We should be talking to angels.


Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
I used to make comments "in the presence of" here and there as I knew by faith they were there. I never held a conversation, but I do believe in occasionally acknowledging someone along side you to care for you. I have both thanked them and apologized to them on a number of occasions.

I remember being thankful for surviving some very close calls over the course of life and since every account I've ever ran into about them seemed to indicate that they were privy to what your spirit communicated, I acknowledged the agent of God's protection my behalf, understanding that they heard my supplication.

If they hearken to the agreement of the mind of Christ (God's Word in you), then what is it to make comment on occasion. And as the suggestion was, if you heard an answer, well, you'd weigh that just like you would any other interjection in the spirit.

I've heard some say that the "voice" is from the "outside", where the Holy Spirit is usually perceived from the inside.

I've had dreams, one of them, not too pretty. The instant before I was awakened by a co-worker, I heard, "We've got to get you redeemed!". I was already a Christian, but there was a lot of leftover work to be accomplished in my renewal.

I woke up in the morning to one prophesying a word in my dream, the last line: "The Lord is calling for the battle!".

Kevin Basconi has some wonderful books on working with the Heavenly realm (God's Spirit and angels) and really increasing your awareness in these areas.

Kenneth Hagin was told to have his angel bring forth the money needed (he indentified it as his provision) and then believe God for it to come to pass. It always did, even though for years he barely got by, even though he believed in Jehovah Jireh. He loosed them by commanding them "Go ministering spirits..."

If like Jesus, you were aware that there were angels at your disposal in prayer time, you'd be more apt to avail yourself of them and ask God how to do so. I've heard prophetic words where the Lord mentioned them sitting around waiting, so it's up to us to learn and move with them.

I know it's all dependent on our walks, not our persons. They were identified to be on God's side (not really ours), although they are for us, insomuch as we're walking in the light.
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The tree, is what's being compared to the kindgom of God. So the kingdom of God starts small in us and grows in us. And if and since Jesus added that the bird would land in it, then the birds are part of the comparision!!

So while the comparision is about the kingdom of God, so say that it is only about the tree when birds landing in the tree are part of the comparision does not make sense. The birds landing didn't have to be mention, and there is something written about God words being carefull chosen. So to understand that comparision fully, the entire comparison needs to be considered, otherwise we are saying that God did not choose His words carefully.

Now for what I think the birds are; of course we all need to talk to the Lord. Will He not show you, so that you will believe? Never-the-less, for a while after the Lord came into my life, I talked to the Lord only. But He told me that He was sending me angels, and introduced me to them. And He told me this, "When you have a baby, you start by keeping it at home. Yet as the child grows, doesn't he need to get to know the what else is there. When the child is young, it is only taught by it's parents, yet when it grows don't you have it learn from others also."

And later a day came when He told me that He was sending me fourty angels, and He wanted me to figure out their names. I could see the fourty angels in a vision, and they came forth as those in an army, yet their formation was as a oblong circle.

Praise was in front, with Joy to the right and Reasoning to the left. Through the middle were Focus, Evangelism and Intercession, Success, and Obedience. On the right side were angel like Peace, Patients, Comfort, and Happiness. To the left were angels like Planning, Finance and Provision, Organization, and Confidence.

Now I figured out there names, for the most part, by talking to them and listening to what they said. What they said was always educational and somewhat surprising.

For example, what Peace said was not so much about having a peaceful feeling but about surrender to the Lord . That is, the peace of the Lord is not so much accomplished by looking for rest in the Lord but by surrender to the Lord. This is something that I had wrong, and it appears to me that most Christians are failing to understand this also.

That is, I was and have send most Christian, trying to obtain the peace of God by trying to rest in Him. That is how we get our strength in the Lord, but our peace in the Lord comes from surrending our will like a city might might make peace with an opposing force. Until you surrending your will to the Lord, you can not achieve the peace that God has for you. You might get strength from resting in Him, but you don't get peace in your spirit until you surrender to Him.

