The Great Beyond

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Feb 9, 2002
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There has been prophecy for a while now that the latter day church in the latter rain will be greater than even the early church. We have now entered into that greatness. We have more power available to us now, then the early church had. Of course we have a greater work to do. There are a lot more people alive today that what was alive back then.

The church has come a very long way in a very short time. I remember 20 years ago, pastors were talking about how wonderful it would be if we could just do as much as the early church did. We never dreamed that we would actually go beyond them.


Jesus is Lord of ALL! (Not asking permission)
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"We never dreamed that we would actually go beyond them."

You are so right dear friend. And you know what? We have not seen anything yet.  Many years ago I was lead into a period of intercession that lasted for weeks. I spend hours and hours at a time crying before God for the lost, for the church, and for our nation.

One such night I was praying and the Spirit began to help me pray in prophetic  prayer. Over and over and over the I prayed "signs and wonders and mighty deeds, all in the name of Jesus". It became a song in me. For a long time it was the anthem of my prayer life. I would be praying about one thing and out would come these words instead! I believe we are in for some unbelievable miracles in the days to come! I mean earth shaking, heaven shaking stuff that will both terrify people and instill faith into the millions that witness these miracles first hand.

The spirit of intercession came over me in those days and I prayed "at least as much power in mercy as in judgment". Some people think our nation is headed for utter destruction. I do not know. But I do know that He will show His power for salvation in at least as much degree as that which will be shown in destruction.


Blessings to all

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Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2002
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("signs and wonders and mighty deeds, all in the name of Jesus".)

That is awesome. God has shown me a little bit of the resurrection power of Jesus, as we find it in the scriptures that deal with communion and the Body and Blood of our Lord. It is much more powerful than a atomic bomb. A necular explosion can only destroy, but the power of God can bring all the bits and peices back together and give life.

(Some people think our nation is headed for utter destruction. I do not know.)

I do not know either. I have wondered if in 12 years or so, we will  be scattered to the nations. I read the scriptures that had to do with Isreal, and how one third died from the sword (violence) one third died from pestilence, and one third was scattered to the nations to give a testimony of the corruption that was in Isreal at the time.

It could be that when Jesus returns, one third of the People will be gathered together from all the nations of the world. Every tongue, tribe, culture and so forth. As we see them together in the book of Rev. where they are worshiping God.

We know that at the end of this dispensation of grace He is going to "gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth--in Him." Ephes. 1:10b So that all will be united together in one mind and one accord in Him.

If He were to favor one tribe or one nation over another that would make God a respector of persons and we know that He does not favor one over another. So I am expecting a lot of people from nations like India and China to be coming to God.

Already God is doing a powerful work in some of the nations to where people would almost rather be there, then here to be a part of what God is doing. We know He is going to cover this whole planet with His love, like a ocean, then the end (of the church age) will come.

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