Testimonies for the Lord



II Corinthians 5:17 says- If anyone be in Christ, he is a New Creature, old things are past away, Behold, all things have become new.

- I give you this verse because I think we are both in a rock in a hard place; We have a very hard time letting go of the past and forgiving ourselves. We cannot go by our feelings, we go by what the Word of God says, and this verse say old things are past away.
- Whenever the devil reminds you of your past you just remind him of his future. When we confess our sins God remembers them no more, so why should we?

- God bless you and your family- Sister in Christ, lilmissmontana.
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singing my hallelujah song
Feb 22, 2005
the wings of a snow white dove
Marital Status
II Corinthians 5:17 says- If anyone be in Christ, he is a New Creature, old things are past away, Behold, all things have become new.

- I give you this verse because I think we are both in a rock in a hard place; We have a very hard time letting go of the past and forgiving ourselves. We cannot go by our feelings, we go by what the Word of God says, and this verse say old things are past away.
- Whenever the devil reminds you of your past you just remind him of his future. When we confess our sins God remembers them no more, so why should we?

- God bless you and your family- Sister in Christ, lilmissmontana.

Thank you for those kind words. Wow ... it's been a while since I posted my testimony. A lot has happened and changed. A lot of the things that hurt so intensely are still there but I have that wonderful peace in knowing the Lord is in control and knows every little thing we deal with. I remember when I posted my testimony it hurt clear down in the pit of my stomach from all the mess of the past ... I don't see how it can ever be alright with some of my children but then God is bigger than all that. It's enough for now to know they are alright ... other than being angry at God and acting like He doesn't exist and I wish so much for them to know Jesus ... they're healthy and good ... eternity is forever ... this is a blink in time.

You have a kind and compassionate heart ... guard it well ... it's an honest to goodness treasure! God bless :)
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Thank you for those kind words. Wow ... it's been a while since I posted my testimony. A lot has happened and changed. A lot of the things that hurt so intensely are still there but I have that wonderful peace in knowing the Lord is in control and knows every little thing we deal with. I remember when I posted my testimony it hurt clear down in the pit of my stomach from all the mess of the past ... I don't see how it can ever be alright with some of my children but then God is bigger than all that. It's enough for now to know they are alright ... other than being angry at God and acting like He doesn't exist and I wish so much for them to know Jesus ... they're healthy and good ... eternity is forever ... this is a blink in time.

You have a kind and compassionate heart ... guard it well ... it's an honest to goodness treasure! God bless :)

- And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony,....Revelation 12:11 (NASB}
- Th
e devil hates it when you give your testimony. You kicked him in the teeth when you chose to give your testimony to the world.
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Jun 13, 2006
United States
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..........And the Youth minister announced; "The children's choir will not be signing today because the musician is not here, but Reynna and Jamal and they will sing for you."

Reynna is my 3yr Old:blush: and Jamal is my 5yr old. :blush:.

Mat 21:16And said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?

Pro 22:6Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

God you're so awesome........:bow: Let everything that has breathe praise the Lord.
by the way.... God get all the glory and my wife and kids get all credit, (I cant sang.) But I get to praise the Lord.
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Dec 1, 2009
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i was getting high with jesus this sunday.The youth and the pastor did some tag team style preaching. the youth pastor got up and preached. He sat down and the pastor preached. They flip back and forward then the youth pastor ask everyone to come to the altar to pray. I back slided and was fighting conviction. I bowed on the steps but it didn't feel right about it ,so i bowed on floor directly. I suddenly got weaker and weaker till i was laying in the floor. I could not get up off the floor. It was God was pressing me to the floor. I tried to get up but it was useless i prayed but i still could not get up. i prayed out loud and cried out to God. I finally gave up my will to God. I had to be helped off the floor. I could not hardly stand and about fell down when i went to sit down . I was higher than a kite and i hardly knew where i was at. The youth pastor's wife said i looked stoned out of my mind. praise God i thought you like to know. I was so close to recieving the holy ghost i could feel it. This is coming from a guy that thought it was fake 3 months previous. pray for me. Praise god:clap::amen::bow:
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Feb 13, 2009
South Africa
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The Lord saved me and my pregnant wife from being involved in a horrible accident while we were on vacation earlier this month. A vehicle overturned on the freeway - seconds before we got there. Thanks to His wonderful grace, all those lives were spared. :clap:
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Jun 1, 2010
United States...Richmond VA
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Here is one of my many testamonies.

