Isaac Newton, the discoverer of gravity and the laws of motion, and Robert Boyle, the founder of chemistry, gave proof of God's certain existence.


Dec 23, 2013
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I remember in my first semester at a secular university, I was told by a professor of an humanities course I was taking as an elective, that God was an invention of the human intellect. However none of my physics professors would comment on theology, so it seemed to me that atheistic-minded profs seemed to want to evangelize us undergrads to their worldview. Christian college students-and Christians in general- must understand that it was the Christian mind that gave birth to modern science.
Sir Isaac Newton is considered by most as among the top 2 greatest scientists in history. He discovered gravity, the Laws of Motion, Calculus( the most important advanced math we use today), to name just some of his discoveries. Newton pondered what caused things to fall to earth. Everything had a cause he knew.(The atheists of his age just said "things fall down because they just do; there's no need for a cause" these atheists would indignantly-and wrongly- argue. ) That cause was gravity Newton discovered. Newton published one of the most important works in the history of science called Principia in 1687. In this book of seminal science, Newton also gave scientific reasons for the certain existence of God.
The eminent Newton scholar I. Bernard Cohen, wrote that : "Newton's concern with God and the Divine Providence was a continuing feature in all editions of his Principia." Newton in fact even mention the Bible in Principia.

( Newton was abused by his Trinitarian Protestant step-father priest. Newton, did writein his theological papers, that Jesus's divine power was " not limited" . In other words Jesus had infinite power. However, unfortunately Newton was not a Trinitarian, though he certainly believed Jesus was the divine only Son of God and he rose from the dead. [Some scholars such as Dr. Pfizenmaier believe Newton was Trinitarian.]
Newton studied and wrote about the Bible more than he did about science. Newton wrote hundreds of pages on the books of Daniel and Revelation. Newton in fact said that Jesus would return to rule the world in AD 2060-though no one but the Father knows the exact time of course. Scholar Peter Harrison's book "
The Fall of Man and the Foundations of Science gives further insight of how biblical thinking gave birth to modern science.

Robert Boyle was the founder of chemistry and a convinced Protestant (Trinitarian) Christian.(If you are Catholic and reading this, I would like to quickly mention that it was Catholic priest and scientist Georges Lemaitre who discovered the Big Bang of cosmology.) Boyle would fund the distribution of Bibles throughout the world.
Boyle wrote a treatise against atheism called " The Atheistical Objections to the Being of God and his Attributes Fairly Considered and Fully Refuted."

Albert Einstein was not a Christian.( Though Einstein declared strongly "I am not an atheist.") However Einstein gave credit to the devout evangelical (Trinitarian) scientist James Clerk Maxwell as the scientist whom Einstein himself most depended on to make his great scientific discoveries!
The largest photograph that Einstein kept in his home study was of Maxwell. Please see the article on Maxwell's faith written by Professor of Engineering, Ian Hutchinson, of the world's great technology university, MIT.;
James Clerk Maxwell and the Christian Proposition

Einstein incredibly declared that the modern era of physical science began with James Clerk Maxwell. Maxwell is widely thought of as among the 3 greatest scientists in history. Maxwell was part of the "Apostles" student group when he studied at Cambridge University.

Dear fellow Christians: please if you can, share this article with other Christians-even 1 person-and if possible with Sunday school teachers. Evangelists Josh Mcdowell and Kirk Cameron have said that between 60 to 90 percent of Christian youth under 30 are leaving the Christian faith in America, mainly because of intellectual doubt. I have brought youth back to the faith by using the info in the Isaiah 37 article (link below). 8000 Christians a year are put to death worldwide for their faith. Let us have the boldness to share this with fellow Christians. Your rewards in heaven will be great! The renowned Professor of Semitic Languages of the University of Liverpool has shown that it is possible to prove that the famous miracle of Isaiah 37:36 actually happened.
Isaiah 37 Miracle Proven by Stone Artifacts in London Says Renowned Professor Alan Millard. Texas high schooler cries because she's told Bible is Myth

80% of the Greatest Scientists were confessing/devout Christians:

Faith is the most powerful way a human can ascertain and know the truth. Logic and science are limited by Kurt Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems(there are 2.)Gödel was an eminent mathematician and the greatest logician in history. He also won the US National Medal of Science and the first Einstein Award. Incredibly Gödel stated:" I do not believe in natural science."[reference:Who Got Einstein's Office; by Ed Regis]

Note that many of the devoutly Christian scientists were quiet and silent about their faith.They will go to heaven but their rewards might be few). Here is a partial list of them- the ones who actually declared their faith in Christ(including some mathematicians who greatly influenced science) :

1 ) James Clerk Maxwell. (Scottish):He was a devout Protestant Christian and Apologist. Einstein said that he stood on the shoulders of James C Maxwell(Einstein meant that he made his own discoveries standing on Maxwell's shoulders to see the law of relativity.)

-James C Maxwell invented Electromagnetic Theory. He proved that light was made up of electric fields and magnetic fields. It's interesting that God chose Maxwell to reveal what light was.

Maxwell is considered as one of the main founders of modern electrical engineering also. All our modern appliances, computers,internet, cell phones and more, would not exist if it were not for our Christian brother Maxwell. Maxwell did not invent them but figured out the laws of physics that govern these electronic devices appliances

-Maxwell also invented the color photo!

Maxwell and many true Christian scientists lived before the Nobel Prize was created.

