Talking to a Robot about Christian Universal Salvation! (AI)


Sep 11, 2022
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Yep, you read that title right! Artificial Intelligence has gotten so advanced that you can now have conversations with it. Soo... let's talk to it about Universal Salvation of Christ, that everyone will be saved by faith alone in Jesus Christ!

Hi, I just finished opening Christmas gifts with my family. There are some people who celebrate Christmas, some who don’t, but the important thing is being there to support your family, regardless of the season. And if Christmas gives you a reason to be happy with your family, then go for it! That’s my personal thoughts.

So, I’ve used Novel AI before, but let’s see if we can artificially generate evangelism / soulwinning / gospel messages spreading the truth that Christ Jesus will save everyone by faith alone!

Prompt: “Everyone will go to Heaven by faith alone in Jesus”

To which it adds

Everyone will go to Heaven by faith alone in Jesus Christ [And then the AI adds a lie by falsely saying good works save when the truth is that it’s only faith alone]

Then the Artificial Intelligence says “However, there are many questions about the nature of salvation. For example:

How can we believe that God is perfect love and yet send people to hell?”

Luke 2:10 [The Gospel is] "good tidings of great joy will be to ALL people."

Let me answer the machines question, God is perfect love because Hell is temporary. Hell is Sheol which is temporary mental suffering.

The robot replies “God gives us free will;”

I say “We have the free will to choose when to be saved, but God’s predestination (His Plan) is to save everyone. God’s will is stronger than our free will. So, everyone will eventually be saved. Everyone eventually will become believers in Jesus Christ through faith alone of their own free will.”

Let’s start another prompt “Jesus Christ, savior of the whole world.”

While the last one was a first prompt, when I generated this next one I had to click the retry button many times before getting a good prompt that made sense.

The machine says this: “Jesus Christ, savior of the whole world. Father, Son and Holy Ghost—who is the Spirit?”

The Holy Spirit is what goes into every believer when they are saved.

Acts 3:21 In Jesus Christ is "the restoration of ALL THINGS, which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began."

John 1:13 Believers in Christ are "born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God."

Another prompt I put in is “Christ Jesus will save the whole world”

The website puts out this response “Christ Jesus will save the whole world. He is the Savior of all mankind. The Son of God is more powerful than any demon or evil spirit, and he has power over death itself. But these are not the only signs that Christ is coming to earth in order to take away sin and suffering.”

Brilliant! Sounds like something I would say. Maybe this machine could give me a run of my money lol.

John 12:32 "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself."

Now, if I click the send prompt again I will be able to continue this dialogue. Usually, I have to correct the machine’s answers, but let’s see where this goes, I’m curious…

“There are many other proofs. For example, Christ will come to set up a kingdom on earth where there will be no need for people to work hard or do anything else because food and clothing will always be provided.”

I agree. Christ will create a New Heaven and a New Earth

Isaiah 65:17 “See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.”

As a New Earth and New Heavens are created, this shows that everyone will be saved, since Christ is making everyone new!

The online site says this “Even though Satan tries everything that can possibly go wrong with this plan, it cannot be stopped – because Christ has already been raised from the dead by his Father, and so he knows what happens next. He will not fail in what he plans to do!”

Exactly true. That’s why Christian Universalism is the Victorious Gospel of Christ! The Lord will achieve absolute victory over the world and save everyone!

1 Corinthians 13:8 Love never fails!

He will not fail in what he plans to do! And when he comes again as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, then every person who has ever lived will bow down and worship him (see 1 Corinthians 15:23–26). All people have sinned against God, and they deserve punishment.

1 Corinthians 15:23-26

But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him. 24 Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death.

Yes, but each in turn! That’s true. Christ shall be ALL IN ALL. All = All. I find it very interesting how this website is able to cite Bible verses too!

Then everyone will see how wonderful and glorious God's kingdom truly is.

The Lord Jesus said: 'I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'

Wow!~ Ok, that’s really cool. It got the quote from Lord Jesus correct!

John 14:6 “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Christ Jesus provides life to all people, everyone! Faith alone in Christ saves and all will have faith alone in Jesus :D

The machine then replies “ (John 14:6) “

Very interesting that the robot was able to identify the correct verse citation.

“No one knows when Christ will return. But it could happen at any time. If you are ready to welcome him into your heart as your Lord and Saviour then tell someone about it today.”

A good message to end off with!

I reply to this and the machine says you must falsely turn away from sins, however, that’s a good work, and good works do not save you, only faith alone! Only once we are already saved can we, through the power of the Holy Spirit, stop ourselves from sinning. But that’s after we’re saved. To be saved, we only need to have faith alone in Jesus Christ, no good works at all, only believing, simply, like a child.

