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The Problem of Petitionary Prayer for Divine Healing


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Feb 10, 2004
I have served as a Theology professor for 12 years and an evangelical pastor from 1994-2015. During that time, I was asked to conduct a 6-hour workshop on prayer for other pastors.
So did you have FAITH that the Bible was a reliable guide to truth at that time? How about now? When you said this below,

In copying Mark, Matthew reacts to this inadequate reply by substituting a saying from Q that just makes the problem worse:

And then this,

Then later scribes try to improve on Mark's text by adding "and fasting" to 9:29.

So how can anyone really talk to you about the Bible? So do you believe the Bible is a reliable guide or not? If one were to give you scriptural answers to what you ask are you going to accept the Bible is authoritative yes or no?

So my OP questions, which no one here addresses head-on, are the honest questions that have emerged from a lifelong spiritual quest.
We want to know are you going to accept the Bible?
I fully expected fundamentalists here to get defensive....
So you call yourself Berserk? Well no offence but you are actually acting berserk. How can you expect people not to get defensive when you say to them in such a condescending way, "Duh, what you don't get is that ..." Where is the encouragement you give that would lead people not to. So in that you bring it upon yourself and yes you CAN fully expect that people won't be that much open to you. So if you were a Pastor for all those years you know the drill...you're reaping what you sow.
I just assume that most of their prayer lives are merely cerebral and powerless--far removed from the glorious prayer life envisaged in Scripture.
Well that made me smile. :) But you're not fooling me. If you're approach is looking down your nose being condescending to people especially to ones who you feel don't have the exalted education you've had you're not going to tell me you've got some glorious prayer life. Nope. No way. Doesn't work that way.

Still willing to talk to you though. If you'd just answer the question. Do you or do you not believe the Bible IS a reliable guide that can be depended on. It seems like you don't. Anyway if I don't hear from you have a nice life.
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Oct 15, 2011
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So did you have FAITH that the Bible was a reliable guide to truth at that time? How about now?
duh, why do you think I would witness door to door and in the streests and lead a 6-hour workshop on prayer for lay leaders/

When you said this below,

In copying Mark, Matthew reacts to this inadequate reply by substituting a saying from Q that just makes the problem worse:In my seminary experience, godly NT professors take Matthew's editing of Mark for granted.
And then this,

Then later scribes try to improve on Mark's text by adding "and fasting" to 9:29.

So how can anyone really talk to you about the Bible? So do you believe the Bible is a reliable guide or not? If one were to give you scriptural answers to what you ask are you going to accept the Bible is authoritative yes or no?
Unlike you and your ilk, I love the Bible so much that I'm eager to discover the closest possible Hebrew and Greek texts to the original.
One of the important things you learn from godly evangelical seminary professors is just how corrupted the KJV's manuscript foundation really is as a result of provable copyist errors over the centuries. The KJV translators lacked 90% of the manuscripts now available to scholars. The late scribal addition "and fasting" to improve Mark 9:29 is a case in point.
We want to know are you going to accept the Bible?

So you call yourself Berserk? Well no offence but you are actually acting berserk.
If you can't demonstrate that you are house-broken, the kindly desist from polluting my thread with your mindless venom.
Being Scandanavian, I use "Berserk" as my nick because "Berserkers' were ancient Viking shaman warriors.
Well that made me smile. :) But you're not fooling me. If you're approach is looking down your nose being condescending to people especially to ones who you feel don't have the exalted education you've had you're not going to tell me you've got some glorious prayer life. Nope. No way. Doesn't work that way.

Still willing to talk to you though.
Please don't.
If you'd just answer the question. Do you or do you not believe the Bible IS a reliable guide that can be depended on.
Yes, I do, if its use of sources are properly assessed.
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Feb 10, 2004
duh, why do you think I would witness door to door and in the streests and lead a 6-hour workshop on prayer for lay leaders/
There you go with your condescending duh again. OK then Duh, people can backslide....or don't you know that?
Unlike you and your ilk, I love the Bible so much that I'm eager to discover the closest possible Hebrew and Greek texts to the original.
YOU WERE NOT. You were making light of Christ saying he was too vague about the prayer life! Your words are below,

Later He offers them the vague reason that they failed because of a prayer problem:
"This kind can come out only through prayer (n0t "and fasting"--9;29)."
But that vague answer brings us back to this thread's issue: Jesus doesn't tell them what's wrong with their prayer life.

But he did so but you refuse to see it.

