What are your favorite Marvel/DC Characters, Movies, Comic Books, Cartoons, Teams etc.?


Domine non-sum dignus
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May 10, 2011
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I'm gonna geek out for a minute here-

I have been enjoying the past few years of Marvel movies. I grew up on the comic books and am glad they waited to make the movies until the technology was like it is now to make things so realistic. This is a goldmine of content that can fill theatres for years and years to come. Of all the heroes and villains, my favorite team has always been the Fantastic Four. I just have always loved The Thing ad they are unstoppable as a team. Recently, after watching the Netflix show, I have decided I now like Luke Cage for my stand alone hero. I never read his comic books and didn't know he was totally bullet proof. He's tough and I like his story line.

The comic book I really collected in order was Adam Warlock and the Infinity Gauntlet series. Nobody's heard of it but the truest of Marvel geeks from the 90's. It was a huge series that reached into a bunch of characters timelines so it was hard to get it all. Besides that it was back issues of Flash and the Four for a dime. The internet pretty much killed the local comic bookstore by my house "Comic College" Long ago are the days of digging through boxes and boxes of ten cent comics looking for just the right five or ten to take home and share with my friends.

How about you? Feel free to geek out on what you love or used to love. Was it Comics? Transformers? GI Joe? My Little Pony? Sailor Moon? Go Bots? Baseball Cards? Garbage Pail Kids, Barbie, Magic the gathering, D&D, Mario, Pokemon, WWE (really WWF for my generation), Hot Wheels/Matchbox, and so much more. I had some of these too but I can't just reminisce all day.


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I had hundreds of all the original comics which my father tagged as junk and threw in the garbage the first opportunity he had when I was temporarily absent. My favorites at that time were the DC's the Flash, Superman and Marvel's Spider Man, Fantastic Four, and the Hulk. I slowly switched from DC to Marvel comics because the story lines and heroes seemed more dynamic and the illustrations far more eye-catching. I was never a fan of DC's Batman, Green Lantern, Nor Wonder Woman. It was fun watching such superheroes come to life on the screen.

DC Comics - Wikipedia

Marvel Comics - Wikipedia
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Archie the Preacher

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Apr 11, 2003
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I grew up on D. C. comics and preferred Batman to Superman; not that I ignored Superman. I was always partial to Adam Strange as well. And I liked all the other D.C. heroes of the day; Flash, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, and probably some I'm missing.

Marvel Comics jumped up (in my mind, anyway) in the early 1960s with Fantastic Four - who are probably my favorite - and The X-men (as I've always been rather an outsider). For a long time I had issue #1 of Iron Man and liked that concept and series as well. I had the issue of Bruce Banner saving Rick Jones' bacon and getting an overload of gamma radiation in the process. Can't forget Spidey. I've been known to hum the TV series theme at certain moments in my law enforcement career.

I thought Robert Downey's "Tony Stark" was considerably younger in appearance and attitude than the "Tony Stark" in the comics. Upon consideration, I think the Downey version is probably more realistic in the setting.

On that line, I thought Benedict Cumberbatch's "Dr. Strange" was younger than the comic book version. I liked both and did follow the comic book series for quite a while. I've decided to see the next "Strange" movie.

Yeah. I'm a geek as well.
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Jun 13, 2015
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I'm gonna geek out for a minute here-

I have been enjoying the past few years of Marvel movies. I grew up on the comic books and am glad they waited to make the movies until the technology was like it is now to make things so realistic. This is a goldmine of content that can fill theatres for years and years to come. Of all the heroes and villains, my favorite team has always been the Fantastic Four. I just have always loved The Thing ad they are unstoppable as a team. Recently, after watching the Netflix show, I have decided I now like Luke Cage for my stand alone hero. I never read his comic books and didn't know he was totally bullet proof. He's tough and I like his story line.

The comic book I really collected in order was Adam Warlock and the Infinity Gauntlet series. Nobody's heard of it but the truest of Marvel geeks from the 90's. It was a huge series that reached into a bunch of characters timelines so it was hard to get it all. Besides that it was back issues of Flash and the Four for a dime. The internet pretty much killed the local comic bookstore by my house "Comic College" Long ago are the days of digging through boxes and boxes of ten cent comics looking for just the right five or ten to take home and share with my friends.

How about you? Feel free to geek out on what you love or used to love. Was it Comics? Transformers? GI Joe? My Little Pony? Sailor Moon? Go Bots? Baseball Cards? Garbage Pail Kids, Barbie, Magic the gathering, D&D, Mario, Pokemon, WWE (really WWF for my generation), Hot Wheels/Matchbox, and so much more. I had some of these too but I can't just reminisce all day.

I grew up on comic books. I loved Spiderman most of all, but read and collected everything under the sun. I bought the very first issue of Spiderman as a child. By the time I was 19 (1973) I figured I was too old for comic books and sold all 2,000 comics for $10! If I saved them I would have had a small fortune today!

This is a good springboard for a Christian topic. I did not know Jesus until I experienced the new birth at the age of 32. I have been walking with him for 30 years now, and comic books and fantasy were used by the Lord for my life.

