My Special Quotes


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Keith Moore
Word of Faith

(A little bit about... Keith Moore)

Keith Moore is the founder and president of Moore Life Ministries and the Word of Faith Life Church of both Branson, Missouri and Sarasota, Florida. Two of the greatest emphases of Brother Moore's ministry are the importance of the written Word and the necessity of being led by the Spirit.

Having traveled extensively across the US and abroad for over 30 years, Keith and his wife Phyllis minister strongly on such areas as love, faith, healing, prosperity, and honor.

There heart is... to see the lost saved, the sick healed, the distressed relieved, the broken restored, and the discouraged empowered to victory. Brother Moore says, True Christianity is not the formal, powerless thing that so many have come to know. Real fellowship with the living Christ, the Anointed One, results in the destruction of every bondage, the removal of every burden, and the fulfillment of every good desire. There is no life so exciting as the victorious life that is true Christianity.

You will find the teaching ministry of Brother Keith rich with revelation yet easy to understand and to put into practice. Many have testified to healing, deliverance, and life-changing experiences through this anointed ministry. To God be all the glory!


Nothing Can Hurt Me!

In Luke, chapter 10... we read that Jesus sent out 70 of His disciples and (empowered) them to do what He had been doing. When they returned, they received a life-changing revelation:

"And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." (verses 17-19)

In the Greek, that's stated as a double negative for emphasis. It means much more than just nothing. It means none, not at all, no way at any time can anything hurt you! I was listening to a CD of the Bible before I went to sleep one night. When it came to this part, "Nothing shall by any means hurt you," I sat straight up in bed. I thought, Glory! Nothing can hurt me!

Then the
Lord Jesus... said to me, "You haven't been taking that seriously. And many, many like you have not been taking that seriously." Does the Bible mean what it says? Are there exceptions that we should read in between the lines? Or did Jesus really mean that if we would follow and obey Him like the 70 did that we would have (power and authority) to tread or trample on things that sting and bite and hurt and poison?

Uncertain thoughts might try to creep into your mind: "I'm just not sure. I think we could be hurt." Well we have to decide: Do we walk by sight and reasoning? Or do we walk by the Word of God that promises,
"There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling" (Ps. 91:10)?

As long as you're... standing, saying and believing what the Word says about protection, you'll be safe. But you have to be bold and declare, "Nothing shall by any means hurt me." Now when you say that, most of the religious world will jump up and yell, "Who do you think you are? A lot of good Christian people didn't plan on having bad things happen to them. Do you think you're better than they are?"

It has nothing to do with being better. It has to do with being a believer, and not just believing in and experiencing the new birth, but believing in the (protection of the Most High) and claiming it for yourself. You can, by believing, by standing in faith, raise up that mighty shield of faith and have a barrier of protection about you.

I'm not saying... that you'll never have any trials or attacks. But I'm saying that no matter what is fired at you, it can't hurt you. It can't get to you. The psalmist said "A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee" (Psalm 91:7).

Delivered Out of Trouble
Every time you have been hurt or hit, it was because you lowered your (shield of faith). The enemy is always ready to fire, so it's never OK to drop your shield and become an open target. Remember, there is no cease-fire in this war.

While we would prefer... to be delivered from ever experiencing an attack, that is unlikely. But each time we're delivered out of the midst of one—that's a demonstration of the (keeping power of God)—a testimony of His faithfulness and miracle-working power. We find examples of this over and over in the Bible.

The three Hebrew children mentioned in the book of Daniel were not delivered from being thrown into the fiery furnace. But..! They believed God, raised the shield of faith and said, "Our God who we serve is able to deliver us..." (Daniel 3:17). Paul (wasn't delivered) from the shipwreck; he went through it. Daniel was thrown into the lions' den but came out untouched.

These people... didn't gripe, doubt, fear, rationalize or ask, "God, why did You let this happen?" That would have lowered their shield. In the midst of bad situations, God protected those who trusted Him, and He can and will do the same for you. But you have to understand that everything we (receive from God), we (receive by faith). The first time you took hold of a promise in His WORD and declared, "By His stripes I am healed," you were probably thinking, "Yeah, but I'm not."

Every day you have to decide if you're going to believe what Jesus said. Or are you going to go by experience, sight or feeling?

(Special thanks to... Keith Moore)

Jesus is coming soon, Get Ready!

Thank You, Jesus


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Nancy Dufresne
Word of Faith

(A Little bit about... Nancy Dufresne)

Nancy Dufresne has been in the ministry for almost 40 years. For 25 years, she pastored World Harvest Church in Murrieta, California... and she now travels nationwide and abroad ministering in other churches and conducts crusades throughout the world. She traveled extensively in the United States and abroad with her husband, Dr. Ed Dufresne, until he went to home to be with the Lord.

