Online dating and Christianity


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Feb 14, 2024
United Kingdom
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Hi, I am really interested in the topic surrounding Christianity and online dating in the UK. I would appreciate it if you are from the United Kingdom and are able to take 20 minutes out of your time to do my survey for my dissertation. Any responses would be amazing thank you.

Qualtrics Survey | Online dating and religion


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Jan 3, 2014
United States
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Hi, its a research project for my studies to see if online dating is relevant or not to people of Christian faith in an era of digital technological advancement and their opinions on this.
I'm not UK but I am a retired professional counselor who contracted at a Christian counseling practice and often worked with single Christian adults challenged by the dating experience. When I started counseling in the early 00s online dating wasn't very prominent but as time passed it became the default method, especially among younger clients. I'm retired now but I mentor others as a ministry and I'm currently mentoring two men, one in his mid-20s and the other age 40, who met their partners online. I'm not sure what benefit I could be for your dissertation (or how it would be UK-relevant or documented ;)) but happy to offer my observations, insights, and opinions. I will say online dating is prodigious and well-accepted by Christians, and that's more likely to be the case the younger the person. However, my son did not meet his wife (they're currently married) online, nor did my daughter meet her current bf online, so folks still find partners outside of cyberspace.
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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2013
United States
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So, you want to study specifically the Christian situation for online dating in the United Kingdom. But in any country with Internet we can have Christians who are only cultural, who are dating; and there are ones being guided by God.

And the results and stories of the cultural ones can have statistics very different than what you could get from God-guided people.

So, in order to see who is giving you your answers, you could ask for a brief story telling how a couple came together, and what they say worked.

I would say statistics alone can't tell you what you might want to learn.

In my case, while I was less mature and experienced, I met people both in person and on the Net. The results were similar > things worked out according to my character and level of maturity. At first, I was just falling for people I didn't even get to know and getting into problems, because I was not mature and wise, even though I did seek to submit at all times to God.

As I grew, I did better in person and on the Net. Then, in my case, I met my lady friend without trying to find her. It worked out in church and then more and more elsewhere. And our character, I can see, has had a lot to do with if and how well we have connected and developed with each other.

So, statistics and general questions might not tell you what my individual experience can. Possibly, if you have not, you should get to know some people and hear their stories, and in your survey include a request for each person's testimony about how things actually happened for online and personal dating.

In my case, by the way, I never was aiming at getting married, and I made this clear with Net friends. So, you might ask if someone intended to find a date or mate, on the Net or in person.

And, as one seeking to be guided by God, I tried to not steer what God would do with me. I think this is how God has had me do this, while He could have others making specific goals and requests. What has being guided by God involved, then? How someone approaches this might need to be evaluated, along with roles of the Net and services and in-person relating.
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