Question I ask myself


May 13, 2024
Czech Republic
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Good evening,

I am a baby Christian and since my family is Atheist and I do not feel comfortable discussing this with my friends, I struggle to answer my most burning question.
In my heart I feel this religion is right, I know it. I got my first Bible a few years ago and I am in my early 20's. But there is this burning question I have. And because of it my faith is not that strong.
I hope I will not offense anybody with it, it is truly a topic that I want to have an answer for and I am too scared to ask in person in fear of bad reaction.

So the question is:
I had this thought. God is mercy, God is powerful and God is all-knowing, right? And we all agree on the fact that there is evil on this Earth. God is all-knowing, He must know that, we know that. God created Earth, He is powerful. So He can make the evil go away, He has all the power. But there is evil still, so He did not make it go away. That brings me to my third point that God is mercy.
I believe if any of us had the power to make all the hurting and suffering of children, women, animals, any being go away, we would. We would make the people that strayed from the path towards evil pure again, so that they do not hurt anybody.
So why didn't God? I know we sinned, but then is it not some sort of holding onto the past? Because we all agree He has the power to make evil go away.
But if He is mercy and would want that for us and yet still evil is here, it means He does not have all the power.
So one of the three has to be false, right?

I am so sorry if I made anybody uncomfortable, I truly seek answer to this. I want to be proved wrong. This is the thing that makes me question everything and I struggle with it a lot. I am too scared to ask anybody. I want this obstacle gone, it has followed me for far too long. I hope in understanding, I am again sorry for speaking such words.


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Dec 19, 2022
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I want to be proved wrong.
Yes, this is best.

Attempting to get our own way, or something, anything, contrary to God's Purpose fails. It cannot succeed. No one opposed to God can succeed. (except in causing problems for a while, and maybe the loss of souls or much stumbling and trouble for people)
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Friedrich Rubinstein

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Aug 20, 2020
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Hey there, welcome to the forum :)

Our understanding of God and our world tends to be skewed if we only consider half of God's character. So I would like to add a few attributes of God's to his mercy, his power and his knowledge: God is also holy, and God is also perfectly just, and God desires a real loving relationship with us.

A real relationship requires the possibility to freely choose or reject. Just like you and your friend must have chosen each other freely, God cannot have a real relationship with us if he doesn't allow us to reject him. Just as acceptance doesn't exist without rejection, good doesn't exist without evil, and love doesn't exist without hate. Our freedom to choose God itself makes the existence of pain a necessity.

So it is God's power that created everything in the first place.
It is God's desire to have a loving relationship with us that makes bad things (and the existence of sin) a necessity.
It is God's holiness that causes our sin to separate us from God.
It is God's justice that requires God to give a fair punishment for sin.
It is God's mercy that he offers to bear the punishment in our place (in Jesus).
It is God's all-knowledge that he thought of a plan to bear our punishment before he even created us.


I would also like to quote a German pastor, pastor Wilhelm Busch (1897-1966) who wrote the folllowing about the question "Why is God silent?" (I'll put it in a new comment).
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Friedrich Rubinstein

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Aug 20, 2020
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First I would like to say this: The question "Why is God silent?" is wrong. The question sounds as if there was a courtroom: Ms. Spencer or pastor Busch is sitting on the judge's chair. And God sits in the dock. And then we say, "Accused God, how can you allow all of this? Why are you silent?” I want to tell you in all clarity: There is no such thing as a God who lets us sit on the judge's chair and who sits in the dock!
I remember a situation when I was a very young pastor. I had just come to Essen at the age of 27 when a big miners' strike broke out. One day I come across a large square. A man stands on an empty box and talks to the people around him. He speaks of hungry children, starvation wages and unemployment. Suddenly he sees me, recognizes me and roars: "Ha, there is the parson! Come here!” Well, I usually accept a friendly invitation. So I go to this group. The men make space for me so that I can get to the speaker. Maybe a hundred pitmen are around me. I was feeling a little strange. I was not prepared for this kind of situations at university. And then he starts: "Listen, parson! If there is a God - which I don't know but there can be one - then when I am dead I want to stand in front of him and say to him" - and then he shouted - "Why did you allow people to be cut into pieces on the battlefields?! Why did you allow children to starve and others to throw away the food because they had too much?! Why did you allow people to suffer miserably from cancer?! Why? Why?" And then I want to say to him: "You, God, step down! Away with you! Get out!”” This the man screamed. I also shouted: “That's right! Away with this God! Away with this God!” Suddenly it is very quiet. The speaker looks surprised and says: "Wait a minute! You are a pastor! You mustn't shout: "Get rid of this God!"” I replied: "Listen! The God whom you step before, who you can open your mouth to, who can be held accountable in such a way that you stand before him as a judge and he is your accused – such a God only exists in your imagination. I can only say to that: "Away with this God!" Away with this silly God, made by ourselves, whom we can accuse, push aside or retrieve as required! There is no such God! But I want to tell you something: There is another, real God. You will stand before him as the accused and you will not be able to open your mouth at all, because he will ask you: "Why did you not honor me? Why did you not call me? Why did you live in impurity? Why did you lie? Why did you hate? Why did you fight? Why did you...?” That’s what he will ask you. And then the word will get stuck in your throat! There is no God to whom we could say: "Away with you!" But there is a holy, living, real God who could say to us: “Away with you!""
And I would also like to tell you this: If you hear people today who reproach God: “How can God allow all this? Why is God silent?” Then tell them: “That would be a silly, foolish God we could accuse! There is only one holy God who accuses us. You and me!” Did you keep God's commandments? How do you think about that? God takes his commandments seriously. We are the accused, not God!
That is the first thing I had to say very clearly: the whole question is fundamentally wrong.
And now the second:

