Questions asked by Muslim colleague.

Piet Strydom

Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
South Africa
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A muslim sent me 2 videos, and asked a few questions. I thought it would be apropriately to post my reply here to be scrutinised.

Hi Mustapha,
Thank you for the video you gave me on
Zul Quarnain.
The Gentlemen (the one video shows a Muslim in the northern arctic circle video streaming the sun and moon that never sets, and he takes a Quranic caracter, Zul Quarnain who aparently went to the places where the sun rises, and where the sun sets in a muddy spring) told us that in the northern hemisphere the sun does not set and he made a connection to Zul Quarnain and he says that the Allah says “there are people on this earth that cannot take covering of the sun, meaning the sky, and that is true if you are here (Norway). He says this is a scientific fact which the original Tafsir, and commentators did not know about, and he calls this incredible.

Now, I went to check what this guys said, and I don’t agree with him at all.
Not because of being bias, but this guy is twisting the meaning of the Quran, and he makes claims that just does not exist.
Perhaps you can look at what I think, and can tell me where I am wrong.
Let’s see what the Quran say about the people who was found by Zul Quarnain.
Quran chapter 18: 83. And they ask you about Zul-Qarnain. Say, “I will tell you something about him.”
84. We established him on earth, and gave him all kinds of means.
• 85. He pursued a certain course.
• 86. Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it setting in a murky spring, and found a people in its vicinity. We said, “O Zul-Qarnain, you may either inflict a penalty, or else treat them kindly.”
• 87. He said, “As for him who does wrong, we will penalize him, then he will be returned to his Lord, and He will punish him with an unheard-of torment.
• 88. “But as for him who believes and acts righteously, he will have the finest reward, and We will speak to him of Our command with ease.”
• 89. Then he pursued a course.
• 90. Until, when he reached the rising of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We had provided no shelter from it.
• 91. And so it was. We had full knowledge of what he had.

Now allow me to show you how this man is making up a story of wonderful revelation that simply does not exist.
1. In the Northern artic circle, the sun remains shining day and night for 6 months, which is the artic summer, then it turns night for 6 months and is called the arctic night!
2. The same happens in Ant Arctica.
3. Now, the Quran does not say Zul Quarnain went to a place where the sun shines in the sky for any period of time, BUT THE QURAN SAY ZUL QUARNAIN WENT TO THE PLACE WHERE THE SUN ROSE! “he reached the rising of the sun”! What the man in the video also don’t say is that this Zul Quarnain also travelled to the place where the Sun set in a murky spring. Now in this regard the Quran is totally wrong, because there is no place where the sun set, and it does not set in a spring at all!
Therefore, this Muslim man is only attempting to make up a miracle with no facts.
Show me the word ‘Bible’ in the Bible.
(In this video a Muslim Imaam tells us how he taught Christian pastors in a huge debate with a lot of people attending, how wrong the Bible is)
First of all, I do not know why it is important to have the word ‘Bible’ to appear in the Bible at all. Why is it needed?
Be as it may, Aby Yahya is totally wrong, because the word Bible has nothing to do with Greek.
Let me give you the history in short.
• The Old Testament Books in the Bible, which was kept in the Temple, and later on the New Testament books written by the Apostles’ and their scribes a few years after Jesus was crucified, was called “THE SCRIPTURES”
• These documents were not in book form, but all on scrolls of parchment and papyri.
• These pages were eventually, about in 300 AD, bound into what was called a codex. The Quran has a lot of ancient Codex’s such as the codex Topkapi codex and Sa’ana codex.
• During this time the New Testament and Old Testament were called the “Scriptures”
• The word Bible is not Greek, but Phoenician, and was derived from the town Biblos because they made high quality parchments and later on paper.
• They eventually called the Codexes they made, or books as we know it, Biblia, simply ‘Book’.
• This Greek word ‘Biblos’, also means ‘Scroll’.
• In about 400AD, a man with the name John Chrysostom was the first to call the Scriptures, TA BIBLIA (the Books), a Latinised version of Biblos.
• The word Bible is the European word for Ta Biblia which means the Books.
Therefore, It would be very suspicious if the word Bible did appear in the Biblical scriptures, because that would be evidence of fraud by someone who put something in the Bible that was not there for the next 1500 years.
And again, why would it be important to have the word Bible in the Bible? It is ridiculous to think that this is somehow evidence that the Bible is not the word of God.
Misconceptions in the Bible.
Aby Yahya then names 3 more ‘misconceptions’ in the Bible which he supposes is evidence that the Bible is wrong.
1. What is the real name of Jesus in the New Testament?
Aby Yahya made the following statement.
Jesus’ name is Yashua, which is the long version of the Hebrew Esau, and which in Arabic is Issa. Therefore this name Jesus is incorrect and is a made up name to make it European.
Well, Aby Yahya is totally wrong.
Jesus’ name was Yahsua, or Yahwehshua which means YHWH saves, and there was no shortened version of the name Yeshua. That is a made up claim by Aby Yahya. What did happen is that the Apostles preached to the Greek world, and they “Greekened” the name to “Isous’, which eventually was pronounced as ‘Hesous’. From the name Hesous came Jesus in which Tindale et al translated from the Greek.
So, is the Arabic Issa the same as Yeshua?
Not at all! No Jew will agree to that at all. The name “Issa” in Arabic is the name “Isav” in Hebrew. This “Esav” is the Biblical Esau! Muhammad, or Allah had the names wrong. Jesus, or Yashua would never be Isav or Issa.
Therefore, the name of Jesus is not in the Quran!
I ask again, so what?
2. Where is the word “Christianity” in the Bible?
Again, why? Is there a specific reason why this word should be in the Bible? Is it not enough that the believers in the Bible is called Believers?
What is in a name, except that it identifies who these people are.
Today we have Sunni Muslim, Shia Muslim, Sunni Islam, Kharijite Islam, Ibadi, Murji'ah, and hundreds more Islamic sects. Show me where in the Quran it gives these names, and which is the correct islam? It is silly to think if Christians are mot mentioned in the Bible is somehow means Christian is the wrong religion.