One of the important things you learn from godly evangelical seminary professors is just how corrupted the KJV's ....
Godly evangelical seminary professors. Are you referring to yourself? Even if you're referring to others categorizing Bible teachers as some godly and others not is a little much. People can be wrong and sincere but still be godly.
Being Scandanavian, I use "Berserk" as my nick because "Berserkers' were ancient Viking shaman warriors.
Didn't know that. Doubt many common men do. All I know is how it comes across by what you're calling yourself. Your business though. Go for it. As for you telling me please don't comment on your thread....get this. You don't own the site. Any and all member can participate if they want to. No response from you? I'll try my best not to lose sleep over it.
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Oct 15, 2011
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You were making light of Christ saying he was too vague about the prayer life! Your words are below,
Nope. In the course of oral tradition Jesus' teaching gets truncated to facilitate memorization. I'm sure we could all benefit from the full record of His explanation to His disciples that is now lost. The later scribal addition "and fasting" is very nice, but is not what Jesus said. Mark's simplified version is too brief and vague to be of much help and, as I have shown, Matthew recognizes this and brings in another saying from Q in an effort to be more helpful. Thankfully, the Gospels contain much more helpful teaching on prayer that can instruct us with profit.
Later He offers them the vague reason that they failed because of a prayer problem:
"This kind can come out only through prayer (n0t "and fasting"--9;29)."
But that vague answer brings us back to this thread's issue: Jesus doesn't tell them what's wrong with their prayer life.

But he did so but you refuse to see it.
Do you actually consider the scribe divinely inspired who many centuries later presumed to improve on Mark 9:29 by adding "and fasting?"
Do you care so little about the purity of the text of God's Word that you have never studied Text Criticism?
Godly evangelical seminary professors. Are you referring to yourself?
Duh, nope--and that question is disengenuous.
Even if you're referring to others categorizing Bible teachers as some godly and others not is a little much. People can be wrong and sincere but still be godly.
Duh, I spoke only of my godly evangelical NT professors. Your malice prompts you to put words in my mouth.
Now kindly season your penchant for bluster with a modicum of intellectual rigor and let's get into the Word!

Bobber: "If you're approach is looking down your nose being condescending to people especially to ones who you feel don't have the exalted education you've had you're not going to tell me you've got some glorious prayer life."

First, I'm neither proud nor ashamed of my education. As usual, you're projecting.
Second, contrary to your judgmental presumption, I started this thread precisely because my application of biblical prayer principles to my own life needs work, especially when it comes to praying for the sick. I hoped to get practical insights from the prayer lives of prayer warriors here, if there are any.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2004
I'm sure we could all benefit from the full record of His explanation to His disciples that is now lost.
You talk as if God is on the sidelines and never quite got a message out that would be most beneficial. Are you saying God was asleep at the switch?
Do you actually consider the scribe divinely inspired who many centuries later presumed to improve on Mark 9:29 by adding "and fasting?"
Do you care so little about the purity of the text of God's Word that you have never studied Text Criticism?
Yes I know a little bit about it. And I know about the debate of Mk 16 and other things. You can however get so caught up in minor issues that it can become like you can't see the forest because of the trees. Jesus did teach or encourage fasting Matt 6:16 . You see in Acts when they wanted clear direction Paul and others fasted knowing they would be more spiritually sensitive to hearing the Spirit of God and getting his direction by so doing. Acts 14:23, Acts 13:3 I know

in my own experience that's even been the case for me. The overall revelation about fasting therefore is good to apply and most certainly could be beneficial in bringing deliverance to others. So why don't you just focus in upon it's good to fast and in a situation like Mark 9 it would most likely be beneficial. Seems to me you get lost in the weeds of things. It seems like you don't see the bigger picture of things that have been revealed.
Now kindly season your penchant for bluster with a modicum of intellectual rigor and let's get into the Word!
Ha....well I will give you one thing. You do have a way with words. :)
Second, contrary to your judgmental presumption,
I would respectfully suggest you've fed into such presumptions I've had concerning you.
I started this thread precisely because my application of biblical prayer principles to my own life needs work, especially when it comes to praying for the sick.
Very good! Keep in mind though. Help can come from places you least expect it. Even from people that don't know everything about every textual thing you might want to bring up. You recall God used a donkey once to help one missing it to get on the right track. Num 22:28
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Oct 15, 2011
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You talk as if God is on the sidelines and never quite got a message out that would be most beneficial. Are you saying God was asleep at the switch?
You act like God dictated Scripture to its writers who therefore have no responsibility for what they write.
ln 9:29 either Mark or his source was "asleep at the switch" by offering a response so tersely vague that it is not helpful.
Yes I know a little bit about it. And I know about the debate of Mk 16 and other things. You can however get so caught up in minor issues that it can become like you can't see the forest because of the trees. Jesus did teach or encourage fasting Matt 6:16 . You see in Acts when they wanted clear direction Paul and others fasted knowing they would be more spiritually sensitive to hearing the Spirit of God and getting his direction by so doing. Acts 14:23, Acts 13:3 I know
You miss the point: the issue is not the value of fasting in general, but whether the bogus wording of Mark 9:29 is nevertheless still correct in its claim that fasting is key to some healing miracles. In my younger years I sometimes fasted and prayed for lost souls for several hours.Seems to me you get lost in the weeds of things. It seems like you don't see the bigger picture of things that have been revealed.
To repeat a phrase from the movie "A Bad Day at Black Rock," you strike me as "a lost ball in the tall weeds" of highly complex issues of prayer spirituality who is blissfully ignorant of the subtle divine truths embedded in the weeds, the subtle nuances of detailed NT exegesis.

