Needed: A coalition of feminists and conservative Christians


Ordinary Mystic
Dec 31, 2019
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Bekkilyn, are you on Twitter, by any chance? I joined a month ago and have been following the gender critical (radical feminist / apostate transsexual / angry LGB) community there.

The TRAs I have encountered are... worse than I expected, to be honest. The pure hatred they direct at you simply because they know you don't think trans women are women is a bit frightening (I worry about their mental health). The one conversation I had that was actually quite pleasant, if only because she was trying to reeducate me, ended with her stabbing me in the back as soon as I said something she didn't like, and then deleting her account instead of dealing with conflict resolution when I called her out on it.

The gender critical transsexuals are lovely, though. And the TRAs keep on telling them they're not really trans, since it seems that being trans, like being a woman, is now a state of mind, and fully transitioned people who challenge their ideology can be declared non-trans.

Incidentally, does anyone know any Christian feminists within the radical feminist tradition? I would imagine that would be a thing within liberation theology, but I don't know any names. Now that I've fully radicalized, I need to catch up with my feminist readings. :D

I have at least one Christian friend who is a Radical Feminist. (She isn't on Twitter though) I'd say Christians have more in common with RadFems than they do with LibFems. At least RadFems are the ones I most identify with.
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Sep 26, 2020
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But my questions are, is it possible? And if possible, is it something people actually want to work together on?

I certainly do. If anything, it could work on limited issues. That article didn't seem to mention it, but something like protecting girls in sports from trans athletes would be something both could work on. Case in point:

Nobody is going to protect these girls except conservatives or "TARPS" (not my preferred word for these feminists. That's what their enemies call them. I just think they're feminists. Period).

This probably isn't going to be easy though. Many TARPs probably don't want to be caught dead with conservatives. Even when they're getting pummeled by the rest of the world. They're fending for themselves at the moment. Even the famous ones are taking a beating. Germaine Greer was once a champion of 2nd Wave Feminism, but she's treated like a pariah now, and I think her tenure or something is under threat. JK Rowling is getting eaten alive by the Twitter mob, but at the same time, she thinks she can ally with them, simply because she hates Trump. It doesn't matter.
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Contemplative Christian
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Apr 27, 2017
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I don't believe the left thinks of women as being a minority anymore. They just see that women make up over 50% of the population and so now women (as in actual females, not males putting on a guise of femaleness) have become the majority oppressors. So if a woman doesn't have some other minority qualification such as race or LGB or the rest of that alphabet soup, then she has no ground upon which to stand. She has been silenced and erased.

And now we have males who can claim to be the most oppressed people on this earth simply because they put on a dress and paint their fingernails and that's in spite of the fact that more actual women are murdered in a single DAY (and not because they are prostitutes or involved in underground activities) than these males claiming to be exactly the same as women are in over a year because they decided to self-identify themselves into their so-called oppression and participate in "sex work". (It's no surprise to anyone that there are men who get upset and even violent when the "woman" they picked up for sex turns out to have male parts. People don't like being deceived.)
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Feb 24, 2017
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I certainly do. If anything, it could work on limited issues. That article didn't seem to mention it, but something like protecting girls in sports from trans athletes would be something both could work on. Case in point:

Nobody is going to protect these girls except conservatives or "TARPS" (not my preferred word for these feminists. That's what their enemies call them. I just think they're feminists. Period).

This probably isn't going to be easy though. Many TARPs probably don't want to be caught dead with conservatives. Even when they're getting pummeled by the rest of the world. They're fending for themselves at the moment. Even the famous ones are taking a beating. Germaine Greer was once a champion of 2nd Wave Feminism, but she's treated like a pariah now, and I think her tenure or something is under threat. JK Rowling is getting eaten alive by the Twitter mob, but at the same time, she thinks she can ally with them, simply because she hates Trump. It doesn't matter.

We're TERFs, not TARPs. ;) (Trans-exclusionary radical feminists, though the preferred term for the movement is "gender critical.")

