The revelation of the Mystery. The working service of the saints for the restoration of the cosmos.


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The Revelation of the Mystery.

The working service of the saints for the restoration of the cosmos

8c in all wisdom and insight 9 making know to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in himself 10 as a plan (dispensation) for the fullness of the appointed seasons, to head up all things in Christ the, things in heaven and things on earth (Eph.1:8-10).

The mystery of God’s will concerns the establishment of His Kingdom by the Christ; and how He purposes to do this through the redemption of the church into its inheritance; this will be accomplished through the working service of the members of Christ’s Body; which are called to build up one another in love, for the glorious manifestation of Christ with His body in the heavenly realm (Eph.1:5-7;14; 4:30 4:12-16; Col.1:4-5,23,25-29; Tit.1:1-3). Once the church enters its inheritance with Christ, as God’s glorious, enthroned image; the fullness of God’s glory (preeminent presence) will then begin to pervade out to all creation during the appointed seasons; where all the divinely assigned offices of authority that rule the cosmos and the earth ( that are ruled by the forces of darkness, Eph.6:12), will then be made subjugated under the preeminent headship of Christ (Isa.24:21), thus being filled with the glory of God, where He is all in all (Eph.1:18-23; 3:9-11; Col.1:14-21;cp.1Cor.15:24-28).

Here we have God’s secret plan in bringing order to the cosmos (i.e., the establishment of God’s Kingdom), through the redemption of the Church into its inheritance in the heavenly realm. This realm is currently occupied by the hostile spiritual forces of darkness (Eph.6:12; cp.Eph.1:3), thus, they have present control over the worlds system (the kingdom of darkness, Eph.2:1-3). Here lies the cosmic conflict, and the spiritual warfare that the church is called to engage in, in order to obtain possession of the inheritance (Eph.6:12-18), that God may establish order to the cosmos through the rein of Christ (cp. Heb.2:8). This will be accomplished by our being energized by God’s Spirit that dwells within us, by the same power that raised Christ from the dead (Eph. 1:18-20). For by our spiritual union with Christ in His heavenly enthronement at the right hand of God (Eph.2:5-6), we are to exercise His spiritual authority by faith in corporate practice over the powers of darkness; with the one hope of the appearing with Christ in glory (Eph.1:18; 4:1; 6:12; 1 Tim1:1). This is done by imaging the character of the father, learned through the knowledge of the Son of God (Eph.4:13b, 20-32). By the power of His spirit, we are all to be made mature in Christ (Col1:28-29; 4:13c); and when the members of the body are corporately grown in righteousness, and selflessness love (Phil.1:1-4), being built up in the truth and love of God, bearing the fruits of righteousness (Eph.4:15; 5:9), we will be well pleasing to the father by our works, and by the faithful, joyful enduring witness (Col.1:10-12), its members will have filled up the sufferings of Christ through their selfless sacrificial love (Col.1:24; Eph.5:1-2;Phil.1:27-30). By this, the church will be the holy and without blemish offering to God for the restoration of the cosmos; then entering its inheritance in the heavenlies at the epiphany of Christ, partaking in the glory of His priestly intercession for the restoration of the cosmic order (Eph.1:4; Col.1:22; cp. 2 Tim.2:10,12; Tit. 2:13; cp. Phil.2:9-10; Eph.1:20-23).

The hope of the glory of the kingdom that would come from the inherence that was to be received by Christ from God, was made known unto the sons of men in the past ages (Ps.2:7-8; 110:1). But their understand was not according to the knowledge “as” was given to the Apostle Paul, this is because this mystery concerning Christ was hidden in God from the ages and generations of men, but was revealed exclusively to Paul (while in prison after Israels historical judgment Acts.28:25-28), and then revealed to the apostles-prophets that helped Paul in laying the foundational truths of this new revelation to the different assembles (Eph.2:20; 4:11), and this mystery concerns a called-out company that is composed of members from among the nations; this Church has been allotted an inheritance with Christ as the corporate New Man (Eph.2:15; 4:24; Col.3:10), as joint-heirs over the government of the Cosmos and joint-members (in a mystical union with Christ by the spirt) of the body of His flesh (Eph.5:30), and co-sharers of the royal priestly glory, that God promised to the image (Eph. 3:1-6; Ps.8; cp. Eph1:20-23); when this company enters its inheritance, they will share in the glory of the theophany of God with Christ, being made manifest with Him as the body of His glory at the right hand of God (Tit.2:13; Phil.3:21-22; Col.3:1-4).