Nancy is also the president of Dufresne Ministries and is the president of Fresh Oil Fellowship, a ministerial organization. As an... respected author, Nancy Dufresne has written numerous books that instruct believers how to live in the victory that belongs to them. Nancy Dufresne is continuing to fulfill the vision and heavenly assignment that God has placed on this ministry, along with her sons, Stephen and Grant, and her daughter-in-law, Morgan.
Nancy was raised in Southwest Oklahoma where her father farmed. At the age of 19, she was born again and moved to Tulsa to attend Oral Roberts University, majoring in piano performance. In 1982, she was crowned Miss Oklahoma and was a runner-up to Miss America. It was in Tulsa that she met and married Dr. Ed Dufresne in 1984, and they had two sons, Stephen and Grant. During their 29 years of marriage, they traveled and ministered together, and they also pioneered two churches. Since Dr. Dufresne went to Heaven in 2013, Nancy and her family have continued to carry on the work he began over 50 years ago.

In 2019, Nancy was invited to broadcast her “Jesus the Healer” program on TBN Russia, which airs in 186 countries of the world. It now airs on five other networks, as well: TBN Israel, Kenneth Copelands Victory Television Network (VTN), KBTV Global, Dominion TV, and the Victory Channel.
Nancy Dufresne is known for her simple, clear teaching of God’s Word, and there is a strong flow of the gifts of the Spirit in her ministry. In this end-time era, Nancy Dufresne continues to emphasize moving with the Word and the Spirit.

He Cares For You

"Casting the whole of your care (all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all) on Him; for He cares for you affectionately, and cares about you watchfully." (1 Peter 5:7 AMP). Could you really believe this verse and (continue to worry?) Absolutely not! Worry is disobedience to God's Word, and disobedience is sin. In my travels, I can easily see that faith is at an all-time low in the (Body of Christ), so I have been preaching hard and fast on faith.

Faith will always... be paralyzed in the life of someone who is worrying. Many Christians fail to (receive their healing) because they keep their eyes focused upon the problem, thus holding the answer away from their reach. When thoughts and fears bombard, how do you keep from taking them?

You must say, "No Satan, that isn't my thought. I have no care, because (I have cast it upon God.") Many will have to break their "habit" of worrying. Some have taken it up not realizing how offensive and sinful it is to God; but the Word will help you walk free from it (as you obey). (1 Peter 5:7)

If I were searching... through my kitchen for something to cook for supper, but my husband called from the office and said, "Don't cook supper tonight. I'll pick up something for us to eat at the drive-through," I would be crazy if I continued to hunt through the kitchen, wringing my hands, worrying about what to make for supper. By acting that way, I would be saying that my husband is a liar and I couldn't believe him to do what he said he would do. I would be totally disregarding his word.

In the same respect there are people who totally disregard what God has already said to them in the Bible. He tells us not to worry or take any care in life, because (He is caring for us). Yet they wring their hands with worry and wonder what to do. How faithless that must appear in God's sight! The Christian life is (sweet and full of rewards), so make a decision to enjoy your life! Fill it with God and His Word, and (watch how well) God will take care of you when you free yourself from the cares and worries of life.

Commit your way... to the Lord—roll and repose (each care of) your load on Him; trust (lean on, rely on and be confident) also in Him, and He will bring it to pass. (Psalms 37:5 AMP). Continue to leave the care with Him, for only then is He able to bring His promise to pass in your life. From this time forward, let God and others find us in faith's position and living free from worry.

(Special thanks to... Nancy Dufresne)

Jesus is coming soon, Get Ready!

Thank You, Jesus


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In the confusion of these world-shaking days, well-meaning brothers and sisters are making all sorts of missteps, on all sides. Here I’m mainly speaking to our local church contexts, not public teaching, though note that even for Apollos, a celebrated public teacher, Aquilla and Priscilla patiently took him aside and taught him, instead of lambasting him in public. Let’s take a deep breath and ask God for the patience we need for these days. Patience not to write someone off too quickly because they used a certain phrase or retweeted someone we’re fearful of — or didn’t disavow our latest boogeyman term we want everyone to renounce to be orthodox.
David Mathis
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Bishop Keith Butler
Word of Faith

(A little bit about... Bishop Keith Butler)

Bishop Keith A. Butler... is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Word of Faith International Christian Center. Word of Faith International Christian Center was founded on January 14, 1979 and is a congregation of over 21,000 members. Bishop Butler employs over 200 ministry workers. The beautiful 5,000 seat church edifice is located on a 110-acre campus in Southfield, Michigan, which houses all the ministry’s buildings and operations.

In addition to leading this great mega ministry, Bishop Butler also oversees the ministry’s International Operations in Canada, England, Bulgaria, Africa and Brazil. Bishop Butler continues to plant churches worldwide – to which he has established and founded 13 satellite churches.

He ministers extensively... in churches, conferences, and seminars throughout the U.S. and abroad, with an emphasis on instruction, line-upon-line teaching and a no-nonsense practical application of God’s Word. Bishop Butler can be seen on national television and radio broadcasts. He is a contributing writer to the Detroit News, writing editorial commentary on a variety of issues. He is an author of more than a dozen books.

Bishop Butler is a graduate of the University of Michigan. He is a graduate of the Rhema Bible Training Institute in Tulsa, Oklahoma. In addition, he has been bestowed with an honorary Doctor of Divinity from Canada Christian College in Theological Studies.