Very good! Keep in mind though. Help can come from places you least expect it. Even from people that don't know everything about every textual thing you might want to bring up. You recall God used a donkey once to help one missing it to get on the right track. Num 22:2Our Fuller Seminary newspaper was called "Baalam's A-s-s." I grew up Pentecostal and all my greatest spiritual role models were uneducated men. One of them, Gordon, once took me aside when I was about 12 and said, "You don't have to be stupid to be a Christian but sometimes I think it sure helps." He didn't want me to get disillusioned by the vapid tired cliches of many evangelical adults.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2004
"Because of your little faith! For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, "Move from here to there," and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you (17:20)."

What does Jesus mean by implying that the tiniest imaginable amount of faith will work miracles?
He simply meant that's what it will do.

Perhaps a better way to ask your question would be how do I get it to do that?
First you should know that Jesus didn't tell them they had small faith. They came to him and asked him to increase their faith. To increase something means THEY not God were saying their faith wasn't big enough. So Jesus sided in with their statement, that is to say, If you're coming to me saying you have small faith then you're telling me you have some faith. OK the some faith you've got or the small

faith you need to know what to do with it. And what was that? They had put it into motion or how to use it to bring about desired results. This of course is where 99% of Christians don't listen to what he said to do, that is how to release their faith and put it into motion. Their minds will gravitate towards a traditional saying and teaching that faith in God will move mountains. True in a sense but that's not what Jesus said , he said something different if you look at his exactly words.

Not all perhaps but a part of the answers you're looking for can be found in the texts of Matt 17:20, Mark 11:23, Matt 21:21 and Lk 17:26

God Bless! :)

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Richard T

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Mar 25, 2018
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Please either address these 5 questions from personal observation and experience or at least offer reasons for your perspective.
(1) How can we pursue the requisite faith for divine healing?

(2) How can we know what it feels like to have authentic faith for divine healing? When we think we have faith for healing but no healing results, was our faith flawed or is there an elusive relationship between faith and healing?

(3) How does one seek the will of God for personal physical healing? Can we just tarry for healing in God's presence and assume He wants to heal us? How often is asking for God's will to be done just an excuse to avoid a disciplined pursuit of believing faith for healing?

(4) Have any of you ever experienced or witnessed the healing of blindness or deafness? I ask this because many biblical miracles don't seem to have any or many modern parallels. Skeptics say if God can't or won't do it now, the reasonable assumption is that He couldn't or wouldn't do it back then. How limited should our expectations be for the performance of spectacular miracles?

(5) The Bible identifies or implies several conditions that should be satisfied for the experience of healing miracles. Yet God is sovereign and sometimes seems to heal people who have not met these conditions. When in need of healing, how important is it to systematically identify biblical conditions for healing and then try to satisfy them?

(1) How can we pursue the requisite faith for divine healing? Have a good knowledge of the word. "faith comes by hearing hearing by the word of God."

(2) How can we know what it feels like to have authentic faith for divine healing?
When you have the faith for healing it is unmovable. You can confess your are healed but somewhere faith has to arrive for the healing to take place. Most will not put in the time or effort. A good primer on this relationship is Faith Foolishness or Presumption by Fred Price After three months of no covid my sister thought she was immune from God's protection, then she got it. Like many she was walking in presumption. It si easy to tell because if you can't get healing for a cold or depression or other ailments why would one think that they could not get covid?

