Somehow I feel there is not the fire I had when I first believed


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Nov 14, 2004
I feel it is only those who are filled with faith from scripture are those who experience answered prayer directly that a person needs to deepen one faith to be regarded as believer that nothing in the future will shake one faith that God is with one that those who believe overcome all things.

For I know enough to put my faith in christ because there is many prophecies that only relate to the type of messiah He is such that He needs to be priest according to order of melchizedek that also only God can be sacrifice to take mans sins even though I may have not understood some bible verses such as that God will take some gentiles or jews as priests and levites yet i have not considered such as reason not to believe as it could have been done in the second temple since it had not been built in prophecy or can mean the new covenant where the pastors most called are functioning as priests as they are servants interceding though all can be but they have matured and levites are evangelists or in the new earth there would be in the milenium in temple there there will be sacrifices to those who will be in that world when jesus does not rule anymore when satan is released for the people born in new earth.

Anyway i am saying as i want to have more confirmation of my faith though i believe it is right that i am regarded as a believer because I do believe I am because i believe there are prophecies of messiah that only jesus can fulfill but sometimes i feel i dont feel jesus presence and maybe why Jesus isnt blessing me because God sees that I dont have as depth of faith as before to be pleased maybe and i look for apologetic books but I dont quite know what is my issue.

I am not looking for intellectual arguments for the faith that i dont know what my issue is I think I want christ to let me experience Him personally as I read old testament like when i first believed so I can receive His Spirit which will then see Him all in the scripture not just to be told where He is so I am looking maybe for apologetic books not as arguments but to help the seed of faith be sown in discovering what I am not seeing and havent seen in scripture if it shows in a book so i can know to believe more deeper but I think I just need to read old testament more.

I have tried to explain what i think i am looking for in apologetic book that I am looking for one to strengthen my faith for I dont know what else i could be looking for why i am looking for an apologetic book.
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Nov 14, 2004
I mean I am not sure I can find a spouse that some others maybe did not have to work for it or I often feel unable to do work but I am hoping that changes that I plan to work in new business or others not attracted to me for not being as socially liked as I dont like to show off that I think they are unfair not to accept as I do still speak but I dont seek to try to make myself popular with others to seem to be cool but I do talk.

And also to feel His presence again and guidance and answers to prayers to receive His guidance but I suppose He has helped me but I have been lazy to obey.

But I think it is mistake to complain I am happy to receive His guidance but I hope I obey Him that I am blessed already to receive mercy that I think He is guiding me.
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What's needed most is stillness. Your mind moves constantly like gears. With continuance doubt enters and you second guess everything. I'm uncertain if you've intentionally embraced silence. Either through meditation, contemplation, fasting, retreats, etc.

I read a book long ago about a woman who surrendered her speech once a week. When the day arrived she didn't talk and went about her tasks peaceably. She learned a lot about herself and what lurked within her mind and heart. I was so taken with her experience I tried it myself.

To this day I have daily periods of solace where nothing's uttered. If I'm alone I can go hours without speaking or conversing via text or on the Internet. I'm wholly at peace with the silence which nurtures stillness.

I've cultivated the necessary spaces in togetherness Gibran spoke of. My days aren't packed nor do I rush to share everything that comes to mind. There's a gentle ease to its cadence and a thought may be held or relinquished as desired.

Perhaps you'll find the practice helpful.

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Joseph G

Saved by the grace of Jesus Christ
Dec 22, 2023
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I mean I am not sure i can find a spouse that some others maybe did not have to work for it or I often feel unable to do work but i am hoping that changes that i plan to work in new business or others not attracted to me for not being as socially liked as I dont like to show off that I think they are unfair not to accept as I do still speak but I dont seek to try to make myself popular with others to seem to be cool but I do talk.
If you've lifted these concerns to Him in prayer, you can trust that He will provide for each one, in His time, according to His priorities. You have only to concentrate on the following:

Matthew 6:33 KJV

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

It may take longer than you think you can endure, but you are required to keep faith if you are to experience peace while waiting.
and also to feel His presence again and guidance and answers to prayers to receive His guidance but I suppose He has helped me but I have been lazy to obey
You are right, obedience is key to experiencing His presence and guidance. The primary way to obey is to daily concentrate on His greatest two commandments:

Matthew 22:37-40 NIV

"Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

I would agree that your desire to seek Him through Bible study and prayer is vital to fulfilling these two commandments.
But I suppose I shold not conplain I an happy to receive His guidance but I hope I obey Him that I am blessed already to receive mercy to be accepted
You already have mercy and acceptance, by virtue of who you are in Christ - an adopted child of God - permanently sealed by His Holy Spirit.