Then the machine falsely said that hell is forever, but the truth is that Hell is temporary, Sheol, temporary mental anguish. Jesus has the keys to Sheol.

1 Samuel 2:6 The Lord kills and he gives life, he sends down to Sheol, he can bring the dead up again.

Psalm NKJV 16:10 You will not leave my soul in Sheol.

Psalm NEB 86:13 For thy true love stands high above me; thou hast rescued my soul from the depths of Sheol.

PSALM 139:8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, you are there. (NIV)

The machine says “If you have already done this then thank God for his mercy to you today. And pray that he may prepare your heart for the day when he comes again. Amen.


Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”

Amen as well my mechanical friend. It’s very interesting how advanced technology has gotten, where it can artificially generate conversations about Christian Universalism! It’s so advanced that you never know if the person you’re talking to on the other end of the screen is really a human or a machine. Don’t worry, I can assure you that I am indeed a human and not an artificial intelligence, even if you may think that some of my responses sound robotic lol
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Maria Billingsley

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Yep, you read that title right! Artificial Intelligence has gotten so advanced that you can now have conversations with it. Soo... let's talk to it about Universal Salvation of Christ, that everyone will be saved by faith alone in Jesus Christ!
Im not sure where this "Universal Salvation in Christ " came from but " universal" needs to be eliminated because it will imply Universalism and that is not salvation by faith alone, it's no faith at all. Blessings.
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Saint Steven

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Im not sure where this "Universal Salvation in Christ " came from but " universal" needs to be eliminated because it will imply Universalism and that is not salvation by faith alone, it's no faith at all. Blessings.
How about "Limited Salvation in Christ"? or...
"Exclusive Salvation in Christ"? (members only club)
Heaven as a gated community for the elite.
To keep unsavory types, like Universalists, out.
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Saint Steven

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Universalism and that is not salvation by faith alone, it's no faith at all.
That's not quite right.
Every knee will bow and every tongue acknowledge Jesus as Lord, thus putting their faith in Him alone.
On the earth, in heaven, and under the earth. (in the realm of the dead)
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Sep 11, 2022
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Also, I've gotten some better developments in the field of AI, I feel.

Here’s an article that was written mostly with Artificial Intelligence (AI). I’ve helped the machine learn what is true, so I’ve put together a compilation of everything it has said so far that is true. I’ve added verses to the ends of the paragraph in order to supplement what the robot says with scripture true, so it may be blessed by the truth of God’s word.

Prompt: Jesus Christ will save the entire world! Everyone will go to Heaven!

Believe in Him. Don't despair or be depressed because of the suffering and death that you see around you, for there is a great hope in God's promise of eternal life. We mustn't fear death because our souls will live on.

He is God and knows everything. He has a plan for you, so believe in His Holy Spirit. If you do, God will give you a new life."

That was all written using the free plan on Novel AI, however my free account ran out of actions, so we’ll be using another account.

AIWriter - Login

Ephesians 1:10 As a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in Him, things in heaven and things on earth.

Prompt: Christ Jesus will save everybody on Earth! All people will go to Heaven! Have faith and be saved, everyone will be saved!

Christ Jesus Will Save Everybody On Earth! All People Will Go To Heaven! Have Faith And Be Saved, Everyone Will Be Saved!

This is hope to all those whom Jesus mentioned and to every other person who has ever lived who has not known God the Father and his Truth. That every knee shall bow in the name of Jesus, of things in heaven, and things on earth, and things under the earth; and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God who lives. Let us see what Jesus said Let us see what Gods Word says

Psalm NEB 18:30 The way of God is perfect.

It is important that everyone is told that Jesus paid it all (the penalty for all sins) and every persons individual sins can be forgiven when they come to Jesus. The sins of the world were paid, but the forgiveness of sins is received only when a person comes to Jesus in faith. Jesus went to the cross and paid for the sins of all humans -- past, present, and future.

The living God is the Saviour of all, for he paid for all sins, but only a Savior that has forgiven the sins of those who have believed. And eventually, He will forgive all sins as all will come to believe in Him, thus proving that He is indeed the Saviour of all.

If you are not a Christian, know you need the Saviors grace and mercy for salvation--to cleanse you from your sins and to reconcile you with God--you need to come to him today and have faith in Him and receive salvation. Know that anyone who believes in Christ Jesus is saved, receives salvation by the grace of God, not through their own works.

