New Site Wide Rules

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Reports Manager
Nov 1, 2004
Marital Status
I wanted to copy the announcement made today regarding the new site wide rules, so those who post here will be aware. If you have any questions, please feel free to pm me.

There are new site wide rules that are effective immediately.

They are as follows

This site has the goal of facilitating discussions between various Christian faiths as determined by adherence to Christian Forums' Statement of Faith and the Trinitarian nature of God. Those of you who do not adhere to the Statement of Faith are welcome as members and participants in discussions, but you are required to respect these beliefs, even if you do not share them.

By using this website, you acknowledge your acceptance and understanding of these rules. These rules apply to all communications made on this site, including posts in the forums (as well as automatically generated sections of posts such as signatures, custom user titles, and avatars), private messages, and posts in the chatbox. All members of this site, including members of Christian Forums Staff, are required to follow these rules. If you do not follow these rules, your posts will be edited or deleted, you may be warned by Staff, and you may be suspended or banned. If you are younger than 13, your parent or guardian must provide written consent for you to become a member of this site.

You will accept that any advice given on this site are the views of the poster and Christian Forums and its owners and staff will not be held responsible for any advice posted.

Christian Forums reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify these rules, without notice or warning. It is your sole responsibility to regularly review these rules and ensure your compliance with them.

You will not insult or mock God or Christianity. Honest debate about the nature of God and Christianity is welcome, but insults or derogatory remarks about God or Christianity will be promptly removed.

Promotion and Proselytizing
You will not promote or proselytize beliefs or religions other than Christianity. For the purpose of these rules, Christianity is defined by Christian Forums' Statement of Faith.

The Christian areas of the site (I.e. Edification, Theology, and Types of Ministry) are meant to facilitate discussion among Christian members. Only those members who have selected a Christian icon may post in these forums. Challenging the existence of God or the validity of Christianity in these forums is prohibited.

Controversial Topics
The following subjects will only be discussed in Ethics & Morality, Christian Philosophy and Ethics, Congregation category, or Recovery category, or any of its sub-forums. You will not post about these subjects in other forums.

drug use



extramarital or premarital sexual activity.




Men's and Women's Personal Topics
The controversial topics of extramarital or premarital sexual activity will be allowed but, the promotion of that topic will not be allowed.

You will not insult, belittle, mock, or personally attack other members or groups of members. Use of derogatory nicknames in reference to other members is prohibited. Don't goad another member or start call-out threads.

If you are flamed, don't respond in-kind. Alert staff to the situation by utilizing the report button.

Harassment of another member is strictly prohibited. Respect another member's request to cease contact. Don't make another member's experience on this site miserable. This includes, but is not limited to, gossiping or spreading rumors about another member or persistently attacking them in the open forums. Don't threaten another member. Don't report another member out of spite.

Be truthful about your identity. Don't impersonate other members.

Confidentiality and Privacy
Respect another member's right to confidentiality and privacy. Don't publicly release the contents of another member's private communications without permission of the author.

Don't publicly disseminate personally identifiable information, including, but not limited to, your home address, phone number, social security number, or credit card information. You may place your Email addresses and instant messenger information in your profile. Be cautious about what information you choose to disclose online.

Disruptive Behavior
You will not disrupt the peace and harmony of the site. Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to, the rehashing of alleged grievances or disputes; publicly complaining about posts or threads submitted in forums throughout the site; or ranting about Christian Forums or its staff.

Vulgarity and Profanity
You will not use profanity or foul language (which includes using punctuations to bypass the profanity filter) in your postings. Don't post graphic or sexually explicit images or text. Don't violate community standards. Staff will remain the sole and final arbiter of what does and does not violate community standards.

Racist, hateful, sexist (discussions regarding certain biblical interpretations on the roles of men and women will not be considered "sexist" under this rule), or abusive language is strictly prohibited.

Spamming and Advertising
Don't repetitively post similar or identical posts or threads. Don't advertise commercial products or services. This includes promoting or linking to other message boards. If you want to promote a cause or charitable organization, you must receive prior permission from staff.

Start threads that are relevant to that forum's stated purpose (forum-specific guidelines will determine what is and is not relevant to that forum); submit replies that are relevant to the topic of discussion.

Foreign Languages
You may post quotes or statements in foreign languages, but an accompanying translation in English must be provided.

Google Ads
Google ads may not be discussed in public forums. This is a requirement of our contract with Google. If you spot an inappropriate ad, contact the Webmaster - LeeD with the ad's URL.

Don't promote illegal activity. Don't violate the copyright of others. Don't promote another's work as your own.

Congregation Forums
Debating in congregation forums you are not a member of is not allowed.

The promotion of Satanism is strictly prohibited on this board.

Exorcisms/On-Line Deliverances
You will not make posts which attempt to exorcise or bind demons and will not attempt on-line deliverances on this board.

No Professional Counseling
No professional legal, financial, medical, etc., counseling will be allowed on the site forums.

Forum Restrictions
Don't enter inaccurate details in your profile in order to gain access to restricted forums.

Staff Disciplinary Action
Do not discuss staff actions publicly. The staff appeals form is to be used to submit complaints about staff disciplinary action. If you are reported, don't discuss it in public forums. Don't discourage other members from using the report system.

Attempts to undermine these rules or policies via campaigns, petitions, or protests will result in suspensions and bans.

Bypassing Bans
Don't bypass bans by creating sock accounts or modifying your IP address. Doing so will result in an IP ban and a complaint to your ISP (internet service provider).

Don't push the boundaries of the rules. Staff will enforce these rules based on the spirit of the text, not the letter.
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