James Clerk Maxwell and the Christian Proposition

2)Michael Faraday(English):
Faraday was a devout evangelical Protestant Christian and physicist. Einstein kept a photo of Faraday and Maxwell in his home study. I think he was the 4th greatest scientist of all. Faraday showed us how electricity worked.

3) Leonhard Euler(Swiss).

He was a devout Protestant. Euler was one of the greatest mathematicians in history and a physicist too. He, along with Maxwell, I think are the smartest humans who ever lived.(Solomon is up there too of course).

The Euler Number has been called the most beautiful thing in math by a great physicist. Another equation discovered by Euler was the first really significant equation they used in String Theory physics in the late 1960s. Euler lived 300 years ago!

4)Bernhard Riemann(German): Riemann's was a devout Protestant. His father was a pastor. Riemann was one of the very greatest mathematicians in history. In fact the mathematical framework of Einstein's theory of General Relativity uses math invented by Riemann called Riemannian Geometry. Einstein owes his discoveries partly to Riemann

5)Ernest Rutherford(New Zealander/Kiwi): Probably the 5th greatest scientist. He discovered what atoms are made of.(My university physics library was named for him.) He was always singing "Onward Christian Soldiers" in his physics labs. He won the Nobel.-lived in 20th century

6)Robert Boyle(English): The first true chemist and so he is one of the founders of chemistry(the other is a true devout Christian too.). Boyle was also a physicist. He is truly among the 6 greatest scientific minds in history.. He paid for Bibles to be translated for many different peoples around the world.[reference:Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy]

7)Johannes Kepler (German): He was devoutly Protestant. He was an astronomer and mathematician who discovered the laws of planetary motion. His discoveries paved the way for Newton's discoveries about gravity ;and Kepler's ideas forced Isaac Newton to have to invent the Calculus. Kepler is truly among the top 7 greatest scientists of all time -probably among the top 5. Kepler's real goal was to become a pastor!

8) The Wright Brothers(American): The Wright Brothers were devout Protestants who invented the airplane and thus were the founders of the field of aerospace engineering. Until they proved that heavier than air flight was possible(there already existed hot air balloons), scientists thought it went against the laws of science. The Wright Brothers were so devoutly religious that they would Not test their airplane models on Sundays.(They never married)-lived in 20th century.

9) Werner Heisenberg(German):

He was a devout Protestant. He was a member of the Evangelical Association of Germany. He won the physics Nobel Prize for "creating Quantum Mechanics/Quantum Theory"! He also discovered the famous "Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle". He wrote a letter to his friend Einstein concerning his Uncertainty Principle in which Heisenberg said"Only the Good LORD God can know the position of a (sub-atomic) particle." He raised his kids to be Christians too-died in 1976.

10) Volta (Italian) He invented the battery and now "volts" is named after him.

11) William Thomson[known as Lord Kelvin(was a member of Britain's House of Lords in Parliament]: A devout Protestant who was a member of the apologist
Christian Evidence Society.He was both a physicist and engineer. Kelvin was key in developing the very important 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics.He discovered the lowest possible temperature and so the "Kelvin Temperature Scale " was named for him. He did many things of great importance in engineering too.

12]John Dalton(English):A devout Protestant Quaker and a physicist and chemist. Introduced atomic theory into chemistry. One of the founders of modern chemistry.

13]James Joule(English):He was a devout Protestant. He was a physicist who discovered the relation of kinetical motion of molecules to heat. He helped develop the 1st Law of Thermodynamics. We call a unit of energy a "Joule". Joule signed a petition, along with many British scientists that said Darwin's evolution was wrong and a declaration that the Bible is absolutely true.

14] Antoine Lavoisier (French): Lavoisier was a devout Roman Catholic. One of the founders of chemistry with Robert Boyle. Lavoisier was murdered by French Revolution instigators.

15] Josiah Willard Gibbs(American):

Devout Protestant (never married). He was one of the founders of physical chemistry. Einstein said Gibbs was the greatest thinker in America and one of the greatest in the world!

16) Carl Gauss (German)

A devout Lutheran Protestant: He was one of the greatest mathematicians in history and a physicist also. He said that ;"...I succeeded(on solving the math problem) by the grace of the Lord(Jesus)." He was a follower of Lutheran pastor Paul Gerhardt. Gauss was overjoyed when his son became a missionary.

17]Georg Cantor: A devout Protestant(German). One of the greatest mathematicians of all time. Inventor of set theory; discovered transfinite sets(numbers beyond infinity)-lived in the 20th century.

18) Blaise Pascal(French): Roman Catholic.Invented part of the scientific method called falsification! Famous for Pascal's Wager. Invented Probability Theory. An eminent mathematician and also a physicist.

19]Kurt Gödel(Austrian): Gödel declared in writing that his religion was Lutheran. His wife Adele ,wrote that he read the Bible every Sunday. Gödel declared that there is a personal God and an afterlife. He wasthe greatest logicians in history( and an eminent mathematician. His dear wife said, She testified he was a true Christian) -lived in the 20th century
20] Isaac Newton(English): devout non-orthodox Protestant: He wrote in his Theological Papers that "Jesus' power was in no way limited!(Newton in a way was saying Christ is omnipotent.)" Newton said Jesus will return in AD 2060.(but of course no human can know the date,)

21) Juan Maldacena: devout Catholic- (Argentinian-American) : He was the First to bring proper mathematical framework to Holographic Theory. Maldacena Theory known as AdS/Conformal Field Theory.

22) Antonie van Leeuwenoek: (devout Dutch Protestant)

Father of Microbiology. -First to see microbes/germs/bacteria.