The silence of God is his judgment.
“Why is God silent?” You see, yes, God is often silent. And God's silence is the most terrible judgment on us!
I am convinced that there is a hell. But it is certainly not as it is shown in many pictures, that the devil roasts the souls or similar silly stuff. But I think it will be hell that God has nothing to say to people anymore. You can call him there, you can pray, you can scream - he won't answer you anymore! The Russian poet Dostoevsky once said: "Hell is the place where God no longer looks" - and where we finally got rid of him, where we really are abandoned by God. Yes, God's silence is his judgment. And you see: This is where hell starts here on earth already, that God is silent.
I would like to tell you a story from the Bible: There were two cities, Sodom and Gomorrah, highly cultivated cities with a refined civilization. God has not been denied. There were probably a couple of priests, poor guys. But one just didn't take God seriously. Perhaps the Lord was still bothered at weddings and funerals, but otherwise no one cared about him. All of his commandments were trampled under foot. A pious man named Lot lived in Sodom. From time to time he said: “You can't treat God like that! Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked! Whatever man sows, he will reap!" "Oh”, the people replied, "don't be kidding! You're not a pastor! Stop talking such nonsense!" And then one day at dawn - God had previously brought Lot out of the city - that God let fire and sulfur rain from heaven onto the cities. We experienced what it was like in the bomb war. But God can do that without planes. I can imagine how people fell out of bed and roared: "Into the basement!" You run into the basement. And then it gets scorching hot in the basement - like in the oven. You can't take it anymore. New slogan: "We have to get out!" And then you sally out. But outside it’s raining fire and sulfur everywhere. Perplexed people: they can't get out, and they almost suffocate in the cellars. That's what the Bible says. And then I imagined - the Bible does not describe this - that such a group of people is together: a sophisticated young woman - until now she had let the dear God be a good man; an elderly gentleman - who could recognize every brand of red wine by the taste, he had nothing against God, but he was completely indifferent to him. There were guys like that in a basement: nice people, tidy people, good citizens, good taxpayers. Everyone had their dark secrets - like everyone else today. It's getting hotter in the basement. They want to go out, but they can't, because destruction is ravaging all around. And then horror seizes them. The fat man suddenly says: "Guys, Lot was right: God really lives!" And the fashionable young woman says: "Then only one thing helps: you should pray now! Who can pray?” And then the hands rise that had never risen before. Suddenly it goes: "Lord, have mercy! We have sinned! We despised you! But stop it! You are God, you are gracious! Lord, have mercy!” And it remains quiet! Only the howling and crackling of the fire can be heard. The arms drop, the spread hands clench into fists; "God, why are you silent?!" And it stays silent! You only hear the roar of fire. You can now pray or curse - God no longer answers!
There is a limit that a person or a city or people can cross, a limit of indifference to the living God. From then on, God no longer hears or answers. Then you can pray or swear - he doesn't answer anymore. Do you understand that this silence about Sodom was God's most horrific judgment? God had nothing to say to them anymore! And when I look at our fatherland in its complete indifference to God's truth, God's commandments and God's salvation, I am often gripped by horror. Perhaps you will find yourself praying or cursing - and God has nothing to say anymore.
The Bible once said of God: "I called you - and you did not answer." Why are you silent when God calls you?
So: The silence of God is the most terrible judgment of God!

The third thing I want to say is this:

The far distance prevents hearing
If we feel that God is silent, then we may be too far away from him.
The other day a young man came to me and said: “Pastor Busch, you make me nervous! You talk about God all the time. I run into you - and you start again from God. I don't hear God, I don't see God. Where is he talking? I don't hear anything!” I replied, “Young man, do you know the story of the prodigal son? It’s a story that Jesus told himself. There was a wealthy landowner who had two sons. One was a little frivolous. It was too tight at home for him, too grumpy. It just didn't suit him. One day he explains to his father: "Dude, give me my inheritance, pay me off now, I want to go out into the world!" The father gives him that and the son moves out into the big wide world. Once it was said of him: “He squandered his wealth in wild living.” You can imagine it: you can get rid of your money in big cities wonderfully. And just then there is a famine and unemployment. He ends up as a swineherd with the pigs. In Israel the pigs were considered unclean. For an Israelite, the worst that could happen to him was to become a swineherd. But because he was starving he was glad to be able to steal a bit from the pigs' troughs and eat. There he could no longer hear his father's voice. He was just too far away from him. The prodigal son could say: “I don't hear the father's voice.” Sure! Of course he didn't hear it! ”- Allow me to insert here and make up the story as it is not in the Bible. There the runaway sits with his pigs. He's hungry. And then he accuses his father: “How can he allow me to feel so dirty!” This is how the world of today seems to me: it has forsaken God, misery rushes over it – and it screams: “How can God allow all of this?! Why is God silent?! ”- But Jesus tells the story of the prodigal son differently: there is an hour in his life when he comes back to himself: “I am insane! My father got plenty of bread - and I starve here. I want to get up and go to my father and say to him: "Father, I have sinned."" And he gets up and turns back! His father sees him in the distance and runs towards him. But the prodigal son says to him: “Father, I have sinned!” The father takes him in his arms and shouts: “Bring the best dress and put a finger ring on his hand and shoes on his feet!” All of a sudden he hears the father's voice. If you can't hear the voice of God, you are too far away! You have to turn back, you know that very well!”
People can be very far away from God - even to the pigs, figuratively speaking. I always knew that as a lieutenant in World War I during the time of greatest godlessness and thought: “I should actually turn back!” And I have never met anyone who did not really know: “I should actually turn back!” The most self-righteous woman explains: “I'm fine!” But if I talk to her for a while she says: “Yes, I should actually turn back! There is a lot of guilt in my life. Basically my heart is completely petrified."

Can you still listen? Am I boring? If it's boring, it's me and not the gospel. Pastors can make the gospel boring, they can do that! But then you should read the Bible without us. The gospel is breathtaking - believe me! What I want to tell you now is the most important thing: If you feel that God is silent, then you have to hear God's final word! So - now I am quoting a sentence from the Bible that is so long that I actually have to say it twice. It is in the first chapter of the letter to the Hebrews: "In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son." Do you know who the Son of God is? This is Jesus!
Jesus! I'm back to the topic. My heart beats faster when I can talk about Jesus. This Jesus is - as he is once called - the incarnate Word of God: “The word became flesh and lived among us.” Do you understand: When we say a word, it is already gone - like a breath. God made a word flesh - in Jesus. Jesus is God's final word! Do you know the expression: "my final word"? Suppose I wanted to sell you a cow. Don't worry, I won't do it! I have no idea about selling cows. But suppose I wanted to sell you a cow. What is a cow worth? I dont know. Let's say: $1,000. You say: “I would give $300 for it. Nothing more!” “But I should actually get $1200 for it!” I explain. Then you bid $400. And then we negotiate until I explain: “So: $800 is my final word!” And then nothing more comes after that. Jesus is God's final word! And if you don't accept it, then God has nothing more to say to you. Do you understand? When people complain, “God doesn't talk! Why is God silent? ", then I answer: "God has nothing more to say to you if you do not want to accept his final word!" You have to accept Jesus! You may accept Jesus! There is no other way! I often meet people who say to me, “I also believe in God. But Jesus?” Listen: Jesus is the incarnate, final word of God to us! I have to explain to you what that means. And for that I have to tell you a little bit about Jesus. There is nothing I’d rather do!

