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New Christian Theology of the 21st Century

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Dec 2, 2023
San Diego
United States
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There is something I would like to share in this forum and that is to prove that the religion of Christianity is real but on this kind of theology, that no theologian had thought of. All are based on today’s resources, which are our English Words and Numbers. To know this new Christian theology, first, you must know Number Fusion, and then apply this to the sequence of our English Alphabet that forms any word or group of words that has a positive or negative nature or effects. For example a set of numbers: 85121215. In whatever process you fuse this set of numbers, you will come up with the same result as 8+5+1+2+1+2+1+5 = 25; further fuse 25 into a single digit, 2+5 = “7”. Or group them as 8512+1215 = 9727; 97+27 = 124; 1+2+4 = “7”. Or another grouping such as 8+5+12+12+15 = 52; 5+2 = “7”.

Now remember that no one has tried to rearrange the sequence of our English Alphabet from A to Z since it was discovered and all words invented or discovered in different generations are now written in different dictionaries with fixed word-spelling. What if those numbers above represent a word's letter sequence? Say; 8 represents the sequence number of letter H, 5 is E, 12 is L, 12 is again L, 15 is O and the word is HELLO? It is clear that this word has a fixed numeric symbol of “7”, is it not? Because the word “Hello” is positive in nature, meaning the numeric symbol is also positive. Try to compute the word HATE; 8+1+20+5 = 34; 3+4 = “7”? Because “Hate” is negative in nature, meaning the numeric symbol is also negative or “-7”. Further, we all know that in Math there are positive and negative integers, and so are our English words.

Aside from seven, it also involved words or groups of words in sixes. Example, this positive word REPENT; 18+5+16+5+14+20 = 78; 7+8 = 15; 1+5 = “6”? The negative is the word SIN; 19+9+14 = 42; 4+2 = “-6”?

I gathered only words or groups of words in sevens and sixes because those are the numbers mentioned in the Book of Revelation and what I gathered is enough for you to believe that this is the formula to calculate and know the man whose number is 666. You might think of other words to compute but the symbol is not in sevens or sixes, such as the words "good" and "nice" with a symbol of "5" and "4" respectively. Some words are looking for a partner to reach "7" such as "good luck", "good time", and when you say have a "nice day".

Example of words and group of words in positive Sevens and Sixes:

I LOVE YOU; 9+12+15+22+5+25+15+21 = 124; 1+2+4 = “7”?

THANK YOU; 20+8+1+14+11+25+15+21 = 115; 1+1+5 = “7”?

BEAUTIFUL; 2+5+1+21+20+9+6+21+12 = 97; 9+7 = 16; 1+6 = “7”?

BELIEVE; 2+5+12+9+5+22+5 = 60; 6+0 = “6”?

PRAY; 16+18+1+25 = 60; 6+0 = “6”?

AMEN; 1+13+5+14; 33; 3+3 = “6”?

Example of words in negative Sevens and Sixes:

BAD; 2+1+4 = “-7”?

NASTY; 14+1+19+20+25 = 79; 7+9 = 16; 1+6 = “-7”?

SICK; 19+9+3+11 = 42; 4+2 = “-6”?

ILL; 9+12+12 = 33; 3+3 = “-6”?

PORNO; 16+15+18+14+15 = 78; 7+8 = 15; 1+5 = “-6”?

With these facts of fusing numbers, the standard sequence of the 26 alphabets, and the acceptance of every word-spelling recorded in all English dictionaries, it is certain that all words recorded have fixed symbols of 1 to 9. Only that in this theology, applies only to the positive and negative nature of words or groups of words bearing symbols of Sevens and Sixes.

Because I have so many of these words to support this new theology, and if you want to know more, please go to my YouTube channel, search “somruppun” and check my videos for Positive and Negative Sevens and Sixes. Meanwhile, there are also important words that are nouns that have symbols of Seven such as; CHURCH; 3+8+21+18+3+8 = 61; 6+1 = “7”?

EARTH; 5+1+18+20+8 = 52; 5+2 = “7”?

(Same as the word “Heart”, right? I have more in this book.)

How about this famous name you believed?

JESUS CHRIST? 10+5+19+21+19+3+8+18+9+19+20 = 151 or “7”?

Oh please, learn how to compute, that this wisdom will transfer to you.

Try to compute HOLY SPIRIT.