You see I was sick for a while, and I needed God and he helped me, and I recieved alot of blessings. So here's my testamony.

I myself, concider to be pretty much happy most of the time. I love to hug people. So one day I said to Jesus..."I want a hug" Meaning I want a hug from you. I didn't think to much of it until I was in church one day.

Pastor Did an alter call, and that particular time I needed to be there. So he was on stage and he pointed down at an area of the alter. He said "Jesus is right here". So I'm like "GREAT! I thought he meant the Holy Spirit. So I stood in the "recieving posture" which is standing with your hands in frunt of you...palms up. A few seconds later I felt Jesus come up from behind me and he put his arms around me, and rested his head on top of mine.

Now alot of people don't believe Jesus can come to earth. I sill have to remind people that he IS God and he can do whatever he wants to do.

Thanks, Godbless and happy weekend,
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Jun 17, 2010
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I praise the Lord for showing me recently how much hate I had in my heart towards other people while I believed in eternal torment; how much I judged other people whom the Lord has made, condemning them to hell when it is YOU all along who has saved all! Thank you Lord for showing me that YOU have reconciled ALL things to Yourself!

In Jesus' name,
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Jul 22, 2010
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Oh the testimonies! The things I could tell...

Well, I suppose I should start at the beginning. I'm afraid mine is not a tesatimony of great tragedy, nor the thrill of a mispent of youth; just that of an ordinary child and an ordinary life. it is true my life was almost aborted during my mum's pregnancy, not because she didn't want me - it was a near miscarriage, but God brought me through the womb into life and the world.

However I was born with an inverted stomach muscle, which constricted ratyher than relaxing when I swallowed causing me to vomit my food back up. At the time I was born [April 1960] the doctor was afraid I would not survive the operation needed to correct this disability so he prescribed alcohol to cause the muscle to relax instead of constricting [this was later brought home quite dramatically when my dad was asked to go pray for a baby who had the operation and lay dying in an oxygen tent some 12 years later]. Every meal time my mum would first put a few drops of this alcohol in my mouth to enable me to keep my food down - the purity of which burned my mouth and caused me to scream.

Anyway, after some time my mum and dad were praying together when my mum began to read Mark 9 wher it records Jesus healing the man's son. When my dad's "mission prayers" finally had circumvented the world and his exhuberance come to rest she said, "Look Bill, I've been reading here in the Bible where he healed this man's son, don't you think he'll do that for Kerry?"

"Well, I suppose," my dad replied, and they came over to the cot where I lay sleeping, laid hands on me and prayed.

I woke up and started to cry.

"What should I do now?" asked my mum.

"Feed him I suppose," answered dad and when she did they discovered I was completely healed. Praise God!

It was somewhere between the ages of 5 & 8 that I heard my dad testifying of this in a breaking of bread meeting one Saturday night. That night overcome with awe and gratitude I surrendered my life to Christ. I remember the words I prayed. I said, "Lord, if that's true I should be dead. The life I have is not mine but yours. I will live my life for you."

Since that day I have never suffered this again and never been alcohol dependant ever again. In fact I do not drink alcoholic beverages to this very day because I am so grateful to the Lord for what he has done.

My youngest son was born in 1997. When they told me he had a similar problem but, "Don't worry. A simple operation will correct that."

I said, "He won't need that operation. Jesus will heal him."

He did. So sing and dance, and rejoice with me, giving praise to the Savior who is so good.
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Jul 27, 2010
Bakersfield California
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I am not Pentecostal/Assemblies of God I wasn't saved by a denomination
I'm just a christian.
not here for a debate/disagreement
Just want to share what God has done for me.

How God Changed my Life!

How God, (Jesus Christ) Changed My Life

My name is Roy Cork,
I was raised a raciest, addicted to beer, whiskey, Crank, and any other drug I could get my hands on. My whole life I just wanted to die.

In 1972, I was in a car wreck at the age of seven; since then I've been in pain every waking moment of my life . I started taking drugs to try and get rid of the pain it didn't work.