Radical feminists have historically worked with conservatives--Andrea Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon did it when they were trying to take down pornography, and more recently WoLF has (very controversially) been working closely with conservatives.

The gender critical community on Twitter is actually pretty politically diverse--especially in Britain, there are plenty of alliances going on there between left wing women and conservative women. They actually won a couple major victories recently, taking down Self-ID and challenging the way children are being socially transitioned in schools without their parents' knowledge.

J.K. Rowling knew what she was doing. She's been following this for years, and I'm pretty sure she knew what would happen. There is no talking to the Twitter mob. I think she did this because she's someone they can't cancel--she's managed to publicize issues that had largely been covered up before.

I don't believe the left thinks of women as being a minority anymore. They just see that women make up over 50% of the population and so now women (as in actual females, not males putting on a guise of femaleness) have become the majority oppressors. So if a woman doesn't have some other minority qualification such as race or LGB or the rest of that alphabet soup, then she has no ground upon which to stand. She has been silenced and erased.

I think women who have other minority qualifications are actually in worse shape, to be honest. Especially LGB in queer circles, since if they will not date trans women, their community turns against them.

I do find it very odd the way people have decided that sex no longer plays a relevant role in women's oppression or even in people's day to day life. It's like this weird Gnostic denial of the body that has been going on.
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Sep 26, 2020
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We're TERFs, not TARPs. ;) (Trans-exclusionary radical feminists, though the preferred term for the movement is "gender critical.")

Radical feminists have historically worked with conservatives--Andrea Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon did it when they were trying to take down pornography, and more recently WoLF has (very controversially) been working closely with conservatives.

The gender critical community on Twitter is actually pretty politically diverse--especially in Britain, there are plenty of alliances going on there between left wing women and conservative women. They actually won a couple major victories recently, taking down Self-ID and challenging the way children are being socially transitioned in schools without their parents' knowledge.

J.K. Rowling knew what she was doing. She's been following this for years, and I'm pretty sure she knew what would happen. There is no talking to the Twitter mob. I think she did this because she's someone they can't cancel--she's managed to publicize issues that had largely been covered up before.

I think women who have other minority qualifications are actually in worse shape, to be honest. Especially LGB in queer circles, since if they will not date trans women, their community turns against them.

I do find it very odd the way people have decided that sex no longer plays a relevant role in women's oppression or even in people's day to day life. It's like this weird Gnostic denial of the body that has been going on.

I'm so sorry. I must have been tired (ahem.. that's my excuse). TERFs. Yes. :)

Indeed, pornography is another thing that we all can work on. I should have mentioned that. And yeah, there is something Gnostic about it. I can't quite articulate everything about that, and I don't know if it's conscious on their part, but women will lose if this "disembodied" conception of females gains traction.
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Contemplative Christian
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Apr 27, 2017
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I think women who have other minority qualifications are actually in worse shape, to be honest. Especially LGB in queer circles, since if they will not date trans women, their community turns against them.

Oh I fully agree that they are in worse shape overall. It is just that "woman as in female" is apparently no longer a minority qualification in itself, as if female oppression no longer exists to the left.

I do find it very odd the way people have decided that sex no longer plays a relevant role in women's oppression or even in people's day to day life. It's like this weird Gnostic denial of the body that has been going on.

Yes, the arguments about it being "insulting" for biology to be a big part of who we are in our human experience here on earth. While I do claim that we are not our bodies, we still have them and they very heavily influence the way people treat us and interact with us, so they still matter very much in that respect. If they didn't, I could self-ID as a man in any situation where I was being discriminated against or harmed for being female and all issues with misogyny would be self-inflicted since the only ones harmed would be those who were too stubborn or stupid to self-ID out of those situations.
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Contemplative Christian
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Apr 27, 2017
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I'm so sorry. I must have been tired (ahem.. that's my excuse). TERFs. Yes. :)

Indeed, there is something Gnostic about it. I can't quite articulate everything about that, but it's my caught my notice as well.

I didn't say anything about the whole TARP thing because I think I just like the word TARP. Good to have when it's raining too. :)
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