
Active Member
Oct 20, 2023
Eastern Orthodox
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Now those are three words, but they can have alot of meaning.

How does the individual define God, and how does the individual define submission to this God?

To clear confusion, God stood on a hill and held a sermon. While there is some debate over a few details, I think overall the message is clear. Submitting to God is surrendering. But what kind of surrendering, then?

The message is unmistakable there also. To this day, no one has been able to hold a single word of this sermon unaccounted, and deny it's most crucial significance, to understanding man's purpose, and the development of the soul.

But of all the valuable insights available there, I think the cornerstone of it all, is the understanding of your own limitations. Understanding these limitations, will enrich you of life's purpose.

And the most valuable limitation, is that you cannot know tomorrow.

We are constructed in such a way, that for the things concerning the future, we have a perspective that spans a few moments, and I think I am exaggerating. Our ability to predict the future is so naught, that it defies all reason, why anyone should even entertain the idea.

I can make further elaborations, or perhaps it is already clear, that the most fruitless endavor possible, is to try to predict the future? Not only is your prediction false, the few data points your mind is able to assess can never be enough to make a serious prediction about anything, given the complex nature of everything that is, the individual can AT BEST predict his future actions, and in the context of the sermon, the only future actions worthy of being considered, are your shortcomings.

Only your shortcomings, the flaws of your character, are of value to God. Else he has nothing to work with, because everything else, is finished by him already.

Only when you come to God with the complete understanding of your limitations and shortcomings, which, due to the very weak data processing ability of the brain, you will receive only one insight at a time, but nonetheless, a continual such stream, will eventuall clear you of all your shortcomings, and the limitations of your being, will be clothed in the unlimitness of God, his Complete and Total Providence, when you see the work of God being unfolded before you, unceasingly, and you see that you too, will die the death of Peter, for you will never again decide where you will go, nor have the knowledge of your direction, other than, that you are firmly girded, and carried.

We never profit the knowledge of how time will progress. We are not beings made for that purpose. The kind of power needed to shape the world around you, is so outside human reach, that no effort should be made even considering it.

Instead, realizing then, that the purpose of your being, given the brain that is only able to process one thing at a time and that not very quickly, you are a perfect match for a continual stream of revelations, which you receive through a concaving of both outer and inner realities, until a perfect match is made, where the shaping of matter, and the inner man, are in complete alignment. You must not forget that all shape is in the hands of God and you only have shape because God gave it to you. He has not only formed everything that there is, but all form exists to serve his Will, and purpose of creation, which is the enrichment of the soul, by forsaking all notions, that God is not currently working, to bring you to the complete realization, of the purpose you have before Him, so that, not only will you know it, but your reality will already be formed according to His Purpose, so that His Work will be evident with no break.