Why does God change His mind?


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Iron Lion said:
what do u see wrong with God changing his mind?

People normally change their mind when they realise they have incorrectly assessed a situation or desire a different outcome to that originally desired. I can't see God operating in this way, so I'm a bit puzzled...... :scratch:
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Shane Roach

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2002
ChrisB said:
Recently I seem to have been drawn to several passages in the OT where God appears to have changed His mind (eg Ezekiel 4:12-15, Hosea 11:8, 2 Kings 20:1-7).

What do you guys make of this?
All of these examples seem to be of God's forgiving nature. I believe when you read that God is unchanging, such that he is not like a man that he should change His mind, it refers to things He has made a definitive decision about.

My 2 cents.
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I stand with my brothers and sisters in Israel!
Aug 6, 2003
NJ summers; FL winters
My daily reading was in 1Samuel about what procedures Saul had to do to pick up his annointed kingship. Then God changed his mind and gave it to him without much ado.

Edited to add: I just re-read it 1Samuel 10:9 and I had it wrong. God changed Saul's heart and all the signs were fulfilled that day instead of within 7 days. Another example of God blessing us more and sooner than he had decided to! :bow:
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May 5, 2004
Can we learn something from this testimony?

The best quotation on behalf of him is (John 6:38-40); the promise that have been and will be for all believers.

The letter of my mother

My darling, how are you feeling and doing these days? I am so well for my healthy in exception of longing to see you and thinking about you. My son, following from my greeting I would like to give thanks in the name of God for your benevolent support you offered to me till today.

It is my daily routine to pray for God on behalf of you so that he gives you in his wide-open hand health, long age and prosper life. That is my entire wish and my prayer forever.

Son, mothers don't wish or think other than the well being of her child. She wishes to her child to live in comfort and happy life. She wishes to be her son disciplined, having the right ethical life and to be intellectual. Every time she strives and wishes for her child to be a great man. But all this thought would be fulfilled only by the will of God himself. In her willing or trying nothing would be succeeded. Therefore, do not forget to realize that I am also one of these women.

The miraculous birth 1st testimony

Son, you have asked about your father- as you may be doubted you are right* _____b_____is not actually your biological father. Anyhow, I write the following short story to make it more clearly about everything. I write not only about you but the story of myself too.

Son, It was around 1940s, my parents were residing in ____h______ the village that they were living was very fertile land. There were many ____am________-community and_____fe____) lived there. My parents were the richest family around there. They had big house, many cattle’s, vast land of garden of fruits and other properties. My both parents were (are) from ___fe___tribe probably came to that place from ____n.et_______, namely from ______g_____, _____w______, ____gj_______or __sh_______, about that I will write you another letter later on.

At that village my father was a known merchant, very kind and pious person.

After their marriage, my parents never get children very soon. Even, before their marriage the people of that community always wished to my father that the Lord would give him a son. However, after they get married each others that didn't happen very soon. So, the people around there respected and loved my father and prayed to the Lord to give him a son.----------


(Matthew 18:19-20)

----------at their meeting to give my father a son they vowed to the Lord according to their religion .After some time around 40-50s I was born. It was me the daughter of the first born to my parents but not a son as my father wished and expected.

However, the villagers of that community were delighted about the birth of that female child to my father and offered their vow to the Lord. To fulfill the vow they sacrificed two lambs to the Lord--------

(Psalm 50: 14). 14: Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High:

( Lev:12:1-8)

and celebrated that occasion. That was a great day for that people in that community. After a year ___af_____ was born and my father named him "_se___" (Simon) which means (you listened me).

Almost a year later again "___y_____" was born, which means "let multiply" or (prosper) Then "___m___"which means " the Kid or the little Son " was born. _____m______ was the handsome among the family. Then “___t__" was born which means "the resurrected or the lifted one" because ___t___was born exactly at the night of the Passover.(Easter)

My parents raised me until the age of 12 years old. The reason of that was happened because one day when we live at __d_______; after the week age of the birth of ___t______ two bulls were slaughtered at the gate of the courtyard. {That was supposed to be for the weeding of neighbors or the neighbors (other religion) Leviticus 17:7.--------

(levy 17:7)}.

----------And the blood of the bulls were swamped most of the courtyard.

In those days I was the only daughter in the whole family. All the load of the duty of the household was upon my head. I was the one who supposed to take care of that kid and others too. I used to prepare food for everyone. But at that day I was in a hurry to prepare food to my mother who was at that time in the delivery room. ____m_______, the little kid was playing in the courtyard by himself. He used to love me too much and thus he pleaded me to carry him. I never made that much attention about him. And I was so busy to prepare food to my mother and I continued to do my job. So, I couldn’t respond his request immediately and didn't carry him. I never thought he had some problem.