How can a Man be God?
Aby Yahya made the following statements.
1. He refers to Deuteronomy 18: 18 and 19 that describes who a prophet of God is.
2. He refers to Deuteronomy 21:22 to 24 that someone crucified was the curse of God and he asks, can Jesus be the curse of God?
3. He says the human mind can not comprehend that God should become a man, and then die. A baby who was born 2000 years ago, came out of his mother with an umbilical cord can not be God! God can not become man, for He is beyond human!
4. He then refer to Hebr 5: 7 and asks if this verse say that Jesus was crucified for Jesus prayed to the one who can save him from death, AND HIS PRAYER WAS HEARD!

My answers point by point:
1. Deuteronomy 18:18 to 22 say that God will appoint prophets to Israel who will speak the words God puts in their mouth. These prophets will relay God’s message to them, and if they do not listen, God will recon with them.
a. However, If someone pretends to be a prophet, and he gives a prophecy that does not gets fulfilled, that that prophet is a false prophet and should be killed.
b. How will we know that someone is a true or false prophet?
c. If what he prophesies does not happen, he is a false prophet, and should be stoned to death.
In the above quote by Aby Yahya, he tries to say that a false prophet will be killed, and because Paul and Peter, as well as Jesus was killed, they were false prophets! He implies that the Bible is wrong, because Jesus would never have died by crucifixion to carry the curse of God, as is mentioned in Deuteronomy 21:22 to 24.
d. But look at Aby Yahya’s mistake. If you carry on with Deuteronomy to 25 verses 1 to 18 and you will see what the accursed people did!
e. They went and whored with the Midianite women, as Balaam taught the Mideanites to do, and these men then worshiped their Ba’ Allah idol of Peor!
f. It has nothing to do with a prophet of God, but False prophets that should be executed after found guilty by the elders of Israel!
g. Anyone who teaches another God, but the God YHWH of the Bible is a false prophet, just as these men of Israel became teachers of Ba’ Allah!
2. And the worst error Aby Yahya is making to say that Jesus in the Bible was cursed as a false prophet! Not true, Jesus was innocently executed! Many prophets of the Old Testament were killed by these Ba’Allah worshippers, and Aby Yahya forgets that the Quran he adheres too as his holy book claims that the prophets were killed throughout history.
3. Now, I agree, the human mind can nor comprehend that a man can become God, or that God would be a baby.

However, Aby Yahya is totally unaware that if Muhammad lived at the time of Moses, Muhammad would have been executed, because he admitted he was not a prophet, and he also never made prophecies to prove he was speaking YHWH's words.

a. Yahya then also say, “God can not become Man, for God is beyond Human. Now it is the first time I ever heard that God can not do something. But I won’t argue on this point.
Let me explain what the Bible say, and what I believe.

Mustapha, why do Muslims accuse me of being stupid?

Do you realy think I worship 3 gods?
I am the first to say that worshipping any other god, but God is idolatry. God warns us not to equal any thing to Him. Do you realy think Christians are so ignorant as to practice the worship of 3 gods? If so, Muslims will have to learn quick that their perception, and that of the Quran is totally incorrect.