And so I got many many teachings from the angels that serve Him, as they minister to me. And let me ask you. Since we know from the Scriptures that the Lord sends ministering angels to help the saints; are we truely surrendering to the will of the Lord if we are not willing to listen to those He sends to minister to us. We can go to church and listen to the minister there, and want to argue with what ever he says, so too we can have angels sent to minister to us and be unwilling to listen to them also. :)

I've known a half dozen or so people who have had encounters with angels… I love your testimony … just not so sure what to think. Very interesting…

Thanks for sharing, andrea
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May 20, 2015
Word of Faith
Why would you seek to talk to angels, when the LORD JESUS CHRIST paid such a huge price to reconcile us to the FATHER?

Wouldn't you rather talk to the FATHER, now that you have open 24/7 access to HIM through the LORD JESUS CHRIST?

Scripture contains examples of the LORD sending HIS angels with a message FOR someone FROM HIM, but no example or instruction for us to seek to talk to angels.
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Oct 30, 2006
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Yes, a couple of those conversations are: OT, Judges 13, Manoah and his wife and in the NT, Luke 1, when Gabriel talked with Mary.

Been studying some on the kingdom of God. An example is The Lord's Prayer which includes your kingdom come, your will be done on earth...

posted "Kenneth Hagin was told to have his angel bring forth the money needed" It wasn't KH's idea, he didn't initiate it though

Angels on Assignment about Roland Buck at http://www.angelsonassignment.org/ Click "Chapters"

One of their conversations from Chapter 2 -

“In our day, there is a beautiful new chapter unfolding as God is bringing into focus families of the earth. He is letting them know that his plan of salvation, a principle he put into operation years and years ago, is not just a plan for a single person. He reserves a place for the whole family, but each member must individually be born again.

I thought, "That's strange theology! That doesn't seem right." But I discovered that God himself is the one who started this! It was in his beautiful plan that he gave to Moses in the tabernacle. The angel brought to my attention the fact that God wanted the name of every head of the house and his family included in the gate of the tabernacle; the silver sockets, which held the veil of the temple, were to be made out of the shekels of their redemption. These sacrifices of half a shekel of silver were made by each man as a ransom for his soul unto the Lord. The shekels were to be melted, and the gates were to hang on the very fact that God has included ALL in his plan.

This redemption plan for the families was so important to God that he required each family to give a memorial offering of half a shekel every year so they wouldn't forget. This is discussed in Exodus 30:12-16 and 38:25-28.” From http://angelsonassignment.org/good_news.html
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Jul 21, 2010
Marital Status
I used to make comments "in the presence of" here and there as I knew by faith they were there. I never held a conversation, but I do believe in occasionally acknowledging someone along side you to care for you. I have both thanked them and apologized to them on a number of occasions.

I remember being thankful for surviving some very close calls over the course of life and since every account I've ever ran into about them seemed to indicate that they were privy to what your spirit communicated, I acknowledged the agent of God's protection my behalf, understanding that they heard my supplication.

If they hearken to the agreement of the mind of Christ (God's Word in you), then what is it to make comment on occasion. And as the suggestion was, if you heard an answer, well, you'd weigh that just like you would any other interjection in the spirit.

I've heard some say that the "voice" is from the "outside", where the Holy Spirit is usually perceived from the inside.

I've had dreams, one of them, not too pretty. The instant before I was awakened by a co-worker, I heard, "We've got to get you redeemed!". I was already a Christian, but there was a lot of leftover work to be accomplished in my renewal.

I woke up in the morning to one prophesying a word in my dream, the last line: "The Lord is calling for the battle!".

Kevin Basconi has some wonderful books on working with the Heavenly realm (God's Spirit and angels) and really increasing your awareness in these areas.

Kenneth Hagin was told to have his angel bring forth the money needed (he indentified it as his provision) and then believe God for it to come to pass. It always did, even though for years he barely got by, even though he believed in Jehovah Jireh. He loosed them by commanding them "Go ministering spirits..."

If like Jesus, you were aware that there were angels at your disposal in prayer time, you'd be more apt to avail yourself of them and ask God how to do so. I've heard prophetic words where the Lord mentioned them sitting around waiting, so it's up to us to learn and move with them.

I know it's all dependent on our walks, not our persons. They were identified to be on God's side (not really ours), although they are for us, insomuch as we're walking in the light.

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Jul 21, 2010
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" You mean like, "Thy Kingdom Come"?'

Nope, like john 15:

16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

Jesus' INSTRUCTIONS are to pray to Father in Jesus' Name.

Nothing whatsoever about talking to Angels, dead saints, blessed virgins, the Holy Spirit - PERIOD.