Then, desperately he cried saying "etete! etete! (Mistress). Hold me! Hold me! He cried. But, I never cared about him again because I was too busy. And then he said, "They come to me! They come to me! Hold me! Hold me! He cried." Then he falls on the blood. At this time I run to lift him. When I tried to lift him his weight was too heavy and pulled me down and I fall down with him.

But I was lucky that my father reached to us immediately and tried to lift both of us but he couldn't lift the kid because he was so heavy. The little kid became at the spot lamed and crippled. After a week my mother came out of nursery (Delivery room-the place to stay for the women after delivery of Child ). And she took him to the hospital but they couldn't help him. Since that moment a great trouble falls in our family. My mother strived to heal the kid and started wandering and roaming to other many places. Holy places, shrines and other places whatever she thinks that is good to heal ___m____etc. To heal __m_______ the family lost all the wealth of the family had, all belongings, properties even the cattle’s they had wasted.

More over that my parents idea diverted, my father suggested to my mother to take care of the rest of the family and to give up about ____m______ whereas my mother insisted to heal ___m_______(the kid). Lastly these conflicted ideas separated my parents. And that became the burden to me heavily. Both of my parents left me alone and run away from me. After the school before I go back to home I was supposed to sell something in the market to find some money to feed" ___af___ and ____y______" This condition didn't last long any how. The entire member of the house split and scattered among other relatives. As a bad chance, one day my mother uncle son came for sudden visit from _a.a______, and he cheated me by saying I will take you to your mother and convinced me to go with him to see my mother. At that time I was attending a ___s____mission school. That private school offered me a free payment scholar because the instructors loved us and they knew we couldn’t pay.

The school payment was 27 per month. As a bad chance I left to ___a.a__with him. Then, after two years later when I reach 8th grade the mother of the man came to visit the son where I lived. When this old woman saw me living among her grand children’s she became very furious and angry and cursed me saying, "What are you doing among my families?"

"Why are you living here?" "What did your mother offered to me when she was rich? She gave me nothing”-------

(Leviticus 17:7)7:

---------"Now get out of this house!" she shouted.

This time, I became very confused what to do and didn't know where to go? I answered to the old lady " I am not the same person as my mother why are you talking like this? Your own son brought me here even with out my interest when I told him I want to stay at the school. My teachers were promised me to give me free chance to go to the board school."

When I asked her why she speaks against me like that she answered to me openly by saying that “I came here to expel you from this house" "and now get out from here now!. Right now! She insisted. After that I had no choice left. I left the house to seek shelter in my school girl friends parents house. It was at that moment I introduced with your father (the real biological) ---------

(psalm 51:5) 5: Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

----------When I lived with my girl friend your father was waiting for the date of appointment to start a new job after his graduation. Unfortunately; at the same time, he heard the bad news of his mother serious sickness. He was saying that he was the only child his parents had. But, then I heard also the bad news the misfortune of your father. They told me he had been killed in the car accident ( I don’t know weather that is true or not) while he was traveling to his mothers country " ___g.m____".

After that I couldn't find a cave to hide myself. But after some days my girl friend found to me a cleaning job in a foreigner house. The husband was an _____et________ and the woman is an outsider . The woman didn't like me to stay there and when I realized that situation I had no alternative but to quit the job in two months and to leave.

After that I felt sickness at my abdomen. I realized and doubt that would be the sign of pregnancy. I thought I conceived you. ------

(psalm 51:5) 5: Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

Thus, I went to _____ba_____ hospital and told them that I was feeling a sickness at my abdomen. When they knew what happened they felt deeply sorry about the situation. To help me they advised me for abortion. They were pity to see me at that very young age to have a kid. However, despite of all their advice I told them as if I had a husband to take care of me. And for that reason I told them that would be no problem. They were surprised by the situation in addition of my response. Thus, they had no choice left for them other than to send me back in peace on my way.

In this situation five months had passed already. But at the end I decided to do any kind of job until my day arrives. I decided to work at somebody’s house as a maid if I find. One day I visited as usual my client the small shop owner to ask him if he knows any one who is interested to have a housemaid. I used to sell for him my hand made broidery that I used to make it for living.

I stood there to do our transaction with the shop keeper when an old woman suddenly asking him if he knows a house maid. There, as a chance I was at the right place. That was unexpected coincidence. With out even ---------continues
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May 5, 2004
knowing about the nature of the business I was agreed to follow the woman. She used to live in another province but not far from _____a.a____ There, she had a hotel. That was the biggest hotel in that province at that time.