I'm not making excuses, I did drugs because I wanted to.

In 1993, I had been living with my girlfriend for seven years. I was strung-out on drugs partying with a friend. I thought I was going to die at least four times that day. I was hoping I would die to escape the fear and pain but I didn't! It was the worst day of my life but I found out two things that day:

#1 I was alive for a reason
#2 I couldn't live this way anymore but I couldn't stop. I was broken and I needed help. I was ready to try anything; I couldn't take it anymore. But no one could help me.

I knew my little sister went to church; so I asked her if I should go to church, maybe that could change my life I thought? She called an evangelist from her church to come talk to me. He asked if I wanted to accept Jesus Christ? "But they're all hypocrites" I said. " We all fall short of the glory of God" he said. Every excuse and argument I had. He gave me scripture for every one!

Everything he quoted touched my heart. I said "That is the answer! What have I got to lose???" I Repented and asked Jesus Christ into my heart June 26 1993@12:35 PM (baptized July 4th 1993) I didn't know what to expect. I had done many horrible things in my life but God forgave me anyway!!!

the Evangelist prayed I would receive a double portion of the holy spirit,

The next morning I woke up filled with the Holy Spirit of God. For the first time in my life I felt so much love and joy but I knew I didn't deserve it! All the hate and anger was gone I have never been so "high" in my life. I met God himself that day! I felt like everyone had cancer and I found the cure I had to tell every one!

I told my girlfriend I loved her but I couldn't sleep with her any longer unless we got married. I also told her that I had no desire to drink or do drugs anymore. She said "you couldn't have changed like this overnight you're faking it!" I said "you're right, I couldn't but God changed me!!" I know I deserve hell more then anybody I know but God forgave me and saved me!

My friends, your never to evil or to far gone for God to forgive you and change your life forever. I know, Praise God !!
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Jul 27, 2010
Bakersfield California
Marital Status
Oh the testimonies! The things I could tell...

Well, I suppose I should start at the beginning. I'm afraid mine is not a tesatimony of great tragedy, nor the thrill of a mispent of youth; just that of an ordinary child and an ordinary life. it is true my life was almost aborted during my mum's pregnancy, not because she didn't want me - it was a near miscarriage, but God brought me through the womb into life and the world.

However I was born with an inverted stomach muscle, which constricted ratyher than relaxing when I swallowed causing me to vomit my food back up. At the time I was born [April 1960] the doctor was afraid I would not survive the operation needed to correct this disability so he prescribed alcohol to cause the muscle to relax instead of constricting [this was later brought home quite dramatically when my dad was asked to go pray for a baby who had the operation and lay dying in an oxygen tent some 12 years later]. Every meal time my mum would first put a few drops of this alcohol in my mouth to enable me to keep my food down - the purity of which burned my mouth and caused me to scream.

Anyway, after some time my mum and dad were praying together when my mum began to read Mark 9 wher it records Jesus healing the man's son. When my dad's "mission prayers" finally had circumvented the world and his exhuberance come to rest she said, "Look Bill, I've been reading here in the Bible where he healed this man's son, don't you think he'll do that for Kerry?"

"Well, I suppose," my dad replied, and they came over to the cot where I lay sleeping, laid hands on me and prayed.

I woke up and started to cry.

"What should I do now?" asked my mum.

"Feed him I suppose," answered dad and when she did they discovered I was completely healed. Praise God!

It was somewhere between the ages of 5 & 8 that I heard my dad testifying of this in a breaking of bread meeting one Saturday night. That night overcome with awe and gratitude I surrendered my life to Christ. I remember the words I prayed. I said, "Lord, if that's true I should be dead. The life I have is not mine but yours. I will live my life for you."

Since that day I have never suffered this again and never been alcohol dependant ever again. In fact I do not drink alcoholic beverages to this very day because I am so grateful to the Lord for what he has done.

My youngest son was born in 1997. When they told me he had a similar problem but, "Don't worry. A simple operation will correct that."

I said, "He won't need that operation. Jesus will heal him."

He did. So sing and dance, and rejoice with me, giving praise to the Savior who is so good.

Praise God :thumbsup:
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Nov 30, 2010
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I am not Pentecostal/Assemblies of God I wasn't saved by a denomination
I'm just a christian.
not here for a debate/disagreement
Just want to share what God has done for me.