God Expects You to Produce

"The kingdom of heaven... is as a man traveling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability and straightway took his journey" (Matt. 25:14-15). I'm going to answer a question that many people have asked. Why do some people seem to have more than others? Well, the answer is found in chapter 25 of Matthew; this parable illustrates how the kingdom of heaven works.

Now, when I was growing up, they taught that a "talent" meant your physical ability; for example, if you can sing, you have a talent. Well, the reference in my Bible says a "talent" is worth $935.00. So Jesus is talking about money, honey. Verse 15 says he gave according to the servant's ability. As we read further, he rewards on the basis of stewardship. We have two things here: ability and stewardship. You see some people can handle more responsibility then others. Now God is smart; He knows who can start out with five talents and He also knows who can't handle all that cash at once. Nevertheless, God expects us to produce from whatever He gives us.

Notice, the servants... who received the five talents and the two talents were productive. They took what God gave them and used them to produce more. Even though they didn't start out equal, both were successful and had the same measure of success because they used what they had. When the Lord of those servants came back, He wanted to see how they handled His money. The first two servants received the same reward. You see there was an expectation here; he expected success through productivity.

Now notice the third servant's attitude. He was unwilling to use what he had. In other words, he said, "Lord, you are a hard man, so here's what you gave me." Well, the Lord's reply wasn't, "Thank you very much; I'm so glad you didn't lose it." NO! He called him a wicked and lazy servant. Today, business exists because somebody put money out there. If there wasn't any money, then there wouldn't be any jobs. Obviously, the workers should reap because they do the work, but the investor is due a return also.

So the answer to... your question is that God gives according to ability, and then rewards according to stewardship. God will promote you, but you must be willing to step up to the next level.

(Special thanks to... Bishop Keith Butler)

Jesus is coming soon, Get Ready!

Thank You,


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What a treasure house of meaty quotes... thank you for all your hard work...
PastorMike: Thanks for the response. Sure miss you and hope you stick around. Really miss Bob (ABM) and many of the rest. I spoke to the Lord to bring them all back in to us for the end-time fellowship. We ain't got much time left.

We can figure some may have passed on to glory so if anyone of our past friends are out there, please come back home to our Word of Faith forum. We all love you guys!

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Billye Brim
Word of Faith

(A Little bit about Dr. Billye Brim...)

Billye Brim's Christian heritage is rich. She sensed the call of God in early childhood. However, it was only after an encounter with the Holy Spirit in 1967, that she as a young wife and mother of four began to follow Him to walk out her call. For almost ten years she served as Editor of Publications for Kenneth E. Hagin Ministries where she also taught at Rhema Bible Training Center.

Immediately after ordination in 1980, she traveled to Soviet Russia in what proved to be ongoing ministry there. Since then she has literally ministered around the world several times over. Kent and Billye Brim with Lee and Jan Morgans founded a local church in Collinsville, Oklahoma. A Glorious Church Fellowship is the foundation of Billye Brim Ministries and Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks in Branson, Missouri, and the soon-to-be-built Migdal Arbel Prayer and Study Center in Israel.

When Kent passed away in 1986, Billye was led to "study Hebrew in the Land." Studying at Ulpan Akiva in Israel led to the unique Seminar Tours she has guided in the Land from 1986 to now. It also provided a pattern for the Prayer and Study Center in Israel. "Helping Pray-ers" is a God-given directive in her life. One place this happens is at Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks near Branson, Missouri. On 200 plus acres log cabins provide places for individual prayer or small prayer groups. Corporate prayer meetings are held twice a week in the chapel.

On Wednesdays at 12 Noon Central Time, the meeting is streamed live. Pray-ers (who have named themselves World-Wide Pray-ers) join in united prayer via thousands of computers in more than 60 nations. This prayer is focused primarily on an Awakening to God. For in a corporate prayer meeting in June 2008, Billye Brim and the pray-ers were impressed with these words: One thing will save America…an Awakening to God. One thing will avail for Israel and the nations, An Awakening to God. Several thousand pray-ers from around the world gather in Branson for an Autumn Assembly of Prayer she hosts.

Billye Brim is blessed to work with others across the Body of Christ. She strongly believes in walking out what Scripture teaches that we are one Body, with one Head, one Spirit, one Lord. First Corinthians 10:32 is foundational in Billye Brim's ministry. The "good works that He has ordained that she should walk in" involve activity among the Jews, the Nations, and the Church-all to the Glory of God.


NYC Meeting: A Conversation With Donald Trump & Ben Carson

Recognizing.... the praying people you are, I give this report of a historic event I was blessed to attend yesterday in New York City. It was called: (A Conversation with Donald Trump & Ben Carson). One thousand Christian leaders were invited to attend a meeting at the Marriott Marquis on Broadway in NYC. The meeting was hosted by United in Purpose & My Faith Votes.

Buddy Pilgrim... a (steering committee) member, told us as we were flying to the meeting that from start to finish it was put together in two months. It is worthy of note that so many busy people were able to clear their calendars to come.