Lets us reason so you can understand.
• You are not only a living body, but you have a spirit inside of this body.
• You also have a Mind, which you can call your Conscience, or word. I like to call my conscience the word of mine, because it uses words and pictures to think and remember, and pictures is nothing more than descriptive words. (Think about the Egyptian hieroglyphs that is words depicted as pictures.
Therefore, you and I have a human body, with a spirit and a word living in this body. Now think about what will happen when you die?
• Your body goes to the grave, where it decays and return to dust. Your spirit will still be a living being, and it will still have your conscience, or word with it.
• When the resurrection comes, you will get a new body that will not die and your spirit and word will live inside of that body forever.
Good, now you ask, so what?
Well, this is how God created us. He said, let Us make man in Our image!
OK, so lets see how God appeared or looked like in the Bible.
• God had a Spirit (YHWH Ruach) that hovered above the waters when God created the Heavens and the Earth. This means that YHWH the Father created, and His Spirit could leave His Existence body to enter into creation without the Father dying! If our spirit leaves our existence body, the body dies! But remember, God says that He is life, and death is not within Him at all. Therefore the Spirit of YHWH and the existence of YHWH (His Body) is one and the same God, but 2 persons.
• Now we have a question on the existence body of God. How does it look. Well, every time God appeared to Humans on earth, such as He did in the presence of Moses, His body was a radiating bright white light. When Moses was in the presence of God, this light affected Moses so much that when he came back to the camp of Israel, his face shined this bright light and the elders had to cover Moses to allow the people to feel safe. When Jesus was glorified, He turned into a bright light, and the same when Jesus ascended to heaven, He was covered in a bright white light.
• Now, what about Adam that was created in the image of God, we know he had a Spirit, and he had a word, or mind, but did his body have this light? Yes it did! We know that because as soon as Adam sinned, he realised he was naked, and just as God say in Psalms 104: 2 that He wears light like we wear garments, it would mean that Adam and eve had this light in the image of God.
• Why is this body so important? Because God is life, and he created Adam to live forever not to die, but because Adam sinned, death came into God’s creation. God told Adam if he will eat from the fruit of knowledge, he will certainly die. Therefore, if Adam would never have eaten the fruit, he would have lived as an immortal soul. But because of Sin, He changed his body from one that was immortal covered with God’s light, to a corrupt naked and decaying body that dies!
Now why all these points I am mentioning?
Well, to let you know that I don’t believe in the Muslim accusations that Christians are Idolaters and believe in 3 Gods. It is simply a false accusation, because
• I believe in the Holy body of the Father which is an existence covered with light.
• That has a Spirit in this body that can exit the Father without the Father expiring,
• And a Word, or mind (John 1 ) that is the conscience of God who created everything and was with the Father from the beginning.
In other words, the Trinity is one God comprising of an existence covered with light, a Spirit and the Word.
Now, YHWH crated everything and then created Adam to have a companion, and Adam walked with God in the Garden of Eden. Adam was God’s friend, and child, and God made humans because he was alone in the universe, remember there are no other gods, but YHWH alone!
Great, after God created Adam and Eve as immortal beings with a spirit and a conscience, they were deceived by Satan who wanted to be god, and did not want to serve humans as God instructed him to do. Satan knew that if Humans would also fall to the greed to be as knowledgeable as God, they will also want to be gods. Well they fell for the sin of self-worship, and lost their innocent immortal bodies, and it changed to one mortal decaying body with no light at all.
Satan knew that if he could remove Adam and Eve from God, they will be condemned forever, and the companionship of humans would also be out of reach of God, for no sin can be in the presence of God. It will simply be destroyed.
Adam and eve eventually died, as did their descendants, who also now did not have the immortal bodies as their parents had before their sin. Therefore, this is the curse Adam placed upon us all! We all have the first sin, and are born with these sinful bodies that are corrupt and will return to dust.
But our Spirit and Mind lives on, caught up in a place where God could not enter, a place where the spirits of everyone is kept until the day of judgement. This place is called Gehenna, or the kingdom of death where the paradise and hell are kept for the different souls.
Now, the word Gospel is the one you should remember.
It means, Good News!
God overcame death when He sent his Word to enter into creation in the form of a man, born just like a man, lived and aged just like a man, inside a human decaying body that can die.
The Word of God was named Jesus, or if you want to Yashua.
He came to live amongst the people who God made to be His friends, whom He love, but was removed from His presence by the sin Satan brought upon them.
He dies, and went to Gehenna, and visited the paradise part, telling them that He will be the first person to rise from the dead, and will get a body with everlasting life and light, and will ascend into heaven where at the last day, the dead will rise and receive the same immortal body and will return to God the Father in His full glory where the Father, Spirit and Word will be one and we together.
The people who are in the hell area in Gehenna, will be collected and together with all the daemons, and Satan, will be thrown into the Lake of Fire where they will all burn for eternity.
This is the story of salvation and the Trinity.
You see, without the Trinity, man cannot be saved, because there will be no Word that would have become a man to die like us, who would rise from the dead, and have everlasting life.
Now, If Allah is not a trinity, it means
• he does not have an everlasting body of existence shining with light
• He does not have a Spirit that can enter into creation,
• And he does not have a Word, or Mind.
In short, if Allah does not have the above,
he is a god that has no existence,
no spirit,
and is also without a mind.
Therefore, any god such as the Islamic Allah is an idol set up against the ONE TRUE GOD YHWH.

Now, I have only one question to Abu Yahya:
Show me one place in the Quran where Allah reveals his name as YHWH?
If it does not exist, Allah is not YHWH!
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