something to read on

dey bee

Dec 8, 2011
Marital Status
hello pk's! :wave:

Do you believe that God's has immensely blessed the pastors' kids?
I'm a living testimony on that, though i haven't realized that at first.
Before I came to know Jesus and what He did on the cross for me, i really hate to be called as pastor's kid.. why does it have to be pasted with my name??
I was too ashamed to tell anyone about my Parents' work coz i was afraid other people would set standards for me--- "You are a pastor's kid so should be -righteous-,prim and proper.. blah blah blah.." and the long list goes on.
it was so tiring to live to meet other people's expectations..I feel like i'm being locked up in the cage bounded by rules and expectations.
Having my parents so busy at the church sometimes took our quality time as a family.
Going to church is so traditional and empty. I even hated Sundays - the sunday school, the preachings,except the worship time,that's the only part of the service that at least i can take and endure. How i wished not to attend the services and just stay at home and watch TV..
I am good at memorizing verses (coz it was our routine to recite bible passages before going to bed when we were little) i prayed every night and i'm quite knowledgeable about the bible and I know who Jesus is..I always hear his name everytime papa does the sermon..but it was all very shallow and so doesn't made sense to me.
I thought i was fine but in reality, I've lived a life of misery and brokenness. when i realized that, I acknowledge that i need a Savior to get me out of that hopeless situation.

After I decided to follow Jesus with all i am everything made sense to me!.
God has placed a hunger in my heart ---to know him more each day. I felt unspeakable joy and peace and security knowing that I have my God who loves me far beyond i can imagine -- He saved me! :amen:

I finally came to realize How greatly blessed I am for having a family who serves the boss of all bosses-- our Maker and God - Having Jesus as the light and foundation of our our home and being blessed in manifold ways.

Now, i am doing my best to honor Jesus through my life. I'm now an active youth leader and worship team member --worship leader and tambourine dancer. I also love to teach children during sunday school and Vacation Bible School every summer.

It's my delight to paint a smile on God's face and I so long to know Him more and more, be deeply inloved with the lover of my soul and develop intimate relationship with my God as i wait for His coming.

I want to shout to the world that I am so blessed to be a PK!:clap:

God keep you!:D