How God Changed my Life!

How God, (Jesus Christ) Changed My Life

My name is Roy Cork,
I was raised a raciest, addicted to beer, whiskey, Crank, and any other drug I could get my hands on. My whole life I just wanted to die.

In 1972, I was in a car wreck at the age of seven; since then I've been in pain every waking moment of my life . I started taking drugs to try and get rid of the pain it didn't work.

I'm not making excuses, I did drugs because I wanted to.

In 1993, I had been living with my girlfriend for seven years. I was strung-out on drugs partying with a friend. I thought I was going to die at least four times that day. I was hoping I would die to escape the fear and pain but I didn't! It was the worst day of my life but I found out two things that day:

#1 I was alive for a reason
#2 I couldn't live this way anymore but I couldn't stop. I was broken and I needed help. I was ready to try anything; I couldn't take it anymore. But no one could help me.

I knew my little sister went to church; so I asked her if I should go to church, maybe that could change my life I thought? She called an evangelist from her church to come talk to me. He asked if I wanted to accept Jesus Christ? "But they're all hypocrites" I said. " We all fall short of the glory of God" he said. Every excuse and argument I had. He gave me scripture for every one!

Everything he quoted touched my heart. I said "That is the answer! What have I got to lose???" I Repented and asked Jesus Christ into my heart June 26 1993@12:35 PM (baptized July 4th 1993) I didn't know what to expect. I had done many horrible things in my life but God forgave me anyway!!!

the Evangelist prayed I would receive a double portion of the holy spirit,

The next morning I woke up filled with the Holy Spirit of God. For the first time in my life I felt so much love and joy but I knew I didn't deserve it! All the hate and anger was gone I have never been so "high" in my life. I met God himself that day! I felt like everyone had cancer and I found the cure I had to tell every one!

I told my girlfriend I loved her but I couldn't sleep with her any longer unless we got married. I also told her that I had no desire to drink or do drugs anymore. She said "you couldn't have changed like this overnight you're faking it!" I said "you're right, I couldn't but God changed me!!" I know I deserve hell more then anybody I know but God forgave me and saved me!

My friends, your never to evil or to far gone for God to forgive you and change your life forever. I know, Praise God !!

Awesome testimonial man. It's an awesome thing to know that no drug no matter its potency or makeup can get you as "high" and make you feel as good as when you feel the holy spirit.
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Jun 11, 2011
Barryton, Michigan United States
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All of these testimonies are incredible, I rarely get to hear people tell their stories in their own words. It's so much more enjoyable than hearing about a testimoney second hand. Even with all of these stories, I'm sure we have barely scratched the surface of what God is capable of. I'm so overwhelmed by gratitude for what God has done for all of us, That I don't think i'm capable of putting it into words. But I will say "Thank You Jesus".

LMM Your testimony reminds me of my mother, She had many things happen to her, And made many bad choices in her life too. But after God straightened her out, I could always tell, That she never felt as if she belonged in that life. there was always a hint of guilt, And shame.

This kept her from enjoying a lot of christian things, Because she was always remembering the mistakes of her past. This led her into depression, And many trips to the doctor for drugs, And I do mean a lot of drugs.

It wasn't until she was in her 50's, That she finally realized, The thing that has blocked her from being happy all this time, Was her! She began to stop taking the drugs, And to stop pushing God to do something fast, And decided to just wait on the lord. Within no time at all, She started feeling healthier, And actually started laughing and joking again. She only needed to realize, That all of the things that had happened in her life, Didn't define who, Or what she was. It was the fact that Jesus blood washed all of that away, That defined who she is. And as she became more sure in her faith in God, She drew away from the depression, And drugs.

Now she is seventy years old, Very happy with her life. And spends way too much time socializing on facebook. A complete change from the withdrawn drug addict that she used to be. I guess if she has a ministry, It would be online. Because she never stops preaching.

I read your testimony, Actually, I read them all.
But I can tell that your testimony was written through great pain, And I just wanted you to know, That in the end were all just brothers and sisters. Even though you give life to someone, And want to raise them. Only God is their true father, We can do our best to raise our children, Or not get the opportunity to raise them at all, And no matter which way it goes, They are strictly in Gods hands.

