What are your thoughts on self defense , when evil is on the move


Jezebel's bain
May 14, 2012
Marital Status
What are your thoughts on self defense, and defending your loved ones,

when evil is on the move,

Once I rescued 3 girls from a weekend party run by a coven. Those girls were to be drugged and gang raped by the male followers as the warm up for the 'main event'. Nine of the men came after them to get them back. It was to be their initiation into the group.

We had been on our 2nd honeymoon and got invited up to the party in the suites but had left when I caught them trying to drug my wife's drink.

I had offered those 3 girls sanctuary in our room. Those nine men came pounding on the door. I left the door latched to speak with them through the door and refused to let them come in to talk.

In their anger they admitted they were going to take back their 'new meat' girls and take my wife as well after dealing with me. Then they attempted to get into our hotel room. They had their hands and arms through the crack on the door so I couldn't get it closed and locked again.

All I had was my pocket knife and an empty long neck beer bottle. I used the beer bottle to smash the center of one guys hand breaking a bone in the back of his hand. I then broke that bottle over the knuckle of another one again breaking the bones in the joint. That left me with the broken glass of the neck to cut with. By that time they realized not to expose their hands to me and held it open while one of them tried to batter down the door by breaking the latch. The door frame was cracked and about to give way when we hear the police and hotel security calling for them to freeze. My wife had been on the phone to the front desk. One of them managed to push past the security guard and get away but 8 were caught with date rape drugs in their pocket they had gotten at the coven party.

The coven had been meeting in that hotel for weekend parties for several months. The hotel had already had an incident with a women being drugged in the hotel bar and held captive while drugged for several days. The hotel didn't know the parties were the source of the date rape drugs. The police had responded immediately because of that and had only been a block away when the call came in. There is been a major problem in the area with women being drugged and kidnapped out of the local bars, gang raped then dumped on the side of the road with no memory of what had happened. The police were actively looking for the source of those drugs.

Now we were all in the military stationed at a nearby AF base. The men were charged with breaking (not entering) because of the cracked door frame, attempted rape and drug possession. My actions were considered self-defense and justifiable defense of the women because they had declared intent to rape and assault me.

Later in retaliation, the coven had sabotaged a military aircraft in an attempt to get at my wife. Because of that, the coven members were charged with treason or conspiracy to commit treason on top of the drug, drug distribution, rape, kidnapping and sexual assault charges. The police raided a later party and halled them all off to jail.

Because my actions were against people that committed treason they were automatically declared enemies of the USA. My actions were considered armed combat against them granted I was only armed with a beer bottle and a pocket knife. It was considered an act of honor in defense of the women.

Because treason had been committed that triggered a joint local police, military police and FBI investigation into the activities of the coven. When the events hit the newspapers during the trials, the local mayor petitioned the base commander to award me a medal for the events. It had to have approval from the pentagon but since it wasn't an active war zone it took an executive order of the President to declare the location one and I was given a Silver Star for that incident but also ended up with 2 other Bronze stars for other events during that conflict. Granted, they were politically motivated because of the publicity of the trials.

The men arrested that night pled guilty to the breaking and drug possession charges and spent 60 days in jail. They were all raped in prison because of the attempted rape charges still outstanding against them. The two with broken bones were given no medical help while in lockup. When they were release the AF got ahold of them for being AWOL for 60 days as well as the military charges for their drug possession. The two men with broken bones had to have them rebroken and set to heal properly. Then they were all convicted on the attempted rape charges added to full rape charges for every party they had attended. The coven recruited 4 new girls for each weekend party they had.

That is the only time in my life I had to physically defend myself and loved ones and I was awarded a Silver Star for it. I was a computer tech stationed state side and got a Silver Star while I was on leave. How bizarre is that?

Over a 100 coven members were prosecuted on various charges. Two of them got 85 year prison sentences in federal prison. It turned out that the parties were run by my wife's military roommate, a high priestess of Ashtoreth. She had been behind all the events operating behind the scenes.
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Jezebel's bain
May 14, 2012
Marital Status
Seeking out those who had done him harm is in violation of the clear commands of scripture.
Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:17-21

You know what? Leaving vengeance up to Yah carries a far more severe consequence. When I have turned over someone to Yah to let Him provide that vengeance it was so far beyond what I would have done it was frightening.

Read Eze 16 to get an idea of what happened to the high priestess of Ashtoreth that took my wife from me. It was fulfilled nearly word for word in her case. The details of 'thrust through with swords' and 'stoned with stones' were carried out in idiom form. Those have a sexual context idiom in Hebrew.
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