When I'm going through an extended dry spell, wondering where the fire went, it helps me to be reminded of what my identity means in practical terms. Consider something David says about his relationship to God in the 23 Psalm:

"My cup runneth over".

In his time and culture, it was customary for the host to refill the guest's cup as long as they were welcome. When the host was getting ready to retire, he would stop refilling the cup as a polite way to indicate that it was time for the guest to leave.

For you and me, "my cup runneth over" means that we are perpetually and eternally welcome in His presence - no matter how near or far we FEEL to Him. That's our privilege and birthright. Keep seeking and the fire will return!

God bless.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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I feel it is only those who are filled with faith from scripture are those who experience answered prayer directly that a person needs to deepen one faith to be regarded as believer that nothing in the future will shake one faith that God is with one that those who believe overcome all things.

For I know enough to put my faith in christ because there is many prophecies that only relate to the type of messiah He is such that He needs to be priest according to order of melchizedek that also only God can be sacrifice to take mans sins even though I may have not understood some bible verses such as that God will take some gentiles or jews as priests and levites yet i have not considered such as reason not to believe as it could have been done in the second temple since it had not been built in prophecy or can mean the new covenant where the pastors most called are functioning as priests as they are servants interceding though all can be but they have matured and levites are evangelists or in the new earth there would be in the milenium in temple there there will be sacrifices to those who will be in that world when jesus does not rule anymore when satan is released for the people born in new earth.

Anyway i am saying as i want to have more confirmation of my faith though i believe it is right that i am regarded as a believer because I do believe I am because i believe there are prophecies of messiah that only jesus can fulfill but sometimes i feel i dont feel jesus presence and maybe why Jesus isnt blessing me because God sees that I dont have as depth of faith as before to be pleased maybe and i look for apologetic books but I dont quite know what is my issue.

I am not looking for intellectual arguments for the faith that i dont know what my issue is I think I want christ to let me experience Him personally as I read old testament like when i first believed so I can receive His Spirit which will then see Him all in the scripture not just to be told where He is so I am looking maybe for apologetic books not as arguments but to help the seed of faith be sown in discovering what I am not seeing and havent seen in scripture if it shows in a book so i can know to believe more deeper but I think I just need to read old testament more.

I have tried to explain what i think i am looking for in apologetic book that I am looking for one to strengthen my faith for I dont know what else i could be looking for why i am looking for an apologetic book.
Pray for God to exchange the feelings you used to have and experience, for more a knowing of Him now, and hearing His voice a lot more now, and maybe He'll do that with you a lot more now instead.

Feelings don't last ultimately, and are for babes in Christ mostly, etc.

Could be that God is wanting you to now grow up more now maybe, and/or mature a bit more now from here maybe, etc.

And there is no substitute for knowing Him a lot more now, and hearing His voice, etc.

Which is most usually where we are meant to go next when we grow up a little bit more from feeling, or when those previous feelings are not felt as much now, or are starting to now wane a bit, etc.

God Bless.
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Old Soul
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Think of it like a marriage, and why a lot of marriages fail after so long a time, etc.

A preacher I like a lot said it this way "After 50 years of marriage, I don't love my spouse because my knees get weak or I feel butterflies in my stomach just because he walks through the door all of the time now", etc.

And that's why a lot of people will quit a marriage, or in this case, will give up on God, etc, because those feelings just aren't there anymore, etc, and so some feel a lack of fulfillment, etc, and it's not as exciting anymore, etc. Doesn't make your heart pound or race or skip a beat anymore, etc. No more butterflies in your stomach, etc, etc, etc.

