talking to this woman has stopped but just guard yourself because some people change, SOME people not all.

That being said be careful to promise to marry someone if they aren't as responsive. She didn't say anything when you said you would marry her.

I would just pray about it. And be honest with her. If she accepts then so be it, but if not move forward. I really don't see the purpose of the first lie to begin with. It doesn't make sense why lie about the long distance relationship and why lie about having had sex, it seems totally random.
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Aug 4, 2023
United Kingdom
Marital Status
In Relationship
Use your guilt feeling for not repeating the mistakes, instead of for repeating apologies. If you feel an urgency to apologize again, better repeat it to God than to the person you already apologized to.

Hardly, basically not worth the effort, the felt need to make for it can be misused and abused by the other side and it will not be a balanced relationship. It can also be reminded to you even after years, in arguments etc. Either the other side can forgive and forget, or not. Something between usually do not work.

People ignore many harmful things, just look at the untreated obesity, alcohol or smoking, depressions, OCDs, schizophrenia... People are sometimes too lazy and sometimes to afraid to seek help.
Thank you for all the words of wisdom. It seems like you understand the gist of the problems fully and yes, it should be forgive and forget. Otherwise there will be nagging and bringing it up further. Seen it happening with other couples, married people, older folks etc.

In regards to her not seeking help, I believe she's afraid of being judged. She appears to be having a history of fearing criticism and hearing the harsh reality. I've broached conversations which might be classified as very personal or spiritual but she'll dodge them. She only laughs and jokes with her friends & family, never truly opening up to anyone.
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Aug 4, 2023
United Kingdom
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The part about using you to make the Muslim guy feel bad, laughing at his expense as you say, is the biggest warning sign here. I understand no one is perfect, certainly not all the time. Still that's worrisome if that is indicative of her general behavior. The other things about her make her sound like she might need some kind of counseling and is also uninterested in going for it.

It does not seem to be a healthy relationship and it seems she's over it anyways. Rather than feeling like it was a total waste, you can view it as a learning experience.
Yes, am fully on board with her and I having a Christian counselling. I've shared this idea with her and how having a neutral person in Christ praying for us will be great. That she needs that voice to be purged and vivid nightmares to be ceased. Her response was that she's praying for herself and she doesn't need anyone else's prayers.

She's possibly apprehensive of being judged or is scared that her true self will be made known to strangers. It took me close to 6 months of non stop talking to open her up emotionally, however, she still withholds information and is not readily willing to share. Meanwhile am always open to her.

We had a conversation yesterday and she said she was deeply hurt about me perpetuating those lies and she won't forgive anymore after this in regards to lying. Now she's gone quiet again sigh
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Aug 4, 2023
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This particular issue can have multiple factors at play that I'm not privy to. So unfortunately I'm unable to make a determination from a place of ignorance. I think you guys should search out for a Church and get in contact with a Pastor, as they would be able to talk with you about it and you can divulge necessary information in a private & confidential setting. From what you've said regarding her falling asleep fast the sleep itself sounds natural, however given that there has been demonic activity that has ceased with prayer in the past, it's something you should be aware of. The voice is disconcerting but there could be psychological things that are occurring. So like I said before, I'm unable to make any real kind of guess given that I'm ignorant to important details and I wouldn't want to say something that may serve to further increase the issues or may cause additional pain. Therefore, it's best you get in touch with a local Church and ask to have a chat with the Pastor about it if you can. Preferably sooner rather than later.

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Hey, thank you for the detailed explanation of how to repost. Am using a phone now and it appears to be easier from here.

We spoke yesterday about us going to a church and have a pastor pray for us. Or that I can introduce her to a pastor of the church I attend. Or a pastor of the church she goes most regularly to. She dismissed and declined my attempts of persuading her to do that claiming she's fine and there's nothing wrong with her. I expressed my concerns over the fact she's hearing a voice and she said it'll go away soon, that her prayers are sufficient and doesn't need anyone's prayers.
I mentioned my concerns over her watching horror movies and listening to podcasts of demonic nature and again she said her nightmares don't come from there but she'll consider it.
Not sure what to make from all of this but it's clear she doesn't want any help and is happy with her current emotional state.
Yes, those demonic activities ceased with prayers and am not ruling out the possibility that it could be psychological. It's all of a grave concern, more so since she is not interested in prayers even.
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Aug 4, 2023
United Kingdom
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i can understand the spending every waking moment with someone thing.

For me i don't understand when that fades away because as someone who is a person of routine when that routine stops idk what to do.

Not saying your routine of talking to this woman has stopped but just guard yourself because some people change, SOME people not all.

That being said be careful to promise to marry someone if they aren't as responsive. She didn't say anything when you said you would marry her.

I would just pray about it. And be honest with her. If she accepts then so be it, but if not move forward. I really don't see the purpose of the first lie to begin with. It doesn't make sense why lie about the long distance relationship and why lie about having had sex, it seems totally random.
Thank you for your kind words and tips. Yes, talking to someone for so long every day does feel special and fantastic. Especially when both of you are in love with one another.

We had a discussion in June on the topic of marriage and she said that she will marry me. Then again, that was then.

The reason I lied about those 2 things was because I was embarrassed that am still a virgin and wanted to look cool...and that what she'll think of me knowing she's a second LDR.

I shouldn't have lied and can understand as to why she might feel betrayed and let down. She said she's giving me a final chance to never lie to her again or she might not be able to forgive again. Am going to be honest with her by God's mercy & grace. Now she doesn't even seem affectionate at all and is in fact distant. Feels like the first time we texted when we were strangers :(
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You cannot fool Jesus
Jan 9, 2013
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Thank you for your kind words and tips. Yes, talking to someone for so long every day does feel special and fantastic. Especially when both of you are in love with one another.

We had a discussion in June on the topic of marriage and she said that she will marry me. Then again, that was then.

The reason I lied about those 2 things was because I was embarrassed that am still a virgin and wanted to look cool...and that what she'll think of me knowing she's a second LDR.

I shouldn't have lied and can understand as to why she might feel betrayed and let down. She said she's giving me a final chance to never lie to her again or she might not be able to forgive again. Am going to be honest with her by God's mercy & grace. Now she doesn't even seem affectionate at all and is in fact distant. Feels like the first time we texted when we were strangers :(
i'm sorry brother. Thank you for being honest, it takes a humble person to do what you did.

If you both talked about marriage then good.

i cannot say what the right thing to do is. i only say to pray to Jesus for guidance. I've been married and i'm going through divorce. I want no one to go through this.

If you guys get married i hope you stay together for the rest of your lives and live to be 100+
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