Here we have the mystery of the gospel, the mystery of Christ, the gospel of the glory of God, where Gods glorious power is manifested through Christ’s body by their mystical union with Him in His heavenly enthronement, it is the gospel of our salvation (from the powers of death, and the prince of the power of this age, Eph.2:1-8; 6:19; Col.4:3;1 Tim1:11); it is deliverance unto our inheritance in Gods heavenly kingdom (2 Tim.4:18), as co-sharers of the glory rewarded to Christ and His Body for fulfilling the commission given to the image, to interceded on behalf of the human condition; for the restoration of the cosmos as God’s house, where He will have fellowship with mankind (Rev.21:3).

The body of Christ is built up to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Eph.4:13), when the gift of his headship to the church (His preeminent authority) is being harmoniously manifested through each member (spiritually) that they have become perfect in Christ; all the members of the body having grown up into him through the love and knowledge of the truth; which its members are to corporately manifest towards to one to another (Eph.4:7,12-16,cp. 1:20-23). When this accomplished, Christ who is currently hid in the glory of God, will then be made manifest at the right hand of God, and we with him, as the body of his glory (Col.3:3-4; 1 Tim.4:16; Phil.3:21-22).

This is the mystery of our devotion, for He was manifested in the flesh, justified in the spirit, seen of angels, preached among the nations, and believed on in the world, and taken up in glory (1 Tim.3:16). Here we have the mystical union with Christ and his body in our working service to proclaim the truth, and through our belief in expressing the truth of the heavenly kingship of Christ over our lives, the body shall be taken up in glory; where the appointed seasons will have arrived for hm to reveal that He is the king of Kings and lord of lords (1Tim.6:13-16), in the establishment of Gods Kingdom, this is why the church is said to be the fullness of all the offices of government that are to be filled with the glory of God (Eph.1:22-23). Because it is by the redemption of the church to its inheritance at the manifestation of Christ in glory. From which Gods glory will then pervade the cosmos subjugating all under the authoritative headship of Christ.

By the victorious enthronement of those that were low and trusted in God, over the high rebellious spiritual forces of darkness; the church that is Christ’s body will forever be a testimony in the ages to come to all creation of God’s grace, glory, power, and kindness toward us who trusted and believed, we will forever be the praise of His glory who first hoped in Christ (Eph.1:6,12,18, 21-22; 2:7,21-22). BY our performing this work that we may appear with Him in heaven, partaking in the sufferings of His intercession for the rescue of the human condition, for the fulness of the seasons, that God may head up all under Christ, and be all in all, dwelling amongst mankind forever. Amen!
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Marilyn C

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Dec 26, 2013
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In Christ Alone.

The Lord says -

`It is not the towering ability of individual men that will bring the close of this dispensation to an end, but it will be the ripening, the moulding, the perfecting of a Body of People that will be peculiarly Mine.

There will be no possibility for `flesh` to glory, for all will be interwoven one into the other, and in the centre of them will be the fires of Divine Affection, in the centre of them will be the seeds of Divine Love, in the centre of them will be the deposit of the eternal Purpose of God;

And when that time will come, it will be far greater! - drawing from the earth a people (who have been Mine) in the sense of rapture; it will be the carrying away from the earth of that functional Organ from the realm of Time into its Eternal Setting.`

Prophetic Word (part of) from the Apostolic Convention in Penygroes, 1943.

Prophetic Ministry through Pastor J.D. Eynon.
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