"Types" Found in the 6 Particuar Resurrections



1) The 3 General Resurrections:
".. Anointed the firstfruits, AD 32; the coming of Anointed, AD 77 ("The Dead and the Living"; Mt 16.27-28), then the End (Rev 20.15; End of Time; New Covenant Resurrection; ("The Dead Only") - 1Cor 15.22-24.

2) The 6 Particular Resurrections.

As a fool, I used to wonder, ""How did the OT men have faith without the hope of a resurrection"?

A) Enoch (Gen 5; 3300 BC), pre-flood Age.

B) Elijah (2Kings 2; 800 BC, "Old Heavens Age" (2Pet 3.7-10).

C) Lamb of God (Mt 28; AD 32).

D)) "The Dead and the Living"; "this generation", Mt 24.34; and 10 Days, Rev 2.10; and "quickly" (6 times); and "He (John) will remain till I come" (Jn 21.22); and "some standing here will not taste death till they see the Son of the man coming in the kingdom of Him" ((Mt 16.28; Rev 21.3; AD 77).

E) The First Resurrection (Rev 14.12, Rev 15.1-4, Rev 20.4-6; AD 1775).

F) The Dead Only; Rev 14.13, Rev 20.11-15; Rev 21.7-8.

3) The "Types."

A) Enoch was a type of "The Dead and the Living" (AD 77) to the Pre-flood Age.

B) Enoch (800 BC) was a "type" to the "Dead and the Living"; AD 77, in the "Old Heavens" Age.

C) "First Resurrection" was a "type" to the "Dead Only Resurrection" (New Covenant).

If you do not beleive in the "AD 77 Resurrection" this is one of the "Three Blasphemieis of the Beast."

"He opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme the name of Him, the tabernacle of Him (New Jerusalem; AD 77), and those who dwell in heaven (AD 77)" - Rev 13.6.