There is a crowd around Jesus. And he speaks. Suddenly there is a disturbance in the back. People start talking and walking. Jesus interrupts his speech: “What is the matter?” Something terrible was going on: a leper had come. Do you know what leprosy is? A man rots alive. It's horrific: the pus that eats away your ears, nose and lips. And this leprosy is so contagious that it can even catch your breath. Lepers therefore had to live in the desert. They weren't allowed to come near people. And then such a leper comes into the crowd! He has heard of Jesus and is driven by a great desire: “I want to see the Savior!” So he comes. And the man gets space! Everyone just draws back. And then they yell: “Go away, you! Go away!” They grab stones and threaten him. But he cannot be stopped. I can so well imagine how a path forms through the middle of the crowd, cleared by horrified people. And through the alley that has emerged he goes forward - until he stands in front of Jesus.
No, he does not stand before Jesus, he sinks in the dust before him and weeps all his misery to the Savior: “My life is screwed up, ruined! Jesus, if you want you can clean me up. Help me!” Ah, you know: the destroyed image of man and the Savior, the Son of God, must come together! It has to be like this: our misery has to come before Jesus! Oh, I wish you to throw your bit of "religion" overboard and bring your misery to Jesus. And there the leper lies in front of Jesus: “If you want, you can cleanse me!” And now something happens that I find infinitely beautiful. I could imagine Jesus taking a step back from this horribly destroyed image of a man and saying: “Yes, good. Stand up! Be purified!” But no, he doesn't. Jesus takes a step forward and puts his hands on the sick head! The people shout in horror: “You don't touch a leper!” The Bible says: “And Jesus touched him.” No dirt is too disgusting for the Savior! No misery is too great for him! He puts his hand on it! If I were the other Wilhelm Busch, the painter, that's what I wanted to paint: the hands of Jesus on the ruined, half-decayed face of the leper. This is Jesus, the miracle of the times! And if a person is here now who no one wants to know anything about, then Jesus lays his hand on him and says: "I have redeemed you, you shall be mine!" If there is now someone who is tormented by the fact that he is a leper full of filth and sin, then Jesus lays his hand on him and says: "Be cleansed!" In Jesus all of God's love for us comes into our misery, into our sin, into our filth, into our sickness! Jesus is the incarnate Word of God! And then people say: “Why is God silent?” Didn't God speak clearly and gloriously enough? Isn't that spoken by God?!
And one day this Jesus will be placed on a cross. They drive nails through his hands and feet. Then the cross is raised. A raging crowd around the cross. Roman soldiers push the people back. Come on, we want to join this crowd, we want to be under the cross, too! Look at him, the man of Golgotha! The "head full of blood and wounds, full of pain and full of scorn", the "head tied in mockery with a crown of thorns"! Look at him! Ask him: “Why are you hanging there?” And he will answer you: “Because you are to blame before God. Either you pay it in hell or I pay it for you here. One has to pay! I want to do it for you. Now believe in me!"

- pastor Wilhelm Busch
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Jun 12, 2012
North Carolina
United States
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Good evening,

I am a baby Christian and since my family is Atheist and I do not feel comfortable discussing this with my friends, I struggle to answer my most burning question.
In my heart I feel this religion is right, I know it. I got my first Bible a few years ago and I am in my early 20's. But there is this burning question I have. And because of it my faith is not that strong.
I hope I will not offense anybody with it, it is truly a topic that I want to have an answer for and I am too scared to ask in person in fear of bad reaction.

So the question is:
I had this thought. God is mercy, God is powerful and God is all-knowing, right? And we all agree on the fact that there is evil on this Earth. God is all-knowing, He must know that, we know that. God created Earth, He is powerful. So He can make the evil go away, He has all the power. But there is evil still, so He did not make it go away. That brings me to my third point that God is mercy.
I believe if any of us had the power to make all the hurting and suffering of children, women, animals, any being go away, we would. We would make the people that strayed from the path towards evil pure again, so that they do not hurt anybody.
So why didn't God? I know we sinned, but then is it not some sort of holding onto the past? Because we all agree He has the power to make evil go away.
But if He is mercy and would want that for us and yet still evil is here, it means He does not have all the power.
So one of the three has to be false, right?

I am so sorry if I made anybody uncomfortable, I truly seek answer to this. I want to be proved wrong. This is the thing that makes me question everything and I struggle with it a lot. I am too scared to ask anybody. I want this obstacle gone, it has followed me for far too long. I hope in understanding, I am again sorry for speaking such words.
Evil serves God's purposes (Ro 9:22-23), and his thoughts and ways are not ours, they are greater than ours (Isa 55:8-9).
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Feb 27, 2008
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Good evening,

I am a baby Christian and since my family is Atheist and I do not feel comfortable discussing this with my friends, I struggle to answer my most burning question.
In my heart I feel this religion is right, I know it. I got my first Bible a few years ago and I am in my early 20's. But there is this burning question I have. And because of it my faith is not that strong.
I hope I will not offense anybody with it, it is truly a topic that I want to have an answer for and I am too scared to ask in person in fear of bad reaction.

So the question is:
I had this thought. God is mercy, God is powerful and God is all-knowing, right? And we all agree on the fact that there is evil on this Earth. God is all-knowing, He must know that, we know that. God created Earth, He is powerful. So He can make the evil go away, He has all the power. But there is evil still, so He did not make it go away. That brings me to my third point that God is mercy.
I believe if any of us had the power to make all the hurting and suffering of children, women, animals, any being go away, we would. We would make the people that strayed from the path towards evil pure again, so that they do not hurt anybody.
So why didn't God? I know we sinned, but then is it not some sort of holding onto the past? Because we all agree He has the power to make evil go away.
But if He is mercy and would want that for us and yet still evil is here, it means He does not have all the power.
So one of the three has to be false, right?

I am so sorry if I made anybody uncomfortable, I truly seek answer to this. I want to be proved wrong. This is the thing that makes me question everything and I struggle with it a lot. I am too scared to ask anybody. I want this obstacle gone, it has followed me for far too long. I hope in understanding, I am again sorry for speaking such words.
Hi Nelkaa,

Thank you for joining CF and we enjoy having you and your question, which has been asked many times in many ways.

Everything is driven by the objective and the objective is not to just live forever in heaven nor just not to sin, yet eternal life is one of the results of our fulfilling our earthly objective.

Has God given man a mission statement? (this is always good to have)

You can take any command in scripture and have Biblical support for calling that command “Man’s Objective” since Biblical said do it, but there are two overriding commands all other commands are bases on and subordinated to.

Would “Loving God and secondly others with all our heart, soul, mind, and energy” be our Mission statement given as two commands?

God is Love, but how do we define this Love and measure this Love?

This Godly type Love is defined by Jesus’ words and deeds (you can also use 1 Cor 13 and 1 John 4), so what is that?

Can we measure the “love” one being has for another being by the amount the Lover is willing to unselfishly sacrifice for the other being?

Is God this ultimate Lover? Would that “Love” compel even God to make beings that could Love like He Loves (this “Love of God” is totally unselfish [a measurement for pure Love] and thus is not for God’s sake at all, but is totally for the sake of others [which would also be God’s sake])?

So, if God is not doing anything for His own sake and everything for the sake of others, would He be expecting or needing anything from man or would God just be trying to give the greatest gifts He could give to man?

The reason this “Love” is the most powerful force in all universes is because it compels even God. So, to have this Love would make us like God Himself, so why does God not just make us with this Love and place us in heaven?

Are there something God just cannot do
: like make another Christ, since Christ was never made but always existed?

Could God place this Godly type Love in a person at his/her creation (an instinctive love) or would an instinctive love be like a robotic love and not like God’s Love?

Could God just force His Love on man against the “will” of man or would that be like a shotgun wedding with God holding the shotgun?

