What Is the ‘Jezebel Spirit?’ Understanding Baal, ‘Demonic Powers,’ Witchcraft, and the ‘Most Wicked Woman in the Bible’


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What is the “Jezebel spirit?” Some have likely pondered this question in the wake of recent drama surrounding controversial Pastor Mark Driscoll.

Radio host and author Dr. Michael Brown told CBN the “Jezebel spirit” is tied to a demoniacal figure in the Old Testament named Jezebel.

“Jezebel is arguably the most wicked woman in the Bible,” Brown, host of Line of Fire Radio, said. “She was a Phoenician princess and an ardent worshiper of [the Canaan and Phoenicia god] Baal.”

He continued, “She married King Ahab, and together they helped bring Israel down into deep idolatry. And of course, she had a great battle with the Prophet Elijah.”

Brown said Jezebel, whose evils are documented in 1 Kings and 2 Kings 9, was “associated with idolatry” and also with “being seductive” and with witchcraft. Thus, when people speak about a “Jezebel spirit,” these are the types of issues they’re typically referencing.

Many believe Jezebel was the driving force behind much of the wickedness seen in these Scriptures and in Israel at the time. King Ahab is often presented as going along with these evils rather than resisting.

“When we refer to ‘Jezebel’s spirit,’ the reason that we come up with the idea is that she’s mentioned again in the New Testament,” Brown said.

Continued below.


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Aug 11, 2023
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What is the “Jezebel spirit?” Some have likely pondered this question in the wake of recent drama surrounding controversial Pastor Mark Driscoll.

Radio host and author Dr. Michael Brown told CBN the “Jezebel spirit” is tied to a demoniacal figure in the Old Testament named Jezebel.

“Jezebel is arguably the most wicked woman in the Bible,” Brown, host of Line of Fire Radio, said. “She was a Phoenician princess and an ardent worshiper of [the Canaan and Phoenicia god] Baal.”

He continued, “She married King Ahab, and together they helped bring Israel down into deep idolatry. And of course, she had a great battle with the Prophet Elijah.”

Brown said Jezebel, whose evils are documented in 1 Kings and 2 Kings 9, was “associated with idolatry” and also with “being seductive” and with witchcraft. Thus, when people speak about a “Jezebel spirit,” these are the types of issues they’re typically referencing.

Many believe Jezebel was the driving force behind much of the wickedness seen in these Scriptures and in Israel at the time. King Ahab is often presented as going along with these evils rather than resisting.

“When we refer to ‘Jezebel’s spirit,’ the reason that we come up with the idea is that she’s mentioned again in the New Testament,” Brown said.

Continued below.
In the next few days, I will post a Bible analysis on this Jezebel spirit, so stay tuned. Churches today are becoming more worldly, and let in the spirit of Jezebel.

"The church that can’t worship must be entertained. And leaders who can’t lead a church to worship must provide the entertainment."

- Aiden Wilson Tozer

Church conference on April 12-13 had demonic sword swallowing activity: 'Jesus cried': Pastor leaves stage after comments at James River Church men's conference

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Alright, the analysis is done cooking. It is from May 15, 2024.

DateMay 15, 2024 | Rebuking Worldly Churches
Verse1 Timothy 5:20 (ESV): "As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear."

Galatians 2:11-14 (ESV): "But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. For before certain men came from James, he was eating with the Gentiles; but when they came he drew back and separated himself, fearing the circumcision party. And the rest of the Jews acted hypocritically along with him, so that even Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy. But when I saw that their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas before them all, ‘If you, though a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you force the Gentiles to live like Jews?’"
Explanation1 Timothy 5:20 is a command from the apostle Paul to Timothy, instructing him to rebuke those who persist in sin in the presence of the entire congregation. The purpose of this public rebuke is to make an example and deter others from falling into the same sin. It also creates a fear of accountability and encourages a lifestyle of obedience to God's Word.
Galatians 2:11-14 is an account of an incident where Paul confronted Peter (Cephas) for hypocritically separating himself from Gentile believers when Jewish leaders arrived. Paul challenged Peter's actions, stating that if he, as a Jew, lived like a Gentile, he should not force Gentiles to live like Jews. This passage highlights the importance of maintaining the truth of the gospel and not compromising it for the sake of pleasing others or fearing their opinions.

A.W. Tozer's quote, "The church that can’t worship must be entertained. And leaders who can’t lead a church to worship must provide the entertainment", emphasizes the need for authentic worship within the church. When a church cannot engage in genuine worship, they often resort to entertainment to keep the congregation engaged. However, this can lead to harmful, secular practices being introduced into the church.
Societal RelevanceIn modern society, some churches have resorted to including secular music or events into the sanctuary. One notable example was a church in Ohio, where a pastor kicked the Holy Bible in a game of football on the stage with the other church leaders, and then held a sacrilegious music performance of Wrecking Ball in early 2024. Nobody inside the church had the guts to call out the pastor’s actions.