But she also said that they know each other so very, very well now, that they almost can hear each other's thoughts, or finish each other's sentences, or just automatically know what the other one is going to say next now, because they just know each other that well now, and know what the other one is thinking, or is going to be thinking or saying, etc.

So, yeah, there's a lot less mystery now, and therefore less excitement/emotional fulfillment, etc, but you also know each other well enough now also, to be able "to predict or hear or know the other ones voice in your own head now when they haven't even said anything, or are not even yet speaking yet", etc.

And this is how it is with God as well, etc. You will come to hear or know His voice when He's not even speaking, once you know Him well enough, etc, which then allows you to carry on a conversation with Him in your own head, etc.

If you already know what He either is going to say, or else would say, in regard or response to what you are thnking, or what you are right now saying, etc, then you already know and can hear/know/predict that already in your own head, etc, and so, can carry on that kind of conversation, all by your own self if you have to, in your own head, etc.

Being able to predict what God would say, is the very same thing as if He just now said it, and there is very little difference if you ask me, etc.

And when you know each other that well, there is also no need for Him to speak, cause you already know, etc.

After all, why should God even speak, if it's already pretty obvious/apparent as to what He would say next, and He has already made that fully known/apparent to you to be able to discern or know for yourself already, etc?

Get to know Him like this, and His "voice" will always be with you no matter what always, etc, and you'll always have access to it/Him at any time always, etc.

God Bless.
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Maria Billingsley

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Oct 7, 2018
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I feel it is only those who are filled with faith from scripture are those who experience answered prayer directly that a person needs to deepen one faith to be regarded as believer that nothing in the future will shake one faith that God is with one that those who believe overcome all things.

For I know enough to put my faith in christ because there is many prophecies that only relate to the type of messiah He is such that He needs to be priest according to order of melchizedek that also only God can be sacrifice to take mans sins even though I may have not understood some bible verses such as that God will take some gentiles or jews as priests and levites yet i have not considered such as reason not to believe as it could have been done in the second temple since it had not been built in prophecy or can mean the new covenant where the pastors most called are functioning as priests as they are servants interceding though all can be but they have matured and levites are evangelists or in the new earth there would be in the milenium in temple there there will be sacrifices to those who will be in that world when jesus does not rule anymore when satan is released for the people born in new earth.

Anyway i am saying as i want to have more confirmation of my faith though i believe it is right that i am regarded as a believer because I do believe I am because i believe there are prophecies of messiah that only jesus can fulfill but sometimes i feel i dont feel jesus presence and maybe why Jesus isnt blessing me because God sees that I dont have as depth of faith as before to be pleased maybe and i look for apologetic books but I dont quite know what is my issue.

I am not looking for intellectual arguments for the faith that i dont know what my issue is I think I want christ to let me experience Him personally as I read old testament like when i first believed so I can receive His Spirit which will then see Him all in the scripture not just to be told where He is so I am looking maybe for apologetic books not as arguments but to help the seed of faith be sown in discovering what I am not seeing and havent seen in scripture if it shows in a book so i can know to believe more deeper but I think I just need to read old testament more.

I have tried to explain what i think i am looking for in apologetic book that I am looking for one to strengthen my faith for I dont know what else i could be looking for why i am looking for an apologetic book.
If one still needs " confirmation " then unfortunately doubt has creeped in. Doubt is the beginning of " qunching " His Holy Spirit. We walk with Him daily because He made His Home in us from the beginning. If there is a need for proof then this relationship becomes weak. Go back to your first love and rather than seek for what He can do for you, begin seeking ways of what you can do for Him. My humble opinion. Be blessed.
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God is Love
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Nov 14, 2017
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I feel it is only those who are filled with faith from scripture are those who experience answered prayer directly that a person needs to deepen one faith to be regarded as believer that nothing in the future will shake one faith that God is with one that those who believe overcome all things.

For I know enough to put my faith in christ because there is many prophecies that only relate to the type of messiah He is such that He needs to be priest according to order of melchizedek that also only God can be sacrifice to take mans sins even though I may have not understood some bible verses such as that God will take some gentiles or jews as priests and levites yet i have not considered such as reason not to believe as it could have been done in the second temple since it had not been built in prophecy or can mean the new covenant where the pastors most called are functioning as priests as they are servants interceding though all can be but they have matured and levites are evangelists or in the new earth there would be in the milenium in temple there there will be sacrifices to those who will be in that world when jesus does not rule anymore when satan is released for the people born in new earth.