23)Ampere: One of the founders of the physics of electricity. in whose honor is named the electricity unit AMPs.

24)Francis Collins(American) devout Protestant and founder of Biologos):A geneticist who has cured diseases and he was first to map the Human Genome.-alive today in 2023.

25)Gregor Mendel(Czech nationality): devout Catholic- father of genetics

26)Werner Von Braun (German-American):Rocket Engineer;One of the chief founders of rocket science and he invented the Saturn V rocket that took the first astronauts to the moon in July 1969.(see book "First Man " by Hansen.) Von Braun's children were threatened with death by the German leaders if he did not work on Germany's World War 2 V2 rocket program. Von Braun regretted that he did work on the V2 rockets but his family's lives wee at stake. He became a Christian after moving to the USA.=lived in the 20th century

27))Francis Bacon(English) A devout Christian: Inventor of the Scientific method.

28) Georges Lemaitre 9(Belgian Catholic priest)-discovered Big Bang theory: the universe had a beginning

Dozens of other of the greatest scientists like Rene Descartes, were also Christian but I have not listed them.Sadly many hundreds of others were silent about their Christian faith. Many Apollo Program lunar astronauts were devout Christians.

There remains on the moon a bright red
Bible that was taken there by astronauts in the 1970s ! The first food eaten on the moon was the wine and bread of the Eucharist/Communion.

Google" 50 People proven exist Bible" [please share the artlcle or link with people and connect it with Matthew 1:6-16]

53 People in the Bible Confirmed Archaeologically

Real Pictures of New Testament People Exist

Incredibly we have ancient coins having the true image of King Agrippa II. Agrippa the Second(called simply King Agrippa in the NT) says to Apostle Paul in Acts 26:28"In a short time you think to make me a Christian!"RSV. The Oxford Handbook Greek and Roman Coinage has his true image and even his father Agrippa I's image. Agrippa I killed Apostle James and put Peter in prison in Acts 12. The true image on coinage of Salome, the stepdaughter of Herod Antipas who danced for him, and who asked for John the Baptist's head in the Gospels, is available to see on the web. The late eminent Roman historian Michael Grant has implored biblical scholars to use numismatics(coin science) in the study of the Bible. Below is the girl Salome, the murderess of John the Baptist.(This is a picture of her when she was a Queen and much older.)

Salome coin

(Fair use Copyright)

Hezekiah and the Siege of Jerusalem - Window into the Bible- Link-Permission for free photo use is given if you mention website

2) The greatest Roman historian of the 20th century, Professor Gaetano De Sanctis, said that the ancient marble stone slab called Nazareth Inscription was proof of Jesus' empty tomb.(see: B Metzger, Princeton; New Testament Tools and Studies)
Please share if you can. God bless you. The New Testament in 1 John 4 declares that God/Jesus is Love personified!

Sweet people of all colors across this earth, may you please accept Jesus as your God and
Thank you for your replies.( Part 2 below)

Mark Quayle

Monergist; and by reputation, Reformed Calvinist
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May 28, 2018
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Gödel was an eminent mathematician and the greatest logician in history. He also won the US National Medal of Science and the first Einstein Award. Incredibly Gödel stated:" I do not believe in natural science."[reference:Who Got Einstein's Office; by Ed Regis]
According to "", the quote is, "“I don't believe in empirical science. I only believe in a priori truth.”
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Mark Quayle

Monergist; and by reputation, Reformed Calvinist
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May 28, 2018
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I once saw a panel of Nobel prize winners declare that Darwin was the greatest scientist of all. "Einstein and Newton get great press, but Darwin was greater", was the consensus.
Not sure that speaks well of the Nobel Prize selections.
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Jun 24, 2003
St. Louis, MO.
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It’s one thing to believe in a supernatural god or higher power. But throughout history, people of different cultures have believed in thousands of different gods. And in our modern world, adherents of different religions still worship a variety of differing gods. Other than faith, how do you know that your particular god-belief is correct? To me, the multiplicity of gods is a clear reason for being skeptical of all of them. If the Christian god (who is supposedly the OT Hebrew god now divided by 3) is the one and only true god, why are all these other false gods allowed to exist? In fact, Christians comprise a plurality of believers, but believers in other gods when added together outnumber them. It makes no sense that the Christian god—or any monotheistic supreme being—would tolerate this kind of confusion.
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Mark Quayle

Monergist; and by reputation, Reformed Calvinist
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May 28, 2018
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It’s one thing to believe in a supernatural god or higher power. But throughout history, people of different cultures have believed in thousands of different gods. And in our modern world, adherents of different religions still worship a variety of differing gods. Other than faith, how do you know that your particular god-belief is correct? To me, the multiplicity of gods is a clear reason for being skeptical of all of them. If the Christian god (who is supposedly the OT Hebrew god now divided by 3) is the one and only true god, why are all these other false gods allowed to exist? In fact, Christians comprise a plurality of believers, but believers in other gods when added together outnumber them. It makes no sense that the Christian god—or any monotheistic supreme being—would tolerate this kind of confusion.
There are two ways to know —one merely rational, the other spiritual. In the spiritual, the presence of the Spirit of God who lives within the believer, affirms his "belonging" —even 'speaking' in a sense, to the soul. (Don't ask me to explain that better, haha.) And yes, that is subjective from anyone else's point of view, but can be very objective to the believer. I have no way to show how that can be objective.

