Who is Jesus? And Why Should I care? Two of the Most Asked Questions of Our Time

Russ Campbell

An ounce of faith overcomes a ton of fear!
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Forward: I wrote this last night while it was still fresh in my memory and I need a little help with this writing to make it appealing to the Non-Christian that may be looking for answers.

I don't want to change too much of what I have written but want to know if there is any important key facts that I may have missed.

My article begins here:

Who Is Jesus and What does that mean to me? Two of the most asked Questions of our Time


Millions of people have asked the question, ‘Who Is Jesus?’

And millions of people have asked ‘What does that mean to me?’

I will attempt to answer these two questions in this writing of mine on this early Christmas Morning of 2021.

In this article I will talk about Adam and Eve, the snake, the forbidden fruit, the downfall of man, and God’s answer to this downfall.

Just who is Jesus? Where did He come from ? And who is He to you?

To answer these and other questions, lets get some facts from 6000 years ago.

I would like to talk about Adam and Eve, simply because of the reason that Jesus came to this earth in the first place.

Adam and Eve were the first couple to have appeared on this earth.

Adam and Eve had it made, they had dominion over everything in the garden , the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, every thing but the fruit from the ‘The forbidden tree’. They were allowed to eat of any tree in the garden except this one.

God had said , ‘You may eat of any tree in the garden, except for the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for if you you eat from this tree, you will surely die.

Why did Jesus come down to this earth as one of us in the first place?

To answer this question, we must talk about Adam and Eve.

OK , Adam and Eve had it made in this paradise called ‘The Garden of Eve’. Just what happened for man to end up in the position he is in today?

First of all we have to introduce the serpent. The serpent was the craftiest creature to have ever walked this earth, yes I said walked this earth. He came up to Eve and asked the question, ‘Are you sure that you will die if you eat the forbidden fruit?’ [paraphrased]

Eve said ‘God said surely you will die if you eat of the forbidden fruit’ [again paraphrased]

The serpent said ‘God just said that because if you ate from the forbidden fruit, then your eyes would be opened to the knowledge of good and evil, surely you would not die’ [again paraphrased]

If we are to ask the question of who is Jesus, then we must also ask the question of ‘What is Jesus’ purpose on the earth, and why did He come to this earth?

There are three questions so far, (1) The original question, ‘Who is Jesus’ (2) What was Jesus’ purpose on this earth? (3) Why did He come to this earth in the flesh in the first place as a baby.

First we will answer question # 2 , question # 1 is important, but we need a little bit of background before we can answer questions 1 and 3.

Again as stated , What was Jesus’ purpose on this earth’, to answer this question first we must establish that the history books tell of a man called Jesus , who was born to Mary and Joseph, He walked this earth for 33 years, he grew up the same way as you and I did, except that He walked everywhere.

He was the most peaceful man on earth at this time of conquering Romans, He was very gentle, in fact He would never harm anyone , including even a flea. Jesus had the same set of problems as we have today, He had human yearnings, and temptations.

To answer question (1), He was basically ‘God in the flesh’ , He never gave in to temptation, and as Jesus said on earth, ‘I and the Father are one’. Jesus was the typical male Jew, He followed the Jewish tradition of eating and washing ,he had a beard as most Jews of that time period did, Simply put , Jesus never sinned as a man on this earth, He always consulted the Father before doing anything. He and tye Father were basically inseparable , they were one.

But why did God, who we have now established as Jesus , have to come down to this earth as one of us? Why did He have to do this?

To answer this question, lets go back 6000 years ago to the downfall of man, and ask the question of ‘What ever happened to this paradise that Adam and Eve had?’.

The serpent, whom we were talking about earlier basically convinced Adam and Eve that as far as he was concerned (the serpent), that God was basically a liar (comment: The serpent was the liar, not God), and Adam and Eve basically bought into the serpent’s story.

I will say that God was very angry with Adam and Eve simply because the Bible quotes that God was not only very disappointed with Adam and Eve, as they had not only hidden from God, but had also eaten of the forbidden fruit..

Because of this, God said to the serpent, you will basically crawl on your belly and eat the dust from the woman’s heel for eternity [paraphrased]

And to Adam and Eve ‘Because of the two of you haven eaten from the forbidden fruit, Eve , you will give birth in great pain, and Adam , you will toil of this earth with great difficulty, and to the two of them, He said ‘Because you have eaten from the forbidden fruit, you and your offspring will surely die’, and this choice that Adam and Eve made 6000 years ago effects each and every one of use to this day.