(3) How does one seek the will of God for personal physical healing? The will fo God is settled, it was provided on the cross just as Isaiah 53 prophesied. Can we just tarry for healing in God's presence and assume He wants to heal us? Yes, you have to pray it through, meaning that you keep after it until you have the faith beyond any doubts. This might not be instant but no need to give up.

(4) Have any of you ever experienced or witnessed the healing of blindness or deafness? I have heard of this in a service I attended. It seemed legit to me. I have seen arms and legs grow out so the operation of the gifts of healings can still take place. I also have had healing through the laying on of hands. Healing is more common where people are desperate but there are modern parallels though there could be far more. Miracles are as the Holy Spirit wills but it is good to still expect. I would not limit your expectations but instead make them very solid with prayer, thanksgiving and an understanding of the word on healing. I can say that I attended a Charles and Francis Hunter healing meeting once decades ago. Some were getting healed and I asked God about those that were not. I got God's perspective, he wants them healed but the heart and burden was not there to meet every need. Similarly God wants all saved but things can get in the way.

(5) The Bible identifies or implies several conditions that should be satisfied for the experience of healing miracles. Yet God is sovereign and sometimes seems to heal people who have not met these conditions. When in need of healing, how important is it to systematically identify biblical conditions for healing and then try to satisfy them? Healing miracles are far different than having personal faith for God to heal you. Miracles are sign and a help to bring in more unbelievers. I am not sure what you mean exactly for the conditions. Unforgiveness might be one if the person is an believer. When much of the American church is so indecisive on healing, the negativity can be overwhelming. Jesus could perform few miracles or healings when the faith was weak.

Hope that helps. I would suggest keeping on the path of expecting and praying more from God. That you are a seeker already seems to show that you are on the right track. I pray you do not give up until the Holy Spirit shows you the things you need to learn in this area.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2004
When you have the faith for healing it is unmovable.
As for me I wouldn't think that's the case. James 1 talks about asking in faith for things but if one wavers we read this.....don't think that man shall receive anything of the Lord. Wavering would mean you're believing one moment and falling into doubt as time would go along. Peter walking on the water would be an example. Did well from a start but wavered.

You can confess your are healed but somewhere faith has to arrive for the healing to take place.
But you did tell us right that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So what does the Bible say about divine healing?

After three months of no covid my sister thought she was immune from God's protection, then she got it. Like many she was walking in presumption.
I don't think you can say the devil can't bring something on you as a trial. Is one however going to rise up and stand against it in saying it has no right to stay why because you're a healing person. Jesus said in the sower sows the word, the word is sown.....a promise of God on any subject....but Jesus said Satan come immodesty to try to steal that word from your heart.

It si easy to tell because if you can't get healing for a cold or depression or other ailments why would one think that they could not get covid?
True. One really needs to apply their faith and be bold about it with smaller trials.....if the big ones then come you've got a level of confidence and experience in standing in faith.
(3) How does one seek the will of God for personal physical healing? The will fo God is settled, it was provided on the cross just as Isaiah 53 prophesied.
I agree. It is settled. Most Christians refuse to believe this though

Yet God is sovereign and sometimes seems to heal people who have not met these conditions.
Many times it's because someone is a new Christian.....God expects more from people when it comes to faith with those who should have grown into God's grace. (more could be said)
Healing miracles are far different than having personal faith for God to heal you. Miracles are sign and a help to bring in more unbelievers.
I agree. There is a little bit of diversity about this.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2004
Hope that helps. I would suggest keeping on the path of expecting and praying more from God.
I recall many years ago Oral Roberts was made light of by critics when his lead song into his program was, "Something Good Is Going To Happen To You Today"
Many would say you can't say something good is going to happen! And yet all the time one of these people's favorite Psalms might have been Ps 23 which says, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life"

I don't believe Oral was claiming the potential of a bad thing couldn't happen you one on a certain day but was rather seeking to do what ministers should be doing and that's work to get saints minds out of the gutter. Start envisioning that God is wanting to answer your prayers .
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Richard T

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Mar 25, 2018
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As for me I wouldn't think that's the case. James 1 talks about asking in faith for things but if one wavers we read this.....don't think that man shall receive anything of the Lord. Wavering would mean you're believing one moment and falling into doubt as time would go along. Peter walking on the water would be an example. Did well from a start but wavered.

But you did tell us right that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So what does the Bible say about divine healing?