She was happy about my willingness. She was confessed and promised to me that she wouldn't let me work in the kitchen "I will not let ruined your beauty “. She said. I will tell to my customers that you are my sisters daughter (niece or) so that no one bothers you. And you will work only at the register as a cashier.” I started immediately my job at that same day. And at that same day I met ____b______(your step father). He was a guest for that country, a stranger for that town.

He came there assigned by the Known ____e_____electric Company named by light and power authority as an assistant manager. And for that week he accommodated himself in that hotel until he finds the rent house around the area. After we introduced each other he felt so sorry to see me very young to be there. He asked my history. I never hid anything; I told him every thing.

He became sympathetic to help me, he told me not to be closer to anyone until he got a house for rent. After a week later we left the hotel and we lived together. Then you were born. To keep my moral and spirit where ever we go he promised to say that you are his Kid. Then, a year later ___p___was born, and a year later ____e____ was born.

Then the parent of ___b_______ took ___p______to their country ___e_____and every time nagging him by calling him saying "your Kid is sick" He; then tired of commuting and complicated trouble he changed his mind that lead us to separation.

Since that day for the reason of not to affect your spirit I kept this history and the entire secret until today between My Lord and myself.

My son, man has no better comforter than his own parents. However, all the devastated trouble of our family started because of that unique moment. And the reason of that trouble is mainly my immaturity age, second, because I had no other alternative. Third, because God wanted to be happened like that. Thus the problem created.

I am deeply sorry if I ruined your life because I kept this history secretly. I trust in God and love the Lord and I hope everything will be all right. Your biological father name was called (S.B.) his name and his father". I don't know any relative of him other than himself and I don't think even if he had any relatives. He used to say that his father was died as a young when he was a very little kid). That is for the time being the answer of your question until I write you again. Let God keep you in safe. Have a good time. Thinking always about you! Your mother!-----continues

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Double Blessed and spreading the gospel
Oct 11, 2002
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When God changed His mind about destroying Ninevah, it was because the circumstances changed. Why? Because the people changed of their own free will. He didn't change His mind about the sin, but He forgave when they repented.
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Iron Lion

Feb 18, 2004
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ChrisB said:
People normally change their mind when they realise they have incorrectly assessed a situation or desire a different outcome to that originally desired. I can't see God operating in this way, so I'm a bit puzzled...... :scratch:

God isnt a person, I dont think that we have an understanding anywhere near what Gods is. The closest we got is Jesus when he came to earth a man and Jesus was still way beyond our thinking level.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2004
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my thoughts.... God doesnt change His mind, like "oops!", He changes direction. i'm not looking at my bible right now, but i believe sometimes it's translated "repented". repent means simply to turn around and go the opposite direction. For God to repent simply means He changes the direction of where He is going, of how He is directing the things happening on earth. God knew full well that Ninevah was going to repent, and He wouldnt bring His judgement on them - but He changed directions at that point. it's like when a parent says to their child that if they dont do something they're not gonna get their dessert (or whatever), knowing full well that their child will then do the thing they are supposed to do. the parent knew full well that they would wind up letting the child have their dessert, but to the child it seems that their mom or dad changed their mind. and yes, they did - they turned around and went the other way. no dessert => dessert. but there was no 'oops' involved.
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Jesus is Lord of ALL! (Not asking permission)
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Jun 6, 2002
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In some regards God is a machine.
He operates according to predescribed law and rules that never change.
He reacts to stimuli and circumstances with precise and exact responses.

Sometime this response comes in the form of a "changed mind".
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Jesus is Lord of ALL! (Not asking permission)
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Iron Lion said:
God isnt a person, I dont think that we have an understanding anywhere near what Gods is. The closest we got is Jesus when he came to earth a man and Jesus was still way beyond our thinking level.
I know what you are saying friend, and your devotion and awe of God is certainly commendable.
Yet I must disagree. I believe that before Jesus came God could not be seen or understood. One of the reasons Jesus came was to change that. He came to show us the Father. I believe He was successful! Heb 1 says that Jesus is the exact image of the father. There is nothing missing and nothing that cannot be examined, comprehended, and understood. His will, purpose, manners, and methods are clearly revealed in Christ.
There is no mystery or hidden things. Paul says in Eph 1 that the reason we do not see the things pertaining to God is because the eyes of our understanding are closed and need to be opened. Once we open our eyes of faith, there is no aspect or area of God that we cannot see or understand.

Eph 1:
15 Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints,
16 Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers;
17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:
18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,
19 And what [is] the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,
20 Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set [him] at his own right hand in the heavenly [places],
21 Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:
22 And hath put all [things] under his feet, and gave him [to be] the head over all [things] to the church,
23 Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.

We can and should desire to know these things. It is our place and privilage to know them. Let us not live beneath what God has for us!
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