What does man need that he does not have instinctively in order for man to fulfill His Mission?

Man must have a very limited amount of autonomous free will to make at least the one choice to humbly accept or reject God’s Love (forgiveness/mercy/grace/charity).

Man’s objective seems to be to obtain and grow this Godly type Love to fulfill the mission (statement) of Love God and secondly others with all our heart, soul, mind, and energy.

Our “objective” while here on earth is to just accept God’s gift as it was given as pure charity, this will enable us to fulfill our mission.

God is not trying to get you to do something, but is trying to give you something.

The problem is not sin (unforgiven sin is a huge problem), because God will forgive our sins which helps us to Love (…he that is forgiven much will Love much….Luke 7) God hates sin, but does allow it, so we can more easily accept His Love (in the form of forgiveness the easiest way for us to accept His charity). The problem is always our fulfilling our objective.

The Garden is a lousy (impossible) place for humans to fulfill their earthly objective and we can thank Adam and Eve for going through that example and providing us and them with that knowledge.

Sin is not only inevitable, but it is unfortunately necessary for humans.

The easiest way for humans to accept God’s charity (Love) is out of a huge need and that need is the relief from the burden of hurting others in the past (sin). By a free willing acceptance of God’s forgiveness, we accept God’s Love (mercy/grace/charity) and thus we will Love much since Jesus has taught us (we also see this in our own lives) “…he that is forgiven much will Love much…” Luke 7: 36-50.

This world is “very good”, but not “perfect” like heaven is perfect and does not have the same purpose as heaven. This messed up world is actually the very best place for willing individuals to fulfill their earthly objective.

Death is not “bad” in and of itself for now, but the way good people go home and the way bad people quit doing bad stuff.

It is truly tragic and unfortunate that Christ had to be tortured, humiliated and murdered in order to help willing humans in their fulfilling of their objective, but God is willing to make huge sacrifices to help willing individuals. It is also very sad other humans who had the opportunity to fulfill their primary earthly objective continued to refuse God’s charity to the point they would never of their own free will accepted God’s charity. These God Loved individuals will thus go to their death and destruction as a help to some other humans who have not refused God’s help to the point of never accepting His help.

There are some things that God just cannot do like create a being that was never created and the one important to us is instinctively create us with Godly type Love, since that would be robotic type Love. God will also not force his love on us (a shotgun wedding) since that would be unloving on God’s part (there has to be reasonable alternatives to make it a choice [the perceived pleasures of sin]). The easiest way for us to get this Love is through accepting it as a pure charitable gift. The problem being humans (due in part to the needed survival instinct) do not like accepting Charity from a Giver that paid a huge price for the gift.

The easiest way for humans to accept God’s charity (Love) is out of a huge need and that need is the relief from the burden of hurting others in the past (sin). By accepting God’s forgiveness we accept God’s Love (mercy/grace/charity) and thus we will Love much since Jesus has taught us (we also see this in our own lives) “…he that is forgiven much will Love much…” Luke 7: 36-50.

Once we accept Godly type Love, we can truly Love, grow that Love and have the privilege and honor of Loving God (the forgiver) and others (God’s children) with all our heart, soul, mind, and energy.
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May 13, 2024
Czech Republic
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First I would like to say this: The question "Why is God silent?" is wrong. The question sounds as if there was a courtroom: Ms. Spencer or pastor Busch is sitting on the judge's chair. And God sits in the dock. And then we say, "Accused God, how can you allow all of this? Why are you silent?” I want to tell you in all clarity: There is no such thing as a God who lets us sit on the judge's chair and who sits in the dock!
I remember a situation when I was a very young pastor. I had just come to Essen at the age of 27 when a big miners' strike broke out. One day I come across a large square. A man stands on an empty box and talks to the people around him. He speaks of hungry children, starvation wages and unemployment. Suddenly he sees me, recognizes me and roars: "Ha, there is the parson! Come here!” Well, I usually accept a friendly invitation. So I go to this group. The men make space for me so that I can get to the speaker. Maybe a hundred pitmen are around me. I was feeling a little strange. I was not prepared for this kind of situations at university. And then he starts: "Listen, parson! If there is a God - which I don't know but there can be one - then when I am dead I want to stand in front of him and say to him" - and then he shouted - "Why did you allow people to be cut into pieces on the battlefields?! Why did you allow children to starve and others to throw away the food because they had too much?! Why did you allow people to suffer miserably from cancer?! Why? Why?" And then I want to say to him: "You, God, step down! Away with you! Get out!”” This the man screamed. I also shouted: “That's right! Away with this God! Away with this God!” Suddenly it is very quiet. The speaker looks surprised and says: "Wait a minute! You are a pastor! You mustn't shout: "Get rid of this God!"” I replied: "Listen! The God whom you step before, who you can open your mouth to, who can be held accountable in such a way that you stand before him as a judge and he is your accused – such a God only exists in your imagination. I can only say to that: "Away with this God!" Away with this silly God, made by ourselves, whom we can accuse, push aside or retrieve as required! There is no such God! But I want to tell you something: There is another, real God. You will stand before him as the accused and you will not be able to open your mouth at all, because he will ask you: "Why did you not honor me? Why did you not call me? Why did you live in impurity? Why did you lie? Why did you hate? Why did you fight? Why did you...?” That’s what he will ask you. And then the word will get stuck in your throat! There is no God to whom we could say: "Away with you!" But there is a holy, living, real God who could say to us: “Away with you!""
And I would also like to tell you this: If you hear people today who reproach God: “How can God allow all this? Why is God silent?” Then tell them: “That would be a silly, foolish God we could accuse! There is only one holy God who accuses us. You and me!” Did you keep God's commandments? How do you think about that? God takes his commandments seriously. We are the accused, not God!
That is the first thing I had to say very clearly: the whole question is fundamentally wrong.
And now the second:

The silence of God is his judgment.
“Why is God silent?” You see, yes, God is often silent. And God's silence is the most terrible judgment on us!
I am convinced that there is a hell. But it is certainly not as it is shown in many pictures, that the devil roasts the souls or similar silly stuff. But I think it will be hell that God has nothing to say to people anymore. You can call him there, you can pray, you can scream - he won't answer you anymore! The Russian poet Dostoevsky once said: "Hell is the place where God no longer looks" - and where we finally got rid of him, where we really are abandoned by God. Yes, God's silence is his judgment. And you see: This is where hell starts here on earth already, that God is silent.
I would like to tell you a story from the Bible: There were two cities, Sodom and Gomorrah, highly cultivated cities with a refined civilization. God has not been denied. There were probably a couple of priests, poor guys. But one just didn't take God seriously. Perhaps the Lord was still bothered at weddings and funerals, but otherwise no one cared about him. All of his commandments were trampled under foot. A pious man named Lot lived in Sodom. From time to time he said: “You can't treat God like that! Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked! Whatever man sows, he will reap!" "Oh”, the people replied, "don't be kidding! You're not a pastor! Stop talking such nonsense!" And then one day at dawn - God had previously brought Lot out of the city - that God let fire and sulfur rain from heaven onto the cities. We experienced what it was like in the bomb war. But God can do that without planes. I can imagine how people fell out of bed and roared: "Into the basement!" You run into the basement. And then it gets scorching hot in the basement - like in the oven. You can't take it anymore. New slogan: "We have to get out!" And then you sally out. But outside it’s raining fire and sulfur everywhere. Perplexed people: they can't get out, and they almost suffocate in the cellars. That's what the Bible says. And then I imagined - the Bible does not describe this - that such a group of people is together: a sophisticated young woman - until now she had let the dear God be a good man; an elderly gentleman - who could recognize every brand of red wine by the taste, he had nothing against God, but he was completely indifferent to him. There were guys like that in a basement: nice people, tidy people, good citizens, good taxpayers. Everyone had their dark secrets - like everyone else today. It's getting hotter in the basement. They want to go out, but they can't, because destruction is ravaging all around. And then horror seizes them. The fat man suddenly says: "Guys, Lot was right: God really lives!" And the fashionable young woman says: "Then only one thing helps: you should pray now! Who can pray?” And then the hands rise that had never risen before. Suddenly it goes: "Lord, have mercy! We have sinned! We despised you! But stop it! You are God, you are gracious! Lord, have mercy!” And it remains quiet! Only the howling and crackling of the fire can be heard. The arms drop, the spread hands clench into fists; "God, why are you silent?!" And it stays silent! You only hear the roar of fire. You can now pray or curse - God no longer answers!
There is a limit that a person or a city or people can cross, a limit of indifference to the living God. From then on, God no longer hears or answers. Then you can pray or swear - he doesn't answer anymore. Do you understand that this silence about Sodom was God's most horrific judgment? God had nothing to say to them anymore! And when I look at our fatherland in its complete indifference to God's truth, God's commandments and God's salvation, I am often gripped by horror. Perhaps you will find yourself praying or cursing - and God has nothing to say anymore.
The Bible once said of God: "I called you - and you did not answer." Why are you silent when God calls you?
So: The silence of God is the most terrible judgment of God!

The third thing I want to say is this:

The far distance prevents hearing
If we feel that God is silent, then we may be too far away from him.
The other day a young man came to me and said: “Pastor Busch, you make me nervous! You talk about God all the time. I run into you - and you start again from God. I don't hear God, I don't see God. Where is he talking? I don't hear anything!” I replied, “Young man, do you know the story of the prodigal son? It’s a story that Jesus told himself. There was a wealthy landowner who had two sons. One was a little frivolous. It was too tight at home for him, too grumpy. It just didn't suit him. One day he explains to his father: "Dude, give me my inheritance, pay me off now, I want to go out into the world!" The father gives him that and the son moves out into the big wide world. Once it was said of him: “He squandered his wealth in wild living.” You can imagine it: you can get rid of your money in big cities wonderfully. And just then there is a famine and unemployment. He ends up as a swineherd with the pigs. In Israel the pigs were considered unclean. For an Israelite, the worst that could happen to him was to become a swineherd. But because he was starving he was glad to be able to steal a bit from the pigs' troughs and eat. There he could no longer hear his father's voice. He was just too far away from him. The prodigal son could say: “I don't hear the father's voice.” Sure! Of course he didn't hear it! ”- Allow me to insert here and make up the story as it is not in the Bible. There the runaway sits with his pigs. He's hungry. And then he accuses his father: “How can he allow me to feel so dirty!” This is how the world of today seems to me: it has forsaken God, misery rushes over it – and it screams: “How can God allow all of this?! Why is God silent?! ”- But Jesus tells the story of the prodigal son differently: there is an hour in his life when he comes back to himself: “I am insane! My father got plenty of bread - and I starve here. I want to get up and go to my father and say to him: "Father, I have sinned."" And he gets up and turns back! His father sees him in the distance and runs towards him. But the prodigal son says to him: “Father, I have sinned!” The father takes him in his arms and shouts: “Bring the best dress and put a finger ring on his hand and shoes on his feet!” All of a sudden he hears the father's voice. If you can't hear the voice of God, you are too far away! You have to turn back, you know that very well!”
People can be very far away from God - even to the pigs, figuratively speaking. I always knew that as a lieutenant in World War I during the time of greatest godlessness and thought: “I should actually turn back!” And I have never met anyone who did not really know: “I should actually turn back!” The most self-righteous woman explains: “I'm fine!” But if I talk to her for a while she says: “Yes, I should actually turn back! There is a lot of guilt in my life. Basically my heart is completely petrified."

Can you still listen? Am I boring? If it's boring, it's me and not the gospel. Pastors can make the gospel boring, they can do that! But then you should read the Bible without us. The gospel is breathtaking - believe me! What I want to tell you now is the most important thing: If you feel that God is silent, then you have to hear God's final word! So - now I am quoting a sentence from the Bible that is so long that I actually have to say it twice. It is in the first chapter of the letter to the Hebrews: "In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son." Do you know who the Son of God is? This is Jesus!
Jesus! I'm back to the topic. My heart beats faster when I can talk about Jesus. This Jesus is - as he is once called - the incarnate Word of God: “The word became flesh and lived among us.” Do you understand: When we say a word, it is already gone - like a breath. God made a word flesh - in Jesus. Jesus is God's final word! Do you know the expression: "my final word"? Suppose I wanted to sell you a cow. Don't worry, I won't do it! I have no idea about selling cows. But suppose I wanted to sell you a cow. What is a cow worth? I dont know. Let's say: $1,000. You say: “I would give $300 for it. Nothing more!” “But I should actually get $1200 for it!” I explain. Then you bid $400. And then we negotiate until I explain: “So: $800 is my final word!” And then nothing more comes after that. Jesus is God's final word! And if you don't accept it, then God has nothing more to say to you. Do you understand? When people complain, “God doesn't talk! Why is God silent? ", then I answer: "God has nothing more to say to you if you do not want to accept his final word!" You have to accept Jesus! You may accept Jesus! There is no other way! I often meet people who say to me, “I also believe in God. But Jesus?” Listen: Jesus is the incarnate, final word of God to us! I have to explain to you what that means. And for that I have to tell you a little bit about Jesus. There is nothing I’d rather do!