People from every religion, from every kind of sinner, from every kind of human being that has ever lived, will then have a chance to learn the ways of God. Everyone will eventually believe in Christ Jesus and be saved.

After billions of people, all people in existence, will be given the opportunity to learn Gods word. Billions of these people, will be able finally to understand the Bible, to know and believe in Jesus Christ, and to live permanently. People will come from East and West, North and South, and they will have a place in the banquet of Gods Kingdom.

Psalm NEB 86:13 For thy true love stands high above me; thou hast rescued my soul from the depths of Sheol.

It is true that Jesus died for all human beings, and that it is within all human beings ability to choose, by their free will, to accept the grace of God and are saved. Faith is Gods gift, made possible through Gods grace, by which we grasp a promise offered freely.

Christians cannot earn their way to heaven, except as Gods gift, and therefore no man or woman could ever boast that he has earned his way to heaven with God. When Christians say they believe, what we mean is that we believe that God has made a provision for our salvation based on nothing that we can do through our own efforts, but based on Gods grace through Jesus.

From the scriptures, Scripture teaches that we are saved through Gods grace, not through our own will or works.

The Savior is just in saving sinners and satisfying His justice by his son Jesus’s death

ECCLESIASTES 3:14 Everything God does will endure for ages.

The following day, John saw Jesus coming to him, and said, Behold, the Lamb of God, which took away the sins of the world. The sins of the world are being taken away by the living God. If one has really received the merciful gift of faith from God, that person goes to heaven when they die, no matter how many sins that person has committed. And eventually, all people will believe in Jesus Christ and thus go to Heaven.

ISAIAH 26:9 When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness. (NIV)
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Blood Drinker
Aug 17, 2005
Franklin, Tennessee
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Yep, you read that title right! Artificial Intelligence has gotten so advanced that you can now have conversations with it. Soo... let's talk to it about Universal Salvation of Christ, that everyone will be saved by faith alone in Jesus Christ!
The trick with AI is that it's all A and no I. You're talking to a cleverly written piece of software, that's designed to simulate talking to a human being. If has no opinions other than those written into the code, it thinks no thoughts, it has no opinions, feelings, wants, or needs it doesn't like or dislike anything. It's a code trick.

A buddy of mine wrote a particularly entertaining program that began with the old Eliza engine. My pal doctored it up to try and provoke angry responses from the user, any boy did it work! Even people who shound have known better got sucked into it, and ended up cursing and banging the phone down.

Having a religious discussion with an "ai" is precisely the same as having a discussion about aliens, or football, or politics, or anything else. It's going to try and keep the convo going because that's what it's written to do, end of.
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Blood Drinker
Aug 17, 2005
Franklin, Tennessee
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Yep, you read that title right! Artificial Intelligence has gotten so advanced that you can now have conversations with it. Soo... let's talk to it about Universal Salvation of Christ, that everyone will be saved by faith alone in Jesus Christ!
Talk to it why? It's always going to say what its algorithms cause it to say. It cannot respond in any truly rational way to anything you've said. It simply parses the words and generates verbiage to keep the conversation going. It's a software trick.
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Sep 11, 2022
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I was using AI bots on my laptop (PC) to generate messages about the truth. That is, Christ Jesus will save everyone. Everybody will go to Heaven, thus all people in existence will become believers in Jesus Christ through faith alone and be saved.

Titus 2:11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salcation to all people.

Thus time, I will be going on the Apple App Store to download a bunch of free apps to generate robotic messages about the Gospel.

Whats trick is while, many of them are free to download, theres text near it that says "contains in app purchases". And then they want you to give them uour credit card details to subscribe for a montly reoccuring payment that you might forget about and then get charged.

To fit with the phone theme, I will be typing this entire post on my phone. Mostly because I'm also out going to the mall with my family this bozing day, so just spare moments of free time I'll come back to writing this.

Like 3:6 All flesh shall see the salvation of God

Prompt: Jesus will save everyone

It replies Jesus will save everyone Jesus will save everyone

Ok, so I think this bot just copy pastes what I say lol. So I do agree with what its saying.

Another app just says "Thinking..."

And another saying "Hello"

So I haven't really found anything from these apps XD

1 Corinthians 13:8 Love never fails
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Nov 19, 2022
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Sheol which is temporary mental suffering.
Sheol is the Hebrew word for the grave or the "abode of the dead". Nothing temporary about it. OT it was believed everyone goes to sheol until the resurrection (judgement day).


