Religious Obedience and Spiritual Liberty (Documentary)


66 pages + the Lord Jesus
Jan 12, 2021
Skipperville, AL, USA
United States
Marital Status
slightly controversial. this document was written as an observation during the time it was conceived, by no means do i project anyone to do these things that may be uncomfortable to their personal ideology be performed out of curiosity or known knowledge.

if you think you have a spiritual gift, please use caution when reading this document, and use your own discernment...


1st Corinthians 2:5 - Your Faith should not be invested in the wisdom of men but in the power of God...

My reason for writing this Thesis is to research the boundaries between religion and spirituality and shatter these divisions once and for all.

Any religion is subject to the laws of the universe, or what we perceive as God's laws; Whether you are a Muslim or a Buddhist, Religion always abides by the actions in the universe. Sadly, many religions shy away from the universe all together leaving religion to sometimes be misused and taken advantage of, like Islam, all it takes is one word in the Quran to start what the common problem with Islam is today as the Jihadist movement. But Christianity is its self not innocent; for years the Catholic church has almost rewritten the Bible into anything we in America view from the truth. In the medieval ages, the Catholic church never remotely recognized the God's grace as we know it today. But also; edification is mandatory in order to keep up to pace with the universe around us. God gave us guardian angels for two reasons; They can save us in last minute perils as any angel can, but their primary purpose is to defend us from the evils of the universe, I.E. demons. Our guardian angel can only do so much for us as they can only handle so many demons at once; at some points, some demons do manage to sneak pass them, bringing us doubt and fear, this is why church is important to us. When we worship God in a group setting we are empathically healing each other.

What is a religion?

Religion in definition - "A group of people or a congregation that serves and worships a god or divine being".

Let's talk about the religion of Christianity; We have a master we understand as God; many Christians call him the Lord. We have a divine prophet whom we refer to as Jesus Christ; some use the name Yeshua, and almost solely do we in Christianity have the Holy Spirit, AKA the Holy Ghost, we'll talk of Him later. So; this is the primary aspect of Christianity, known as the trinity.

What is religious obedience?

In the religion of Christianity, we have a secular document, as many advanced religions have, known as scripture, I.E. "The Tora, Quran, Bible, etc.". The Bible pertains to neither religion nor spirituality, The Bible is an aspect of its own.

Every Sunday we pick up our Bibles and go to church where we practice religious obedience.--

Spiritually attuned people, AKA "psychics" practice their connections to the universe, either through a numerous variety of mediums, I tend to use numerology most often, but I personally quiver and scoff at the notion of reading cards. I am a different type of psychic all together; I see energy patterns, although I'm not classed as an actual psychic, I am what is called an empath.

Most empaths retain the ability to sense if someone is lying or not being honest. Some empaths have the ability to produce and cast light and vibrations. And it is told how positive these energies are can heal in all forms of areas--

What we do at church is similar to this, but our vibrations instead of being produced by a God given ability are generated by the presence of the Holy Spirit. We sing hymns, we give tithes, we read the Bible, we hear a sermon, and we sing more hymns. All of this produces healing energies on a more massive scale.

Matthew 18:20 "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."

Why does Christianity reject spiritual liberty?

Ask any Catholic priest about empaths, and they will blindly warn you about us for being witches. Many churches lean this way, only a handful of smaller protestant establishments accept people for having pre-existing conditions. For years churches have excommunicated people for being homosexual, I recently learned that people with this disorder are born this way.

The problem with religious obedience is the lack of discernment.

When Jesus spoke at the temple of Jerusalem, he warned us of the Pharisees of the Jewish high council. The same applies to the churches of the Christian faith.

1 Thessalonians 5:21 "Test all things and Hold fast to what's good."

My preacher is good on these issues, and her child doesn't always get in the way of her messages; there are some things I adore about her sermons, but others not quite so much. I can tell when the energy levels shy away some times.

While some empaths have an ability to create positive energy, I have the power to see energies. It's hard not to hear at least one story about an angel at church; right?

What is spirituality? (Debatable)

In Native American tribes, there are people who have the gift of shamanism; people who know more about nature and the elements. Many cultures have them, in Europe these people are called alchemist and apothecaries.

Spirituality is basically the communication with nature.

The way a shaman sees spirituality is through a systematic correlation of seven energy sources understood as chakras. These energies can be affected by mood swings and positive or negative thoughts or actions.

What is spiritual liberty?

Why would God grant people gifts if He didn't intend us to use them?

