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Dec 27, 2018
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I don't see why there must be a stigma with having any sexual desire that those who want a relationship and sex even within a marriage, but can't attain one or it seems hopeless for them for whatever reason (or even those that already are enjoying having a relationship and sex life now) are besides other things told that they are "overly-focused on sex" even though that is not always a case.

Never mind that it has also become a lot harder if not downright impossible to obtain a relationship and intimacy in a traditional way, so one who feels like staying traditional may have no choice but resign to dying alone. It is an awful Catch-22.
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Unofficial Reverand Alex

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I don't see why there must be a stigma with having any sexual desire that those who want a relationship and sex even within a marriage, but can't attain one or it seems hopeless for them for whatever reason (or even those that already are enjoying having a relationship and sex life now) are besides other things told that they are "overly-focused on sex" even though that is not always a case.

Never mind that it has also become a lot harder if not downright impossible to obtain a relationship and intimacy in a traditional way, so one who feels like staying traditional may have no choice but resign to dying alone. It is an awful Catch-22.
There is no stigma against sexual desire here; pornography is simply the wrong way to go about it. It's not hard to find information on the dark side of the porn industry, including people being coerced or otherwise forced into pornography; obtaining pleasure from the nightmare of the innocent is deplorable to any semblance of human decency. Look up "Pornography and trafficking" to see what I mean.

Furthermore, my own research from Forensic Psychology class shows a dangerous link between violent porn, sexual assault, and acceptance of rape myths. I'll include my research below, but the gist is that the more violent & degrading the porn is (and the more time is spent watching it), the more likely people are to accept rape myths. And the more "rape myth" acceptance exists, the more sexual assault occurs.

Pornography & sexual assault

There's a lot to be said on this topic, and a lot of other threads to discuss it in more detail. The point of replying to you in this way is to say that there's no Christian stigma against sexual desire; read the Biblical book, the Song of Songs, to quickly learn that sexual desire is a wholesome part of God's Good Creation. But you'll quickly notice through the same book that everything discussed is being done with the beloved, not to the other person. The mutual appreciation is evident from Page 1, and the lovers spend so much time praising each other, there are more compliments than anything else in the book!

That's the gist of what I'm trying to hit through this project. Sexual desire in itself is not something that should be stigmatized against. And consider who I am: a 22-year old single straight male, spending a lot of time looking up pictures of beautiful women. Do you really think I don't understand your struggle? I make these pictures first & foremost for myself, reminders that I need to look upon women in a better light than anything pornography has to offer.

Does this suitably address your concern? I'll be happy to talk about this more, be it my own experiences, the theology of beauty, or anything of the sort.
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Unofficial Reverand Alex

Pray in silence...God speaks softly
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I am human.png Pray for her.jpg

More public domain images, edited on Publisher this time. The Psalm 84 project is inspired by the Jason Evert talk that brought me to first see beauty this way; "How beautiful is Your dwelling place, O Lord, Mighty God!" The opening line of this Psalm sums up the way we should see each other; temples of the Spirit, made with beauty to point to something higher.
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Unofficial Reverand Alex

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What I'm trying to do fluctuates as I continue this project. Right now, I'm going for a few more revealing pictures, to really try to hit the wound (lust) where it's most welcome to thrive. As such, I'm also putting the pictures on parts of the Internet that need some cleansing from lust. I give it to God, and pray it may make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. "The least of My people" could easily apply to the people who spend their lives in worship of Lust, and I send this out in hopes that some will be cured of this malaise, whilst giving myself the comfort of, "At least I tried". If you frequent areas of the Internet that tends to lean this way, feel free to spread any of the pubic-domain images I have here, so that we may try to turn the tide of the world away from the self-destruction of lust, into a genuine appreciation of beauty.

Remember, the only enemy here is sin. Beauty is good, God is good, every person has inherent goodness (however well hidden), and we're trying to free the captives of pessimism & objectifying other humans.

Do not fear; God is with us. If He is for us, who can be against us? Question my methods if you wish, critique them if you must, but my charge to you is not to gripe, but to do better. Think of a better way to accomplish this? Do it. Help someone else do it. Even if my methods suck, but they inspire you to correct me & do it better, this is all worth it.

"Act, and God will act." --St. Joan of Arc
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Dec 27, 2018
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I think natural blondes are physically attractive. But I am feeling sad because it looks like they are dying out soon. Now, I can recognize beauty in other races and colors, but natural blonde is a rare special gene to me.
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Unofficial Reverand Alex

Pray in silence...God speaks softly
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I think natural blondes are physically attractive. But I am feeling sad because it looks like they are dying out soon. Now, I can recognize beauty in other races and colors, but natural blonde is a rare special gene to me.
It is interesting how unique blond hair is. Only a small portion of the world has natives with blond hair, and that is northern Europe. Everywhere else is brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair. Only this small, cold part of the world gives such variety in eye & hair color.

Personally, I have no strong preference. God has made beautiful women with every color imaginable. But the pinnacle of beauty I can think of is this magnificent shot of Kiera Knightly (actress from the fantastic film, The Imitation Game):


Dark, shoulder-length hair is magnificent, contrasting with pale skin for a stunning look.

I think issues come from these sorts of discussions when people think the women is somehow dehumanized when men discuss physical preferences. Yet I do not know why God would build us with preferences & want us to act like they don't exist. The body is a beautiful part of how God made every person. There is no sin in discussing somebody's personality, voice, or manner of interaction with others; why wouldn't exist when we discuss the physical aspect of God's creation of each person?

Certainly, if there is an individual that we know is not comfortable being discussed this way, it becomes a matter of respect to honor their wishes. But I believe these discussions can actually enhance our perception of other people. Each society & person has thir preference of beauty, an "ideal image" as I presented. Never talking about hair color, height, etc. would leave it stagnant, but hearing about your special appreciation for blonds, my appreciation for dark-on-light, my best friend's preference for redheads, or my dad's friend who always chose the biggest, blackest women to dance with, helps us see that the image we have of "ideal beauty" is not the only ideal. Someone who doesn't mesh with my standards is still magnificent in someone else's eyes. Make sense? I hope so; these discussions can suddenly become sensitive when a miscommunication takes place.

@bèlla , I'd really like your input on this, since you rock such magnificent images of women as your profile photos & always have a good viewpoint on discussions here.
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