Am I a bad Christian for being a little scared about the Rapture?


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Apr 21, 2020
United States
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Hey guys! I'm new here and this is my first time posting. Im 16 and
this is kind of hard to explain but I hope you guys can get where I'm getting at and tell me if this is normal to every teenager. Okay, here we go, so I never thought much about the rapture when I was younger, I wasn't really worried. But after the coronavirus happened and everything getting shut down and how there's more sin in the world then Sodom and Gamora and how most of the prophecies in the bible have been fulfilled, most of the older people are saying how we are very close to the end time, that God will be coming to take us home. There's like this pain in my chest and my heart does this like weird flip every time its brought up, which is like constantly. There's like this doubting voice in the back of my head saying I probably won't be taken to heaven that I'll be left behind. And there's also this thought where I don't want him to come right now, I want to experience life before God come, everyone, I know who wants God to come fast are all the older people, they've lived their lives and just want Gd to come as quick as possible, but I'm like but what about me? I want to graduate high school, go to college experience being an adult, explore the world get married one day.
Is that selfish of me? I'm scared that my faith isn't strong enough to go to heaven cause if it was then why do I keep doubting myself and why am I scared about the Rapture if it's supposed to be a good thing? shouldn't I feel joy and happiness? There is a little bit of joy but then its quenched by the thought of never experiencing life and that if I'm scared of it I'm probably a bad Christian, This was bugging me so much and I was getting really frantic I know I love god and that he loves me and I always fell this Joy when I talk about him, I love him a lot! but why am I SCARED? I'm so confused I asked a youth leader at youth camp once in front of every kid in the room, she just looked at me confused it was hard to explain it and I'm surprised I explained it WAY better in here than at camp, I was trying to describe how I felt, to explain it, but her face squinted tighter and everyone else was starting to give me the same look. I was getting flustered and my cheeks were turning bright red, I don't remember how exactly she said it but she said something like I probably didn't have enough faith in him. In front of everyone, she made it sound like I had no faith in him whatsoever and it was embarrassing because I know I did, I didn't say anything after, she made me feel very ashamed of myself. She made me feel out of place if you know what I mean? I wanted to defend myself and say I loved God as much as anyone else in the room did and that I'd do anything for him. I just wanted an answer to my question not an accusation. Not something that made me feel worse. Do you guys think you can help me? has anyone else felt this way? or am I just the only one?
Thank you and God Bless!
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Duke of Stratford

One day at a time.
Jun 2, 2019
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Hi, friend! I can’t say I have a solution, but I can say I feel the same way all. The. Time. I’ve been told it’s understandable to be afraid of change that we can’t comprehend while we’re on earth, especially when you’re young (I’m in my early 20s myself). Still, it doesn’t totally alleviate the worry that my fear means I have weak faith. It’s something I pray about a lot. I pray a lot to love God more in general; it’s amazing that you have so much joy and passion for Him!

As for people saying that the end times are happening really soon...I never listen to that kind of thing. People have been saying that for hundreds of years. I’m not saying they’re wrong—I’m saying we really can’t know. The key is to be ready by following Christ to the best of our ability. So I don’t really bother with speculation; I just ask God to help me with what He wants me to do each day.

I hope this helps—even if it’s just knowing you aren’t alone! I’m sorry you were met with accusation before. That’s not the way to handle fear. We should build each other up when we’re struggling, and ALL of us have doubts and struggles.
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Partial preterist, dispensationalist molinist
Oct 11, 2019
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Duke has a great point--I will, however, also add that it might be useful to research Preterism and Partial Preterism; essentially, it is the idea that revelation has pretty much happened already in the past. (For example, if you translate the name referenced by 666 you'll come up with Nero Caesar; the emperor who famously persecuted Christians and fulfilled a lot of revelation's prophecy)

Even if you adhere to a futurist view, however, you needn't be worried. I sometimes worry too(since I hold the view that preterism could be wrong, so I am prepared for an 'end times' scenario if need be)about not having the chance to start a family or live my life to the fullest before crap hits the fan. But as Duke said, we've been trying to predict the end for two thousand years no avail. And even if it does come sooner than anticipated, all of the things you love will still be in heaven/on the new earth so there isn't a reason to worry.

if you're worried about the actual events of revelations happen in real life, I'll give you two scenarios;
A. Pretrib - we(the church)will be raptured before anything even happens, really

B. Posttrib - we(the church)will be protected by God during tribulation, or at least aided during persecution, and will be raptured after tribulation.

