What does the Salvation Army believe about...



Hi :) Hope I can answer your questions for you :)

1.) Homosexuality

To save typing loads, I've copied this directly from our website.

Human sexuality is part of God’s creation and as such it is good and to be celebrated. Like the rest of creation and human life, the use of our sexuality can fall short of God’s intentions and be misused. Human sexuality includes a mix of identity, feelings and behaviours that are not always fully understood by the individual concerned or by society as a whole. Sexual identity is widely accepted to be unchosen by the individual. The Salvation Army believes that it is wrong to discriminate against anyone in the provision of goods and services, and social and pastoral care because of their presumed or declared identity.

The Salvation Army endorses biblical teaching which sees humans as responsible for their behaviours, including behaviour resulting from sexual feelings however powerful. Sexual behaviour is wrong when it lacks consent from either partner, or is undertaken with people unable to give fully informed consent (children and vulnerable adults), or when it involves violence or coercion.

The Salvation Army teaches that sexual acts should take place only in a monogamous heterosexual marriage, believing that this reflects God’s intentions for sexual behaviour and provides the best environment for raising children. Marriage is a covenant between God and wife and husband, ideally providing resources of grace, forgiveness and love to sustain a lifelong faithful relationship. Loving relationships that can support human flourishing will involve commitment, communication, consent, forbearance, forgiveness, respect and faithfulness. For those who do not share Christian beliefs we advocate a state-recognised marriage characterised by mutual loving commitment and shared responsibility within a relationship

We condemn all exploitation of sexual behaviour and feelings. This includes all types of sexual abuse, pornography and prostitution. We endorse the work of those who support people whose lives have been damaged by the abuse of human sexuality. The Salvation Army takes seriously policies to safeguard children and vulnerable adults.

2.) Abortion

This is too long even to copy and paste so here's a link :)
International Social Justice Commission: Abortion

However, this bit stood out as central...

The Salvation Army believes that termination can occur only when

Carrying the pregnancy further seriously threatens the life of the mother; or
Reliable diagnostic procedures have identified a foetal abnormality considered incompatible with survival for more than a very brief post natal period.

In addition, rape and incest are brutal acts of dominance violating women physically and emotionally. This situation represents a special case for the consideration of termination as the violation may be compounded by the continuation of the pregnancy.

3.) Pacifism

Here's a good link that seems to answer this one :)

Marching as to War

4.) Church and State

Again, this link seems to answer your question
The Salvation Army International - Positional Statement: The Salvation Army and the State

5.) Drinking in moderation

Soldiers of the Salvation Army (those who wear the uniform) take a pledge not to drink alcohol. However, it is a widely held misconception that the Army condemns alcohol totally. It doesn't. It condemns the abuse of alcohol. That's a different thing altogether.

Here's a snippet from the Army's web site on this

The Army would not judge people who see no harm in drinking in moderation. However, in a society where much social and business interaction revolve around alcohol, a positive stance is made by Salvationists that it is not necessary to rely on alcohol to feel confident, communicate with others or enjoy oneself.

6.) The eternal destination of those Christians belonging to other denominations

Oh the Baptists are going to hell, no doubt about it...:D:D:D:D:D

Only joking. My daughter attends a Baptist church :)

Seriuosly, here's a link...a bit wordy but good reading


The bottom line is this. The Salvation Army is a member of the universal church. We are first and foremost Christians and Salvationists second. ALL Christians who believe in the triune God of Father, Son and Holy Spirit are brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, and frankly it makes no difference to us (or to God for that matter) which church you choose to worship Him in.

I'm a Salvationist because I know that's where God has called me to be. My daughter is in a Baptist church for the same reason, as are my friends who are Anglicans, Methodists, Pentecostals etc etc etc.
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