Anyway i am saying as i want to have more confirmation of my faith though i believe it is right that i am regarded as a believer because I do believe I am because i believe there are prophecies of messiah that only jesus can fulfill but sometimes i feel i dont feel jesus presence and maybe why Jesus isnt blessing me because God sees that I dont have as depth of faith as before to be pleased maybe and i look for apologetic books but I dont quite know what is my issue.

I am not looking for intellectual arguments for the faith that i dont know what my issue is I think I want christ to let me experience Him personally as I read old testament like when i first believed so I can receive His Spirit which will then see Him all in the scripture not just to be told where He is so I am looking maybe for apologetic books not as arguments but to help the seed of faith be sown in discovering what I am not seeing and havent seen in scripture if it shows in a book so i can know to believe more deeper but I think I just need to read old testament more.

I have tried to explain what i think i am looking for in apologetic book that I am looking for one to strengthen my faith for I dont know what else i could be looking for why i am looking for an apologetic book.
Faith is trusting God in everything. Believing God will do all that He promised He would/will do ... and He will .... rest in that.

Faith is Not a Feeling we choose to believe God's promises over our own personal feelings.
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Faith is trusting God in everything. Believing God will do all that He promised He would/will do ... and He will .... rest in that.

Faith is Not a Feeling we choose to believe God's promises over our own personal feelings.

Hi, i am not trying to discuss this with you, just that i believe there is a misconception, about 'feelings' that are thrown a lot by people, the presence of God and Holy spirit usually can be felt, but is not a feeling, is a person in you, and a very big and important one, saying this is 'feelings' gives lots to discredit to this. We need His presence badly.
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May 22, 2013
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Hi, Mike . . . it is good to see you again.

It seems you want to get into the right way of faith. I think of how Paul our Apostle says we need "faith working through love" > in Galatians 5:6.

So, faith is more than what people call believing. Faith has us sharing with God in His love.

And you are talking about priesthood. Jesus Christ's priesthood has much to do with how God has us loving. We all are in this priesthood of Jesus Christ's loving >

"a royal priesthood," our Apostle Peter says in 1 Peter 2:9.

How does this work? We join with Jesus in how He is our High Priest. This includes how Jesus has gone through things of this life, so that now Jesus can feel for us and minister to us >

"For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin." (Hebrews 4:15)

So, included in Jesus' priesthood is how He has gone through things that we go through, so that now Jesus can feel for us and minister to us His own grace which made Him able to do so well in all the nicer things and the harder things.

So, then, while we use our experience to help us feel for others and minister to them, this is what Jesus is doing in His priesthood of loving us! And so we are sharing with Jesus in His priesthood . . . by feeling for others as He does, and ministering His grace to bless people to do well in their things they are doing and going through.

Through prayer and example we do this. And we encourage people to do what is good.

And if Jesus wants you to marry, He will have the woman He wants for you . . . not just anyone. So, trust Him to prepare you for one another, and enjoy trusting Jesus and discovering.
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God is Love
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Nov 14, 2017
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Hi, i am not trying to discuss this with you, just that i believe there is a misconception, about 'feelings' that are thrown a lot by people, the presence of God and Holy spirit usually can be felt, but is not a feeling, is a person in you, and a very big and important one, saying this is 'feelings' gives lots to discredit to this. We need His presence badly.
i feel i dont feel jesus presence and maybe why Jesus isnt blessing me because ...
We experience the presence of the Holy Spirit by being enlightened through gaining the understanding of scripture (of which we should do daily) and also through the Holy Spirit empowering us to overcome sin.

Yes, we most definitely should walk with Him daily ... and we are content.

The Holy Spirit will grant power and strength to our hearts and minds, enabling us to endure any trial, encouraging us when we are down (Acts 1:8). Specifically, Paul asks God to grant strength “so that Christ may dwell in [our] hearts through faith” (Ephesians 3:17).

