Totality or Nothing: What the Solar Eclipse Revealed About God


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Feb 5, 2002
United States
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God simply never tires of ways of delighting us.

Awesome is an overused word. On Monday, I was lucky enough to experience a total solar eclipse.

It was … awesome.

Although I think I could easily give a dozen reasons why I found it so moving, I will offer just two.

First, consider that a total solar eclipse is almost universally acknowledged to be one of the most incredibly beautiful sights in all of nature. But we must stop for a moment to consider the fact that, for this beauty to even be possible, the sun and the moon need to be precisely the same relative size in the sky. We might simply take for granted that a planet’s sun and moon are precisely proportionate to each other. However, there is no scientific explanation or necessity why this should be the case. Indeed, astronomers haven’t observed any examples of this type of perfect moon/sun relationship elsewhere in the observable universe. The official explanation is: there is no explanation; it’s just a very, very, lucky coincidence.

I would rather believe that God simply never tires of ways of delighting us.

Jesus tells us that we should become like little children. He further tells us that we are to be perfect, as his Father is perfect. It is the delightful things in nature like this that make me realize that God is, in a sense, most childlike. Children create little drawings or paintings and run to their parents exclaiming: “Look! Look at what I’ve made for you!”

God does the same.

He took the entire universe and fashioned it in a way that we would find pleasing and beautiful. In doing so, he too exclaims, “Look! Look at what I’ve made for you!”

Continued below.
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