• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist



Active Member
Jul 29, 2017
Metro Manila
Marital Status
I decided to take the risk and post my miracle.

I have struggled with homosexual lust for many years, and also with pornography and masturbation, and other stuff.

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has reached out to me. Even if we receive Jesus Christ as our Savior years ago, if we continue in sin, we are heading a dangerous path (hell?). The Bible is very clear on this. There are just so many many verses and the meaning is clear, without straining for it to be OSAS.

I wanted out of homosexual lust. I fought it out, my flesh and the evil spirits. But I admit to you guys, I still fell and masturbated and watched porn.
There was a period where I was clean of masturbation and pornography, but I scrolled to Facebook images and eventually masturbated.


I talked with God. I was serious. I told Him I don't want this anymore. That I am surrendering every nook and cranny, every aspect of my life to Him. Not 99 %. Not 50%. But 100% of my life to Yahushua HaMashiach Jesus Christ.

Yes, God will help us. But we need to fight the lust off as our way of letting Him empower us and help us. But it is truly Him that is working, not our own efforts (See Phil 2:13).

Praise God! I felt my homosexual lust vanished at that time. So it is possible.

However, I encountered a certain stimulus in a public place. The temptations to touch were so strong at that point.

Frantically, I went to Youtube where Isaiah Saldivar and three other men prayed this Deliverance prayer from Sexual Desire and Lust. I prayed the prayer with them, where they (and I) actively addressed Satan and the evil spirits to leave me and go away and cast them off in Jesus' Name.

And you know what? I consider this as a Miracle!! Instantly, my sexual urges disappeared!!! And from then on, I am free to follow God and allow Him to empower me to live sinless. Let's walk in the Spirit!


I know, I know. The Battle is still far off, it has not ended yet while I am living. The Battle for Purity and Holiness. We will all be tempted still. But resist the Devil and He will flee from you.

My story clearly shows that God will always provide a way out of our temptations. We just have to cooperate with Him. (So, there is no excuse if we give in to the temptation, because God is always willing to help us out and provide a way out. We just have to be willing to obey Him).

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Jul 29, 2017
Metro Manila
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So the temptation to m-a-s-t-u-r-b---- arrived on me today, and the temptation to fantasize or lust on men.

So praise the God of the Bible!! I accessed the same YouTube deliverance prayer of Vlad Samchuk, Isaac Saldivar and their two other friends (the one I talked about above).

It is important that as we go through this prayer, we Truly believe and claim it. That we truly fight it out and address the evil spirits to leave and address our flesh. It is God fighting for us. That we ask the power of the Holy Spirit.

As we go through the prayer, we can't be passively listening. Really fight it out and believe. If you get exhausted after that, so what? Small price to pay for yet another day of holiness and freedom from lust....

To God be all the credit!!!!
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May 30, 2020
casa grande
United States
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I decided to take the risk and post my miracle.

I have struggled with homosexual lust for many years, and also with inappropriate contentography and masturbation, and other stuff.

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has reached out to me. Even if we receive Jesus Christ as our Savior years ago, if we continue in sin, we are heading a dangerous path (hell?). The Bible is very clear on this. There are just so many many verses and the meaning is clear, without straining for it to be OSAS.

I wanted out of homosexual lust. I fought it out, my flesh and the evil spirits. But I admit to you guys, I still fell and masturbated and watched inappropriate content.
There was a period where I was clean of masturbation and inappropriate contentography, but I scrolled to Facebook images and eventually masturbated.


I talked with God. I was serious. I told Him I don't want this anymore. That I am surrendering every nook and cranny, every aspect of my life to Him. Not 99 %. Not 50%. But 100% of my life to Yahushua HaMashiach Jesus Christ.

Yes, God will help us. But we need to fight the lust off as our way of letting Him empower us and help us. But it is truly Him that is working, not our own efforts (See Phil 2:13).

Praise God! I felt my homosexual lust vanished at that time. So it is possible.

However, I encountered a certain stimulus in a public place. The temptations to touch were so strong at that point.

Frantically, I went to Youtube where Isaiah Saldivar and three other men prayed this Deliverance prayer from Sexual Desire and Lust. I prayed the prayer with them, where they (and I) actively addressed Satan and the evil spirits to leave me and go away and cast them off in Jesus' Name.

And you know what? I consider this as a Miracle!! Instantly, my sexual urges disappeared!!! And from then on, I am free to follow God and allow Him to empower me to live sinless. Let's walk in the Spirit!


I know, I know. The Battle is still far off, it has not ended yet while I am living. The Battle for Purity and Holiness. We will all be tempted still. But resist the Devil and He will flee from you.

My story clearly shows that God will always provide a way out of our temptations. We just have to cooperate with Him. (So, there is no excuse if we give in to the temptation, because God is always willing to help us out and provide a way out. We just have to be willing to obey Him).

Hope this helps.
This is really wonderful. Probably one of the hardest sins to move on from. Congratulations! And God bless and give you strength:)
I believe this will help othérs, many believe it's not possible. This is a good testimony.
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