The (steering committee)... members were allowed to invite (don't hold me to this) but I believe 40 spiritual leaders. Buddy had invited Pastors George and Terry Pearsons, and Vicki Pilgrim. Gary Bauer invited me and I took my grandson, Branden Brim.

The Morning
Security was tight. After getting through, at about 7:10 we were in line outside the doors to get in. Doors opened at 8:00. Seating except for the (steering committee) and (VIP guests) was first come, first served. Tables were set up around the large room. (Lunch would be eaten there later.) We got good seats.

Welcomes: Dr. Ben Carson, Ralph Reed and others
Intros: Reverend Franklin Graham shared good things. And reminded us that even the Bible's leaders had flaws. Abraham lied. Moses disobeyed God. David committed adultery and had a man killed. Saul/Paul persecuted and stood for killing Christians. If God had to wait for a perfect person to make a leader, there would never be one.

Jerry Falwell, Jr., now President of Liberty University, introduced Donald Trump. He spoke well of Trump, and of a close association with him and his family for about one year.

Donald Trump
entered (confidently and smiling) from stage left. The audience was warm in its welcoming reception. He spoke to us for a while. In this he pointed out something that stayed with me the whole day and until now, this election is about the (Supreme Court). The next president will appoint 2, 3, 4, or possibly 5 life term Justices. He spoke of protecting religious freedom. Spoke of how ministers are not as free as the man on the street.

He pointed out that.... the clergy is largely muzzled, and dominated by fear about expressing their views on elections and things political. He said that he couldn't understand it. Then someone pointed out the fear was of losing their 501-C3's.

He said this ought not be. Spoke about the terrible Lyndon Johnson Amendment that caused this. He challenged the leaders not to be ruled by fear.

Donald Trump and Governor Huckabee
Sitting in two comfortable chairs with a table between, Governor Huckabee moderated a (Q and A session) with Donald Trump.

Huckabee asked.... the first question. He said, "During the debates... I watched you with your family behind the scenes. People can put on a front on stage in front of cameras. But I watched the close relationship, love, and respect your family has.

Trump: (This is the gist of it, not exact.) There was a phrase I said over and over, almost every day to my children, "No alcohol. No drugs. No cigarettes. (I added the last one later.) They repeated it. My daughter, Ivanka, was so little she didn't even know what alcohol and drugs were, but she repeated it.

I started this.... because I have so many friends whose children were smart, talented, well-to-do, could afford the best educations, but all this was lost because of addiction to one thing or another."

Questions from the floor came from these and others: Dr. James Dobson, Dr. David Jeremiah, Tony Perkins, Kelly Shakelford, and Sammy Rodriguez.

was asked about and shared about in his opening remarks: religious freedom. Questions included Israel, (Supreme Court) appointments, race issues, abortion, terrorism, border and immigration issues. His demeanor and the demeanor of the audience was congenial, I thought.

As the importance.... of the (Supreme Court) nominees was so dominant, I thought his answers were strong. It seems he has already listed 11 nominees he would make. He said all his judges would be vetted by The Federalist Society, a strong conservative organization.

His answers on Israel were also strong in that we should repair our association with this ally. Interestingly, he said he could not understand American Jews voting democratic when the administration had done so many demeaning and dangerous things re Israel. His views on Islamic Jihadism were made plain.

Afternoon Q and A
After a tasty buffet, and after some other addresses, the floor opened for Q and A.

Mr. Trump had left.... the building to keep his schedule. He stayed with us past the allotted time. I would guess well more than an hour. Governor Huckabee kept pointing out that it was past the time we had agreed for. Mr. Trump said, "There is no place more important for me to be than here."

Though Trump was not present, many very influential people were still there. From the audience, people with questions stood and were recognized. The questions about what terrible things are happening in our military were especially enlightening.

After saying.... "We will entertain one more question," the moderator recognized me. Somehow, I felt he would. I stated that everyone in the room probably agreed on (Genesis 12:3), that we should bless Israel. But many do not know how. Well-meaning Presidents and leaders have initiated terrible plans such as "The Road Map to Peace" which called for two-state solution and the dividing of Jerusalem.

I pointed out that nations would be judged as nations. The only criteria the Bible mentions is how they treat Israel. Then I read from my little book Nations are Judged on How They Treat Israel.
"FOR BEHOLD, in those days and at that time when I shall reverse the captivity and restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all nations and will bring them down into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and there will I deal with and execute judgment upon them for [their treatment of] My people and of My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and [because] they have divided My land." (Joel 3:1-2 AMP)​

My Take Away
Importance of (Supreme Court) nominees. So enjoyed fellowship with leaders. Some I'd known years ago. Some brand new acquaintances. Impressed with how they love and pray for America. Wonderful heartfelt prayers for America were led by James Robison, and others. Dr. Jack Graham, pastor of a large Baptist Church, closed the day with a prayer ending in:

"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." (Eph. 3:20-21)​
(Special thanks to...Dr. Billye Brim)

Jesus is coming soon, Get Ready!