What does this mean to me?

Well basically because of this downfall of Adam and Eve , we were given their sinful nature. That means that each and every man woman and child of this earth were born into this sinful nature, and because God can not even look at sin, we are automatically excluded from the Kingdom of God, and there are only two places that we can go when we die, Heaven or Hell. To explain Heaven and Hell, Heaven is a place of eternal paradise, and Hell is a place of eternal punishment. I will not go on and on as others have about both places, I will focus on the way out as God provided.

This comes to question two, why did Jesus come to this earth as one of us? Well you remember me writing earlier that God has always provided a way out of our rightful punishment.

So what was the purpose of Jesus’ life, was He a teacher, a wise man, a friend to many, or just a really nice guy? (Remember He was God in the flesh, I am simply asking these questions so that you the reader can relate to what He was on this earth).

He was and is more that the above, He is basically God’s answer to the death handed down to each and every man , woman, and child since Adam and Eve.

But what did He do while He was on this earth, well He healed the sick, raised the dead, and basically was what we would call a Holy Councillor to the needy.

In spite of all of this He was not accepted everywhere for who He said He was. This comes to the real reason that He came to this broken earth.

He was and is God’s sacrifice for what we have been handed down from 6000 years ago, and what we rightly deserved. Simple put , He is the only way out from all of this eternal punishment. There is no other choice in the whole universe, it must be His way of the broad highway to a place of eternal punishment.

Note that we do NOT automatically go to this Heaven or eternal paradise unless we accept Him, aas we are given the exact opposite when we die. Some of you will say that this is mean and cruel, BUT we are given every opportunity to avoid this eternal punishment, and don’t believe Satan’s lies that Heaven Hell and either do not exist or that they are what we make of both places (a very human thought , unfortunately). Satan will do anything to keep you from the very truth of this matter.

About the way out, 2000 years ago , Jesus cane to earth for one purpose and one purpose only, it was to be a sacrifice for what we rightfully deserved. Here I will get lots of argument, but I am, simply stating the facts, yes all of the other things were and are very important, but without the way out, none of it would mean anything.

Simply put , Jesus was not very popular with the Romans that were in power at the time, nor was he very popular with the Pharisees and the Sadducees of that time period. In fact they were afraid of Him, they actually hated Him enough to put Him to death on a cross of wood, the chosen capital punishment of that time period.

So as the Gospels say, Jesus was whipped and scourged beyond human recognition, and He never cried out. Jesus was also put to death on a cross of wood at the time , none of the disciples understood why this was so , just that He had done nothing wrong and was innocent of all of His charges that His accusers brought forth.

When Jesus died on that cross , there was an earthquake, the veil to the temple was torn from top to bottom, and the sky went dark.

Yet you cannot kill God, Jesus willingly went to that cross, He was not murdered or any of that nonsense , it was his very purpose of coming to this earth in the first place.

As He was God, but in the flesh , the human part of Him could and did die, but that is what I am talking about when I say that you cannot kill God, God is Eternal, Never Changing , Everlasting.

Jesus went down to Hell , and conquered Hell, simply put because He was God , Hell and the grave could simply not hold Him.

This is where I will write about turning away from your sins, it is all fine and good that Jesus became our sacrifice for what we rightfully deserved, but it is not automatic, we still have to not only accept this free gift, turn away from your sins and accept the fact that we are sinners and that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose 3 days later.

In conclusion, does my story about Jesus scare you or frighten you? Well then if it does , take the time to talk to God in your own quiet place. Please give Jesus a chance in your life. I am not going to force any of this on you , I am simply stating the facts about this freedom of choice.

If you ave any questions about what I have written in the above article, then feel free to reach out to me, I am more than happy to share this with you.

I will leave it totally up to you, are you going to accept or reject Him ? Do you want this paradise that He has claimed that we can have? Nobody else can make that decision for you, including myself, for I am only the messenger. Don’t shoot the messenger. Enough said and God bless you and your family on this Christmas season, yes Jesus is the Reason for The Season. Russ Campbell
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Jun 23, 2016
undisclosed Bunker
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Christ's message was that there was a problem with the human race.
It thought it was good but it wasn't
It's concepts about God were incorrect
It reacted violently to Truth about it's character and threats to it's ego

He then allowed it to do whatever it wanted to Him, without resisting
...And it had him Crucified

Kinda proves the point, doesn't it?