There is a crowd around Jesus. And he speaks. Suddenly there is a disturbance in the back. People start talking and walking. Jesus interrupts his speech: “What is the matter?” Something terrible was going on: a leper had come. Do you know what leprosy is? A man rots alive. It's horrific: the pus that eats away your ears, nose and lips. And this leprosy is so contagious that it can even catch your breath. Lepers therefore had to live in the desert. They weren't allowed to come near people. And then such a leper comes into the crowd! He has heard of Jesus and is driven by a great desire: “I want to see the Savior!” So he comes. And the man gets space! Everyone just draws back. And then they yell: “Go away, you! Go away!” They grab stones and threaten him. But he cannot be stopped. I can so well imagine how a path forms through the middle of the crowd, cleared by horrified people. And through the alley that has emerged he goes forward - until he stands in front of Jesus.
No, he does not stand before Jesus, he sinks in the dust before him and weeps all his misery to the Savior: “My life is screwed up, ruined! Jesus, if you want you can clean me up. Help me!” Ah, you know: the destroyed image of man and the Savior, the Son of God, must come together! It has to be like this: our misery has to come before Jesus! Oh, I wish you to throw your bit of "religion" overboard and bring your misery to Jesus. And there the leper lies in front of Jesus: “If you want, you can cleanse me!” And now something happens that I find infinitely beautiful. I could imagine Jesus taking a step back from this horribly destroyed image of a man and saying: “Yes, good. Stand up! Be purified!” But no, he doesn't. Jesus takes a step forward and puts his hands on the sick head! The people shout in horror: “You don't touch a leper!” The Bible says: “And Jesus touched him.” No dirt is too disgusting for the Savior! No misery is too great for him! He puts his hand on it! If I were the other Wilhelm Busch, the painter, that's what I wanted to paint: the hands of Jesus on the ruined, half-decayed face of the leper. This is Jesus, the miracle of the times! And if a person is here now who no one wants to know anything about, then Jesus lays his hand on him and says: "I have redeemed you, you shall be mine!" If there is now someone who is tormented by the fact that he is a leper full of filth and sin, then Jesus lays his hand on him and says: "Be cleansed!" In Jesus all of God's love for us comes into our misery, into our sin, into our filth, into our sickness! Jesus is the incarnate Word of God! And then people say: “Why is God silent?” Didn't God speak clearly and gloriously enough? Isn't that spoken by God?!
And one day this Jesus will be placed on a cross. They drive nails through his hands and feet. Then the cross is raised. A raging crowd around the cross. Roman soldiers push the people back. Come on, we want to join this crowd, we want to be under the cross, too! Look at him, the man of Golgotha! The "head full of blood and wounds, full of pain and full of scorn", the "head tied in mockery with a crown of thorns"! Look at him! Ask him: “Why are you hanging there?” And he will answer you: “Because you are to blame before God. Either you pay it in hell or I pay it for you here. One has to pay! I want to do it for you. Now believe in me!"

- pastor Wilhelm Busch
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Truly. It is still very hard for me to change my thinking, but this helped me a lot, I will save it and reread it whenever I feel like struggling again. Thank you! It must have taken a long time to write, I can promise it delivered, thank you.
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Friedrich Rubinstein

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Aug 20, 2020
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Thank you, thank you, thank you. Truly. It is still very hard for me to change my thinking, but this helped me a lot, I will save it and reread it whenever I feel like struggling again. Thank you! It must have taken a long time to write, I can promise it delivered, thank you.
I actually had to translate it because pastor Wilhelm Busch wrote the book in German :D I'm glad it helped though, so it was worth the effort! God bless you, nelkaa.
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May 13, 2024
Czech Republic
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Hi Nelkaa,

Thank you for joining CF and we enjoy having you and your question, which has been asked many times in many ways.

Everything is driven by the objective and the objective is not to just live forever in heaven nor just not to sin, yet eternal life is one of the results of our fulfilling our earthly objective.

Has God given man a mission statement? (this is always good to have)

You can take any command in scripture and have Biblical support for calling that command “Man’s Objective” since Biblical said do it, but there are two overriding commands all other commands are bases on and subordinated to.

Would “Loving God and secondly others with all our heart, soul, mind, and energy” be our Mission statement given as two commands?

God is Love, but how do we define this Love and measure this Love?

This Godly type Love is defined by Jesus’ words and deeds (you can also use 1 Cor 13 and 1 John 4), so what is that?

Can we measure the “love” one being has for another being by the amount the Lover is willing to unselfishly sacrifice for the other being?

Is God this ultimate Lover? Would that “Love” compel even God to make beings that could Love like He Loves (this “Love of God” is totally unselfish [a measurement for pure Love] and thus is not for God’s sake at all, but is totally for the sake of others [which would also be God’s sake])?

So, if God is not doing anything for His own sake and everything for the sake of others, would He be expecting or needing anything from man or would God just be trying to give the greatest gifts He could give to man?

The reason this “Love” is the most powerful force in all universes is because it compels even God. So, to have this Love would make us like God Himself, so why does God not just make us with this Love and place us in heaven?

Are there something God just cannot do
: like make another Christ, since Christ was never made but always existed?

Could God place this Godly type Love in a person at his/her creation (an instinctive love) or would an instinctive love be like a robotic love and not like God’s Love?

Could God just force His Love on man against the “will” of man or would that be like a shotgun wedding with God holding the shotgun?

What does man need that he does not have instinctively in order for man to fulfill His Mission?

Man must have a very limited amount of autonomous free will to make at least the one choice to humbly accept or reject God’s Love (forgiveness/mercy/grace/charity).

Man’s objective seems to be to obtain and grow this Godly type Love to fulfill the mission (statement) of Love God and secondly others with all our heart, soul, mind, and energy.

Our “objective” while here on earth is to just accept God’s gift as it was given as pure charity, this will enable us to fulfill our mission.

God is not trying to get you to do something, but is trying to give you something.

The problem is not sin (unforgiven sin is a huge problem), because God will forgive our sins which helps us to Love (…he that is forgiven much will Love much….Luke 7) God hates sin, but does allow it, so we can more easily accept His Love (in the form of forgiveness the easiest way for us to accept His charity). The problem is always our fulfilling our objective.

The Garden is a lousy (impossible) place for humans to fulfill their earthly objective and we can thank Adam and Eve for going through that example and providing us and them with that knowledge.

Sin is not only inevitable, but it is unfortunately necessary for humans.

The easiest way for humans to accept God’s charity (Love) is out of a huge need and that need is the relief from the burden of hurting others in the past (sin). By a free willing acceptance of God’s forgiveness, we accept God’s Love (mercy/grace/charity) and thus we will Love much since Jesus has taught us (we also see this in our own lives) “…he that is forgiven much will Love much…” Luke 7: 36-50.

This world is “very good”, but not “perfect” like heaven is perfect and does not have the same purpose as heaven. This messed up world is actually the very best place for willing individuals to fulfill their earthly objective.

Death is not “bad” in and of itself for now, but the way good people go home and the way bad people quit doing bad stuff.

It is truly tragic and unfortunate that Christ had to be tortured, humiliated and murdered in order to help willing humans in their fulfilling of their objective, but God is willing to make huge sacrifices to help willing individuals. It is also very sad other humans who had the opportunity to fulfill their primary earthly objective continued to refuse God’s charity to the point they would never of their own free will accepted God’s charity. These God Loved individuals will thus go to their death and destruction as a help to some other humans who have not refused God’s help to the point of never accepting His help.

There are some things that God just cannot do like create a being that was never created and the one important to us is instinctively create us with Godly type Love, since that would be robotic type Love. God will also not force his love on us (a shotgun wedding) since that would be unloving on God’s part (there has to be reasonable alternatives to make it a choice [the perceived pleasures of sin]). The easiest way for us to get this Love is through accepting it as a pure charitable gift. The problem being humans (due in part to the needed survival instinct) do not like accepting Charity from a Giver that paid a huge price for the gift.