Thank You,


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Bob Yandian
Word of Faith

(A little bit about... Bob Yandian)

For more than 40 years Bob Yandian has taught the unchanging truth in the Word of Faith in Gods word. He pastored Church of Grace Fellowship in Tulsa, Oklahoma for 33 years where he raised up and sent out hundreds of ministers to churches and missions organizations around the world through the School of the Local Church, and Grace School of Ministry.

Bob's mission is to train up a new generation in the word of God through his "Student of the Word" broadcast, and by ministering in Bible schools, minister's conferences, and churches.

Known as an expositor of the Bible, he is widely acknowledged as one of the most knowledgeable teachers of this generation. His practical insight and wisdom into the word of God have helped countless people to grow to maturity in the Christian life.

Bob is a graduate of Trinity Bible College where he studied under Charles Duncomb, an associate of Smith Wigglesworth. He served as both instructor and Dean of Instructors at Rhema Bible Training Center. Pastor Yandian serves on the board of Joyce Meyer Ministries, and Andrew Wommack Ministries.
Bob has been married to Loretta for over forty years. They are parents of two married children and have five grandchildren.


The Believer's Authority

After Jesus rose from the dead, He said, “All power (exousia) is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth” (Matthew 28:28). The Greek word used here for power is not dunamis (ability and might), but exousia, which means “authority or rule.” So a better translation for this verse would be, “All authority is given unto me in Heaven and in earth.”

Now this....
is very important: What God lost in this earth through the fall of Adam was NOT His power. When Adam fell, God did not become weaker. He was as powerful as He ever was. What God LOST in the fall was a (channel of authority) man, through whom He could (release His power) in the earth.

God always invests His creatures with authority. When Lucifer was on the earth before Adam, God gave him authority. But when Lucifer rebelled, he terminated (his reign on earth). Then God created Adam and gave him (dominion, or authority), over (everything) on the earth (Genesis 1:28). However, when Adam disobeyed God and followed after Satan, Adam (gave his authority) back to the devil.

God had (delegated authority).... over the earth to mankind, but Adam turned from Him and submitted himself and his God-given authority to Satan. Therefore, man was (spiritually separated) from God, and God was on the outside of the affairs of men. He had lost the channel through which He desired to express Himself and reveal His power.

Jesus did not become a man to regain God’s power, but... to (restore divine authority) to man through... "Himself." The issue was never a loss of (God’s power) or... His (ultimate authority), but to make a way by which man could be reconciled to God... (through Jesus Christ) and... again become the channel God could use to display His (power in the earth).

God wasn’t sitting.... in Heaven crying, “Oh please hurry Jesus! I’m so weak and helpless! Get my power back!” Jesus had all of God’s power already in Him before He came to earth and took on a human body. He became a man, (endured the cross) and was resurrected in order to restore God’s (authority in the earth) through a man – "Himself". Then... He passed that authority on to those (us)... who would believe in Him – the church.

(Matthew 28:18 and 19) could be read “Therefore, or (because all authority) is given me in Heaven and in earth... GO and make (disciples of all nations).” After He rose from the dead, Jesus immediately informed the Church that through Him, man’s authority over the earth and the devil had been restored to believers.

Once again.... God had the channel of man to express Himself and release His power in the earth. When a believer uses the name of Jesus, all of God’s power is there to back it up!

Authority Over the Devil

When Jesus Christ went into the heart of the earth for three days and three nights, the greatest arm wrestling match of all creation took place. The arm of the Lord (Isaiah 53:1) grasped the arm of Satan’s power, and “the exceeding greatness of God’s power” pressed had against all evil. In the end, the Holy Spirit’s power slammed the devil’s arm down and triumphantly raised Jesus from the dead!

At Jesus’ resurrected body.... burst through the grave clothes, Satan was completely humiliated (Colossians 2:15). Never again does he want to wrestle with the arm of the Lord! And he never will, because he has been (totally defeated). First (John 3:8) says, “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.”

When Jesus (ascended) and was seated at the right hand of the Father, this did not abolish Satan’s authority in the earth, but it put Jesus in the ultimate authority over him.

When Jesus comes back.... to earth at the Second Advent, He will have Satan thrown into the bottomless pit to be bound for a thousand years. After this period of time, Satan will be loosed for one more season (Revelation 20:1-3), and then Jesus will totally destroy him and his followers by casting them into the lake of fire forever (Revelation 20:10).

However, during the Church Age, believers have been given authority over Satan through the name of Jesus. Satan’s present kingdom in this earth is subject to the authority of Jesus Christ, which He has given to the Church.

Sin, sickness, and demons.... must bow their knee and obey when a believer exercises their authority through the name of Jesus. (Philippians 2:10) says, “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth.”

In {Ephesians 1:21,22), the Bible tells us that God raised Jesus from the dead and set Him “far above all principality, and power (authorities), and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world (age, i.e., the Church Age), but also in that which is to come (Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ): And He put all things under His feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church.” All things means all things – poverty, illness, catastrophe – not just demonic powers.

Whether a problem we.... face comes directly from the devil (demons) or indirectly from the devil (sickness, poverty, or emotional distress), all evil originates with Satan. Had Lucifer not rebelled and brought (sin and death) into the earth through the fall of Adam, there would be no evil for us to deal with today. It is important that we (always remember) that Satan is ultimately behind every evil work that is coming against our lives.