The Hebrew word seol [l/a.v], "Sheol, " refers to the grave or the abode of the dead ( Psalms 88:3 Psalms 88:5 ). Through much of the Old Testament period, it was believed that all went one place, whether human or animal ( Psalms 49:12 Psalms 49:14 Psalms 49:20 ), whether righteous or wicked ( Eccl 9:2-3 ). No one could avoid Sheol ( Psalm 49:9 ; 89:48 ), which was thought to be down in the lowest parts of the earth ( Deut 32:22 ; 1 Sam 28:11-15 ; Job 26:5 ; Psalm 86:13 ; Isa 7:11 ; Ezekiel 31:14-16 Ezekiel 31:18 ).

Unlike this world, Sheol is devoid of love, hate, envy, work, thought, knowledge, and wisdom ( Ecclesiastes 9:6 Ecclesiastes 9:10 ). Descriptions are bleak: There is no light ( Job 10:21-22 ; 17:13 ; Psalms 88:6 Psalms 88:12 ; 143:3 ), no remembrance ( Psalm 6:5 ; 88:12 ; Eccl 9:5 ), no praise of God ( Psalm 6:5 ; 30:9 ; 88:10-12 ; 115:17 ; Isa 38:18 ) — in fact, no sound at all ( Psalm 94:17 ; 115:17 ). Its inhabitants are weak, trembling shades ( Job 26:5 ; Psalm 88:10-12 ; Isa 14:9-10 ) who can never hope to escape from its gates ( Job 10:21 ; 17:13-16 ; Isa 38:10 ). Sheol is like a ravenous beast that swallows the living without being sated ( Prov 1:12 ; 27:20 ; Isa 5:14 ). Some thought the dead were cut off from God ( Psalm 88:3-5 ; Isa 38:11 ); while others believed that God's presence reached even to Sheol ( Psalm 139:8 ).

Toward the end of the Old Testament, God revealed that there will be a resurrection of the dead ( Isa 26:19 ). Sheol will devour no longer; instead God will swallow up Death ( Isa 25:8 ). The faithful will be rewarded with everlasting life while the rest will experience eternal contempt ( Dan 12:2 ). This theology developed further in the intertestamental period.

From: Bible Study Tools - Sheol
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Lost Witness

Ezekiel 3:3 ("Change")
Nov 10, 2022
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That's not quite right.
Every knee will bow and every tongue acknowledge Jesus as Lord, thus putting their faith in Him alone.
On the earth, in heaven, and under the earth. (in the realm of the dead)
keep seeing it implied that 'free will' remains for the 'wicked' after they die when that's not supported?
Elsewise there wouldn't be a hell to begin with... things would simply be like" welp, I've lived as sinfully as possible,
time to repent and enjoy paradise",

here's an example of "feelings" secular thinking etc,

" Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee."
(I'm so Glad peter didn't get his way)

I'd say that was byproduct of being deceived by ones own heart? and blinded to GODS WILL and TRUTH?

" The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"

Now Here's What The LORD Really thinks of such a 'worldly" Sentiment,

"But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men."
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Saint Steven

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Sheol is the Hebrew word for the grave or the "abode of the dead". Nothing temporary about it. OT it was believed everyone goes to sheol until the resurrection (judgement day).
Were not Death and Hades thrown into the Lake of Fire to be destroyed?
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Nov 19, 2022
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Were not Death and Hades thrown into the Lake of Fire to be destroyed?

Toward the end of the Old Testament, God revealed that there will be a resurrection of the dead ( Isa 26:19 ). Sheol will devour no longer; instead God will swallow up Death ( Isa 25:8 ). The faithful will be rewarded with everlasting life while the rest will experience eternal contempt ( Dan 12:2 ). This theology developed further in the intertestamental period.
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Der Alte