In addition to Sevens and Sixes are the “11” or “2”. Further fusing 11 is 1+1 = “2”. They are just the same. And these numbers 11 or 2 can pinpoint what is really the Church that Jesus promised to build and can locate the Promised Land.

Who did come? It is the man given wisdom in Revelation 13:18 and calculates or computes the symbol of a man whose number is 666. This 666 has already come and died and because of his knowledge, it scared humanity in this generation Y2K.

This man-given wisdom is the one mentioned in John 16:13-14 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. What do you think Jesus has that this man given-wisdom will take and declare to you? You all believed that Jesus was/is coming and believed that Jesus is the Man of Sorrows. But of course, before you accept his declaration, he should present abundant proofs of computations that will support this new Christian theology. And this is the purpose of this forum because he cannot open his mouth to the public. Remember Jesus opened His mouth, the reason all His words are written in the New Testament of the Bible. The Man of Sorrow was described as "a root out of dry ground". A plant whose roots are out of the ground can easily be blown away. Meaning he had no solid foundation and could easily commit a sin.

To check more words, here is the link

Part II

The Amazing 11 or 2
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Dec 2, 2023
San Diego
United States
Marital Status
That is numerology not theology.
This is only the front and it covers only 7's & 6's as mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Read Rev. 13:18. and there are two people prophesized in that verse. The one given wisdom and the man whose number is 666. A new theology because people expected that Jesus will come. It's this man given wisdom.
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Dec 2, 2023
San Diego
United States
Marital Status
This is only the front and it covers only 7's & 6's as mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Read Rev. 13:18. and there are two people prophesized in that verse. The one given wisdom and the man whose number is 666. A new theology because people expected that Jesus will come. It's this man given wisdom.
Please check my videos why there are so many of these words bearing symbols of positive and negative 7's and 6's and ask yourself who did this?
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Maria Billingsley

Well-Known Member
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Oct 7, 2018
United States
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There is something I would like to share in this forum and that is to prove that the religion of Christianity is real but on this kind of theology, that no theologian had thought of. All are based on today’s resources, which are our English Words and Numbers. To know this new Christian theology, first, you must know Number Fusion, and then apply this to the sequence of our English Alphabet that forms any word or group of words that has a positive or negative nature or effects. For example a set of numbers: 85121215. In whatever process you fuse this set of numbers, you will come up with the same result as 8+5+1+2+1+2+1+5 = 25; further fuse 25 into a single digit, 2+5 = “7”. Or group them as 8512+1215 = 9727; 97+27 = 124; 1+2+4 = “7”. Or another grouping such as 8+5+12+12+15 = 52; 5+2 = “7”.

Now remember that no one has tried to rearrange the sequence of our English Alphabet from A to Z since it was discovered and all words invented or discovered in different generations are now written in different dictionaries with fixed word-spelling. What if those numbers above represent a word's letter sequence? Say; 8 represents the sequence number of letter H, 5 is E, 12 is L, 12 is again L, 15 is O and the word is HELLO? It is clear that this word has a fixed numeric symbol of “7”, is it not? Because the word “Hello” is positive in nature, meaning the numeric symbol is also positive. Try to compute the word HATE; 8+1+20+5 = 34; 3+4 = “7”? Because “Hate” is negative in nature, meaning the numeric symbol is also negative or “-7”. Further, we all know that in Math there are positive and negative integers, and so are our English words.

Aside from seven, it also involved words or groups of words in sixes. Example, this positive word REPENT; 18+5+16+5+14+20 = 78; 7+8 = 15; 1+5 = “6”? The negative is the word SIN; 19+9+14 = 42; 4+2 = “-6”?

I gathered only words or groups of words in sevens and sixes because those are the numbers mentioned in the Book of Revelation and what I gathered is enough for you to believe that this is the formula to calculate and know the man whose number is 666. You might think of other words to compute but the symbol is not in sevens or sixes, such as the words "good" and "nice" with a symbol of "5" and "4" respectively. Some words are looking for a partner to reach "7" such as "good luck", "good time", and when you say have a "nice day".

Example of words and group of words in positive Sevens and Sixes:

I LOVE YOU; 9+12+15+22+5+25+15+21 = 124; 1+2+4 = “7”?

THANK YOU; 20+8+1+14+11+25+15+21 = 115; 1+1+5 = “7”?