The answer is simple; God intended men to live life without fear of sin. Why else would Jesus turn water into wine if God completely banned alcohol consumption as a sin? Because that's not the way sin works.

Sin lives where fear thrives. We watch the news to see the violence of the day, because it threatens our life not to know what's going on, and our culture today thrives on it. Say if we were to shut down all cable news outlets, including Fox, how would we react? We'd change the channel and watch more constructive channels, like building houses, and cooking exotic foods.

The same is with nature and us.

--As empaths, we are attuned to nature and elements; we are putting our trust in God's grace rather than a group of people, God talks louder in the woods. Empaths can sometimes read energy, like myself. I do not know where I got my ability, I just know I have it. I'm currently trying to tap into the natural realms; listening to what the angels tell me by whatever means I can listen by. I refuse to read cards, but I do use numerology, AKA Angel numbers. Some empaths can read energies from stones; but this methodology is a lot more complex for empaths and requires a lot higher of abilities.

These gifts are not evil but are given to us to service God's earth and ourselves and others better.

What is witchcraft and why is it wrong?

Witchcraft is the abuse and complete disregard for the universe and nature for personal gain.

There is a ninth understanding in my diagram called the universe. Our guardian angel has a third purpose; to keep us out of the universe, the universe is a dangerous place, without proper understanding. One of the greatest examples of the rules come from the movie Inception; when we are in a dream we are in an inceptive state; these lucid visions are almost always prophetic and always are more powerful around mass energy sources.

True witchcraft, often used by the illuminati or the occult; is the best examples of why these uses are often sanctioned by religion, try comparing a tarot card to an Ouija board and you'll see what I mean.

We live in the universe, are we safe?

I recently had a run in with my guardian angel; while I was in my dream I did something erratic that almost got me in trouble; I ran from the instance. I jumped over the black mesh and I saw a metal shed with an aluminum door. All I heard was a loud voice calling me back. All I remember was a bunch of pine trees and needles on the ground.

This instance took place on highway 27 at the Fort Rucker gun range; there is a sub transmission line that runs between Ozark and Enterprise Alabama throughout this stretch of highway.

I see the mistake I made now and why it was dangerous, I almost got myself paralyzed. I was in the car the whole time and I noticed a small blue structure in an abandoned part of the woods. I was in the car the whole time; so, what I did almost broke the boundary of my dream threshold.

The universe is way too dangerous to go into without a failsafe

Let's say a person was thrown into a dead zone in the vacuum of space with nothing more than a steel cable; the closest galaxy is 200 lightyears away and all he has is a cable to hold on to. You can't physically fall in space, so other than the lack of air around him he won't die or become paralyzed because of that cable. He can repel, he can climb the cable, but he won't hit anything that will damage him. That cable is the failsafe.

Is the Bible religious or spiritual?

God's word is a living being; the Holy Spirit lives in the Bible, but also, the Holy Spirit is a being of the universe, so he is a being of both Heaven and Earth.

Therefore; the Bible is neither about a religion nor about spirituality, therefore, it is its own aspect of Christianity.

--Let's talk about our friend in the Great Spirit; how do you know if he has given you his blessing. Spirituality drives us and motivates us to find enlightenment in our lives, when you truly overcome fear, when you've defeated doubt in your life, the news just dies for you, you lose the taste, you pray more often and you try harder to help others. When the Great Spirit sees our work, He rewards us by anointing us for preparation into Heaven.

Jesus forgives our sins, but only when we confess our sins; I'm trash and I know it, I repented years ago, but I wasn't settled in my life. Only when I acknowledged my desire for God did I find enlightenment.

For twenty years now, the one person in this world I needed to forgive the most; apologized to me without further question, we are friends now.

Enlightenment, Ascension, Absolution.

When one meets the Holy Spirit, he shall find enlightenment.

When one trust in Jesus, he shall find ascension.

There is only one absolute God.

Biblically we study these three, religiously we worship these three, spiritually we understand these three, but we all share one house.

We must balance the house. God wants us to live freely without fear of sin or doubt in His ways. The only way to live without fear is to live freely; if you feel doubt in God's plan, edify yourself. Don't let the church separate you from your God given right to your spiritual liberties, and don't separate yourself so far you become anemic of your religious obedience. Balance the equation; we don't know how much time is left but be certain that when you finish reading this document you may never doubt God again and turn off the news and go camping or fishing outdoors somewhere and pay attention to your surroundings...