Whatever you believe about the Bible or the Gospel or the Resurrection
Even if you believe that Jesus was an entirely fictional character
...That part of the story is 100% true

Now you just have to hope and pray
That the rest of it is too.
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d taylor

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Oct 16, 2018
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Your thoughts and approach are nothing new. I personally believe this needs much simplifying.

Is your goal to tell people how to receive God's free gift of Eternal Life, if so. Then your writing do not do that or if it does it sure take a while to teach this. But personally i never got that impression from you post.

You asked:
Who Is Jesus and Why Should I Care Anyways? Two of the most asked Questions of our Time

Who is Jesus:
He is the promised Messiah from the prophecies of The Tanakh (Old Testament). 8 miracles/signs recorded in The Gospel of John testify to this.

Why should I care:
If a person wants God's free gift of Eternal life faith/trust.belief in Jesus (The promised Messiah) is the only way a person can receive this free gift from God.

Trust in Jesus for God's free gift of Eternal Life.
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public hermit

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Aug 20, 2019
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Forward: I wrote this last night while it was still fresh in my memory and I need a little help with this writing to make it appealing to the Non-Christian that may be looking for answers.

I don't want to change too much of what I have written but want to know if there is any important key facts that I may have missed.

My article begins here:

Who Is Jesus and Why Should I Care Anyways? Two of the most asked Questions of our Time


Millions of people have asked the question, ‘Who Is Jesus?’

And millions of people have asked ‘Why should I care anyways?’

I will attempt to answer these two questions in this writing of mine on this early Christmas Morning of 2021.

Just who is Jesus? Where did He come from ? And who is He to you?

To answer these and other questions, lets get some facts from 6000 years ago.

I would like to talk about Adam and Eve, simply because of the reason that Jesus came to this earth in the first place.

Adam and Eve were the first couple to have appeared on this earth.

Adam and Eve had it made, they had dominion over everything in the garden , the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, every thing but the fruit from the ‘The forbidden tree’. They were allowed to eat of any tree in the garden except this one.

God had said , ‘You may eat of any tree in the garden, except for the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for if you you eat from this tree, you will surely die.

Why did Jesus come down to this earth as one of us in the first place?

To answer this question, we must talk about Adam and Eve.

OK , Adam and Eve had it made in this paradise called ‘The Garden of Eve’. Just what happened for man to end up in the position he is in today?

First of all we have to introduce the serpent. The serpent was the craftiest creature to have ever walked this earth, yes I said walked this earth. He came up to Eve and asked the question, ‘Are you sure that you will die if you eat the forbidden fruit?’ [paraphrased]

Eve said ‘God said surely you will die if you eat of the forbidden fruit’ [again paraphrased]

The serpent said ‘God just said that because if you ate from the forbidden fruit, then your eyes would be opened to the knowledge of good and evil, surely you would not die’ [again paraphrased]

If we are to ask the question of who is Jesus, then we must also ask the question of ‘What is Jesus’ purpose on the earth, and why did He come to this earth?

There are three questions so far, (1) The original question, ‘Who is Jesus’ (2) What was Jesus’ purpose on this earth? (3) Why did He come to this earth in the flesh in the first place as a baby.

First we will answer question # 2 , question # 1 is important, but we need a little bit of background before we can answer questions 1 and 3.

Again as stated , What was Jesus’ purpose on this earth’, to answer this question first we must establish that the history books tell of a man called Jesus , who was born to Mary and Joseph, He walked this earth for 33 years, he grew up the same way as you and I did, except that He walked everywhere.

He was the most peaceful man on earth at this time of conquering Romans, He was very gentle, in fact He would never harm anyone , including even a flea. Jesus had the same set of problems as we have today, He had human yearnings, and temptations.

To answer question (1), He was basically ‘God in the flesh’ , He never gave in to temptation, and as Jesus said on earth, ‘I and the Father are one’. Jesus was the typical male Jew, He followed the Jewish tradition of eating and washing ,he had a beard as most Jews of that time period did, Simply put , Jesus never sinned as a man on this earth, He always consulted the Father before doing anything. He and tye Father were basically inseparable , they were one.