As a child I so wanted to be a superhero. If only a radioactive spider would bite me! Alas, that was not the case. However, I drew inspiration from Daredevil. He had no powers, only heightened senses (btw, Netflix Daredevil explained his costume was actually body armor), but he gained his athletic ability through gymnastics training. As a Freshman in high school I had the chance to join the high school gymnastics team (1968). I thought, here is my chance to become a superhero! Of course I did not, but I fell in love with the training and after graduation found a career in coaching gymnastics.

I was led to Christ by a Messianic Jew at the age of 32. After a year of walking with the Lord, I asked him what he wanted me to do with my life, since I had radically forsaken all to follow Him. A prophecy was given to me that God wanted me to teach the Bible, which is why I later went to Bible College. But I thought, Great, but how do I make a living? At that time I was coaching gymnastics at the Jewish Community Center in New Orleans. I came home from work one day and lay in my bed, closing my eyes. Then I had a mental image in my mind's eye of Jesus in a long white robe running down a 100' rod tumbling platform performing a round off, back handspring, back layout. I thought the image so funny I started to laugh. Then the Lord spoke to my heart, Keep teaching gymnastics, it is good for children.

God uses everything for his glory. Comic books were used by God to lead me into a career that has been a blessing to thousands of children over the last 40 years. Never take shame in your past. The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.
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Domine non-sum dignus
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May 10, 2011
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I had hundreds of all the original comics which my father tagged as junk and threw in the garbage the first opportunity he had when I was temporarily absent. My favorites at that time were the DC's the Flash, Superman and Marvel's Spider Man, Fantastic Four, and the Hulk. I slowly switched from DC to Marvel comics because the story lines and heroes seemed more dynamic and the illustrations far more eye-catching. I was never a fan of DC's Batman, Green Lantern, Nor Wonder Woman. It was fun watching such superheroes come to life on the screen.

DC Comics - Wikipedia

Marvel Comics - Wikipedia

Yeah, of course my first super hero was DC's Superman as a kid but as a teen I went for Marvel. Mostly because the story lines were far more intriguing, and the character's choices were more complicated. In DC the good guy always won at the end of the comic and the choices were obvious between right and wrong.
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Yeah, of course my first super hero was DC's Superman as a kid but as a teen I went for Marvel. Mostly because the story lines were far more intriguing, and the character's choices were more complicated. In DC the good guy always won at the end of the comic and the choices were obvious between right and wrong.
That's what I was trying to say and you nailed it better than I did. I noticed that DC began to mimic Marvel by making their superheroes more vulnerable but the change was too obvious and seemed forced. So I stuck with Marvel. Then I became engrossed with being in a rock band as a rhythm guitar player and later as the lead, followed by religion and comic book reading stopped as it does for I imagine most of us upon reaching adulthood. When I did look art comics again at the newsstands they had gone form ten cents each to a dollar-fifty and now I imagine that they are maybe double that price?

Noticed that the Hulk's head square had shrunken to half its original size, his body had grown and that he had become somehow very articulate when before all he had been able to say was "Hulk Smash!". Besides that, there were now a bewildering array of so many swaggering characters that it staggered the imagination on how anyone could ever keep up with them much less afford to. That was my assessment of them 20 years ago so right now I really have no clue what the situation is but I imagine it the same but far more intense.
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I'm gonna geek out for a minute here-

I have been enjoying the past few years of Marvel movies. I grew up on the comic books and am glad they waited to make the movies until the technology was like it is now to make things so realistic. This is a goldmine of content that can fill theatres for years and years to come. Of all the heroes and villains, my favorite team has always been the Fantastic Four. I just have always loved The Thing ad they are unstoppable as a team. Recently, after watching the Netflix show, I have decided I now like Luke Cage for my stand alone hero. I never read his comic books and didn't know he was totally bullet proof. He's tough and I like his story line.

The comic book I really collected in order was Adam Warlock and the Infinity Gauntlet series. Nobody's heard of it but the truest of Marvel geeks from the 90's. It was a huge series that reached into a bunch of characters timelines so it was hard to get it all. Besides that it was back issues of Flash and the Four for a dime. The internet pretty much killed the local comic bookstore by my house "Comic College" Long ago are the days of digging through boxes and boxes of ten cent comics looking for just the right five or ten to take home and share with my friends.

How about you? Feel free to geek out on what you love or used to love. Was it Comics? Transformers? GI Joe? My Little Pony? Sailor Moon? Go Bots? Baseball Cards? Garbage Pail Kids, Barbie, Magic the gathering, D&D, Mario, Pokemon, WWE (really WWF for my generation), Hot Wheels/Matchbox, and so much more. I had some of these too but I can't just reminisce all day.

Although I still enjoy some fandom today of various Sci-fi and Marvel/DC material, most of my interests were in the late 70's and 80's stuff. I had quite a few titles I enjoyed as a kid, but I'd say the ones that have struck my interest most over the years have been: Planet of the Apes, The Incredible Hulk, STAR WARS!!!, and the X-men...oh, and the Hobbit/Lord of the Rings!

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