Either way, try not to spend all of your time worrying about it. Be prepared, but not fearful. God will take care of his children, and you might as well enjoy the time you have here now to the fullest extent. You are not a bad Christian for being worried, and anyone who tries to tell you that you 'don't have enough faith' because you're scared should be ashamed for accusing a worried child--and a babe of Christ--of something like that. Having faith in God does not mean we have not fear, it means that when we have fear we turn to God(and of course Godly men)to help us get rid of that fear.
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Oct 9, 2004

I'm in my forties - which must sound really old, I've been a Christian since I was 19.

What I can tell you with absolute authority, is that 'Rapture Theology' does not hold much traction outside of the United States (I'm in the UK and with the exception of some fringe Pentecostalist churches - that have been heavily influenced by the US, no-one takes this relatively modern theology seriously at all).

I do however remember my Dad who was probably about as old as I am now, thinking that we were entering the end times then....and he seemed to welcome the idea - because he saw it as an escape from what appeared to him to be an increasing degradation in society.

Almost 30 years on, he would no longer hold to that mindset - he's is actually very into the environmental movement, and his current hope is that his grand children, and his great-great-grand children get to inherit a world that has not been ruined by previous generations.

What I would say to you is that, it sounds like the symptoms you are experiencing are the result of 'Post Traumatic Stress' i.e. your incredibly misguided and ill-informed church leaders have (unintentionally) injured you by filling you with fear.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you as a person, and this anxiety will pass, you are absolutely not a bad Christian and I apologise to you that they have managed to fill you with such unnecessary fear.
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Ivan Hlavanda

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Mar 27, 2020
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If you are child of God you have nothing to worry about. Live everyday by pleasing the Heavenly Father, and not yourself nor anyone else, so when Jesus comes back 2nd time you are not like 'wait I have things to do'. Look I get you, there indeed are nice things here on Earth but nothing compares to the glory of Jesus. That's why I say, come my Lord, I am ready, everyday. And if he doesn't come in my lifetime.. what does it matter, I have the assurance of the Holy Spirit that Jesus took God's judgement for me and that I am righteous in His name and I am going to heaven no matter what.

If a doctor tells you tomorrow you only have a week to live, how will you react? I'd be like good, I can only gain by dying...and if I live another 50 years also good, that means God wants me to serve him here on Earth and he still wants to use me to achieve things (not that he needs any of us to do that). The same as with the rapture, it's the same outcome as dying for us Christians, both lead to Heaven.

"Do not let your hearts be troubled." (John 14:1) because if you are righteous in Jesus's name, you are born in the spirit, there's absolutely you have nothing to worry about. And lastly, you will find this bible passage useful:

Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

In short, what this mean, that everyday we are ought to live Godly live, pleasing the Father, resembling Jesus, that when the day comes, when he returns, we are not caught by surprise, and not holding to Earthly things. Because all of our Earthly things are a gift from God to us, because God created them, and everything belongs to God, he just lends them to us for a short time.