But why did God, who we have now established as Jesus , have to come down to this earth as one of us? Why did He have to do this?

To answer this question, lets go back 6000 years ago to the downfall of man, and ask the question of ‘What ever happened to this paradise that Adam and Eve had?’.

The serpent, whom we were talking about earlier basically convinced Adam and Eve that as far as he was concerned (the serpent), that God was basically a liar (comment: The serpent was the liar, not God), and Adam and Eve basically bought into the serpent’s story.

I will say that God was very angry with Adam and Eve simply because the Bible quotes that God was not only very disappointed with Adam and Eve, as they had not only hidden from God, but had also eaten of the forbidden fruit..

Because of this, God said to the serpent, you will basically crawl on your belly and eat the dust from the woman’s heel for eternity [paraphrased]

And to Adam and Eve ‘Because of the two of you haven eaten from the forbidden fruit, Eve , you will give birth in great pain, and Adam , you will toil of this earth with great difficulty, and to the two of them, He said ‘Because you have eaten from the forbidden fruit, you and your offspring will surely die’, and this choice that Adam and Eve made 6000 years ago effects each and every one of use to this day.

What does this mean to us?

Well basically because of this downfall of Adam and Eve , we were given their sinful nature. That means that each and every man woman and child of this earth were born into this sinful nature, and because God can not even look at sin, we are automatically excluded from the Kingdom of God, and there are only two places that we can go when we die, Heaven or Hell. To explain Heaven and Hell, Heaven is a place of eternal paradise, and Hell is a place of eternal punishment. I will not go on and on as others have about both places, I will focus on the way out as God provided.

This comes to question two, why did Jesus come to this earth as one of us? Well you remember me writing earlier that God has always provided a way out of our rightful punishment.

So what was the purpose of Jesus’ life, was He a teacher, a wise man, a friend to many, or just a really nice guy? (Remember He was God in the flesh, I am simply asking these questions so that you the reader can relate to what He was on this earth).

He was and is more that the above, He is basically God’s answer to the death handed down to each and every man , woman, and child since Adam and Eve.

But what did He do while He was on this earth, well He healed the sick, raised the dead, and basically was what we would call a Holy Councillor to the needy.

In spite of all of this He was not accepted everywhere for who He said He was. This comes to the real reason that He came to this broken earth.

He was and is God’s sacrifice for what we have been handed down from 6000 years ago, and what we rightly deserved. Simple put , He is the only way out from all of this eternal punishment. There is no other choice in the whole universe, it must be His way of the broad highway to a place of eternal punishment.

Note that we do NOT automatically go to this Heaven or eternal paradise unless we accept Him, aas we are given the exact opposite when we die. Some of you will say that this is mean and cruel, BUT we are given every opportunity to avoid this eternal punishment, and don’t believe Satan’s lies that Heaven Hell and either do not exist or that they are what we make of both places (a very human thought , unfortunately). Satan will do anything to keep you from the very truth of this matter.

About the way out, 2000 years ago , Jesus cane to earth for one purpose and one purpose only, it was to be a sacrifice for what we rightfully deserved. Here I will get lots of argument, but I am, simply stating the facts, yes all of the other things were and are very important, but without the way out, none of it would mean anything.

Simply put , Jesus was not very popular with the Romans that were in power at the time, nor was he very popular with the Pharisees and the Sadducees of that time period. In fact they were afraid of Him, they actually hated Him enough to put Him to death on a cross of wood, the chosen capital punishment of that time period.

So as the Gospels say, Jesus was whipped and scourged beyond human recognition, and He never cried out. Jesus was also put to death on a cross of wood at the time , none of the disciples understood why this was so , just that He had done nothing wrong and was innocent of all of His charges that His accusers brought forth.

When Jesus died on that cross , there was an earthquake, the veil to the temple was torn from top to bottom, and the sky went dark.

Yet you cannot kill God, Jesus willingly went to that cross, He was not murdered or any of that nonsense , it was his very purpose of coming to this earth in the first place.

As He was God, but in the flesh , the human part of Him could and did die, but that is what I am talking about when I say that you cannot kill God, God is Eternal, Never Changing , Everlasting.