The easiest way for humans to accept God’s charity (Love) is out of a huge need and that need is the relief from the burden of hurting others in the past (sin). By accepting God’s forgiveness we accept God’s Love (mercy/grace/charity) and thus we will Love much since Jesus has taught us (we also see this in our own lives) “…he that is forgiven much will Love much…” Luke 7: 36-50.

Once we accept Godly type Love, we can truly Love, grow that Love and have the privilege and honor of Loving God (the forgiver) and others (God’s children) with all our heart, soul, mind, and energy.

Hi Nelkaa,

Thank you for joining CF and we enjoy having you and your question, which has been asked many times in many ways.

Everything is driven by the objective and the objective is not to just live forever in heaven nor just not to sin, yet eternal life is one of the results of our fulfilling our earthly objective.

Has God given man a mission statement? (this is always good to have)

You can take any command in scripture and have Biblical support for calling that command “Man’s Objective” since Biblical said do it, but there are two overriding commands all other commands are bases on and subordinated to.

Would “Loving God and secondly others with all our heart, soul, mind, and energy” be our Mission statement given as two commands?

God is Love, but how do we define this Love and measure this Love?

This Godly type Love is defined by Jesus’ words and deeds (you can also use 1 Cor 13 and 1 John 4), so what is that?

Can we measure the “love” one being has for another being by the amount the Lover is willing to unselfishly sacrifice for the other being?

Is God this ultimate Lover? Would that “Love” compel even God to make beings that could Love like He Loves (this “Love of God” is totally unselfish [a measurement for pure Love] and thus is not for God’s sake at all, but is totally for the sake of others [which would also be God’s sake])?

So, if God is not doing anything for His own sake and everything for the sake of others, would He be expecting or needing anything from man or would God just be trying to give the greatest gifts He could give to man?

The reason this “Love” is the most powerful force in all universes is because it compels even God. So, to have this Love would make us like God Himself, so why does God not just make us with this Love and place us in heaven?

Are there something God just cannot do
: like make another Christ, since Christ was never made but always existed?

Could God place this Godly type Love in a person at his/her creation (an instinctive love) or would an instinctive love be like a robotic love and not like God’s Love?

Could God just force His Love on man against the “will” of man or would that be like a shotgun wedding with God holding the shotgun?

What does man need that he does not have instinctively in order for man to fulfill His Mission?

Man must have a very limited amount of autonomous free will to make at least the one choice to humbly accept or reject God’s Love (forgiveness/mercy/grace/charity).

Man’s objective seems to be to obtain and grow this Godly type Love to fulfill the mission (statement) of Love God and secondly others with all our heart, soul, mind, and energy.

Our “objective” while here on earth is to just accept God’s gift as it was given as pure charity, this will enable us to fulfill our mission.

God is not trying to get you to do something, but is trying to give you something.

The problem is not sin (unforgiven sin is a huge problem), because God will forgive our sins which helps us to Love (…he that is forgiven much will Love much….Luke 7) God hates sin, but does allow it, so we can more easily accept His Love (in the form of forgiveness the easiest way for us to accept His charity). The problem is always our fulfilling our objective.

The Garden is a lousy (impossible) place for humans to fulfill their earthly objective and we can thank Adam and Eve for going through that example and providing us and them with that knowledge.

Sin is not only inevitable, but it is unfortunately necessary for humans.

The easiest way for humans to accept God’s charity (Love) is out of a huge need and that need is the relief from the burden of hurting others in the past (sin). By a free willing acceptance of God’s forgiveness, we accept God’s Love (mercy/grace/charity) and thus we will Love much since Jesus has taught us (we also see this in our own lives) “…he that is forgiven much will Love much…” Luke 7: 36-50.

This world is “very good”, but not “perfect” like heaven is perfect and does not have the same purpose as heaven. This messed up world is actually the very best place for willing individuals to fulfill their earthly objective.

Death is not “bad” in and of itself for now, but the way good people go home and the way bad people quit doing bad stuff.

It is truly tragic and unfortunate that Christ had to be tortured, humiliated and murdered in order to help willing humans in their fulfilling of their objective, but God is willing to make huge sacrifices to help willing individuals. It is also very sad other humans who had the opportunity to fulfill their primary earthly objective continued to refuse God’s charity to the point they would never of their own free will accepted God’s charity. These God Loved individuals will thus go to their death and destruction as a help to some other humans who have not refused God’s help to the point of never accepting His help.

There are some things that God just cannot do like create a being that was never created and the one important to us is instinctively create us with Godly type Love, since that would be robotic type Love. God will also not force his love on us (a shotgun wedding) since that would be unloving on God’s part (there has to be reasonable alternatives to make it a choice [the perceived pleasures of sin]). The easiest way for us to get this Love is through accepting it as a pure charitable gift. The problem being humans (due in part to the needed survival instinct) do not like accepting Charity from a Giver that paid a huge price for the gift.

The easiest way for humans to accept God’s charity (Love) is out of a huge need and that need is the relief from the burden of hurting others in the past (sin). By accepting God’s forgiveness we accept God’s Love (mercy/grace/charity) and thus we will Love much since Jesus has taught us (we also see this in our own lives) “…he that is forgiven much will Love much…” Luke 7: 36-50.

Once we accept Godly type Love, we can truly Love, grow that Love and have the privilege and honor of Loving God (the forgiver) and others (God’s children) with all our heart, soul, mind, and energy.
Thank you too! You (and all of you who replied) really helped me! Thank you for making time to help me.
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Jul 11, 2023
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Good evening,

I am a baby Christian and since my family is Atheist and I do not feel comfortable discussing this with my friends, I struggle to answer my most burning question.
In my heart I feel this religion is right, I know it. I got my first Bible a few years ago and I am in my early 20's. But there is this burning question I have. And because of it my faith is not that strong.
I hope I will not offense anybody with it, it is truly a topic that I want to have an answer for and I am too scared to ask in person in fear of bad reaction.

So the question is:
I had this thought. God is mercy, God is powerful and God is all-knowing, right? And we all agree on the fact that there is evil on this Earth. God is all-knowing, He must know that, we know that. God created Earth, He is powerful. So He can make the evil go away, He has all the power. But there is evil still, so He did not make it go away. That brings me to my third point that God is mercy.
I believe if any of us had the power to make all the hurting and suffering of children, women, animals, any being go away, we would. We would make the people that strayed from the path towards evil pure again, so that they do not hurt anybody.
So why didn't God? I know we sinned, but then is it not some sort of holding onto the past? Because we all agree He has the power to make evil go away.
But if He is mercy and would want that for us and yet still evil is here, it means He does not have all the power.
So one of the three has to be false, right?