The rational way is pretty simple. God is omnipotent, or he is not God. He is First Cause, with intent, or he is not God. (At least, I can submit my heart and will to no other god, nor does any other god make sense to me, and I have no interest in any other). My personal version of the Cosmological Argument: It makes more sense to me that God should exist than that anything else should exist, but evidently, here I am, so yeah, he certainly does exist.
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Jun 24, 2003
St. Louis, MO.
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tv There are two ways to know —one merely rational, the other spiritual. In the spiritual, the presence of the Spirit of God who lives within the believer, affirms his "belonging" —even 'speaking' in a sense, to the soul. (Don't ask me to explain that better, haha.) And yes, that is subjective from anyone else's point of view, but can be very objective to the believer. I have no way to show how that can be objective.

The rational way is pretty simple. God is omnipotent, or he is not God. He is First Cause, with intent, or he is not God. (At least, I can submit my heart and will to no other god, nor does any other god make sense to me, and I have no interest in any other). My personal version of the Cosmological Argument: It makes more sense to me that God should exist than that anything else should exist, but evidently, here I am, so yeah, he certainly does exist.

You believe—as a matter of faith—that your God is the one and only god. i won’t argue with faith. But it doesn’t answer my question. Why would the one true God allow the existence and worship of other gods? You must know that believers in Allah, or Brahma, or the Buddha can be just as fervent and sincere as you are.

Didn’t Paul say (albeit in a different context) that God is not the author of confusion? It defies logic that the one, true, omnipotent God would accept the existence of so many other gods.
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Mark Quayle

Monergist; and by reputation, Reformed Calvinist
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May 28, 2018
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You believe—as a matter of faith—that your God is the one and only god. i won’t argue with faith. But it doesn’t answer my question. Why would the one true God allow the existence and worship of other gods? You must know that believers in Allah, or Brahma, or the Buddha can be just as fervent and sincere as you are.

Didn’t Paul say (albeit in a different context) that God is not the author of confusion? It defies logic that the one, true, omnipotent God would accept the existence of so many other gods.
I didn't say the "Christian Religion's God". My goodness that in itself is a huge range of notions. But GOD, the one and only, omnipotent first cause, is described in the Scriptures as possessing the same attributes that logical theological philosophy demands of omnipotent first cause. Simplicity, Aseity, and so on.

Fervency and sincerity is irrelevant to the facts.

God doesn't "accept the existence of so many other gods". He references 'gods', then says, "but they are not gods at all". (Jeremiah 2:11).
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Jun 24, 2003
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IGod doesn't "accept the existence of so many other gods". He references 'gods', then says, "but they are not gods at all". (Jeremiah 2:11).
There are about a billion Hindus who might think differently. Allah has almost 2 billion adherents worldwide. And Islam is the world's fastest growing religion. (Largely due to a high birth rate among Muslims.) I suspect they'd say your god is the false one. My question remains: If the Christian god is in fact the "real" God, why are these other gods allowed to exist and be worshiped?
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Mark Quayle

Monergist; and by reputation, Reformed Calvinist
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May 28, 2018
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There are about a billion Hindus who might think differently. Allah has almost 2 billion adherents worldwide. And Islam is the world's fastest growing religion. (Largely due to a high birth rate among Muslims.) I suspect they'd say your god is the false one. My question remains: If the Christian god is in fact the "real" God, why are these other gods allowed to exist and be worshiped?
Numbers of adherents to any one system, or to the notion that God is not the real god or is just another one of many, means nothing. More people doesn't make 'more accurate'.

You keep on with "why are they allowed to exist?". False premise. They DON'T exist! (Or they are demons considered to be gods). Now if that is just a rhetorical device, meaning, why does God allow people to believe these 'gods' exist, that's a different matter.

Scripture shows this same thing happening throughout history. In fact, even his own people, Israel, who know better, still prefer a false god —at least, until they see their need for the real God. It is fallen human nature. Why God allows this to happen is the same as why God allows sin at all: In the long game, God will show himself above it all, and in control of it all, and unbeaten, unfazed. In the short game, he uses this, as with all sin and its results to show himself (by contrast, if by no other way) pure and holy and desirous to those who love him.

(One note probably worth mentioning: I am not saying here that the Muslim god is the same as the Christian God, but when I have spoken to Muslims about Christ, there are things they and I both believe about our respective deity, that we both understand and hold to. The same holds true for the Jewish deity. The notion of a Monotheistic, omnipotent, self-existent, just, pure but merciful creator goes a long way into defining God. But, there are two or more major differences:

(1. CS Lewis mentions in one of his Narnia books, a lad who sounds (to me) very much like an Arab who ends up with the good side, upon dying, because he thought of his God as God, and not a god with whom he could break even or earn a standing. Lewis has a point there. That is one of the big differences between Christianity and the other monotheistic religions; and Christians should take warning from it, lest they think themselves capable of some earned mercy.

(2. Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Oh my! the revulsion some Muslims feel concerning the notion that this Jesus is the substitute for the sins committed against God! The Jews have the Messiah, but don't understand what the Messiah is. The Muslims depend to some degree on mercy, but don't understand the form of it, thinking that God can simply forgive sin. Christians should consider this difference, as to the absolute treason that sin is, and the inability of the believer to accomplish anything toward God's favor.

(3. Trinity

(4. There are many more differences, that deal with the nature of God, some of which can only be described in terms understood by those who are already "one with" God. You asked, if I remember correctly, how can I know that my God is the real god. This is how. I am his, and he is mine.)
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Jun 24, 2003
St. Louis, MO.
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Numbers of adherents to any one system, or to the notion that God is not the real god or is just another one of many, means nothing. More people doesn't make 'more accurate'.