Jesus went down to Hell , and conquered Hell, simply put because He was God , Hell and the grave could simply not hold Him.

This is where I will write about turning away from your sins, it is all fine and good that Jesus became our sacrifice for what we rightfully deserved, but it is not automatic, we still have to not only accept this free gift, turn away from your sins and accept the fact that we are sinners and that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose 3 days later.

In conclusion, does my story about Jesus scare you or frighten you? Well then if it does , take the time to talk to God in your own quiet place. Please give Jesus a chance in your life. I am not going to force any of this on you , I am simply stating the facts about this freedom of choice.

I will leave it totally up to you, are you going to accept or reject Him ? Do you want this paradise that He has claimed that we can have? Nobody else can make that decision for you, including myself, for I am only the messenger. Don’t shoot the messenger. Enough said and God bless you and your family on this Christmas season, yes Jesus is the Reason for The Season. Russ Campbell

Merry Christmas.

This is probably a side-note in relation to your purpose, but I honestly thought you were going to talk about the historical Jesus, given the forum and your target audience of non-believers.

What you have written is more along the lines of evangelism, which would be an interpretation of the historical Jesus. FWIW, discussions about the "historical Jesus" is an approach to the person of history, using accepted historical methods, and any non-believer who has an interest in that area will call you on it.

But what you have looks on par with many evangelical presentations, so that's on point in that sense.
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Russ Campbell

An ounce of faith overcomes a ton of fear!
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That is what I wanted to know, thanks, I wanted to write this article to reach the Non-Christian, but it is not perfect, and I wanted to put everything in words that are simple, maybe I put it too confusing , I basically wanted to put out something that a Non-Christian would want to read. If you could basically tell me where I wrote something that can be put into easy to read and not overbearing words, then I would be grateful. After all I would like this message to reach people that have questions. Thank You again, Russ Campbell
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Russ Campbell

An ounce of faith overcomes a ton of fear!
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Merry Christmas.

This is probably a side-note in relation to your purpose, but I honestly thought you were going to talk about the historical Jesus, given the forum and your target audience of non-believers.

What you have written is more along the lines of evangelism, which would be an interpretation of the historical Jesus. FWIW, discussions about the "historical Jesus" is an approach to the person of history, using accepted historical methods, and any non-believer who has an interest in that area will call you on it.

But what you have looks on par with many evangelical presentations, so that's on point in that sense.

Sorry but I did not know where to post this, to reach Non-Christians. Thank you for your comments , and I want to say that your responses have been very helpful. Have a very Merry Christmas. Russ
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Russ Campbell

An ounce of faith overcomes a ton of fear!
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I have changed the title to 'Who is Jesus? And what does that mean to me?' I thought that the original title maybe was to negative and could turn off the Non-Christian , therefor I decided to re-write the title.

Edit to admins and moderators: I did not know where to post this thread and have obviously put it in the wrong forum, could someone move it to a more appropriate forum. Thanks in advance and have a very Merry Christmas.
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Dec 12, 2011
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I have changed the title to 'Who is Jesus? And what does that mean to me?' I thought that the original title maybe was to negative and could turn off the Non-Christian , therefor I decided to re-write the title.

Edit to admins and moderators: I did not know where to post this thread and have obviously put it in the wrong forum, could someone move it to a more appropriate forum. Thanks in advance and have a very Merry Christmas.

Jesus was a man picked by God to bring a choice to humankind, turn away from the world and embrace God and live forever, or stick with this dying world and die with it. And Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross so God could raise him and demonstrate God's existence and power. That is all. Simple. Your reaction to the choice tell you what Jesus will mean to you.
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Feb 19, 2023
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Start with Matthew chapter 1 or Luke chapter 1. Jesus was predestined to be born as messiah, son of the living God, to be crucified. So all people would have opportunity to choose salvation and repentance from Jesus. Or follow satan. Were all sinners and need to repent and need Jesus as our salvation. Those who reject Jesus, will go into lake of fire. This isn't a game. Psalm chapter 22 will document Jesus destined to be crucified. Jesus will not force anyone to love Him and worship Him. Those who choose satan, will follow satan into lake of fire, revelation chapter 20. God is not a democracy. Jesus won't tolerate any idol's or gods. They either give up their false religion and conform to God's standard or its trip with satan into lake of fire. I told the truth.
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