Pre-Trib Only Quick question about Millenial reign

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A private in Gods army
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Dec 28, 2016
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I'm not sure if this falls in pre-trib but I think it might.

In my rudimentary understanding of the literal Thousand-Year Kingdom, the righteous dead are resurrected to live and reign with Christ on Earth at his second coming. The unrighteous dead do not come alive until after that 1000 years has ended, and their resurrection is unto judgement.

My question is: how is it that unbelievers and those that oppose Christ spiritually, mentally and physically are supposed to witness the greatness of what His kingdom on earth will be like when all those that reject Christ before he physically comes to rule will apparently not be there to see it? Many living under the 1000 years will still have the chance to reject His universal sovereignty, and we know that many will, but why would He show mercy to those during that time and not to the others who are basically reserved for GWTJ at the time of His coming?

Wouldn't seeing Christ living and reigning on earth have the greatest conversonal impact imaginable?

Also, once the devil is released from the abyss post 1000 years, where exactly are all of the dissident rebels he gathers originating from? Do they climb out of hell or the abyss alongside him or something?! It says they will be as numerous as the sands of the sea and will march upon the world capital of New Jerusalem.

The problem with this to me is that it's quite hard for me to imagine there would be so many humans beings discontented and unfulfilled by Christ's Lordly decisionmaking during His reign.

All Things Considered, I'm kind of considering ascribing to another eschatalogical camp. One that reads all this as symbolic, because it makes more sense symbolically right now to me.

Anyway, thanks for reading and any insight is appreciated. God bless


Be Thou my vision
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Apr 18, 2019
United States
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When Jesus returns it will be like in the days of Noah. It will be sort of like hitting the reset button. I think all that survive the second coming will have at lest a smidgen of faith but those will go on to have families and subsequent generations will be a mixture of believers and non-believers. Just as in the days of Noah. And they will live long lives and get along with nature more so than we do today.

The difference however will be even the non-believers will be kept in line right up to the end of the 1000 years. At that point they will be cut lose and finally judged for the content of their heart, as they will be free to express their true feelings on the matter.

I know that I'm guilty of taking God's grace and the shed blood of Christ for granted. When you think of it, the Bible tells us that two (2) men who left bondage in Egypt crossed into the promised land (Joshua and Caleb), could have been others but only two are mentioned and even Moses didn't make it. Sodom was destroyed because there were less than a few righteous in the city and only 8 survived the flood of Noah.

This is how I see it others might have a different take.
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