The Essene Connection

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Martin Luther

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May 1, 2002
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Personally...I believe that John the Baptist was an Essene.

One of the rules of the Essene Order was not to publically discuss its doctrines.

Those doctrines dealt very much with the coming of the Kingdom of God, the Messiah, and personal repentence.

I think John broke this rule...and when officially cast out...he really went for it then.

John the Baptist...underated really. Brave man. Thin, camel's hair outfit, a bit scary..but what a message....."Behold, I prepare the way.."...for what...?

The Kingdom of God..........and a very tired world's search for God to show himself....the Messiah.


It means 'yellow dog'
Jan 16, 2002
Well, not much is know about the genuine Essenes, because they were a "secretive society," so there is no way to verify that they wouldn't discuss doctrines or that they threw out John the Baptiser. He probablly was an Essene.

But that John was a brave, dedicated, God-struck man there can be know question.

I like the image that Jesus used when he talked to the Jews about their search in the desert for Essene doctrine:

"So, what did you go out into the desert to see? A reed shaking in the wind? So what did you go out for? To see a man in fine clothing? You know those men are in a king's court. So what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, and more."

Because of their embarassment of not finding answers to their spiritual questions in town where they lived, they went out into the wilderness on the ruse of commuing with nature, or to do business, anything but on a spiritual pilgrimage. But Christ knew they went out looking for God. To hear God's voice and to seek God's direction. Their spiritual hunger could not be slaked in the temple, so they went out eslewhere.

A lot of churches are like that today. People aren't finding the answers to their questions in the church, they aren't having their spiritual hunger slaked. So they go out into the wilderness of other religions looking for answers.
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