sad Bible Tamar story


Aug 26, 2007
United States
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I had the idea of writing a sad Bible story centering around an old testament comandment law that if a girl who is not betrothed is raped, she must marry her rapist. The story centers round a little farm village near Bethlehem in the time of King David. There is a teenage or preteen girl who is faithful to Yahweh, and there is a wedding celebration. it will be either her brother or sister getting married.

A traveling merchant is at the wedding, selling jewelry, sashes, hand mirrors, and fig pastries, raisin cakes, date pastries, apricot cakes, pastries with honey roasted almonds with cinnamon, and spiced wine. A lot of people buy his wares. The girl named Rachel or Sharon, Susannah, or Miriam, leaves the wedding feast to use the bathroom, or outhouse, also called privy or lavatory, she meets the merchant who tries to seduce her. He offers her the sweets, but she has already eaten at the feast. Then he tries to bribe her with jewelry, but she will have none of it. So he takes her by force rapes her.

Then he pushes her out of the way and she runs off to find her mother and cries in her mother's arms. Her father is a poor wheat farmer, or he will be the servant of a land=owning wheat farmer. Because he is poor, the law makers and elders at the gate do not consider him as highly as they would a rich man whose daughter is raped. She she is forced to marry her rapist, who pays the bride price, gold coins, to her father.

She has to travel with the merchant, outside the village they go into the wilderness, and he pitches a tent for the night. The girl gets angry and kills the man, then destroys the evidence and continues on through the wilderness. She has a dramatic encounter with God who comforts, loves and forgives her. He heals her of her pain, and tells her she would be able to use her suffering to help other women who had been raped.

She is captured by slave traders, but they are wary of her and do not harm her. They fear she might be a witch. She protects other female slaves in their caravan. She is sold to the royal house of King David, and becomes nursemaid to David's daughter Tamar.

When Tamar is raped by her brother, her nursemaid is a great source of comfort and love. The story ends with Tamar planting a garden in King David's palace. I'm not sure. Any body want to write this? is it too sad?


Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
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According to Jewish tradition, the emphasis is on the rapist needing to pay the silver. He is obliged to marry her but she is not obliged to marry him, nor is her father obliged to give her to him.
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Aug 26, 2007
United States
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The idea of injustice is that she is poor, and the merchant/rapist is rich, so the judges go for his side of the story, maybe he says it was concensual, she did it of her own free will, so instead of stoning her as a loose woman, they had them get married. I think the original idea of that law was if a young boy and girl have intercourse of their own free will, instead of stoning them for immorality, they must get married. It is a shot gun marriage. So it is mercy for both boy and girl. If it was a violent brutal rape, the young woman screams, no one hears her, I think the rapist would be put to death for violently abusing, beating and raping a young virgin.

The thing with David's daughter Tamar is that a victim could give comfort to another victim. I hear they do not like to use the word victim, it sounds weak. One woman knows what its like and comforts another woman. Love still survives in the darkest of circumstances.
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Aug 26, 2007
United States
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I read in the Bible that if a young woman looses her virginity before marriage, she is considered a wicked harlot and stoned to death for her sin. The problem is, virginity was not treasured among young men, because there is no sure way to tell whether a male is a virgin or not. only girls had to be virgins, also women had to remain faithful to their husbands, they could only sleep with one man, if their husband dies and they are a widow, they can marry another man. But a man can have many wives and concubines, if a married man sleeps with another woman who is single, no big deal, but if he sleeps with a married woman, he has 'stolen' another man's property, and is guilty of adultery. That's what David did, he had many of his own women, he just had to take Uriah's wife for his own.
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