Now - since God looks on the HEART, it's my PERSONAL OPINION that you can put the "Wrong address" on a prayer, and He'll hear it anyway -

But the MANNER of prayer is given - so why get creative????

We are asked to pray to the Father and the first request we are ask to make is, "Thy Kingdom Come". So don't we expect that is should come???

Jesus said that His kingdom was not of this world, if it was, He explained, They would.." So His kingdom is made of up being that can be reffered to as 'they'! And we are instructed to seek Ye first the Kingdom of God, and according to that the Lord instructed us to ask the Father, "Thy Kingdom Come", which is the first request made in the Lord's prayer.

It is written that angels are ministering spirits sent the the saint. So if we ask, first off, "Thy Kingdom Come" and make it our efforts to 'Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God", knowing that His Kingdom is made up of "they" (angels), which are ministering spirts, and knowing that many have entertain angels without knowing it, then somehow come to the belief that the Kingdom of God, which is made up of these ministering angels, can be heard from and talked to, how good is our thinking?

Yeah, we pray to the Father and ask for the Kingdom, which is made up of ministering angels. Then somehow we come to the conclusion that we are not going actually hear them minister to us???? How do we come to such a conclusion. Don't we think we are going to get what we asked the Father for???

My friends: If you ask the Father, "Thy Kingdom Come" the Father sends it, but will you believe that???
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Jul 21, 2010
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Why would you seek to talk to angels, when the LORD JESUS CHRIST paid such a huge price to reconcile us to the FATHER?

Wouldn't you rather talk to the FATHER, now that you have open 24/7 access to HIM through the LORD JESUS CHRIST?

Scripture contains examples of the LORD sending HIS angels with a message FOR someone FROM HIM, but no example or instruction for us to seek to talk to angels.

We go to church to worship God!! While I can worship God ay home, it is easier to worship Him with others. I also find that same thing is true for hearing Him. Jesus said where two or more are gathered in His name, He would be there.

Yet, is the Lord the only One I talk to when I go to church. Don't I also talk to the brethren, and have fellowship with other believers. And aren't there also people that minister to me at church.

If I apply the agruement made above, then I would not listen or talk to anyone else at church, nor listen to anyone at church minister to me, because I am there seeking the Lord. We would not have fellowship with any people at church because we are seeking God only.

Now what about these angels. What is their position?

Rev 19:10 The I fell at his feet to worship him. but he said to me, "Do not do that; I am a fellow servant of your and your brethern who hold the testimony of Jesus Christ; worship god."

Angels are fellow servants, and our "brethern" That's just like those people at church that you talk to at church!!

Heb 13: 1,2 Let love of the brethren continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angesl without knowing it.

My freinds, when you ignore the ministering angels sent to provide service to the saints (you) you have failed to love the brethren!!!

It is written that He gives His angels charge of you, and they are not omni-present like God. So they must be with you. So have you failed to love them. Have you just been ignoring them? Have you been praying the Kingdom come, gotten the answer, been sent ministering angels, you fellow servants and brethren, and not been showing them hospitality. Are they strangers to you?

I'm afriad that for many of us, this is exactly what has been happening; just like is explained in the Scriptures. Many entertain anges without knowing it. We treat them like strangers, and not like fellow servants, brethren, and ministering spirits sent to us saints to help us. It is just exactly like the Scriptures explain to us, but who can correct us. Well we pay attention.

Still it is also written, "with their ears they don't hear, and with their eyes they don't see."
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
posted "Kenneth Hagin was told to have his angel bring forth the money needed" It wasn't KH's idea, he didn't initiate it though
The whole angels thing in the Body of Christ in the last 30 years is for a purpose. It found rich ground in the so-called "WOF movement" because it extended the teaching into how to work with angels (actually work with God and His angels) and extend your faith into a new realm that "religion" never intruded upon.

Religion took it into the ditch and all sorts of demonic manifestations came about. A shipwreck mentality with angels would be to really 'pray" to them (not just occasionally converse in the realm of thanksgiving). The whole Catholic thing asks others "in Christ" for blessings and grace. That's off! We're supposed to believe God that His army is about us all of the time. You've heard some boast when they were in trouble that they had angels bigger than the galoot who was oppressing them. They had a revelation of their provision. That revelation might have came forth years ago, but they dared to believe what was true then was still the same.