BEAUTIFUL; 2+5+1+21+20+9+6+21+12 = 97; 9+7 = 16; 1+6 = “7”?

BELIEVE; 2+5+12+9+5+22+5 = 60; 6+0 = “6”?

PRAY; 16+18+1+25 = 60; 6+0 = “6”?

AMEN; 1+13+5+14; 33; 3+3 = “6”?

Example of words in negative Sevens and Sixes:

BAD; 2+1+4 = “-7”?

NASTY; 14+1+19+20+25 = 79; 7+9 = 16; 1+6 = “-7”?

SICK; 19+9+3+11 = 42; 4+2 = “-6”?

ILL; 9+12+12 = 33; 3+3 = “-6”?

inappropriate contentO; 16+15+18+14+15 = 78; 7+8 = 15; 1+5 = “-6”?

With these facts of fusing numbers, the standard sequence of the 26 alphabets, and the acceptance of every word-spelling recorded in all English dictionaries, it is certain that all words recorded have fixed symbols of 1 to 9. Only that in this theology, applies only to the positive and negative nature of words or groups of words bearing symbols of Sevens and Sixes.

Because I have so many of these words to support this new theology, and if you want to know more, please go to my YouTube channel, search “somruppun” and check my videos for Positive and Negative Sevens and Sixes. Meanwhile, there are also important words that are nouns that have symbols of Seven such as; CHURCH; 3+8+21+18+3+8 = 61; 6+1 = “7”?

EARTH; 5+1+18+20+8 = 52; 5+2 = “7”?

(Same as the word “Heart”, right? I have more in this book.)

How about this famous name you believed?

JESUS CHRIST? 10+5+19+21+19+3+8+18+9+19+20 = 151 or “7”?

Oh please, learn how to compute, that this wisdom will transfer to you.

Try to compute HOLY SPIRIT.

In addition to Sevens and Sixes are the “11” or “2”. Further fusing 11 is 1+1 = “2”. They are just the same. And these numbers 11 or 2 can pinpoint what is really the Church that Jesus promised to build and can locate the Promised Land.

Who did come? It is the man given wisdom in Revelation 13:18 and calculates or computes the symbol of a man whose number is 666. This 666 has already come and died and because of his knowledge, it scared humanity in this generation Y2K.

This man-given wisdom is the one mentioned in John 16:13-14 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. What do you think Jesus has that this man given-wisdom will take and declare to you? You all believed that Jesus was/is coming and believed that Jesus is the Man of Sorrows. But of course, before you accept his declaration, he should present abundant proofs of computations that will support this new Christian theology. And this is the purpose of this forum because he cannot open his mouth to the public. Remember Jesus opened His mouth, the reason all His words are written in the New Testament of the Bible. The Man of Sorrow was described as "a root out of dry ground". A plant whose roots are out of the ground can easily be blown away. Meaning he had no solid foundation and could easily commit a sin.

To check more words, here is the link

Part II

The Amazing 11 or 2
Are you claiming some secret message in your numerology? I like to get to the point of all this effort. Thanks for sharing! Blessings.
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Dec 2, 2023
San Diego
United States
Marital Status
Are you claiming some secret message in your numerology? I like to get to the point of all this effort. Thanks for sharing! Blessings.
Please go to my YouTube channel, check more words, and ask yourself who did these things. This is the formula for computing the man whose number is 666 and person given wisdom has come.
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Dec 2, 2023
San Diego
United States
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All numbers and letters have had numerous meanings attached, many of them "positive" (including 6). What mileage there has been in this is not new to the 21 st century.
This is the reason why I gathered all positive and negative words or groups of words bearing symbols of 7's and 6's. Who did this is the question.
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Dec 2, 2023
San Diego
United States
Marital Status
Numerology isn't new. It dates back to before the 8th century BC.
And how did it come back in this generation? Did the English people who invented the words in different generations compute and approve the spelling of each word? Try to compute the word "Galaxy", "Big Bang", and "Blackhole"? Why are they in "7" and "'6's"?
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Maria Billingsley

