(SEA) New interpretation of Daniel 8 & 9 : Angels in the Glen

Adventist Heretic

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Sep 18, 2006
Parts Unknown
United States
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The following link is to Angel in the Glen, They are a Independent Seventh-day Adventist ministry. They run seminars on Daniel and Revelation and other topic. The presenter is named John, no last name given. He is promoting ideas based on Pastor Michael Oxentenko study. Pastor Michale Oxentenko represents an attempt to answer the challenges and objection made by Dr. Desmond Ford and others. His answer comes in the form of the Hazon & Marea in Daniel 8-12. He argues that the Marea is connected to the Hazon and is the connection between 8,9 & 10-12. Connecting the prophecy's of Daniel 8 & 9 together is one of the reasons for the rejection of the SDA view Oxentenko has met this challenge very well. Oxentenko's approach represent a step in the right direction towards a more Evangelical approach. According to Oxentenko Dr. Richard Davidson of the SDA seminary at Andrews University has adopted his view on the Hazon & Marea connection of Daniel 8 & 9 & 10-12.

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