It’s Up To Us

(Ephesians 1:22) declares Jesus to be the head over the church, not the head over the devil. The devil and his demonic kingdom are under His feet. That is why (verse 21) says that Jesus is far above all principality, power, might, and dominion. There is something between Him (the head) and His feet – and that “something” is the Body of Christ, the Church.

In order of authority.... God has placed the Church directly under Jesus and directly over the devil. When we (understand) this fact, we will stop praying for Jesus to take care of the devil! He has already taken care of him through the cross and the resurrection. All that remains is for US, (the Church)... to enforce His victory as we live our lives here on earth according to the Word of God.

Just before He ascended, Jesus did not say, “And these signs shall follow them that believe; I will come down and stop the devil for them.” What he did say was, “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover” (Mark 16:17, 18).

(Matthew 28:18).... Jesus declared “All authority is given unto me in heaven and earth.” But! He (turned right around) and delegated His authority (to the Church). Now! it is the (believer’s responsibility) to become “a doer of the Word” (James 1:22) and (take authority) given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ and use His name, His Word, and the (power of His Spirit) to destroy every evil work that comes against our lives.

(Special thanks to.... Bob Landian)

Jesus is coming soon, Get Ready!

Thank You,


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Word of Faith
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Fred Price
Word of Faith

( A Little bit about Fred Price...)

Dr. Fred Price received an honorary diploma from the Rhema Bible Training Center in 1976 and an honorary Doctorate of Divinity Degree from Oral Roberts University in 1982; both institutions are based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dr. Price met the former Betty Ruth Scott while attending Dorsey High School. They were married in March 1953 and have four children - Angela Marie Evans, Cheryl Ann Crabbe, Stephanie Pauline Buchanan, and Frederick Kenneth Price Jr.

While Dr. Price was pastoring for the Christian and Missionary Alliance at West Washington Community Church, he read Kathryn Kuhlman's book, "God Can Do It Again." On February 28, 1970, he received the gift of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of "speaking with other tongues." That is the event that Dr. Price considers the jumping-off point in his ministry. Dr. Price was also influenced by several books and tapes by Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dr. Price adds, "It was during this time that Betty and I began to take the first steps to walk by faith, which has brought us to where we are today."

In 1973 Dr. Price and 300 parishioners moved from West Washington to establish Crenshaw Christian Center (CCC) in Inglewood, CA. In 1984 CCC outgrew its Inglewood facility and purchased the former Pepperdine University Los Angeles campus. CCC is now the home of the Faith Dome, with over 10,000 seats, its one of the largest church sanctuaries in the United States.

Dr. Price is the author of some 50 books on faith, healing, prosperity, and the Holy Spirit. "How Faith Works" is a classic book on the operation of faith and its life-changing principles.


Wait on the Lord

When it comes to marriage..... and finding a mate, I believe God knows who is best for each person. He knows which qualities are compatible. And when you leave the matter to God, He will bring the right person into your life. The relationship will be blessed and thus produce a happy marriage.

In selecting a mate, sometimes we humans just look at the exterior. God knows what is in the heart, and He knows what is inside of you. The natural is all that we can see but, as the saying goes, "All that glitters is not gold." Let me clarify: I am not saying that you should not have a pretty wife or a handsome husband. If that is what you desire, the Word says you can have it. I'm talking about letting God bring the person into your life.

We Need to be Patient

I also caution you...
. not to go against the Word of God and marry an unbeliever.

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?" (2 Cor. 6:14-15)​

As a Christian, you are a member of God's family. Do not marry an unbeliever out of loneliness or desperation. The Lord knows your desire. He will answer your prayer! You need to exercise patience.

…The trying of your faith worketh patience.

"But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." (James 1:3-4)​

Your Assistance is not Needed

There are many people....
who try to help God out. Even though they do not have a mate, they prepare to have wedding invitations printed or they purchase a wedding gown. That is not faith—that is foolishness. And trying to help God out like that does not speed up the answer to your prayer.

...You need to wait on the Lord.

Have you considered that you may not be ready for that man or woman of your dreams? There may be some improvement God still needs to bring about within you. Maybe God has to prepare you for the mate.
There are many people who have the wrong attitude about marriage. For example, it seems that men invariably want to marry a virgin. They want the untouched virgin. Yet, they do not stop to think that maybe the virgin wants a virgin too. She may not want a used model. She may desire a brand new, just-off-the-showroom-floor model.

Let's Get Real

It is not fair for men....
to expect women to be virgins if the men are not virgins. If you are not a virgin man, what makes you think you have the right to expect the woman to be a virgin? In another vein, I have seen men and women of one race who think their spouse has to be of another race in order for them to be happy. This is plain foolishness.

You will not have a happy marriage because the person's skin is white, and you will not have a bad marriage because the skin is black. Skin color has nothing in the world to do with a happy marriage.

I have seen some.... miserable black folks, and I have seen some miserable white folks. There have been miserable Asians and miserable Latinos. The color of one's skin does not guarantee happiness. It is plain foolishness to say, "I am going to have him or her because they are white, or black, or Asian, or Latino."

