Would it be "moral" for God to order the killing of children?


God is Love
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Nov 14, 2017
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No need to be rude. I simply informed you of my experience studying the Bible because you said the following:

I was merely explaining that I am highly familiar with the Bible and several theological traditions.

k ... wasn't meant in a rude sense ... it is good that you have this knowledge.
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Follower of Isa Al Masih
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May 15, 2008
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You identify as Christian; so possibly you already know some of what would answer your question, based on your own experience and your knowledge of the Bible. So, I will offer my personal take, which is not all there is to say about this, to go with what you already might know >

I'll start with how I was. I could have been stoned, no question. All I was about was candy and ice cream and dog friends, as a younger kid > totally nothing to do with God. Then I became a gratuitous bully who was secretly planning to derail trains in order to kill and cripple as many people as I could; during the seventh grade, I was exercising my mind for that (about 65 years ago when we didn't have mass sucker killers running around; they would have made me jealous!); I was planning that as revenge against all humans, because a church doorman refused to babysit my dog friend until I got back out of Mass.

God stopped me, to keep it simple.

So, I would be one example. But it seems people hardly knew the difference, so they could have stoned me. I now would say it is good to get to know your children, really, and share enough with them so they do not value dog friends more than sharing and caring as family with other people.

In the early scriptures, in Moses' Law, we have a number of death penalty offenses for children, things which would mean they are evil, I understand.

But - - deeper . . . what can make even little kids be evil?

All have been born in sin. This is a Bible basic, I would say; there is "the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience," we have in Ephesians 2:2; the spirit of selfishness can get the better of us, because of the weakness of any person's selfish nature without Jesus. Plus, with this I personally accept that a child could not be a perfect angel and saved, in the womb, and then every one of them would fall to Satan and all be "short of the glory of God" like the Bible says in Romans 3:23. That would mean they lost their salvation, and other things . . . that God had them saved in the womb but then let go of every one of us. I find that God's word says that when He adopts a child out of Satan's kingdom > Acts 26:17-18 > He keeps someone He has adopted.

Jesus, now . . . then . . . of course . . . would say "let the one without sin cast the first stone." All of us have been guilty of some sort of death penalty thing, inside of us, at least. Our Apostle Paul says all of us have been "children of wrath" (in Ephesians 2:3). That would mean we all have been evil.

So, however you yourself have been selfish and whatever without Jesus, that would be included in what makes a child evil. You can answer this from your own experience.

One thing I note is how, often enough, a child can be oriented mainly or only to oneself and can be very mean when not getting his or her own way. This is directly contrary to how Jesus says every one of us needs to deny oneself in order to follow Jesus >

"If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up His cross daily, and follow Me." (in Luke 9:23)

The evil is not always obvious. But while we are not real and strong in Jesus, we still can have ready-to-go ability to react in a very dangerous and cruel and abusive way if and when someone effectively messes with something we have for a pleasure treasure . . . maybe . . . like ice cream and candy . . . even such innocent sounding things. But you have seen how certain people have turned into acting like lunatics when they do not get what they dictate. Any of us, I now would say, is at risk of this, if we keep holding on to any pleasure which is a treasure.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also," Jesus warns > Matthew 6:21.

By evil, then, I mean what can be anti-love or weakening us from how we could be loving. But, then, I would not say every child has to be evil because of not being perfectly strong in Jesus' way of loving. But whatever is stopping or hinders us is evil.

But in my case . . . I was evil.
So this isn't really a hypothetical.

Well what did God do with you? Because it seems like you have your answer or are you wondering how you escaped death and instead was called out of it?

God's desire is to put to the death the evil, transformation however seems to be his MO. Christ tells us to follow him we need to deny our self. "Self" is all that seeks to move away from God. The law demands death and that death has been satisfied through Christ's death on the cross, it also is repeated in our selves in baptism where we die to self and rise up in New life.

So the laws gets it's death and God then sends his life.
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May 22, 2013
United States
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I don't think it was ever morally good to stone children--no matter their supposed transgression. That's not right today and it was never right.
Indeed, the Lord takes "no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live." (Ezekiel 33:11)

"But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God," (Romans 2:5)

Wrath is worse than getting stoned. Stoning can stop a person from storing up more. Being love-dead in sin is worse than being killed, so one can go on in a living death and with others become "worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." (in 2 Timothy 3:13) You can not talk your way out of this.

But, like I offer, Jesus would say let the one without sin cast the first stone > "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (in Romans 3:23) And we might see through this how God does not desire for anyone to be short of His own glory. So, not only is it wrong to live in the stoning realm or much worse, but it is wrong to not be sharing with God in His own glory, in the ruling of His own peace in our hearts > Colossians 3:15 > yes, our Father desires to personally rule each of His children in His own peace > this is a basic of living as a child of God . . . a basic for those who teach the Bible, I would say.

"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful." (Colossians 3:15)

So, if you really believe something is wrong, let's talk about what is right, instead, for comparison. God is not distant and impersonal, but personally rules those who are His obedient children, sharing His own peace with us . . . His own harmony of Himself, sharing His own self with us, then.

But in the New Testament we do have how the wrath of God is upon the children of disobedience. In the Gospel of John, John the Baptist says "the wrath of God abides on" the unbelieving.

"Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. Because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience, in which you also once walked when you lived in them. But put off these also: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth." (Colossians 3:5-6)

So, yes there are children who are of disobedience to how our Father has us love. And there is wrath because of their evil stuff within them. It will go somewhere, not to "Heaven". Actually, in Jesus we already have Heaven's love shared with us >

"Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." (Romans 5:5)

So, of course it is wrong to do what could qualify a person to get stoned. They are missing out on so much. The fact of all they are missing out on can help to show how they are wrong, to do the exact opposite. And wrath of God is worse than getting stoned. And the lists above can help us to see what qualifies someone for God's wrath. But Jesus on the cross shows how this does not give God pleasure, but He would share His own Treasure Jesus with us, instead, so with Jesus we share as His family in His love's "rest for your souls." (in Matthew 11:28-30)

Or, a person can have God's personal communication of His resistance >

"God resists the proud" (in James 4:6 and also in 1 Peter 5:5).

One way or the other, God is personally proving Himself to each of us, by His personal sharing and guiding in His peace, or the personal communication of His resistance.

"He who loves his life will lose it," Jesus guarantees, in the Gospel of John 12:25. And ones rebelling against this lose their lives in much more painful and worse and dragged-out ways, than being stoned. So, I see how for an incorrigible person, dying quickly could be merciful, but yes God does not take pleasure in that, but would that the person's evil selfish personality die and the person become like Jesus and discover how to love as family tenderly and caringly > "without complaining and disputing" (Philippians 2:14-16) which are degrading and anti-love things which can keep the suffering and torment of sin going and growing so people and therefore their marriages "grow worse and worse" in their arguing and complaining and love-dead bitterness and frustration.

God's desire is to put to the death the evil, transformation however seems to be his MO. Christ tells us to follow him we need to deny our self. "Self" is all that seeks to move away from God. The law demands death and that death has been satisfied through Christ's death on the cross, it also is repeated in our selves in baptism where we die to self and rise up in New life.

So the laws gets it's death and God then sends his life.
Thank you :)
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