Hagin was instructed how to use his faith to "Go...bring forth X# of dollars (his needed provision and stewardship). Do as you're led, but often what is available for one, is often available for another.

Our eyes are supposed to be opened to the Heavenly realm alongside or even "on top" of this physical realm and by the eye of faith, not letting the physical reality always prevail.

Like all things, if it doesn't get preached, it won't be believed in, and you likely won't have faith for it.
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Jul 21, 2010
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The whole angels thing in the Body of Christ in the last 30 years is for a purpose. It found rich ground in the so-called "WOF movement" because it extended the teaching into how to work with angels (actually work with God and His angels) and extend your faith into a new realm that "religion" never intruded upon.

Religion took it into the ditch and all sorts of demonic manifestations came about. A shipwreck mentality with angels would be to really 'pray" to them (not just occasionally converse in the realm of thanksgiving). The whole Catholic thing asks others "in Christ" for blessings and grace. That's off! We're supposed to believe God that His army is about us all of the time. You've heard some boast when they were in trouble that they had angels bigger than the galoot who was oppressing them. They had a revelation of their provision. That revelation might have came forth years ago, but they dared to believe what was true then was still the same.

Hagin was instructed how to use his faith to "Go...bring forth X# of dollars (his needed provision and stewardship). Do as you're led, but often what is available for one, is often available for another.

Our eyes are supposed to be opened to the Heavenly realm alongside or even "on top" of this physical realm and by the eye of faith, not letting the physical reality always prevail.

Like all things, if it doesn't get preached, it won't be believed in, and you likely won't have faith for it.


I don't know about the last 30 years part, but "actually work with God and His angels" is what we are supposed to be doing!

God has a kingdom, and we are not only supposed to word with it but be part of it. We are going to be like the angels in heaven, who serve the Lord. So indeed, we are to serve the Lord, and thus that angels become our fellow servants and brethren in the Lord. Because they have been around longer, are wiser, and greater than us, we can learn alot from them as we work with them.

It is like working with another minister in the Lord who has been walking with the Lord longer than you. They have learned more, because they have been walking with the Lord. So whether it is another person/minister/Christian, the Lord has you working with, or an angel/minister/brethern the Lord has you working with, you can learn from talking to them and listening to them minister to you.

So perhaps you got some good information from an more experienced minster like a Kenneth Hagin, or perhaps you got some good information from a more experienced minister like Gariel; either way we have other brethren serving the Lord who also minister to us. But you'll have to be able to use your spiritual eyes and ears to pick up what angels are saying to you. And of course, no matter whether it is a person or and angel, you need to use some discernment, right?
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Although I appreciate the length you took to write this, I see no where in the post an example of where people or Jesus spoke or prayed to angels apart from when the angels came to them first. I do notice the verse says they're sent, not they're called. And angels are not omnipresent, so when we pray to them, they may not be there.

No issue talking to them if they arrive, heck, open your house to strangers, angels may come and you won't know it.

Prayer is a conversation with God - by definition. So to pray to angels is to have a converation with them which creates them with being God or a god.

Now you have conversation with people at church who serve the Lord, don't you. And you are not making them your god are you? No. Still many of them are ministers, and we are called to minister. That is part of serving the Lord.

Angels serve the Lord, and of them it is written:

"Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of thsoe who will inherit salvation?" (Heb 1:14)

And also we are told that many have entertained angels without knowing it.

So angels are being sent us us saints, and for the purpose of of ministering to us and rendering us service. Yet if the scriptures are correct, many are having that happen with even being aware of it.

Now if a minister (person) at church is ministering to me, can't I ask him questions in the hope of learning something more. After all, an experienced minister may indeed have information obtained by their experience in serving God that I don't have. And now if people have information obtained by their experience from serving God, how much more would that angels that having been serving God have?

And remember they are sent to us to minister and render service. So wouldn't we be wise to find out what we can from them. While it seems prudent to check the spirits to make sure they are from the Lord Jesus Christ, but once having dertermined they are sent from the Lord to minister to us and render service to us, it also seems wise to get all the counsel we can.

Prov 11:14 Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.

Also, concerning Jesus, did not angels minister to Him also?

Jn 22:43 Now an angel from heaven appeared to Him, strengthening Him

Mat 4: 11 Then the devil left Him; and behold angels came and began to minister to Him.

