Prayer need: Over 100 missing person reports filed in Wash. mudslide, as death...


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...toll rises to 14

Authorities say the death toll from a massive mudslide in a rural part of Washington state has risen to 14 after searchers found six additional bodies among the debris, as dozens more remain unaccounted for.

Authorities said earlier in the day that over 100 missing person reports have been filed, but the accuracy of those reports could not be immediately verified. This is due to the fact that it is possible people have called in multiple reports about the same person, authorities told Fox News.

The 1-square-mile mudslide struck Saturday morning in Snohomish County, critically injuring several people and destroying about 30 homes. Authorities have described the search for additional survivors to be "grim" as crews battle uneven ground and rising waters.

John Pennington, emergency response managing director, said there are reports of up to 108 people missing in the mudslide, but noted that number is unconfirmed.

"This is a large scale disaster event," Pennington said. "We have 108 individual names, or likeness ... It’s a soft 108."

Other authorities said they have not been able to determine whether there were multiple calls about the same missing person.

"It was Saturday and probably a higher number than what you would see on a week day," he said of the victims during a press conference Monday. Pennington said it remains unclear how many structures were impacted at the time.

Crews were able to get to the muddy, tree-strewn area after geologists flew over in a helicopter and determined it was safe enough for emergency responders and technical rescue personnel to search for possible survivors, Snohomish County Fire District 21 Chief Travis Hots said Sunday evening.

"We didn't see or hear any signs of life out there today," he said, adding that they did not search the entire debris field, only drier areas safe to traverse.

"It's very disappointing to all emergency responders on scene."

Snohomish County Fire Chief Travis Hots said the search under way is technically still a "rescue" operation but added that no survivors have been found since Saturday.

Before crews could get onto the debris field late Sunday morning, they looked for signs of life by helicopter. Authorities initially said it was too dangerous to send rescuers out on foot.

Rescuers' hopes of finding more survivors were buoyed late Saturday when they heard people yelling for help, but they were unable to reach anyone. The soupy mud was so thick and deep that searchers had to turn back.

The slide wiped through what neighbors described as a former fishing village of small homes -- some nearly 100 years old.

As the search for the missing continued, authorities said some may have been able to get out on their own. The number unaccounted for could change because some people may have been in cars and on roads when the slide hit just before 11 a.m. Saturday, authorities said.

Officials described the mudslide as "a big wall of mud and debris." It blocked about a mile of State Route 530 near the town of Oso, about 55 miles north of Seattle. It was reported to be about 15 feet deep in some areas.

Authorities believe the slide was caused by ground made unstable by recent heavy rainfall.

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee described the scene as "a square mile of total devastation" after flying over the disaster area midday Sunday. He assured families that everything was being done to find their missing loved ones.
"There is a full scale, 100 percent aggressive rescue going on right now," said Inslee, who proclaimed a state of emergency.

The slide blocked the North Fork of the Stillaguamish River. With the water pooling behind the debris, authorities worried about downstream flooding and issued an evacuation notice Saturday. The water had begun to seep through the blockage Sunday afternoon, alleviating some concerns.

Snohomish County officials said Sunday that residents could return home during daylight hours. Even though the evacuation had been lifted, Inslee urged residents to remain alert.

The National Weather Service issued a flash flood watch for Snohomish County through Monday afternoon.

Shari Ireton, a spokeswoman for the Snohomish County sheriff's office, said Sunday that several people were injured in the slide.

A 6-month-old boy and an 81-year-old man remained in critical condition Sunday morning at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. Hospital spokeswoman Susan Gregg said two men, ages 37 and 58, were in serious condition, while a 25-year-old woman was upgraded to satisfactory condition.

Bruce Blacker, who lives just west of the slide, doesn't know the whereabouts of six neighbors.

"It's a very close knit community," Blacker said as he waited at an Arlington roadblock before troopers let him through. There were almost 20 homes in the neighborhood that was destroyed, he said.

Search-and-rescue help came from around the region, including the Washington State Patrol and the Army Corps of Engineers. More than 100 were at the scene.

Evacuation shelters were set up at Post Middle School in Arlington and the Darrington Community Center.

Dane Williams, 30, who lives a few miles from the mudslide, spent Saturday night at a Red Cross shelter at the Arlington school.
He said he saw a few "pretty distraught" people at the shelter who didn't know the fate of loved ones who live in the stricken area.

"It makes me want to cry," Williams said Sunday.

Over 100 missing person reports filed in Wash. mudslide, as death toll rises to 14 | Fox News


Life is better when you're flying upside down.
Jul 19, 2005
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The Snohomish County Helicopter Rescue Team has been leading the rescue and recovery efforts throughout this disaster. Back in December I was asked to document the teams efforts through my photography and videography. Last month I began flying with the team. Friday, the day before this landslide took place, I was asked to join the team on REAL missions, not just training.

Not only has the situation been heartbreaking, but knowing all the rescuers so well has made it completely surreal for me. I've been in absolute awe of the work they do and the incredible individuals they all are, volunteering their time for our community. I've been on several training flights in different terrain, weather conditions, and rescue techniques, with them, including a few night training missions where I got to use night vision goggles.

There hasn't been a day since hearing this that's gone by with dry eyes, especially seeing these incredible individuals giving press conferences and answering questions for the media and trying to keep it together. Such amazing people. Rescue missions present their own share of emotional challenges, but having to conduct so many in a short period of time and then so many body recoveries is absolutely crushing.

If there is ANY good that comes from this tragedy, it's public awareness of this program. You see, the federal government has cut its funding to this program, and the volunteers have scrambled to launch a fundraising campaign to keep this team flying and saving lives in the future... At least until a more permanent solution can be found. That's where I come in. My work with the team is supposed to provide photos, videos, articles, etc. to bring awareness to the community. Up until recent events, the majority of folks in the region wrote this resource off as ONLY a mountain/wilderness rescue service which had no real purpose for the community at large.

If anyone questioned the importance of this team, this video answers without a doubt how crucial they are.

Young Boy from Oso on Vimeo
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I Love You, God!
Dec 27, 2005
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Risk of slide ‘unforeseen’? Warnings go back decades

By Ken Armstrong, Mike Carter and Mike Baker, Seattle Times

Since the 1950s, geological reports on the hill that buckled during the weekend in Snohomish County have included pessimistic analyses and the occasional dire prediction. But no language seems more prescient than what appears in a 1999 report filed with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, warning of “the potential for a large catastrophic failure.”

That report was written by Daniel J. Miller and his wife, Lynne Rodgers Miller. When she saw the news of the mudslide Saturday, she knew right away where the land had given way. Her husband knew, too.

“We’ve known it would happen at some point,” he told The Seattle Times on Monday. “We just didn’t know when.”

Daniel Miller, a geomorph[bless and do not curse]ologist, also documented the hill’s landslide conditions in a report written in 1997 for the Washington Department of Ecology and the Tulalip Tribes. He knows the hill’s history, having collected reports and memos from the 1950s, 1960s, 1980s and 1990s. He has a half-dozen manila folders stuffed with maps, slides, models and drawings, all telling the story of an unstable hillside that has defied efforts to shore it up.

That’s why he could not believe what he saw in 2006, when he returned to the hill within weeks of a landslide that crashed into and plugged the North Fork of the Stillaguamish River, creating a new channel that threatened homes on a street called Steelhead Drive. Instead of seeing homes being vacated, he saw carpenters building new ones.

Report: Warnings of Washington mudslide go back decades | Gretawire
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