You keep on with "why are they allowed to exist?". False premise. They DON'T exist! (Or they are demons considered to be gods). Now if that is just a rhetorical device, meaning, why does God allow people to believe these 'gods' exist, that's a different matter.

Scripture shows this same thing happening throughout history. In fact, even his own people, Israel, who know better, still prefer a false god —at least, until they see their need for the real God. It is fallen human nature. Why God allows this to happen is the same as why God allows sin at all: In the long game, God will show himself above it all, and in control of it all, and unbeaten, un-phased. In the short game, he uses this, as with all sin and its results to show himself (by contrast, if by no other way) pure and holy and desirous to those who love him.

(One note probably worth mentioning: I am not saying here that the Muslim god is the same as the Christian God, but when I have spoken to Muslims about Christ, there are things they and I both believe about our respective deity, that we both understand and hold to. The same holds true for the Jewish deity. The notion of a Monotheistic, omnipotent, self-existent, just, pure but merciful creator goes a long way into defining God. But, there are two or more major differences:

(1. CS Lewis mentions in one of his Narnia books, a lad who sounds (to me) very much like an Arab who ends up with the good side, upon dying, because he thought of his God as God, and not a god with whom he could break even or earn a standing. Lewis has a point there. That is one of the big differences between Christianity and the other monotheistic religions; and Christians should take warning from it, lest they think themselves capable of some earned mercy.

(2. Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Oh my! the revulsion some Muslims feel concerning the notion that this Jesus is the substitute for the sins committed against God! The Jews have the Messiah, but don't understand what the Messiah is. The Muslims depend to some degree on mercy, but don't understand the form of it, thinking that God can simply forgive sin. Christians should consider this difference, as to the absolute treason that sin is, and the inability of the believer to accomplish anything toward God's favor.

(3. Trinity

(4. There are many more differences, that deal with the nature of God, some of which can only be described in terms understood by those who are already "one with" God. You asked, if I remember correctly, how can I know that my God is the real god. This is how. I am his, and he is mine.)

When I referred to other gods existing, of course, meant that gods exist only as concepts in the minds of believers. And the same is true of the god of the Bible. As I see it, the gods, spirits, angels, demons, and all other other supernatural entities— of all religions—are products of the human imagination.

What you posted about God eventually “showing himself” speaks more to my point. You’re describing a god who plays hide and seek. It’s illogical that a supreme being who created our world; cares enough to give detailed instructions on how we should behave; and expects our worship and obedience, would then go silent. Which allows us to make up thousands of other gods. If God is omniscient, wouldn’t he know this would happen? What’s the point

BTW, Noah’s flood is another illogical OT legend. The text says God is sorry he created mankind because their behavior has become so sinful. Wouldn’t an omniscient god have foreseen this?
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Mark Quayle

Monergist; and by reputation, Reformed Calvinist
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May 28, 2018
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What you posted about God eventually “showing himself” speaks more to my point. You’re describing a god who plays hide and seek. It’s illogical that a supreme being who created our world; cares enough to give detailed instructions on how we should behave; and expects our worship and obedience, would then go silent. Which allows us to make up thousands of other gods. If God is omniscient, wouldn’t he know this would happen? What’s the point
He doesn't just care enough to give detailed instructions, nor 'expect' obedience. He demands it! This is one of the many ways I disagree with the perhaps larger portion of those claiming Christianity: The command does not imply the ability to obey.

From the beginning, he made some as/to be his final particular creation. The rest are part of what it took to accomplish that end. I can find no reason to believe he made everyone for the same end, and "is trying his best to get them to just listen" or whatever. We can get into how the reprobate, the false-god worshiper, the suffering of this life, the many many facts that rub us wrong concerning why he would do what he did, if he is the loving creator people claim, all are for the production of his end product, if you want to; but for now, I will say that what some Christians call 'allowing', isn't quite accurate. God PLANNED for things to go the way they have! And he did it, if for no other reason, to show how he works all things together for his purposes. This life is about him —not us.
BTW, Noah’s flood is another illogical OT legend. The text says God is sorry he created mankind because their behavior has become so sinful. Wouldn’t an omniscient god have foreseen this?
Just so you know I understand your question, I affirm that the Bible is replete with such places, seemingly illogical or contradictory, as what you mentioned, (that "God was sorry he had made man"). I don't know if you can accept my take on it, but to me this particular one has more to do with his dealings with humanity as a whole at that point. Some versions say, if I remember the whole phrase, "it repented him that he had made man", which to me sounds like elsewhere, that "God changed his mind" (while in another place it says that "he is not like man, that he should change his mind." Haha!). God had started a course, 'set the ball rolling', so to speak; but then, when the time was right, changed his dealings with them, (or, as in the case with the repentance of Ninevah, he relented of the harm he had 'intended', even though he had said that he was going to destroy them). Nevertheless, maybe he actually was "sorry". After all, he did weep at Lazarus' house before he raised him from the dead.

The "Simplicity of God" is a remarkable philosophical and theological concept, in that it combines all the qualities that man attributes to God, into one. And even that is not quite a quality of God, but IS God. (The problem there is that the Simplicity of God does not just stop with whatever man thinks or believes or speculates as to what God is like. It also envelopes ALL things about God, all things he is —not just what we think concerning him). Sometimes our understanding of the terms used to describe him are so distorted by our temporal, humano-centric minds, that he ends up sounding chaotic at best, and schizophrenic, or even evil and psychotic at worst, and Theists find themselves inventing whole systems of theology to explain away what they don't understand —to excuse him for what he has no wish to apologize for.