Learn to trust God and wait on Him to deliver and bring that perfect mate to you. It may take a bit longer, but you can trust God that he or she will be the right one for you!

(Special thanks to....Dr. Fred Price)

Jesus is coming soon, Get Ready!

Thank You,


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Sep 20, 2011
Delphos, Ohio
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Word of Faith
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T. L. Osborn
Word of Faith

(A bit about T. L. Osborn...)

Tommy Lee Osborn.... was born on December 23, 1923, on the small family potato farm, in Grady County, Oklahoma. He was the seventh and youngest son of thirteen children, born to Charles Richard Osborn (1883–1966) and his wife Mary (née Brown) (1885–1951). His father, also a seventh son, was a nonpracticing traditional Baptist, "That's supposed to mean something," Osborn once commented, adding "Turns out, it did mean something." His parents were musicians, as were several of his brothers and sisters, and Tommy Lee started making music at a very young age. Growing up in the latter half of the 1920s, he saw his large family struggling through the depression years.

In 1930, when Osborn was six years old, his father moved the family to Skedee, Oklahoma, in search of another, more profitable potato farm. At a church in Sand Springs, Oklahoma, he met future televangelist Oral Roberts, who would become his lifelong friend for over 70 years, until Roberts's death in 2009. Osborn frequently went with Roberts to help with evangelical meetings. Roberts did most of the preaching, Osborn did everything else, including playing the accordion and the piano for the musical part of the meetings.

Osborn had experienced.... a Christian conversion in 1937, at the age of 13, when his older brother took him to a Pentecostal church in Mannford. Gradually, each of his six brothers moved out of the family home until TL was the only boy still living with his parents and helping his 60-year-old father on the potato farm. He admitted that he was reluctant, even scared, to ask his father's permission to move out and begin traveling. Finally, while sorting potatoes in the cellar, he plucked up courage to make the request and was greatly surprised when his father said "yes."

In 1939, aged 15, Osborn was (milking the cows) when he began to cry. He fell on his knees, praying and asking God what was happening. The Lord, he said, called him to be an evangelist, while he laughed and cried at the same time, overwhelmed by what was happening to him. He dropped out of high school after completing eighth grade and hit the road with E.M. Dillard, a traveling evangelist. Osborn was responsible for organizing evangelistic meetings and was also in charge of youth services in the evening. He traveled with Dillard through three states. The last one was California, and he met Daisy Washburn, in Los Banos, California at one of the meetings. It was 1941 and he was only 17 when he fell instantly in love.

On April 5, 1942.... Osborn married the graduating high school student and farmer's girl, Daisy Washburn Osborn (born September 23, 1924 in Merced, California). He was 18, and she was only 17. Shortly thereafter, they set out on a life of ministry and missionary travel, including a trip to India when Osborn was still only 21. In time, (they carried the Gospel of Christ to tens of millions of people all over the world), declaring it with faith and confidence.

However, that early mission in India, preaching at Lucknow, was not fruitful. Their ministry lasted less than a year in India, and they returned home because of critical family sickness. In 1947, the Osborns had their only daughter, LaDonna Osborn (b. March 13 of that year; she was raised accompanying her parents on the platforms of global mass miracle evangelistic crusades.

The Osborns first.... gained public notice shortly after returning from India, as evangelists on the Big Tent Revival circuit in the United States and Canada. There, they preached to audiences often numbering over 10,000, in open-air meetings and under large tents in settings such as fairgrounds and stadiums. Other young contemporary evangelists, including Oral Roberts, Billy Graham, Jack Coe, R.W. Schambach and A.A. Allen, were also on the circuit. The Osborns emphasized the love and compassion of God, rather than the ("fire and brimstone") theology style commonly used by evangelists of the era, and they practiced supernatural healing in their meetings. The Osborn's egalitarian ministry philosophy was also not accepted by many conservative audiences.

By the early 1950s, their emphasis began to shift more and more toward international missions. They held large crusades in Latin America, Asia, and Africa and crowds grew rapidly, at times (exceeding 100,000. After Osborn's crusades in Thailand in 1956 and Uganda in 1957, Pastor Fred Wantaate of Makerere Full Gospel Church said that "after that crusade in Mombasa, the fountain of the river of Pentecostalism spread in the heart of East Africa."

Around that same time.... he met another future televangelist, Marilyn Hickey, eight years Osborn's junior, with her new husband, Wallace. The young couple traveled around in her husband's car, conducting tent revival meetings in various towns. Together, Osborn and Hickey prayed for the sick and she became a guest speaker at his conferences. He was lifelong friends with her family until his death just four months after Hickey lost her husband, Wallace.

Over the course of the next (five decades), Osborn and his team traveled to more than 70 countries including Kenya where Apostle Dr. Joe Kayo got born again in his Crusade in 1957(Joe Kayo later turned to be a great pioneer of Pentecostal movement in East Africa) and reached (millions of people). They created prolific quantities of evangelistic and training materials, some of which were translated into more than 80 languages.

