
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2004
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Having gone through a lot of vocations and having held the title of "Manager in Training" more times than any other human being on earth, I have recently returned to school and have considered teaching. Which is funny because I was always one of those kids that gave the teachers a hard time. Not in a bad way. I was the class clown, if you will.

One of my many vocations was a Juvenile Justice Counselor and I loved working with the kids. I also love school and love to learn. So, I thought, why not combine the two? Teach kids and share with them my passion for learning and school and change a life along the way.

That's what I'm doing now. I'm majoring in Humanities, but probably will eventually change to English to teach high school level English and Literature. It is hard to go back to school with a family and obligations. Thank the Lord for my military service, as the military is paying the tuition.

I would love to teach in a Christian school. But, having no experiences in the Christian school environment, I do not know what to expect. I am comfortable with troubled kids and feel that I could make a difference in their lives, but the dilema in public schools is you cannot teach Jesus. I want to do both. Help kids, change lives, and teach the Word of God.

Anyway, I'm rambling on and on. Thanks for "listening".

God Bless