We look at the whole matter backwards. IF God exists, Omnipotent, First Cause with intent, then what HE is, is the default, and all else is peripheral, none of it quite essential, (so none of our point-of-view can be quite accurate nor complete). THUS, if sin causes him pain, we think it in some way has power over him, because to us, the pain is in and of itself a separate issue from all other considerations, like it is with us. If, as one passage says, his wrath carries him along, we think in terms of losing his temper, like we do. If Christ cries out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" we think he had a moment of doubt. But these things God says or feels are all one and the same with his peace, his justice, his glory, his power, his love and his hate, his anger, his jealousy —it is all HIM.

I don't know if you can accept my take on it, but to me it has more to do with his dealings with humanity as a whole at that point. Some versions say, if I remember the whole phrase, "it repented him that he had made man", which to me sounds like elsewhere, that "God changed his mind" while in another place it says that "he is not like man, that he should change his mind". God had started a course, 'set the ball rolling', so to speak, then, when the time was right, changed his dealings with them, or, as in the case with the repentance of Ninevah, he relented of the harm he had 'intended'.
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I remember in my first semester at a secular university, I was told by a professor of an humanities course I was taking as an elective, that God was an invention of the human intellect. However none of my physics professors would comment on theology, so it seemed to me that atheistic-minded profs seemed to want to evangelize us undergrads to their worldview. Christian college students-and Christians in general- must understand that it was the Christian mind that gave birth to modern science.
Sir Isaac Newton is considered by most as among the top 2 greatest scientists in history. He discovered gravity, the Laws of Motion, Calculus( the most important advanced math we use today), to name just some of his discoveries. Newton pondered what caused things to fall to earth. Everything had a cause he knew.(The atheists of his age just said "things fall down because they just do; there's no need for a cause" these atheists would indignantly-and wrongly- argue. ) That cause was gravity Newton discovered. Newton published one of the most important works in the history of science called Principia in 1687. In this book of seminal science, Newton also gave scientific reasons for the certain existence of God.
The eminent Newton scholar I. Bernard Cohen, wrote that : "Newton's concern with God and the Divine Providence was a continuing feature in all editions of his Principia." Newton in fact even mention the Bible in Principia.

( Newton was abused by his Trinitarian Protestant step-father priest. Newton, did writein his theological papers, that Jesus's divine power was " not limited" . In other words Jesus had infinite power. However, unfortunately Newton was not a Trinitarian, though he certainly believed Jesus was the divine only Son of God and he rose from the dead. [Some scholars such as Dr. Pfizenmaier believe Newton was Trinitarian.]
Newton studied and wrote about the Bible more than he did about science. Newton wrote hundreds of pages on the books of Daniel and Revelation. Newton in fact said that Jesus would return to rule the world in AD 2060-though no one but the Father knows the exact time of course. Scholar Peter Harrison's book "
The Fall of Man and the Foundations of Science gives further insight of how biblical thinking gave birth to modern science.

Robert Boyle was the founder of chemistry and a convinced Protestant (Trinitarian) Christian.(If you are Catholic and reading this, I would like to quickly mention that it was Catholic priest and scientist Georges Lemaitre who discovered the Big Bang of cosmology.) Boyle would fund the distribution of Bibles throughout the world.
Boyle wrote a treatise against atheism called " The Atheistical Objections to the Being of God and his Attributes Fairly Considered and Fully Refuted."

Albert Einstein was not a Christian.( Though Einstein declared strongly "I am not an atheist.") However Einstein gave credit to the devout evangelical (Trinitarian) scientist James Clerk Maxwell as the scientist whom Einstein himself most depended on to make his great scientific discoveries!
The largest photograph that Einstein kept in his home study was of Maxwell. Please see the article on Maxwell's faith written by Professor of Engineering, Ian Hutchinson, of the world's great technology university, MIT.;
James Clerk Maxwell and the Christian Proposition

Einstein incredibly declared that the modern era of physical science began with James Clerk Maxwell. Maxwell is widely thought of as among the 3 greatest scientists in history. Maxwell was part of the "Apostles" student group when he studied at Cambridge University.

Dear fellow Christians: please if you can, share this article with other Christians-even 1 person-and if possible with Sunday school teachers. Evangelists Josh Mcdowell and Kirk Cameron have said that between 60 to 90 percent of Christian youth under 30 are leaving the Christian faith in America, mainly because of intellectual doubt. I have brought youth back to the faith by using the info in the Isaiah 37 article (link below). 8000 Christians a year are put to death worldwide for their faith. Let us have the boldness to share this with fellow Christians. Your rewards in heaven will be great! The renowned Professor of Semitic Languages of the University of Liverpool has shown that it is possible to prove that the famous miracle of Isaiah 37:36 actually happened.
Isaiah 37 Miracle Proven by Stone Artifacts in London Says Renowned Professor Alan Millard. Texas high schooler cries because she's told Bible is Myth

80% of the Greatest Scientists were confessing/devout Christians:

Faith is the most powerful way a human can ascertain and know the truth. Logic and science are limited by Kurt Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems(there are 2.)Gödel was an eminent mathematician and the greatest logician in history. He also won the US National Medal of Science and the first Einstein Award. Incredibly Gödel stated:" I do not believe in natural science."[reference:Who Got Einstein's Office; by Ed Regis]

Note that many of the devoutly Christian scientists were quiet and silent about their faith.They will go to heaven but their rewards might be few). Here is a partial list of them- the ones who actually declared their faith in Christ(including some mathematicians who greatly influenced science) :

1 ) James Clerk Maxwell. (Scottish):He was a devout Protestant Christian and Apologist. Einstein said that he stood on the shoulders of James C Maxwell(Einstein meant that he made his own discoveries standing on Maxwell's shoulders to see the law of relativity.)

