Time is a privilege, not a right.


66 pages + the Lord Jesus
Jan 12, 2021
Skipperville, AL, USA
United States
Marital Status
I need help with a serious question that keeps attacking me.​
I'm not saying it would happen in a few moments or whenever but to say if it did and I was taken tonight.

I get to the ballroom Jesus is sitting next to me and forbid I look down the table and see another man sitting next to a woman and a child between them, and I turn to the guy next to me and say to him, "This doesn't effect me."

You know the gameshow Let's Make A Deal, let's say there are four doors and we know what's behind the fourth door no one ever picks the 4th door, so were left with the three prior doors, we are here and then we should think about the first door being acceptance of Jesus, second door the family I just saw a few chairs down, and the third door being the one you want to open, but Jesus says he's the only one that can open that door.

SO, what are single men supposed to do about this, Google don't have answers, and then you hear a sermon from a woman and it's like easy for them to preach that sermon but, I'm a guy and I'm wondering what in this new world is behind that 3rd door?​

Singleness goes both ways. Paul talks about how some are called to a life of singleness. Regardless of being single or in a relationship, God should be the center of any and all relationships which was the focus of the sermon

You know something; I did say I have empathic tendencies, right?

I wasn't asking the question because I wanted an answer, I already found my answer, but I wanted to know if there was a way to get the answer to others. Because of my trials in these situations, I have felt, but I reiterate this, because I have been through all I've been through in the last 5 years, you realize the vast amount of luck afforded to me.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the good voices that backed me the way that angel did. And I know by default that there are people in this world that ask themselves that question and they do die emotionally. Some like my niece or even the other woman that left our church, and there are many in this world that do end up going too far into unbearable trauma.

So how would we, tell people about that third mystery door? and God has a better for us??