Sincere Ques-Which Denomination to Follow ?


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Oct 10, 2020
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The Catholic Church has been in existence now for almost 2000 years, and is the Church that in a process that spanned centuries chose the 73 books of the Bible and gave the Bible to the world in the late 300s. Catholics believe that Jesus is present in the Holy Eucharist, our New Covenant as per the Bible, or "New Testament." As Catholics were choosing the books of the Bible those books began to be called "books of the New Testament."
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Aug 28, 2021
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Always look to scripture for answers. CHRIST only approved of 2 churches out of 7 in the end days! What did the 2 preach that CHRIST approved of them? They taught the key of David that opened doors that no man could close and closed doors that no man could open. What’s the key of David? Key of David; is knowing the 2 different seed lines; you have the bad figs/tares the seed of Satan himself; that started in the garden of GOD. Then you have the good figs/seed that GOD planted. If you find a church that teaches who the Kenites are (tares) than you are blessed for it is the foundation of all truth. Kenites; sons of Cain who was the progeny of Satan the first murder; for his father is the father of deception, lies and murder. Kenites claim to be of Judah but are of the seed of Satan. They were instrumental in stirring the crowd to say “crucify HIM”. They are liars and false accusers who falsely accused CHRIST and why it is 6 things GOD hates and the 7th is an abomination. You can see their handy work throughout the globe today for they always place themselves in positions of power and wealth throughout history.

Church in Smyrna: Rev 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Rev 2:10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

Church in Philadelphia: Rev 3:8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.

Rev 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Rev 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
We know that CHRIST is speaking of the end day churches because the Elect are brought up for a 10 day trial in the synagogues of Satan where only they can commit the 1 Unforgivable sin which is to refuse the HOLY SPIRIT from speaking through them in the Hour of temptation. So if you are so blessed as to find such a church to guide you in these end of age events then CHRIST approves of it. GOD always leads those who seek to find HIM. Ask for wisdom and understanding for HE has an abundance to give you. If you cant find a local; than study with Shepherds Chapel for they do teach the WORD of GOD verse by verse, Chapter by chapter. Right now they are teaching Revelations; but they go into deep study of the WORD every day all day.
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Dec 20, 2020
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There is no perfect denomination. Any denomination that tells you they are perfect & get everything right, you need to be careful of. Read the Bible, read a few histories of the church, read denominations’ ‘what we believe’ statements etc. Like you, I’ve attended various denominations churchs for certain periods & have felt at home. There are false denominations out there, no question, but I think they are easy to recognize because they just follow what’s popular today. “A false church & an atheist had a debate & they agreed on everything”. Most denominations differences aren’t important & boil down to their government, what they want to emphasize, etc.
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Basic Church history... a group of people hear the gospel, meet together and form a fellowship. They start doing things to remind them of what they heard or learnt when they first came to Jesus. Sacraments are established and set in concrete. Some time later nobody knows why the church has those sacraments but it's just something they have to do in Church. Then God moves upon some people within that Church and they get another revelation about what it is to be a Christian and how they should behave. But when they talk to the people in charge there is opposition. 'We are XYZs. We don't do that here!' and that new move of God gets offended and leaves... or... maybe... gets excommunicated. Another Church is formed. The set up their doctrinal basis... put a box around their revelation and it defines them. They are now PQRs until God moves again and another group gets a new understanding about something... then the whole process repeats itself. Every new move of God's Spirit is always persecuted by the last move of God's Spirit. (E.g. The Anna-baptists by the Lutherans, the Pentecostals by... just about everyone).

Gal 5:19-21 "Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: fornication, ... enmities,... factions, divisions, parties,... they who practise such things will not inherit the kingdom of God" ASV

I am saddened that, in all the Bible Study that has been happening over the past century, people are still taking their little bit of the Bible and forming another denomination.

So... every Church we come across will have their own revelation from God. The main things to look for are:
Do they commit to and follow Jesus on a daily basis?
Do they study and teach the Word of God?

The way things are going these days you'll find a lot of Churches are compromising their gospel to avoid being targeted and persecuted by certain groups. Sometimes it may be because they have some weird doctrine, and you have to watch out for that, but if a church is pretty fundamental and it is not popular within the local community then it might have something from God that is rubbing the world up the wrong way. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. When you come into a fellowship where He is you'll feel a bit like you've come home.
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Feb 19, 2023
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I learned through shepherds chapel, gravette Arkansas. Thier on YouTube. Pastor murray teaches sound doctrine. Teaches chapter by chapter. This is Christian church. Many so called churches are denominations. First Corinthians chapter 3 to document. Many denominations teach tradition of men and false doctrine. Many pastors and priests are compromised, they must teach from monthly quarterly packets. Or they lose their position, salary or pension. Get the picture. Read Amos chapter 8, Were in time of famine, its hearing God's truth.
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Sharon Hayes

Jun 13, 2015
There are many types of Christian denominations so how do we know which one to follow? I personally have been to many types of churches of varied denominations & I’ve felt at home with all of them for different reasons. Lately, I’ve just been following the Bible and not attending a church.
It's good you come together with Christians of various religions. The Book of Revelations talk about seven churches. What most don't understand is it's referring to groups of people. With that in mind, look to the people in a religion that is in step with the word of God, then you worship with them. Religious titles mean nothing, just organizations with their own rules, some that are not even biblical. So, set aside the religious title and read their mission statement. If it's in line with God's word, and you enjoy fellowshipping with the church, then that's the one you choose (and never feel guilty about moving on to find edification elsewhere).
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Sharon Hayes

Jun 13, 2015
To all the responses so far, I understand what you’re saying and I truly appreciate the answers. Not to offend anybody because I find truth in a lot of the denominations like I’ve said, but I’m afraid to commit in fear of making a wrong move, this is why I don’t attend church anymore, I will simply follow the Bible.
Then don't commit, just go and enjoy the fellowship. It's nice to belong, but it's not necessary to become a member if you don't want to. And if you do become a member, you don't have to remain there if you choose to move one -- "Be free in the Lord and in the glory of his might."
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@AdelaideHollister, I have a son who has OCD and you give off a similar impression. If that is true, some churches are better than others at dealing with mental illnesses.
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