-James C Maxwell invented Electromagnetic Theory. He proved that light was made up of electric fields and magnetic fields. It's interesting that God chose Maxwell to reveal what light was.

Maxwell is considered as one of the main founders of modern electrical engineering also. All our modern appliances, computers,internet, cell phones and more, would not exist if it were not for our Christian brother Maxwell. Maxwell did not invent them but figured out the laws of physics that govern these electronic devices appliances

-Maxwell also invented the color photo!

Maxwell and many true Christian scientists lived before the Nobel Prize was created.

James Clerk Maxwell and the Christian Proposition

2)Michael Faraday(English):
Faraday was a devout evangelical Protestant Christian and physicist. Einstein kept a photo of Faraday and Maxwell in his home study. I think he was the 4th greatest scientist of all. Faraday showed us how electricity worked.

3) Leonhard Euler(Swiss).

He was a devout Protestant. Euler was one of the greatest mathematicians in history and a physicist too. He, along with Maxwell, I think are the smartest humans who ever lived.(Solomon is up there too of course).

The Euler Number has been called the most beautiful thing in math by a great physicist. Another equation discovered by Euler was the first really significant equation they used in String Theory physics in the late 1960s. Euler lived 300 years ago!

4)Bernhard Riemann(German): Riemann's was a devout Protestant. His father was a pastor. Riemann was one of the very greatest mathematicians in history. In fact the mathematical framework of Einstein's theory of General Relativity uses math invented by Riemann called Riemannian Geometry. Einstein owes his discoveries partly to Riemann

5)Ernest Rutherford(New Zealander/Kiwi): Probably the 5th greatest scientist. He discovered what atoms are made of.(My university physics library was named for him.) He was always singing "Onward Christian Soldiers" in his physics labs. He won the Nobel.-lived in 20th century

6)Robert Boyle(English): The first true chemist and so he is one of the founders of chemistry(the other is a true devout Christian too.). Boyle was also a physicist. He is truly among the 6 greatest scientific minds in history.. He paid for Bibles to be translated for many different peoples around the world.[reference:Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy]

7)Johannes Kepler (German): He was devoutly Protestant. He was an astronomer and mathematician who discovered the laws of planetary motion. His discoveries paved the way for Newton's discoveries about gravity ;and Kepler's ideas forced Isaac Newton to have to invent the Calculus. Kepler is truly among the top 7 greatest scientists of all time -probably among the top 5. Kepler's real goal was to become a pastor!

8) The Wright Brothers(American): The Wright Brothers were devout Protestants who invented the airplane and thus were the founders of the field of aerospace engineering. Until they proved that heavier than air flight was possible(there already existed hot air balloons), scientists thought it went against the laws of science. The Wright Brothers were so devoutly religious that they would Not test their airplane models on Sundays.(They never married)-lived in 20th century.

9) Werner Heisenberg(German):

He was a devout Protestant. He was a member of the Evangelical Association of Germany. He won the physics Nobel Prize for "creating Quantum Mechanics/Quantum Theory"! He also discovered the famous "Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle". He wrote a letter to his friend Einstein concerning his Uncertainty Principle in which Heisenberg said"Only the Good LORD God can know the position of a (sub-atomic) particle." He raised his kids to be Christians too-died in 1976.

10) Volta (Italian) He invented the battery and now "volts" is named after him.

11) William Thomson[known as Lord Kelvin(was a member of Britain's House of Lords in Parliament]: A devout Protestant who was a member of the apologist
Christian Evidence Society.He was both a physicist and engineer. Kelvin was key in developing the very important 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics.He discovered the lowest possible temperature and so the "Kelvin Temperature Scale " was named for him. He did many things of great importance in engineering too.

12]John Dalton(English):A devout Protestant Quaker and a physicist and chemist. Introduced atomic theory into chemistry. One of the founders of modern chemistry.

13]James Joule(English):He was a devout Protestant. He was a physicist who discovered the relation of kinetical motion of molecules to heat. He helped develop the 1st Law of Thermodynamics. We call a unit of energy a "Joule". Joule signed a petition, along with many British scientists that said Darwin's evolution was wrong and a declaration that the Bible is absolutely true.

14] Antoine Lavoisier (French): Lavoisier was a devout Roman Catholic. One of the founders of chemistry with Robert Boyle. Lavoisier was murdered by French Revolution instigators.

15] Josiah Willard Gibbs(American):

Devout Protestant (never married). He was one of the founders of physical chemistry. Einstein said Gibbs was the greatest thinker in America and one of the greatest in the world!

16) Carl Gauss (German)

A devout Lutheran Protestant: He was one of the greatest mathematicians in history and a physicist also. He said that ;"...I succeeded(on solving the math problem) by the grace of the Lord(Jesus)." He was a follower of Lutheran pastor Paul Gerhardt. Gauss was overjoyed when his son became a missionary.

17]Georg Cantor: A devout Protestant(German). One of the greatest mathematicians of all time. Inventor of set theory; discovered transfinite sets(numbers beyond infinity)-lived in the 20th century.