In the end, All of the things that happened in this life won't matter anymore. It all comes down to wether our names are in the book of life or not, And nobody can point the finger at someone else, And blame them.

Don't feel bad for the past. Feel great for the future! Because now when those kids figure out, That they don't know which way to turn, Then maybe they will remember that Jesus changed your life, Then he can change theirs, And just maybe they will begin to understand what you went through, And not be so harsh in their judgement.

I've had to do some serious changing myself, Once I understood just what my mother went through. And a whole lot of forgiving. As if i'm any better than she was!

Thank you for sharing your testimony, It really is great.
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Jun 11, 2011
Barryton, Michigan United States
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I suppose my last statment should have been my testimony, Rather than my mothers, But it just kind of happened that way.

I have no idea where to begin, So I'll just start at the beginning.
I was born in 1961 in Detroit, I was born with a cleft palette, And double hairlip. I was so horribly disfigured by this, That I was the poster child for the march of dimes.

I went through eighteen major surgeries as a child, And many many minor surgeries, That I lost count of. My father was a captain in the army, So we were able to get one of the top three surgeons in the country, And he did a pretty good job of fixing me up over the years.

At age fifteen I had my final reconstructive surgery, And the only thing left to do, Was to remove the outer scars on my lip. But there was a complication, In all of the surgeries that were done to me, Scar tissue had built up in my lips, To the point, That the blood could no longer flow normally through the tissue. And literally my face began to turn green and rot, And there was nothing they could do about it!

The doctors examined me quite a few times, And after telling my mother that they couldnt do anything about it, They stopped seeing me. I wasnt able to get any help from them, Once they realized that their experimental surgery was a failure.

This went on for months, And every day I noticed my lips were getting worse, To the point that I had to keep tissue on it constantly to keep from making people sick when they looked at me.

My mother had only recently become a christian, And found out about healing, So she dragged me from one church to the next, Only to be met by people that didn't believe anything that they preached. They laid hands on me in some places, Put olive oil on my lips in others, And I really hated that by the way. But nothing happened.

One day I was in my room, And I decided to read the bible, And see what it really said about healing. I couldnt tell you what I read that day, But a strange feeling came over me, As if someone were standing over my shoulder, And I suddenly knew I was going to be healed. I decided to go into the kitchen, And overheard my mother talking about going to see a preacher, that was at the local armory.

So I went to get ready for church, I didn't own any church clothes, And I really didn't know if it mattered, But I was going to get healed, So they could just deal with it.

When I heard my mother getting her keys, I walked out there, And she said, Where are you going? I said to church with you. So she said I didn't know if you wanted to go or not, Because of that last place i dragged you. So I wasn't even going to ask you. And I said, I'm the one that's getting healed, Of course i'm going!

Needless to say, She was shocked. I could tell she didn't have an ounce of faith in what I just said, But it didn't matter to me. Her bible said that only I was required to believe it. Not her.

We got to the armory, And they did the usual music, Then preaching, Then begging for donations. Then they started praying for people. I guess if I had any idea about what church was supposed to be like, The begging for money part probably would have discouraged me. but I had a one track mind that day, And nothing was going to stop me.

I knew I had to get prayed for, But I was also terrified of being in front of people, I didn't want anyone to see me like that. My brothers were no help at all either, Since they got dragged to church, They werent exactly helping me decide to go up there.

Finally I decided to go to the restroom, Instead of going up front. I remember looking into the mirror, And seeing my face green and rotted, And I felt so bad that I wanted to die. And suddenly I felt power hit me. It actually made me dizzy, And I had trouble standing up, And had to lean on the sink. Then I felt that same feeling, That was telling me, I am going to heal you.

I was terrified, But I knew if I went back to my seat, I would never go up front. So I walked straight along the outer edge of the fold out chairs they had set up. And tried to blend into the crowd, Hoping maybe I wouldn't be noticed.

It was only a few minutes, When suddenly my mother is pushing me up to the front to get prayed for. The preacher asked me what I was doing there, Trying to be funny, I'm sure he knew I was scared to death. I replied, God told me to come here, Cause he is going to heal me. The preacher was stunned by my reply, And actually started crying.

