Timing and understanding Lent


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Feb 14, 2024
Grand Prairie
United States
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To everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
  • A time to be born and a time to die.
  • A time to plant and pluck up that which is planted.
  • A time to kill and a time to heal.
  • There is a time to break down and a time to build up.
  • A time to weep and a time to laugh.
  • A time to mourn and a time to dance.
  • A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together.
  • There is a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing.
  • A time to get and a time to lose.
  • A time to keep and a time to cast away.
  • A time to rend and a time to sew.
  • A time to keep silent and speak, a time to love and hate, a time of war and peace. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Many of us pray and fast at the beginning of the year, seeking God's divine direction for the days ahead. You may have missed this time in January; no worries, the next season is here! You can participate in the season of Lent.

What is lent? Lent is forty days from February 14 (Ash Wednesday) to March 28, 2024 (High Sabbath day). Lent is a time of self-reflection and repentance as we continue cultivating a deeper relationship with our Lord and Savior through fasting, prayer, and reading the Word.

It's a time when we journey to the cross—preparing to celebrate the Passover feast, which serves twofold- remembering the exodus and the crucifixion of Jesus. These times remind us of God's faithfulness in delivering His people from physical bondage and eternal death. It's a time to thank God for giving us eternal life through His son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Take time to share the gift of Love with others.

Jesus said, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

Father, teach us your ways as you change our lives by the power of the Holy Spirit. We desire to do your will.

Make each day a great day when you study the living Word.


Electric Nightfall
Angels Team
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Apr 25, 2022
United States
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