P.S. the reason that so many people believe Jesus's return is so close, is because the Israelites are back in the promise land for the first time since 70 AD. And my best guess is that Jesus will return on the feast of trumpets, I don't know what year though.
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Feb 2, 2020
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I was afraid the end would come before I married and had children. What you are going through is normal. I have a 27 year old son now. You are correct that older people probably don't worry so much. Like one member said, people have predicted this for a long time. Buy your prom clothes and fill your hope chest!
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God is Love
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Nov 14, 2017
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Hey guys! I'm new here and this is my first time posting. Im 16 and
this is kind of hard to explain but I hope you guys can get where I'm getting at and tell me if this is normal to every teenager. Okay, here we go, so I never thought much about the rapture when I was younger, I wasn't really worried. But after the coronavirus happened and everything getting shut down and how there's more sin in the world then Sodom and Gamora and how most of the prophecies in the bible have been fulfilled, most of the older people are saying how we are very close to the end time, that God will be coming to take us home. There's like this pain in my chest and my heart does this like weird flip every time its brought up, which is like constantly. There's like this doubting voice in the back of my head saying I probably won't be taken to heaven that I'll be left behind. And there's also this thought where I don't want him to come right now, I want to experience life before God come, everyone, I know who wants God to come fast are all the older people, they've lived their lives and just want Gd to come as quick as possible, but I'm like but what about me? I want to graduate high school, go to college experience being an adult, explore the world get married one day.
Is that selfish of me? I'm scared that my faith isn't strong enough to go to heaven cause if it was then why do I keep doubting myself and why am I scared about the Rapture if it's supposed to be a good thing? shouldn't I feel joy and happiness? There is a little bit of joy but then its quenched by the thought of never experiencing life and that if I'm scared of it I'm probably a bad Christian, This was bugging me so much and I was getting really frantic I know I love god and that he loves me and I always fell this Joy when I talk about him, I love him a lot! but why am I SCARED? I'm so confused I asked a youth leader at youth camp once in front of every kid in the room, she just looked at me confused it was hard to explain it and I'm surprised I explained it WAY better in here than at camp, I was trying to describe how I felt, to explain it, but her face squinted tighter and everyone else was starting to give me the same look. I was getting flustered and my cheeks were turning bright red, I don't remember how exactly she said it but she said something like I probably didn't have enough faith in him. In front of everyone, she made it sound like I had no faith in him whatsoever and it was embarrassing because I know I did, I didn't say anything after, she made me feel very ashamed of myself. She made me feel out of place if you know what I mean? I wanted to defend myself and say I loved God as much as anyone else in the room did and that I'd do anything for him. I just wanted an answer to my question not an accusation. Not something that made me feel worse. Do you guys think you can help me? has anyone else felt this way? or am I just the only one?
Thank you and God Bless!

His word says we will have tribulation in this world ... and we do ... and he goes through all of it with us and helps us through it ... no matter how difficult it becomes ... He is with us. We live in difficult times to a certain degree ... and towards the very end it's going to be VERY VERY difficult. This is why it is important to walk closely with Him always.

There is nothing wrong with looking forward to your possible future in this world, hopes and dreams.

What He has in store for us when He returns will far far FAR exceed what we experience now. But how you proceed now should be according to His teachings. The Lord should always come first in your life.

He will return, however we do not know when that is. ... in the meantime ... we are to walk in His ways ... according to His teachings and spread the Gospel.

Do not be afraid ... He has overcome the world an you are going to be just fine. Do not worry ;o)

John 16:33

33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Matthew 6:34

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

May the Lord bless you as you continue in Him. Amen
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Apr 14, 2020
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I've tried to put this to words for maybe 4 hours now, and it's getting late so I'm getting pretty tired so I hope this post is readable.

Anyway, I've felt this feeling several times in recent months. You're definitely not the only one, and I don't think it makes you a "bad Christian" just for having it. It's just another point of struggle. And if there's anything we Christians know, it's struggle.

It's not an easy feeling to admit having, so it's good that you're being honest with yourself in this regard.
The fear and doubts sound pretty familiar too. For me, I had a lot of fear and doubts concerning myself and my own ability to remain faithful, because my biggest fear was myself. Funny thing was, this was due to a weak spot in my faith. I didn't have faith that God would protect me from myself. That was like believing that my own fears and doubts were somehow more powerful than God, that God somehow couldn't save me from such things.
I figured this out by taking my feelings, fears and doubts to God and being honest about them. Since then I've been trying better to have faith that God will protect me from everything, including myself. So far things have been getting better.

I still struggle though. I may not struggle so much with the same feeling you mentioned, but other feelings have risen to take their place. There'll always be struggle, but that's why God's there. It's through God that we are saved. Without Him we'd be toast. Toast I tell you. (I think the sleep deprivation is kicking in).