I remember him saying something about my faith, And he laid his hand on my forehead, A started praying a prayer of faith, Of course I didn't know what it was at the time. The next thing I know, Is i'm picking myself up off of the floor, About twenty feet from where I was before, And two women are trying to help me up, But I couldnt stand up.

I looked around, And they were standing chairs back up, Evidently I had gone through three or four rows of metal fold out chairs, And took em out like bowling pins. Needless to say, I was embarassed by this. So once I was able to walk again, I sneaked to the back seat by my brothers. And after a few minutes I finally remembered what I came there for.

I jumped up, And went back to the restroom, Looked in the mirror, And my lips weren't oozing green slime anymore, I felt no pain in my lips, Actually they felt kind of numb, And I had a buzzing feeling in my face. It was then that I began to see the color of my face changing from green to beige, Right in front of my eyes.

I didn't know wether to cry, Or scream and run away, Or tell somebody. So I went back to my seat, And my brothers were still laughing, Because I went up front, So I told them to look at my face. I have never seen them so scared, the first question was, What did you do? I said, You saw me go get prayed for, What are you stupid?

So my brother ran to tell my mom, She dragged me to the front again, And then of course my worst nightmare happened, Everyone was staring at me. But this time I wasn't the horrible mess, that had walked in the front door. Iv'e never seen my mother cry so hard as she did that day.

Now when my face got healed, God healed the blood vessels, the muscles, The skin, Everything that was important. but he didn't remove the outer layer of scars, And I had no intentions of trusting another doctor to remove them. So now when people look at me, And judge me because I have scars, They are always a little shocked, To see that I don't hide my face from them. I don't talk funny. In fact I can play 28 musical instruments, I have done quite a bit of traveling as a singer. I even worked as a disc jockey for a while. And I can still hear the doctor telling my mother, "He will never be able to speak plainly, And you will probably have to translate what he says for people".

The doctors still can't understand how I spontaneously grew muscle tissue, That I never had, Or how blood vessels that they didn't transplant, Were in my lips. But I know who was speaking to me that day when I was reading my mothers bible. And he said he was going to heal me, Then He did it.

Thanks again Jesus.
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singing my hallelujah song
Feb 22, 2005
the wings of a snow white dove
Marital Status
thank you, eyerobot ... it's a selfless thing to give testimony ... God bless you ... thank you for your kind words ... made me realize maybe it's time to give another testimony ... much has happened since the last one ... God is just so incredibly good ... I don't feel that pain and lostness and loneliness andguilt and shame and trepidition anger and hurt and self-pity and all the other feelings from back then ... the Lord brought me forward to peace of mind ... things are still musch the same with my children ... the one makes an attempt once in a while and tries in her way ... but then shuts the door again ... another went from loving me to hating me ... informing me she had her 'own religion' just scary ...

what has changed is my reaction to things ... thank You, Lord, ever so much for loving me all the way through and never leaving me and never forsaking me ... I'm here today because of Him ... not me ... He showed me that my children will return at some point and that we will all be happy ... that is such an impossible thing for me to see ... how can it be possible to undo years of nothingness ... I don't have the answer, but I know what we can't do, He can ... I imagine sometimes that day will come when we're living in heaven ... but God can make it happen this minute if He chooses ... I truly believe that ... I wouldn't trade not having those heartaches for the growth the Lord gave me through the trials ... He blessed me hugely ...

may the Lord bless you on the Way, eyerobot ...
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Dec 10, 2007
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There are such encouragements along the way.

God working with you.

Philippians ch. 2 verse 13: For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure

I love this word that God does both, he works in us both : to will and to do.. amen Lord.

When I really saw this, which means I stayed with it taking it in thinking about it applying to the memory. My words are ' chewing on it ' like meat.

Every day that I see the daylight I can say " He woke me this morning, my Father has a purpose for this day"

Sometimes I want do this or that and it hasn't been easy for me to put something down. " But Lord I have to do this " Yet there had been the prayer repeated" Thy will be done "

This testimony is that this life really is the ongoing life the eternal life and I have found no retirement date in the Lords purposes , where a person reaches any certain age in this life on earth that they are redundant.

Every day God's purpose, his will be done. Amen to that.
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