Ps 91:11 For He will give His angels charge concerning you, to gaurd you in all your ways.

We have a Lord, Jesus Christ, and a God ( Father, Son, and Spirit) and we also have a kingdom which consists of ministering angels to gaurd us in all our ways, but many are not aware of this an entertain angels without knowing it. So we have to be told to seek ye first the kingdom of God, because we don't really do that much, do we?
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Okay, sooo....

1. Most angels are not terribly impressed with human beings, and they aren't going to be seeking us out for any sort of chit-chat.


2. Angels answer to God, not to us. He gives them their assignments, and it is inappropriate for us to attempt to step in and give them orders, or call them to us, or take up their time. (I know you aren't suggesting that in the OP, but I have seen numerous instances of this happening within Charismatic churches).


3. If you happen to see or sense an angel, follow little kid rules for interacting with adults: Don't speak unless spoken to. Don't interrupt or try to get their attention, because they are busy. And if they do approach you first and speak to you, be respectful and mind your "Yes, Sirs," and "No Ma'ams."

How about just be honest.

4. God is infinitely patient and loving when He deals with us. Angels are not. Just because they serve God doesn't mean they won't get irritated or annoyed enough to blast you.

Ummm, no. Not even the darkest angel can blast you unless they hear from God first, and that's not the God I serve.
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Jul 14, 2013
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Ummm, no. Not even the darkest angel can blast you unless they hear from God first, and that's not the God I serve.
Is it your contention that God NEVER allows us to learn painful lessons, nor to bear the consequences of our own stupid actions? Lovely idea, but it doesn't match up with reality.
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Bob Carabbio

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Dec 22, 2010
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"If you ask the Father, "Thy Kingdom Come" the Father sends it, but will you believe that???"

Sure - no problem.

NOW what's ANY OF THAT got to do with "Carrying on discussions with Angels??"

Where in the Bible are we instructed to do that??
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Is it your contention that God NEVER allows us to learn painful lessons, nor to bear the consequences of our own stupid actions? Lovely idea, but it doesn't match up with reality.

You get that from that part of the post? Your idea that angels are somehow not terribly impressed by us is simply something you chose to believe without any Biblical basis. There is no where in the Bible that that is ever inferred. What that has to do with the post quoted above is simply beyond me.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
I see no where in the post an example of where people or Jesus spoke or prayed to angels apart from when the angels came to them first.
Jesus could of called on a legion of angels, but He didn't because He already knew the will of God in His situation (which didn't call for deliverance).

We're given the example of angels who ministered to Him in the garden. Ever wonder what they did? There are a lot of things not recorded in the Bible also. Although we're safe with Biblical precedents, we're not limited to that.

If angels hearken to the Word and we speak that Word, then they hearken unto the believer speaking that Word. When we get outside of that, that would be presumptuous.

If you knew by faith that you had an angel who basically walked alongside you, and you said "Thank you!" or made a passing comment, that would be an exercise of faith. I believe they're attracted to worship as well, and they likely join you when you do it (even the ones that aren't really "yours").

I do notice the verse says they're sent, not they're called. And angels are not omnipresent, so when we pray to them, they may not be there.

Most of the time you should have at least one there. Kat Kerr (who sees in the Spirit all of the time) says that most believers have at least 2, your guardian angel and one that goes back and forth to Heaven and brings things like wisdom and other provision.

Depending on your station in life and your calling, she also said that you carry more. In fact, growing up certain children catch more demonic flack (usually through other children) because they enemy sees the encampment you have around you.

No issue talking to them if they arrive, heck, open your house to strangers, angels may come and you won't know it.
I don't believe a "conversation" would be the goal, but a general acknowledgment wouldn't hurt. I've done the same thing to the cloud of witnesses in meetings.

I think most of the people here who don't balk at some acknowledgment aren't getting out of center. Do it according to your faith. When you speak forth the thing you ask for, or in agreement with the Word, then you "loose" God to set His ministers to work on your behalf.

I really think people just object to where "it might go" and no one here is really interested in that.

Truly some things you cannot share with some people. I've certainly seen that and just be careful in your acknowledgments regarding Heaven walking with you as some cannot understand until certain precepts have been established within them.
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May 20, 2015
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We go to church to worship God!! While I can worship God ay home, it is easier to worship Him with others. I also find that same thing is true for hearing Him. Jesus said where two or more are gathered in His name, He would be there.