Osborn's wife.... of 53 years, Daisy Osborn, died in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on May 27, 1995, at age 70. Thereafter, he continued to travel and conduct crusades around the world for another 15 years. Osborn died on February 14, 2013, at the age of 89. According to his daughter, LaDonna, he had been in good health until his body began weakening just a few days before he stopped breathing. He was buried next to his wife at the Memorial Park Cemetery in Tulsa, Oklahoma (the same cemetery where Oral Roberts had been buried nearly four years earlier). Osborn was survived by his daughter, three of four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

LaDonna Osborn continues to operate the ministry founded by her parents, including leading international crusades in the developing world every year. His grandson Tommy Ray O'Dell has also followed in his grandfather's footsteps and has a ministry focused on evangelism and education in Asia, Africa, and Europe. Like his grandfather, he often draws large crowds and it has been claimed that miracles have taken place in his services.

At this point, we apologize... that due to research efforts there was not one single written article found from T. L. Osborn ministry. There are several of written comments about His ministry but found no written teachings of him.


~ What People are Saying...~
T.L. Osborn is a legend in the faith. Not only have he and Daisy impacted millions of lives for Jesus, but they have had tremendous impact on Lisa’s and my life as well.–John Bevere

T.L. Osborn is one of the most extraordinary pioneers of our century. His life and work of miracles has been an inspiration to me, as well as to my son, Gordon. I know that this book will build your faith as it has mine.” --Pat Robertson – Chairman, Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc.

There is no question.... that T. L. and Daisy Osborn have mentored me and been extremely influential in helping me to reach the world with the Word. I can never say enough or thank them enough or pray for them enough. What an opportunity and honor it’s been to be part of mass miracle evangelism. No one, and I mean no one, has affected the world in our generation like the Osborn’s. A recent example was their meeting in downtown Paris, with over 10,000 people. That was an impossibility that became a possibility with the Osborn’s. –Dr. Marilyn Hickey – Marilyn Hickey Ministries

Dr. T.L. Osborn is the greatest healing evangelist in the modern era. For over 50 years, he has preached face to face to more people worldwide than anyone I know. And the miracles…they just keep coming. I honor his life and his ministry. –Richard L. Roberts

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever" (Hebrews 13). World renowned statesman, missionary evangelist, and teacher of teachers, Dr. T. L. Osborn, has been my greatest source of inspiration in ministry since the 1950’s. It was not the great tent meetings that captured my heart; nor was it the massive crowds in 78 nations of the world. But as a young pastor in Pennsylvania during an Osborn meeting, I saw God use this man to put the miracle-working power of Christ on display.

T.L. Osborn called a.... buddy of mine who had his eyes destroyed in a mining accident to the plat form in front of thousands of people. He publicly asked God for a creative miracle—and my buddy walked away with two brand new eyes. From that day forward I was passionate about pursuing God for a ministry that was bold enough to demonstrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ, pronouncing Him the same, yesterday, today and forever! As ministers of the Gospel, both my daughter Donna and been deeply appreciative of the life and teaching of Dr. T.L. Osborn...He is our friend. We highly recommend his LEGACY OF FAITH collection to you. –R. W Schambach

Dr. Osborn has always been special to my family. He is a remarkable and great man. I salute him! –Dodie Osteen Co-Founder of Lakewood Church.

What a powerful.... testimony of a man of faith and miracles. Having known T.L. and Daisy for many years, we have been personally impacted by their ministry and their love for the people of the world. –Happy and Jeanne Caldwell – Agape Church, Inc.

Conviction, compassion, caring and loving. T.L.’s desire is to see people set free, to know Christ and to walk in all that the cross purchased for them. His legacy is untold numbers in heaven. A man of humility and love. It is an honor to know him. –Pat Harrison

Our lives have.... been enriched and impacted by T. L. and Daisy Osborn. They set the example for others of this generation as they preached and demonstrated the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a couple moving in faith and obedience to God. Together they have been visionaries, as evangelists they have reached people to be saved, healed, delivered, and raised people’s understanding of their value and purpose in life. Praying for people in masses to be healed of sickness and disease have resulted in spectacular miracles for God’s glory and opening hearts then to be saved.

T. L. and Daisy Osborn have not only been evangelists in meetings but Jesus’ witness one-on-one with individuals. Once Brother T. L. said, “You are painting a picture of Jesus to others by every word you speak and every deed you do.”
In these past years, spending time with Brother T. L., I have seen a man who exemplifies the fruit of the Spirit as well as the power of the Spirit of God wherever he is. An outstanding characteristic about Brother T. L.’s life is that he wants every person to know how valuable they are and the potential that God sees in every individual to be and to do great things for God here in this world. –Sharon Daughtery

T.L. brought.... a new level of faith, joy and identity in Christ to me and our church. His positive spirit and message changed us as it has millions around the world. He is one our greatest ambassadors for Christ. T.L. is one of our Fathers in the Lord and an example of Jesus. The Legacy of Faith will lift you and empower you for the great life that T.L. has spread around the world. –Casey Treat

(Special thanks to.... Dr. Osborn)

Jesus is coming soon, Get Ready!

Thank You, Jesus


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