Well-Known Member
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Oct 7, 2018
United States
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Please go to my YouTube channel, check more words, and ask yourself who did these things. This is the formula for computing the man whose number is 666 and person given wisdom has come.
Oh. I already know who 666 was referred to. It was in that day, Ceasar Nero.
  • "Nero Caesar" transliterated to Hebrew: נרון קסר (Neron Qesar)
  • Numerical values in Gematria:
    • N (נ) = 50
    • E (ר) = 200
    • R (ו) = 6
    • O (נ) = 50
    • C (ק) = 100
    • A (ס) = 60
    • R (ר) = 200
  • Total: 666

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Dec 2, 2023
San Diego
United States
Marital Status
Oh. I already know who 666 was referred to. It was in that day, Ceasar Nero.
  • "Nero Caesar" transliterated to Hebrew: נרון קסר (Neron Qesar)
  • Numerical values in Gematria:
    • N (נ) = 50
    • E (ר) = 200
    • R (ו) = 6
    • O (נ) = 50
    • C (ק) = 100
    • A (ס) = 60
    • R (ר) = 200
  • Total: 666

Nero ruled 54 to 68AD and John who wrote the Revelation was later than that. And what Nero did that described him as the "beast"? That formula is not compelling at all. The formula I am showing is scientific in nature if you look deeper.
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Maria Billingsley

Well-Known Member
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Oct 7, 2018
United States
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Nero ruled 54 to 68AD and John who wrote the Revelation was later than that. And what Nero did that described him as the "beast"? That formula is not compelling at all. The formula I am showing is scientific in nature if you look deeper.
Yes that is one view. I take the early view writing.
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Dan Perez

Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2018
United States
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That is numerology not theology.
A man called E W BULLINGER wrote a book called THE GIVER AND HIS GIFTS and it is all about the Greek word THE .

But he also spoke about the NUMBERS in the Bible , beginning with the NUMBER One ----666 as the bible is all abut numbers .
dan p
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Confessional Lutheran
Oct 2, 2011
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Nero ruled 54 to 68AD and John who wrote the Revelation was later than that. And what Nero did that described him as the "beast"? That formula is not compelling at all. The formula I am showing is scientific in nature if you look deeper.

There are two variants of the number, one is 666, which is the most common variant in biblical manuscripts. But there does exist an alternative variant which has the number as 616. This discrepency in copies of the Apocalypse goes back a very long way, it was familiar to early Christian leaders such as St. Irenaeus (late 2nd century AD).

There is something interesting about this, in that Nero fits both numbers. If we transliterate the Latin form of Nero to Hebrew/Aramaic letters (aka numerals) we get 616, something like NRW QSR but if we take the Greek form and transliterate it to Hebrew/Aramaic letters we get NRWN QSR, which adds up to 666.

When we read the description of the beast in the Apocalypse we see that the beast suffered a fatal wound, but then returns. Nero, indeed, suffered a fatal wound, he died. Legends arose after Nero's death, that Nero would return, the so-called Nero Redivivus Legend, the legend of a revived Nero. When John wrote the Apocalypse, the emperor who was in charge was Domitian (some think it could be slightly later, to the reign of Trajan, but Domitian is generally accepted).

According to Eusebius, that between Nero and Domitian the imperial power of Rome left the Church alone, and Christians experienced a period of relative peace. Neither Vespasian nor Titus made war against the Church, but when Domitian took the imperial throne that changed. And Domitian began anew persecutions against the Faithful. Certainly persecution was renewed at least under Trajan if not Domitian, we have an exchange between Trajan and Pliny the Younger where Pliny is unsure what to do about Christians but that he is having them arrested, and Trajan tells him that he's doing it right. Persecution intensity waxed and waned for the next two centuries, the absolute worst of the worst was under Diocletian. And the persecutions would not finally end until the Edict of Toleration in about 311 AD.

It seems obvious to me that John refers to Nero, even though Nero was already dead when the Apocalypse was written; because Nero's "ghost" continued to haunt the Church. We read later about the city of Rome described as a harlot drunk on the blood of the saints, riding upon a purple beast (the imperial color). The angel even explicitly tells John that the harlot is a city, and the beast with its heads and crowns represents a series of rulers. This is Imperial Rome in its war against the Church.

The meaning and message of the Apocalypse is to remind the Faithful that Christ has conquered, and to trust in Him, because in spite of all the present evils, in the end it is Christ who will judge the rich and the powerful, and all the diabolical power of this present age, the devil, the beast, all principalities and powers, will be fallen and trod underfoot, and God will make all things new.

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