Yet, is the Lord the only One I talk to when I go to church. Don't I also talk to the brethren, and have fellowship with other believers. And aren't there also people that minister to me at church.

If I apply the agruement made above, then I would not listen or talk to anyone else at church, nor listen to anyone at church minister to me, because I am there seeking the Lord. We would not have fellowship with any people at church because we are seeking God only.

Now what about these angels. What is their position?

Rev 19:10 The I fell at his feet to worship him. but he said to me, "Do not do that; I am a fellow servant of your and your brethern who hold the testimony of Jesus Christ; worship god."

Angels are fellow servants, and our "brethern" That's just like those people at church that you talk to at church!!

Heb 13: 1,2 Let love of the brethren continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angesl without knowing it.

My freinds, when you ignore the ministering angels sent to provide service to the saints (you) you have failed to love the brethren!!!

It is written that He gives His angels charge of you, and they are not omni-present like God. So they must be with you. So have you failed to love them. Have you just been ignoring them? Have you been praying the Kingdom come, gotten the answer, been sent ministering angels, you fellow servants and brethren, and not been showing them hospitality. Are they strangers to you?

I'm afriad that for many of us, this is exactly what has been happening; just like is explained in the Scriptures. Many entertain anges without knowing it. We treat them like strangers, and not like fellow servants, brethren, and ministering spirits sent to us saints to help us. It is just exactly like the Scriptures explain to us, but who can correct us. Well we pay attention.

Still it is also written, "with their ears they don't hear, and with their eyes they don't see."
OK. I see why you think as you do, but if you check out Revelation 19:10 in many translations, it doesn't say angels are our brethren.

Revelation 19:10 - Bible Gateway

It says angels are our fellow servants, to us and to our brethren.

If angels are our brethren, I supposed everything you're saaying is right, but their not our brethren.

They're our fellow servants.

So as our fellow servants should we be talking to them?

I guess I'll have to pray about this one.

I've taken the warning about not worshipping angels very seriously.

I KNOW the LORD may send HIS angels to us with HIS message.

Roland Buck in "Angels on Assignment" and "Angels Unaware", had many conversations with angels the LORD sent.

He never sought to see and talk with them, but they were sent many times to tell him things.

The stuff he was told by angels was eye opening.

Do you ask the angels for things?

What do you see the purpose of talking with angels to be?


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May 20, 2015
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I guess being aware that guardian angels are constantly with me, I could acknowledge their presence out of respect and say thank you for obeying the LORD and taking such good care of me.

I supposed ignoring them totally would be rude.

Trying to start a conversation with them seems like going beyond scripture though.

If they started talking to me, I would be all ears. I guess I'd asked questions if I had any. But I might be too shocked to speak.

I've seen angels near me 2 or 3 times and was speechless.

I had been praying in the SPIRIT and worshipping the LORD intensely when my eyes were opened to see them.

I was going through a dangerous time with some people who were trying to use their influence to discredit and destroy me.

Seeing the angels comforted me, and let me know the LORD would protect me from the schemes of the enemy.

AND by the same token, the HOLY SPIRIT of the LIVING GOD is VERY near to me 24/7 too, to lead and guide and teach me.

I suppose I should be more aware and respectful of HIS presence and work in my life.

I should be thanking HIM, and perhaps I should even be talking to HIM about things.

When I talk to the LORD, I think I'm thinking of the FATHER and SON, more than the HOLY SPIRIT.

But the LORD JESUS CHRIST said HE would send the COMFORTER to me to be with me always.
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like eagleswings

Dec 28, 2011
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You get that from that part of the post? Your idea that angels are somehow not terribly impressed by us is simply something you chose to believe without any Biblical basis. There is no where in the Bible that that is ever inferred. What that has to do with the post quoted above is simply beyond me.

well if one sinner repents, all the angels in heaven rejoice, so that looks like they love us, and they understand our weaknesses,but they are strictly obedient to God, in all things,and they make sure its God that gets the glory. i think its dangerouse to go chating to angels, as even satan can transform himself into an angel of light.
keeping our eyes on Jesus,and God the father. thats how angels of God like it that way.
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