I am so sorry if I made anybody uncomfortable, I truly seek answer to this. I want to be proved wrong. This is the thing that makes me question everything and I struggle with it a lot. I am too scared to ask anybody. I want this obstacle gone, it has followed me for far too long. I hope in understanding, I am again sorry for speaking such words.
Good day, and welcome.

There is no need to apologize.
These are burning questions on the mind of about 80% of people, including those who identify as Christian.
Even when given answers, the question still lingers, due to the fact that many of the answers conflict, and don't add up.

Can I ask, have you asked God?
What I mean is, have you really prayed in earnest to God, to get an answer from his word - one that is satisfactory?
Can I suggest you really pray to God, for help to know the truth about this, and other Bible questions you may have.

Thank you for making the effort to ask the question. I can tell, it's really on your heart, and you are aware of your spiritual hunger. Matthew 5:3 Very good.

Jesus said,
"Keep [on] asking, and it will be given to you. Keep [on] searching, and you will find. Keep [on] knocking, and the door will be opened for you. Because everyone who keeps asking will receive, and the person who keeps searching will find, and the person who keeps knocking will have the door opened.​
There isn't a person among you who would give his son a stone if he asked for bread, is there?​
Or if he asks for a fish, he wouldn't give him a snake, would he?​
So if you who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who keep on asking him!"​
Matthew 7:7-11

Keep on asking God for answers. God won't disappoint you. I can guarantee you that.
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Grafted In

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Apr 15, 2012
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I admire your courage to ask a question like that. I do not believe you are in danger of losing your faith.
Please understand that.

But I can't help but wonder if we aren't catching a glimps of the unpardonable sin.

Not on your part, nelkaa.

But at one time I thought similar thoughts and voiced them to God in stronger terms. Much stronger.

I'm afraid to push the button, but the Church should know this.
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Mar 7, 2024
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Good evening,

I am a baby Christian and since my family is Atheist and I do not feel comfortable discussing this with my friends, I struggle to answer my most burning question.
In my heart I feel this religion is right, I know it. I got my first Bible a few years ago and I am in my early 20's. But there is this burning question I have. And because of it my faith is not that strong.
I hope I will not offense anybody with it, it is truly a topic that I want to have an answer for and I am too scared to ask in person in fear of bad reaction.

So the question is:
I had this thought. God is mercy, God is powerful and God is all-knowing, right? And we all agree on the fact that there is evil on this Earth. God is all-knowing, He must know that, we know that. God created Earth, He is powerful. So He can make the evil go away, He has all the power. But there is evil still, so He did not make it go away. That brings me to my third point that God is mercy.
I believe if any of us had the power to make all the hurting and suffering of children, women, animals, any being go away, we would. We would make the people that strayed from the path towards evil pure again, so that they do not hurt anybody.
So why didn't God? I know we sinned, but then is it not some sort of holding onto the past? Because we all agree He has the power to make evil go away.
But if He is mercy and would want that for us and yet still evil is here, it means He does not have all the power.
So one of the three has to be false, right?

I am so sorry if I made anybody uncomfortable, I truly seek answer to this. I want to be proved wrong. This is the thing that makes me question everything and I struggle with it a lot. I am too scared to ask anybody. I want this obstacle gone, it has followed me for far too long. I hope in understanding, I am again sorry for speaking such words.
1. If God got rid of evil from the first time that it showed up, then none of us would be alive now.
2. God isn't just a God of judgement, He's also a God of love. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil reflects that. From the time of Adam and Eve's disobedience God desires mercy and not sacrifice (judgement). Because God loves those He created. Even though there are those who don't know Him and therefore they are doing evil. In previous timeframe where sin resulted in swift karma (seen in many places in the Old Testament) but because of God's grace abounding (in this time of the New Testament of God's grace) much sin is not resulting in judgement.
3. Without that love you and everyone else who has received God's mercy would not have had a way to be born again and made right in His sight. And without that love there wouldn't be a way of forgiveness for wrongs that Christians do.
4. The cross of Jesus is why God does not judge during this timeframe.
5. Evil still exists because there is an appointed time when God will judge evil. Him not doing anything yet doesn't mean that He has no power. It means that He's focusing on redemption now. But, there is upcoming end-time events that God will deal with judging evil. Because God will not allow evil to continue indefinitely.
6. Until then He's in mercy-mode as a gardener waits for the precious fruit of the earth.
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YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
United States
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God is all-knowing, He must know that, we know that. God created Earth, He is powerful. So He can make the evil go away, He has all the power. But there is evil still, so He did not make it go away.
God does not change. We change. God is waiting on us to be cleansed of all evil. God is doing a work of redemption in and though us. All of creation cry's out for deliverance.
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May 13, 2024
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1. If God got rid of evil from the first time that it showed up, then none of us would be alive now.
2. God isn't just a God of judgement, He's also a God of love. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil reflects that. From the time of Adam and Eve's disobedience God desires mercy and not sacrifice (judgement). Because God loves those He created. Even though there are those who don't know Him and therefore they are doing evil. In previous timeframe where sin resulted in swift karma (seen in many places in the Old Testament) but because of God's grace abounding (in this time of the New Testament of God's grace) much sin is not resulting in judgement.
3. Without that love you and everyone else who has received God's mercy would not have had a way to be born again and made right in His sight. And without that love there wouldn't be a way of forgiveness for wrongs that Christians do.
4. The cross of Jesus is why God does not judge during this timeframe.
5. Evil still exists because there is an appointed time when God will judge evil. Him not doing anything yet doesn't mean that He has no power. It means that He's focusing on redemption now. But, there is upcoming end-time events that God will deal with judging evil. Because God will not allow evil to continue indefinitely.
6. Until then He's in mercy-mode as a gardener waits for the precious fruit of the earth.
thank you all for a response, truly! You helped me a lot, thank you again
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Dec 19, 2022
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I want this obstacle gone, it has followed me for far too long. I hope in understanding, I am again sorry for speaking such words.
"What Can Baptism Do for a Person? “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that disbelieveth shall be condemned.” Mk. 16:16 1. SHALL BE SAVED. We would suppose that most Protestants become a bit apprehensive over this verse. When they see it, they change it in their mind to read “He that believeth and is saved shall be baptized.” The Lord, however, has not so said. In order to escape the error of the Roman Catholic Church, Protestants unwittingly alter God’s Word BAPTISM 7 and thus fall into another error. The Lord speaks clearly that “he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.” No one is authorized to change it to “he that believeth and is saved shall be baptized.”"
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YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
United States
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thank you all for a response, truly! You helped me a lot, thank you again
The funny thing is the answer is always the same. IF God did not allow THEN we would be the same as the animals.
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YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
United States
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If God got rid of evil from the first time that it showed up, then none of us would be alive now.
Is it evil in the animals? They say the animals are a reflection of us and they long for redemption.
Romans 8:19
For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums


YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
United States
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a glimps of the unpardonable sin.
The unpardonable sin is to not allow God to save you. To quench or grieve the Holy Spirit.
As the song says: To trust and obey is the only way.
People have a form of Godliness but deny the power there of.
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