Side note, you remember that story of Jesus walking on water? And then Peter was like "yo Jesus, if that's you then tell me to come out to you on the water," and then Jesus told him to come, and then Peter came. And then Peter became afraid and doubted, and started to sink. He cried out to Jesus to save him, and Jesus caught him before he sank.
Jesus didn't leave Peter behind when he started sinking because of his fears and doubts. Peter called out to Jesus to save him, and Jesus saved him. The last thing God wants to do is forsake anyone.

Anyway, I think that's all I've got to say atm. Take care!
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Apr 21, 2020
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I can't say how relieved I am! I am so grateful for your guy's responses. This question and worry had been nagging at me for so long. But now reading your responses it has put a lot of that worry at ease. I've prayed to God about this and he's answered them by your guy's responses. THANKYOU!
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Apr 14, 2020
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I can't say how relieved I am! I am so grateful for your guy's responses. This question and worry had been nagging at me for so long. But now reading your responses it has put a lot of that worry at ease. I've prayed to God about this and he's answered them by your guy's responses. THANKYOU!

Awesome! Glad to hear it! :ok:
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Melodie Ferrin

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Sep 22, 2022
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Hi! I think it's normal to feel anxious in your situation. Recently, in the youth group at my church, we studied and discussed what the beginning of the end times will be like, and I gathered that unless we have God, we won't be able to make it through the stress and anxiety of the end times. Being a Christian doesn't mean that you'll never feel anxious, scared, or stressed. It can help with that, but I think it's more of through God, you have a great, permanent, always-there source of comfort, so no matter what happens, you'll be okay. If the rapture were to happen in your lifetime, it may be scary, painful, and difficult at the time, but if your heart is right with God, you will get to go to Heaven, and everything will be okay then. About wanting to live your life while you're on Earth, I understand that. I don't know what will happen; I can't tell you what your future will be like, so I can't guarantee anything, but what I do know is that what Jesus has to offer is better than anything the world has to offer you. Things such as careers and relationships aren't bad, but the point is that God always has something better. So you may still get to do those things, and if they're right for you, then I hope that those things will happen for you. So, it can be really disappointing and upsetting when we want something but God says no, or it doesn't work out for us. But we don't completely know what's best for us. God does. With all that being said, I believe we have a while until the rapture happens. My dad told me that the Bible said of many things that will happen before Jesus comes back, and not all them have happened yet. He said that one of them won't happen for a while. I don't remember exactly what it was. It may have been something to do with one country invading another, or something like that, and my dad gave reasoning for why that wouldn't happen anytime soon. But regardless of when it happens, we should always be prepared. We should never think things such as, "Well, it's not going to happen soon, so I can do whatever I want." Because you will face God, whether it's when the rapture happens or when you die. I don't know everything. I don't know when the rapture will happen or what your relationship with God is like. I don't think your struggle means that you don't have enough faith or that you won't go to Heaven. Whether or not you'll go to Heaven is mainly based on how your heart is with God. If you have a good relationship with God, then you'll likely go to Heaven. I can see from your post that you definitely care about your relationship with God, and that's a good sign! Many people don't care at all, so the fact that you care, especially enough to seek help and make a post about it, shows that you're on the right track. Of course, your relationship with God can always be improved. That applies to everyone.
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Feb 2, 2020
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I knew nothing about the "rapture" until I was in my late 30s. I do not believe it is taught in all churches. If the rapture is true, I would think it would be something one would welcome. Sounds like it beats experiencing the tribulation.
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Apr 9, 2024
Pacific Northwest
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I'm kind of in the same place too. I'm 16 and one of my desires is to meet this amazing, Christian girl, get married, and share our life together. For me, I usually just try to not listen to things like that (but sometimes you can't avoid them.) Its like I almost get anxiety attacks, and I get really stressed out about it. I love God, and I know he understands...
Sometimes I think Christians have to be a lot more careful on putting fear on younger teens and let us just be kids the last few years we have until we have to start worrying about paying bills and taxes.
God Bless!
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