I don't think you can say the devil can't bring something on you as a trial. Is one however going to rise up and stand against it in saying it has no right to stay why because you're a healing person. Jesus said in the sower sows the word, the word is sown.....a promise of God on any subject....but Jesus said Satan come immodesty to try to steal that word from your heart.

True. One really needs to apply their faith and be bold about it with smaller trials.....if the big ones then come you've got a level of confidence and experience in standing in faith.

I agree. It is settled. Most Christians refuse to believe this though

Many times it's because someone is a new Christian.....God expects more from people when it comes to faith with those who should have grown into God's grace. (more could be said)

I agree. There is a little bit of diversity about this.
Thanks for the nice response on my thoughts on this topic. I will explain one part a bit more if I may. I think the doubting in James is before faith. Faith is evidence so when you get the full evidence it stills seems like a sure thing to me. But I get the point, I have heard of some losing their healing. Perhaps the pastor or someone had faith and the healing got started but the believer had doubts and let the devil back in? As to Peter, perhaps he was too reliant on Jesus' faith and he too never had the evidence. I suppose faith is tested, but if one fails did they really have faith or were they just presuming to have faith? Our answers too might depend on what we consider faith. Faith in general might be shaky, weak, etc. Faith though for an individual, specific event, though is what I am referring too. It is either yes or no I think. Either you have the evidence or you do not. Perhaps there is grey area but when the rhema for the specific thing one has faith for comes, assuming it is not conditional, I think it is a done deal still.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2004
Thanks for the nice response on my thoughts on this topic. I will explain one part a bit more if I may. I think the doubting in James is before faith. Faith is evidence so when you get the full evidence it stills seems like a sure thing to me. But I get the point, I have heard of some losing their healing. Perhaps the pastor or someone had faith and the healing got started but the believer had doubts and let the devil back in?
And thanks for your response too. But to let the devil back in would mean the were in faith correct? So faith can falter.
As to Peter, perhaps he was too reliant on Jesus' faith and he too never had the evidence.
Well he did have Jesus words to COME. Knowing that Jesus words have power and authority to sustain him I'd say he was in faith.
I suppose faith is tested, but if one fails did they really have faith or were they just presuming to have faith?
Well it was according to Peter's faith right that he got out of the boat. He believed Jesus words would sustain him. I don't know how we can say he was presuming to have faith. It's when he lost faith that he began to sink
Perhaps there is grey area but when the rhema for the specific thing one has faith for comes, assuming it is not conditional, I think it is a done deal still.
I think what you're referring to is the gift of faith people can become a recipient of.....like raising one from the dead, or something similar. Those are special empowerments as the Spirit wills and it's not something a person in general faith would do. You just have put in you a KNOW THAT YOU KNOW THAT YOU KNOW an event WILL take place and the recipients don't even necessarily need faith themselves.
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It all has to do with the nature of faith and the integrity of God's Word.
(1) How can we pursue the requisite faith for divine healing?
Faith is not really something that exists within yourself that you will try to find within yourself. All faith is generated by the Word of God. It is based on His integrity, the integrity of His Word, and His faithfulness to do what He said He would do. Our part is to simply accept and acknowledge the Words He said and know they are true.

"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God."

My understanding is that this means "Faith comes by revelation, and revelation comes by a word spoken by Christ."
It is merely becoming aware of what God said. It is really little more than awareness. Your faith is directly proportional to the amount of revelation you have. How much do you know? The rest is merely knowing that He is faithful to do it. It is knowing that He performs His word. It is virtually automatic. If you know the word and know that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, then you have faith. It has less to do with you and something you are pursuing or the effort you put forth, and more to do with knowing Him, His faithfulness, and His Word. So as to healing, if you know His word on the subject, and know that He is faithful to perform His word, then you will have the faith required to be healed.

(2) How can we know what it feels like to have authentic faith for divine healing? When we think we have faith for healing but no healing results, was our faith flawed or is there an elusive relationship between faith and healing?

I do not see how feeling is a determinate factor here. As to why some are not healed, that is another matter. But the word of God and the will of God should never be questioned. We are required to believe, regardless of anything else. If someone suggests that God does not want you to be healed, and you listen to that and have doubts, then your doubts may be the very cause of no healing. Jesus defined faith for us in Mark 11.

Mark 11:24 RV
24 Therefore I say unto you, All things whatsoever ye pray and ask for,
believe that ye have received them, and ye shall have them.