18) Blaise Pascal(French): Roman Catholic.Invented part of the scientific method called falsification! Famous for Pascal's Wager. Invented Probability Theory. An eminent mathematician and also a physicist.

19]Kurt Gödel(Austrian): Gödel declared in writing that his religion was Lutheran. His wife Adele ,wrote that he read the Bible every Sunday. Gödel declared that there is a personal God and an afterlife. He wasthe greatest logicians in history( and an eminent mathematician. His dear wife said, She testified he was a true Christian) -lived in the 20th century
20] Isaac Newton(English): devout non-orthodox Protestant: He wrote in his Theological Papers that "Jesus' power was in no way limited!(Newton in a way was saying Christ is omnipotent.)" Newton said Jesus will return in AD 2060.(but of course no human can know the date,)

21) Juan Maldacena: devout Catholic- (Argentinian-American) : He was the First to bring proper mathematical framework to Holographic Theory. Maldacena Theory known as AdS/Conformal Field Theory.

22) Antonie van Leeuwenoek: (devout Dutch Protestant)

Father of Microbiology. -First to see microbes/germs/bacteria.

23)Ampere: One of the founders of the physics of electricity. in whose honor is named the electricity unit AMPs.

24)Francis Collins(American) devout Protestant and founder of Biologos):A geneticist who has cured diseases and he was first to map the Human Genome.-alive today in 2023.

25)Gregor Mendel(Czech nationality): devout Catholic- father of genetics

26)Werner Von Braun (German-American):Rocket Engineer;One of the chief founders of rocket science and he invented the Saturn V rocket that took the first astronauts to the moon in July 1969.(see book "First Man " by Hansen.) Von Braun's children were threatened with death by the German leaders if he did not work on Germany's World War 2 V2 rocket program. Von Braun regretted that he did work on the V2 rockets but his family's lives wee at stake. He became a Christian after moving to the USA.=lived in the 20th century

27))Francis Bacon(English) A devout Christian: Inventor of the Scientific method.

28) Georges Lemaitre 9(Belgian Catholic priest)-discovered Big Bang theory: the universe had a beginning

Dozens of other of the greatest scientists like Rene Descartes, were also Christian but I have not listed them.Sadly many hundreds of others were silent about their Christian faith. Many Apollo Program lunar astronauts were devout Christians.

There remains on the moon a bright red
Bible that was taken there by astronauts in the 1970s ! The first food eaten on the moon was the wine and bread of the Eucharist/Communion.

Google" 50 People proven exist Bible" [please share the artlcle or link with people and connect it with Matthew 1:6-16]

53 People in the Bible Confirmed Archaeologically

Real Pictures of New Testament People Exist

Incredibly we have ancient coins having the true image of King Agrippa II. Agrippa the Second(called simply King Agrippa in the NT) says to Apostle Paul in Acts 26:28"In a short time you think to make me a Christian!"RSV. The Oxford Handbook Greek and Roman Coinage has his true image and even his father Agrippa I's image. Agrippa I killed Apostle James and put Peter in prison in Acts 12. The true image on coinage of Salome, the stepdaughter of Herod Antipas who danced for him, and who asked for John the Baptist's head in the Gospels, is available to see on the web. The late eminent Roman historian Michael Grant has implored biblical scholars to use numismatics(coin science) in the study of the Bible. Below is the girl Salome, the murderess of John the Baptist.(This is a picture of her when she was a Queen and much older.)

Salome coin

(Fair use Copyright)

Hezekiah and the Siege of Jerusalem - Window into the Bible- Link-Permission for free photo use is given if you mention website

2) The greatest Roman historian of the 20th century, Professor Gaetano
Amusing claim in that science is incapable of proving
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You believe—as a matter of faith—that your God is the one and only god. i won’t argue with faith. But it doesn’t answer my question. Why would the one true God allow the existence and worship of other gods? You must know that believers in Allah, or Brahma, or the Buddha can be just as fervent and sincere as you are.

Didn’t Paul say (albeit in a different context) that God is not the author of confusion? It defies logic that the one, true, omnipotent God would accept the existence of so many other gods.
The Bible is a very confusing book
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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You believe—as a matter of faith—that your God is the one and only god. i won’t argue with faith. But it doesn’t answer my question. Why would the one true God allow the existence and worship of other gods? You must know that believers in Allah, or Brahma, or the Buddha can be just as fervent and sincere as you are.

Didn’t Paul say (albeit in a different context) that God is not the author of confusion? It defies logic that the one, true, omnipotent God would accept the existence of so many other gods.

Actually, the type of "confusion" that Paul the apostle was referring to isn't the kind implied by your attempted allusion. Try again.
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Jun 24, 2003
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I'm reminded of a couple of quotes by Robert Ingersoll, the 19th century lawyer and orator. AKA "The Great Agnostic." He attracted large crowds with speeches on the shortcomings of religion and his defense of religious skepticism and freethinking:

Every religion in the world has denounced every other religion as a fraud. That proves to me that they all tell the truth - about each other.

Superstition is, always has been, and forever will be, the foe of progress, the enemy of education and the assassin of freedom. :oldthumbsup:
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It was a surprise to me last year, when someone who had been to college in previous year or months, said that they chose on purpose classes that exposed corporate corruption.
It was good to know that at least maybe there was exposure of this available at the college level.
That doesn't seem particularly relevant to top scientists agreeing on who the best-ever was.
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