However, in April 2024, a Christian men’s conference at James River Church in Missouri entered public notoriety when megachurch pastor John Lindell invited a sword-swallower (a former Las Vegas strip club performer) to perform an acrobatic stunt on a tall beam in front of thousands, sparking outrage. Pastor Mark Driscoll spoke out when he quoted that the Jezebel spirit had entered the church: "Before the Word of God was open, there was a platform. It was a high place. On it was a pole, an ashera, the same thing that's used in a strip club by women who have the Jezebel spirit to seduce men. And in front of that was a man who ripped his shirt off like a woman does in front of a pole at a strip club".

In other words, Mark Driscoll spoke the truth, in front of the congregation, which pastor Lindell fought back with a perversion of scripture. Lindell misquoted Matthew 18, saying that Driscoll should have spoken privately. However, 1 Timothy 5:20 clearly states that to protect the church, it may be necessary to speak out when a wrongdoing has been committed by those who sin in front of a congregation. Remember, rebuking sin is necessary sometimes, in order to protect the sanctity of the church.

In 2023, Reverend Dr. Caleb J. Lines preached a false teaching (5 minute video) – a blasphemy, stating that “God is trans” and “gay”, which the Bible clearly states that God made man and women in his image (Genesis 1:27). The congregation failed to rebuke him, as the church had an un-biblical ideology as a whole, similar to the Church of Laodicea (Revelations 3:15). As a Christian bi guy myself, I have made the decision to remain celibate/virgin unless married to a wife, in order to abide by the law of the Bible, abstaining from sin. Yes, some guys are really handsome, especially Asians, but God wants to protect us from sin and illness, which could be brought on by sexual encounters with the same sex. So, let us proclaim the truth, and live our best for Jesus.

To avoid and call out harmful, secular practices in churches, Christians should:
  1. Study God's Word and be familiar with the teachings of the Bible. This knowledge will help in recognizing and distinguishing between biblical and secular practices.
  2. Pray for discernment and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
  3. Encourage church leaders to prioritize genuine worship and biblical teaching.
  4. Speak out against harmful practices in a loving and respectful manner, following the example of Paul in Galatians 2:11-14.
  5. Fellowship with other like-minded believers and churches that prioritize biblical teaching and authentic worship.
Remember that change may not happen overnight, but consistent prayer and advocacy for biblical truth can make a significant impact in the life of one’s church.
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Aug 12, 2007
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What is the “Jezebel spirit?” Some have likely pondered this question in the wake of recent drama surrounding controversial Pastor Mark Driscoll.

Radio host and author Dr. Michael Brown told CBN the “Jezebel spirit” is tied to a demoniacal figure in the Old Testament named Jezebel.

“Jezebel is arguably the most wicked woman in the Bible,” Brown, host of Line of Fire Radio, said. “She was a Phoenician princess and an ardent worshiper of [the Canaan and Phoenicia god] Baal.”

He continued, “She married King Ahab, and together they helped bring Israel down into deep idolatry. And of course, she had a great battle with the Prophet Elijah.”

Brown said Jezebel, whose evils are documented in 1 Kings and 2 Kings 9, was “associated with idolatry” and also with “being seductive” and with witchcraft. Thus, when people speak about a “Jezebel spirit,” these are the types of issues they’re typically referencing.

Many believe Jezebel was the driving force behind much of the wickedness seen in these Scriptures and in Israel at the time. King Ahab is often presented as going along with these evils rather than resisting.

“When we refer to ‘Jezebel’s spirit,’ the reason that we come up with the idea is that she’s mentioned again in the New Testament,” Brown said.

Continued below.

Hey,..... watch this,....

Are you ready?.....

Where is a "spirit" of Jezebel or Jezebel "spirit" listed in our bibles?
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Hey,..... watch this,....

Are you ready?.....

Where is a "spirit" of Jezebel or Jezebel "spirit" listed in our bibles?
Exactly. Same with python spirits, marine spirits, etc.
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Jan 21, 2023
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Exactly. Same with python spirits, marine spirits, etc.
My understanding of the term has always been that "spirit" is used in the general sense to mean "an air of" something, like a "spirit of hatred" or "mean-spirited." I don't think anyone is saying that there's a specific spiritual being that is "the" or "a" Jezebel spirit, even if they may use the phrase "the Jezebel spirit," in the same way that you can have "the Christmas spirit" without saying there's a specific spiritual being that people interact with when they put up Christmas trees.
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Aug 12, 2007
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My understanding of the term has always been that "spirit" is used in the general sense to mean "an air of" something, like a "spirit of hatred" or "mean-spirited." I don't think anyone is saying that there's a specific spiritual being that is "the" or "a" Jezebel spirit, even if they may use the phrase "the Jezebel spirit," in the same way that you can have "the Christmas spirit" without saying there's a specific spiritual being that people interact with when they put up Christmas trees.

Some people mean character traits, which is able to be seen in people at times. But there are others who get confused and actually think there is some sort of stronghold named Jezebel that can affect them somehow.
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