May we all be encouraged. Amen.
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Nov 14, 2004
Some may think why should I trust in jesus if you lack understanding of full prophecy a Jew may say so you are not sure just as us that we can change our mind and say yes we believe God will be sacrifice and come at end but He didnt yet that there must be another messiah to build temple at end for all What would you say ? Well it is clear our faith is in one God so why would they object and it is clear they may be wrong about prophecy that it refered to second temple or what I said that some arguments may convince so a just God would not judge one who believes in one God of Israel who Jesus declares He is not knowing it is false seeing also many prophecies about Him only that He fulfilled such as saying law givers will not cease until shiloh comes which is messiah and the timing of His coming in daniel 70 weeks and so many others.

we might even be willing to accept if proven there will be a third temple that God might allow sacrifices to resume but christ is the sacrifice. it may act as remeberance only of christ sacrifice but it is the antichrist that will desecrate it.

so none can prove jesus is not messiah for sure that He is not who He is so how can God judge those who trust in Him which they cant prove is false.
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Nov 14, 2004
I found this website helped that ezekiel temple will be a temple on earth during the millenium when all enemies of gospel have been destroyed where christ will reign here only to destroy earth when there is rebellion after satan is released that as there will be more born in millenium they need to struggle against sin and sacrifices will be order when God restores kingdom to israel though it can not take away sin but it is memorial and will be required for forgiveness of sins though they dont in themselves take away sin that God only took them away because they did not believe in christ. It is also said that in millenium there will be sabbaths for all flesh and look upon those punished so refers to a millenium on earth or new earth and bible says new jerusalem will come down to earth so explains millenium and revelations explains this temple in revelations 3:12

Reverlations 3:12
He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name.

So since no one can say for certain and we have our own interpetation what excuse have people not to believe in christ if they cant prove what we say is false and how will God hold people guilty for believing something they dont know is false.

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Nov 14, 2004
I believe I had been rightly confused because I was taught wrongly that the third temple is the one in heaven which is why it is confusing if Isaiah says there will be priests and levites if that is at the end though it could have referred to second temple and Ezekiel talks about another temple but it says conditionally it will exist if they repented but if they do it will refer to at the end which will be at millenium as explained by site below for it says God will dwell with them built by God but Daniel’s temple is built by man which Jesus shows will be built when he mentioned the abomination of desolation.

Ezekiel 43:1-2 describes as in revelation God will be present and seems to describe the second coming when they will that then God will restore the kingdom to israel it mentions this temple will only be built for israel when they repent which if they were right all these years it should have been built but they are not in right relationship with God as they rejected Jesus Christ which they must accept till time of restoration spoken by prophets. If it exists after second coming it is because Christ will dwell not physically that He prepares others who are born to receive Him who never knew Him by sacrifices as before or just as memorial of christ sacrifice.

One can accept catholic church may only be true in this age which I do but when christ returns He will make certain Jews in charge in new temple. One might even say Peter will be pope or another Jew or another person who is Jew maybe David and they also offer sacrifices.

The fact the temple will exist forever if it exists must mean it will be at second coming after all israel which repents is saved because God will only give them permanent temple at end when that age is finished that the people who remain on earth after second coming enter the new age where those who overcomed will live forever because God can not make a temple now that lasts forever because when they turn away from God as people God destroys the temple as always but if it refers to an end of an age it can last.

It seems also this temple might have been the second temple if they repented that it was expected to be built at time of ezekiel because he is asked to tell them the plans to build it if they repented.

I understand now so my faith is strong now that now my fire should come back.

Ezekiel 43:10-11
10 “Son of man, describe the temple to the house of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their iniquities; and let them measure the pattern. 11 And if they are ashamed of all that they have done, make known to them the design of the temple and its arrangement, its exits and its entrances, its entire design and all its ordinances, all its forms and all its laws. Write it down in their sight, so that they may keep its whole design and all its ordinances, and perform them.

Ezekiel 43:1-2
1 Afterward he brought me to the gate, the gate that faces toward the east. 2 And behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east. His voice was like the sound of many waters; and the earth shone with His glory.
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