Where Some Have Erred From the Truth


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Jan 1, 2024
United States
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What is going on with the departure from the solid faith of the pure Gospel? I'm referring to the Prosperity Gospel coupled with the "little gods" heresy.
I heard a man several times who I feel more and more was departing from the faith. He said things like "I'm teaching you knowledge the church doesn't know, because they lost it." - "Listen to me, get your ears open now, this is important. It's knowledge of God most in the church are missing!"
NO! You're teaching knowledge of the ancient mystery religions, and witchcraft, Wizardry, and such like!

This prosperity/little gods error, saying God begets gods is an abuse of authority, speaking evil of dignitaries, bringing railing accusations like "Get off me devil, you can't touch me! I'm a son of God!" Sometimes I've heard similar preachers say "Get off me sucker." Jude says even Michael the archangel didn't bring a railing accusation against the devil when contending over Moses body, but rather said "The LORD rebuke thee!" Amen.
They furthermore say you never have to be sick (Though once the man cancelled a service due to forgetting his false teeth at home: I guess dental work isn't part of the health, wealth and prosperity Gospel plan?) You can claim 120 years of life according to Genesis 6, though that's a misinterpretation, when God gave Noah 120 years to build the ark, and mankind 120 years to repent before the flood.

This particular preacher one time said, "If God wants you to have a 50 thousand dollar diamond ring, He'll give it to you. Covetousness is idolatry. Proverbs 18:21, speak things into existence : that's the occult. mark 11, you can have whatever you say, John, greater works than Jesus you shall do. It's the same repertoire of Scripture all the time, weaving together a damnable false doctrine.
At least this particular man does preach repentance, that you must turn from your sin. But these people themselves need to repent, and preach repentance, and salvation, and sanctification, and the growing in the grace of God: equipping the saints and discipling them into maturity: not spending 45 minutes on this occult sorcery and then 5 or 10 minutes on salvation and a quick prayer.
I was in the occult. I know the game. same game Satan played on Eve in the garden: ye shall be as gods. No difference. But even that gets twisted into Satan told the truth, just as he used Psalm 91 to tempt Jesus.

Week after week promoting Kenyon, and David Yonggi Cho, Kenneth Hagin, and other name it claim it preachers, and Cho with his Fourth dimension. I learned most of this junk in the 80s, and rejected it. I learned the 4th dimension in 1999, along with even more dimensions - from EVIL spirits masquerading as angels of light!
Now when God speaks, He makes things happen, and if God gives a prophetic word to someone, it will happen, because it's "Thus saith the LORD". It is prophecy. But you are NOT a little god, you cannot command what you will and it be done, cuz if God ain't in it, you are operating in the occult, and the power of darkness! You are exercising pride, and covetousness, which is idolatry. Repent and walk in the Grace of God, rejoicing that you are free from sin, and be content with what things you have, and be thankful. If God chooses to prosper you, fine, but seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then all these things shall be added unto you, and those things are what are needful: Our God shall supply all your NEED according to His riches in Christ Jesus. Need, not want, unless it is a God given desire.


Continue Well 2 John 9
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Jan 27, 2009
Notre Dame, IN
United States
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What is going on with the departure from the solid faith of the pure Gospel? I'm referring to the Prosperity Gospel coupled with the "little gods" heresy.
I heard a man several times who I feel more and more was departing from the faith. He said things like "I'm teaching you knowledge the church doesn't know, because they lost it." - "Listen to me, get your ears open now, this is important. It's knowledge of God most in the church are missing!"
NO! You're teaching knowledge of the ancient mystery religions, and witchcraft, Wizardry, and such like!

This prosperity/little gods error, saying God begets gods is an abuse of authority, speaking evil of dignitaries, bringing railing accusations like "Get off me devil, you can't touch me! I'm a son of God!" Sometimes I've heard similar preachers say "Get off me sucker." Jude says even Michael the archangel didn't bring a railing accusation against the devil when contending over Moses body, but rather said "The LORD rebuke thee!" Amen.
They furthermore say you never have to be sick (Though once the man cancelled a service due to forgetting his false teeth at home: I guess dental work isn't part of the health, wealth and prosperity Gospel plan?) You can claim 120 years of life according to Genesis 6, though that's a misinterpretation, when God gave Noah 120 years to build the ark, and mankind 120 years to repent before the flood.

This particular preacher one time said, "If God wants you to have a 50 thousand dollar diamond ring, He'll give it to you. Covetousness is idolatry. Proverbs 18:21, speak things into existence : that's the occult. mark 11, you can have whatever you say, John, greater works than Jesus you shall do. It's the same repertoire of Scripture all the time, weaving together a damnable false doctrine.

At least this particular man does preach repentance, that you must turn from your sin. But these people themselves need to repent, and preach repentance, and salvation, and sanctification, and the growing in the grace of God: equipping the saints and discipling them into maturity: not spending 45 minutes on this occult sorcery and then 5 or 10 minutes on salvation and a quick prayer.
I was in the occult. I know the game. same game Satan played on Eve in the garden: ye shall be as gods. No difference. But even that gets twisted into Satan told the truth, just as he used Psalm 91 to tempt Jesus.

Week after week promoting Kenyon, and David Yonggi Cho, Kenneth Hagin, and other name it claim it preachers, and Cho with his Fourth dimension. I learned most of this junk in the 80s, and rejected it. I learned the 4th dimension in 1999, along with even more dimensions - from EVIL spirits masquerading as angels of light!
Now when God speaks, He makes things happen, and if God gives a prophetic word to someone, it will happen, because it's "Thus saith the LORD". It is prophecy. But you are NOT a little god, you cannot command what you will and it be done, cuz if God ain't in it, you are operating in the occult, and the power of darkness! You are exercising pride, and covetousness, which is idolatry. Repent and walk in the Grace of God, rejoicing that you are free from sin, and be content with what things you have, and be thankful. If God chooses to prosper you, fine, but seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then all these things shall be added unto you, and those things are what are needful: Our God shall supply all your NEED according to His riches in Christ Jesus. Need, not want, unless it is a God given desire.
Possibly, you have overlooked what brother Hagin did concerning this. All the excesses received a justifiable public rebuke when it finally came to its 'Jesus moment' in 2000 with The Midas Touch summon to Tulsa, OK. As I reminded the reader, the abuses committed back then remain to this day as low-hanging fruit to attack Pentecostals as an everyday by word. So, we do well to put into remembrance that joyous day of those called to answer for their "greed and selfish indulgence".
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