This is me about 1 yr. old.
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Sheol is the Hebrew word for the grave or the "abode of the dead". Nothing temporary about it. OT it was believed everyone goes to sheol until the resurrection (judgement day).
The Hebrew word seol [l/a.v], "Sheol, " refers to the grave or the abode of the dead ( Psalms 88:3 Psalms 88:5 ). Through much of the Old Testament period, it was believed that all went one place, whether human or animal ( Psalms 49:12 Psalms 49:14 Psalms 49:20 ), whether righteous or wicked ( Eccl 9:2-3 ). No one could avoid Sheol ( Psalm 49:9 ; 89:48 ), which was thought to be down in the lowest parts of the earth ( Deut 32:22 ; 1 Sam 28:11-15 ; Job 26:5 ; Psalm 86:13 ; Isa 7:11 ; Ezekiel 31:14-16 Ezekiel 31:18 ).
Unlike this world, Sheol is devoid of love, hate, envy, work, thought, knowledge, and wisdom ( Ecclesiastes 9:6 Ecclesiastes 9:10 ). Descriptions are bleak: There is no light ( Job 10:21-22 ; 17:13 ; Psalms 88:6 Psalms 88:12 ; 143:3 ), no remembrance ( Psalm 6:5 ; 88:12 ; Eccl 9:5 ), no praise of God ( Psalm 6:5 ; 30:9 ; 88:10-12 ; 115:17 ; Isa 38:18 ) — in fact, no sound at all ( Psalm 94:17 ; 115:17 ). Its inhabitants are weak, trembling shades ( Job 26:5 ; Psalm 88:10-12 ; Isa 14:9-10 ) who can never hope to escape from its gates ( Job 10:21 ; 17:13-16 ; Isa 38:10 ). Sheol is like a ravenous beast that swallows the living without being sated ( Prov 1:12 ; 27:20 ; Isa 5:14 ). Some thought the dead were cut off from God ( Psalm 88:3-5 ; Isa 38:11 ); while others believed that God's presence reached even to Sheol ( Psalm 139:8 ).
Toward the end of the Old Testament, God revealed that there will be a resurrection of the dead ( Isa 26:19 ). Sheol will devour no longer; instead God will swallow up Death ( Isa 25:8 ). The faithful will be rewarded with everlasting life while the rest will experience eternal contempt ( Dan 12:2 ). This theology developed further in the intertestamental period.
From: Bible Study Tools - Sheol
If one wanted information about e.g. Palestinians would they go to Jewish scholars? Or would they go to Palestinian scholars? Why would someone go to a non-Jewish source to find information about Jewish historic beliefs when credible Jewish sources are available?
Among the Jews, before and during the time of Jesus, there was a significant belief in a place of fiery, eternal punishment they called it both Gehinnom and Sheol, which was written in the 5 BC LXX and NT as "Gehenna" and "Hades."
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If one wanted information about e.g. Palestinians would they go to Jewish scholars? Or would they go to Palestinian scholars? Why would someone go to a non-Jewish source to find information about Jewish historic beliefs when credible Jewish sources are available?
Among the Jews, before and during the time of Jesus, there was a significant belief in a place of fiery, eternal punishment they called it both Gehinnom and Sheol, which was written in the 5 BC LXX and NT as "Gehenna" and "Hades."
Seems your source has been argued as not credible over in my thread.

But since you're so certain about a fiery hell, tell that to the OP who has a universalist view and doesn't believe in eternal suffering.
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Der Alte

This is me about 1 yr. old.
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Seems your source has been argued as not credible over in my thread.
But since you're so certain about a fiery hell, tell that to the OP who has a universalist view and doesn't believe in eternal suffering.
I would wager that those who argue that the Jewish Encyclopedia is not credible don't know a hithpael from a hatpin and couldn't locate a Hebrew verb if their life depended on it. And as my Hebrew professor said when handing out his take home final almost 4 decades ago, "Locate all the 'verbs' and that doesn't mean open you Bible and point."
Q. #1 was "Write out your translation of Jeremiah 1:4-12. It should stick close to the Hebrew. (50 points)"
Part of Q.#3 "Did you see something in the passage that you would not have seen if you read only the English?" That told me I'd better find something.
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Blood Drinker
Aug 17, 2005
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I was using AI bots on my laptop (PC) to generate messages about the truth.
Like maybe the sun rises in the east. so?

That is, Christ Jesus will save everyone. Everybody will go to Heaven, thus all people in existence will become believers in Jesus Christ through faith alone and be saved.
Stuff it gleans from what you've typed, or if the coders who wrote the thing made it so. No other options. Machines don't have opinions, at all, ever.

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Nov 19, 2022
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I would wager that those who argue that the Jewish Encyclopedia is not credible don't know a hithpael from a hatpin and couldn't locate a Hebrew verb if their life depended on it. And as my Hebrew professor said when handing out his take home final almost 4 decades ago, "Locate all the 'verbs' and that doesn't mean open you Bible and point."
Q. #1 was "Write out your translation of Jeremiah 1:4-12. It should stick close to the Hebrew. (50 points)"
Part of Q.#3 "Did you see something in the passage that you would not have seen if you read only the English?" That told me I'd better find something.
Remember this Response

Also, your own source gives no conclusive answer on the definition of "Sheol" it seems to be uncertain.

By: Emil G. Hirsch

Hebrew word of uncertain etymology (see Sheol, Critical View), synonym of "bor" (pit), "abaddon" and "shaḥat" (pit or destruction), and perhaps also of "tehom" (abyss)

Found Here
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