So, according to the theory of some, Jesus does not understand faith. He said we are supposed to believe we have received it when we pray... not after we receive it. Valid for healing also. If you desire healing, then you pray and believe you have received it when you pray. Current teachings about prayer and faith do not teach this. They will have you pray and wait and see what happens. Paul said that faith consists of believing that God is AND that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. If we go into prayer with the notion that God might not reward our diligent effort, not only do we not have faith, but we are not pleasing God. And that is the prime thing. Faith pleases God.

Hebrews 11:6 KJV
6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

But all things considered, why someone may not be healed is none of our business. It is our business to do what God said. He said to pray and believe that we have received. Like the saints of Heb 11 who believed that they received even to their death, they pleased God, having never received what they desired. But they still believed they had received regardless.
(3) How does one seek the will of God for personal physical healing? Can we just tarry for healing in God's presence and assume He wants to heal us? How often is asking for God's will to be done just an excuse to avoid a disciplined pursuit of believing faith for healing?

Exactly As above. See the Word. Know it is true. Know He is faithful and does what He said He would do. Psalms 103 is not an assumption. It is a direct factual statement and if we are to please God, we should accept it as a fact, not merely a "promise."

Psalms 103:2-5 KJV
2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;
5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.

Our stance should be "He heals all our diseases." There may be reasons why we are not healed. But the will of God is not one of them. It is our first and prime act to accept His word as truth. His will is not in question. It is stated clearly and simply in the Word.
There is also the theory that if it is God's will, it will automatically be implemented in the world. IOWs if it is God's will, it will happen. Obviously, this is not true. God's will is that nobody perish and all be saved. Yet that is not happening. People perish and are lost every day. Why? Because it is contingent on faith and corresponding actions. same with the phrase "who heals all your disease." If someone successfully convinces you that this is, in fact, not true; and you deny the scripture... that is called unbelief. You are denying a plain and straightforward scripture. Yes, He DOES heal all of our diseases. There may be reasons why it does not happen to you, but the will of God is not one of them. If nothing else, please God by believing He is your rewarder. But never contradict Him and His word. "Thy word is truth." Believe you have received when you pray. Do not back up on His word. If we back up on God's word, we back up on Him.

(4) Have any of you ever experienced or witnessed the healing of blindness or deafness? I ask this because many biblical miracles don't seem to have any or many modern parallels. Skeptics say if God can't or won't do it now, the reasonable assumption is that He couldn't or wouldn't do it back then. How limited should our expectations be for the performance of spectacular miracles?
Many have. But even if nobody has, that is not a reason to deny His word. These things happen all the time. But there are detractors who not only deny them but discredit the concept altogether. Our expectation should be that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Our expectation should be that we have received when we pray. Some of those same skeptics have based their reputation on denying these things happen today, so they have a self-interest in denying and refuting every reported instance.
It is going to be very difficult to impossible to have faith if we cannot trust and stand on the Word of God. It is essentially all we have. Accept the Word and you will have faith. Deny the word and you will not. Abraham told the rich man in hell that people have the word. If they do not believe that, then they will not believe in miracles either. '

Luke 16:31 KJV
31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets,
neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

(5) The Bible identifies or implies several conditions that should be satisfied for the experience of healing miracles. Yet God is sovereign and sometimes seems to heal people who have not met these conditions. When in need of healing, how important is it to systematically identify biblical conditions for healing and then try to satisfy them?

Yes, there is the law of sowing and reaping for one. Those who sow destruction will reap destruction in the flesh.

Galatians 6:7-8 KJV
7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

But we cannot assume that this is the only reason. And the stance of the person praying should be that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. If we are to assume anything, it should be that we have received when we pray. Anything else is doubt and unbelief. Bottom line it is our job to pray and believe we have received. It is His job to make it happen. We do our job, and let Him do his. In some cases, if not most, it is between God and the individual. Not our business. "Mind our own business," which is to pray and believe that we have received.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2004
"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God."
And with a foundation that God's word is credible and can be depended on that's why then such clear, sure, FAITH comes by hearing of his word.
I do not see how feeling is a determinate factor here.
Correct. Even seeking to FEEL it out becomes an insult to God It'd be like someone trusted absolutely by you and if they said they were going to be at your house by 3:00pm you don't say well I've got to get the feel now if they will keep their word. People wanting some feeling though that's what they're doing.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2023
United States
Marital Status
Thank God for your unusual recovery. But what I'm looking for are obvious healings of blindness,
deafness, and congestive heart failure that are clearly supernatural, i. e. don't include surgery.
God healed my heart in Sept as I mentioned in other healing threads. It's the believing part that gets in the way because we don't see it every day Mark 11:24.
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